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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 07 July

Saturday 2 July 1892

BIRTH at Oatlands Road, Grahamstown, on the 30th June 1892, the wife of Tilney E. PADDON of a son.

BIRTH on June 19th at the Mission House, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Geo. A. THEOBALD of a son.

DIED on July 1st 1892, James Reford, fourth son of John and Margaret JEFFREYS, aged 3 years 10 months and 7 days.
Day by day we all shall miss him,
Words would fail our loss to tell;
But in heaven we hope to meet him,
Never more to part again.

We learn with regret that this gentleman’s condition has become very critical, and hope has almost been abandoned.

Tuesday 5 July 1892

In the Estate of the late Sarah CRAUSE, born BOARDMAN, widow of the late Landdrost John CRAUSE, of Grahamstown.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are requested to file their claims with, and those indebted thereto to pay the amount due to, the undersigned, within six weeks from date hereof.
Executor Testamentary
5th July 1892

We regret to hear that the fears of the medical attendants regarding Mr. GARDNER’s condition were but too well founded. Mr. GARDNER passed away at the Hospital yesterday afternoon, after enduring with fortitude the most intense pain. The deceased gentleman, who was on of the most esteemed of Salem residents, had reached the age of 74 years, and leaves many behind to mourn his death. He was father to Captain GARDNER, of the Albany Mounted Infantry. He had been in almost all the frontier wars, and had rendered excellent service. Mr. GARDNER was a man universally respected for his honourable and upright character, and his loss is greatly regretted. The funeral is to take place in Salem tomorrow afternoon. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. Sad to relate Mr. Ezekiel GARDNER, brother to the deceased, is also reported to be dying, at the Fish River Rand.
[Transcriber’s Note: I think the Ezekiel referred to must be Hezekiah GARDNER. John’s Death Notice says he was 71 rather than 74, and this would fit with him having been born on board the Sir George Osborn in 1820.]

This morning about dawn (says the Independent) Mr. SKINNER, upholsterer of Dutoitspan Road, on emerging from his premises, was shocked to see a white female lying on the stoep. A closer examination showed that the poor woman was dead, and the authorities were at once communicated with, and the body removed to the Mortuary. It was afterwards ascertained that the deceased was Josephine WEST, a woman who has resided for many years in Kimberley. An inquest will be held.

The marriage of Mr. Geo. H. WALLACE with Miss Jessie TIDMARSH was celebrated this morning in Trinity Church, the Rev. G.W. CROSS officiating. The bride is well known in this city for her musical accomplishments, and her many excellent qualities, and the married couple will have the best wishes of the community for their happiness and prosperity.

REV. W. MEADEN, the rector of Bathurst, who has lain in a helplessly paralysed condition in the Hospital, ever since his fall from his horse some time ago, is, we regret to learn, supposed to be sinking fast. A few evenings ago, at his urgent request, a number of his brother clergy partook of Holy Communion with him, the Bishop officiating.

The esteemed Dutch Reformed Pastor of Riebeck has just suffered another grievous loss by the death of his universally respected wife, after a long and tedious illness. It was only the other day that his son Mr. Peter ROUSSEAU died. Very many friends will mourn with Mr. ROUSSEAU in his deep affliction.

Thursday 7 July 1892

MARRIED at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, on the 5th July 192, by the Rev. G.W. Cross, George Houston WALLACE, Anstruther, Scotland, to Jessie, second daughter of Mr. E. TIDMARSH, Grahamstown.

We wish a pleasant voyage to Mr. and Mrs. E.B.C. HOOLE and family, who have left us for a sojourn of a couple of years in the Old Country. A number of friends were on the platform to see them off, and the hope was very generally expressed that Mr. and Mrs. HOOLE would grow tired of England before the time was up and return to their Grahamstown friends.

Saturday 9 July 1892

Wesley Church, Grahamstown, on the 15th June 1892, by the Rev. R. Lamplough, assisted by the Rev. A.H. HODGES, the Rev. Charles K. HODGES, second son of Joseph HODGES Esq. of Liverpool, England, to Louisa Allison (Lulu) BARRABLE, third daughter of D.S. BARRABLE Esq. J.P., Queenstown.

The remains of the above-named veteran Colonist were consigned to the grave in the pretty Wesleyan Cemetery, Salem, on Wednesday afternoon last, in the presence of an assembly of relatives and friends numbering 200 persons. The body, in its oak coffin with gilt mountings, had been removed from the Albany Hospital and conveyed to the late home of the deceased, under the careful arrangement of Mr. A. WILL, and lay in semi-state and view of friends in the schoolroom for a short time prior to interment. The Rev. T. SPARGO officiated on the occasion and delivered a very impressive address in the Church, prior to removal of the remains to the grave, where the solemn service for the burial of the dead was finally read in the presence of a large audience of friends and sympathisers, who had assembled from the surrounding districts. The occasion is one that will be long remembered by all who were present. Thus was laid to rest one who, in his day, had won the esteem and respect of all with whom he came into contact, and whose life had been a series of services for the public welfare and private benefactions to all who needed his sympathy or help. He has left an indelible mark on the history of the past, while his personal character was without spot or blemish. Our sincere sympathy is with the bereaved family.

Tuesday 12 July 1892

DIED at Grahamstown on the 8th July, Ivy Mary Ann, the beloved infant daughter of Arthur and Eleanor Elizabeth WOOLARD, aged 19 days.
Suffer little children to come unto me.

Our hearty congratulations (says the F.B. Advocate) are offered to Mr. J.F. SOGA, the popular veterinary surgeon, on his approaching marriage, which will take place next week at East London, after the arrival of the Conway Castle, by which vessel the intended bride (a Miss CHALMERS from Edinburgh) is expected.

We regret to record the death of Mr. A. HATCHARD, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Mafeking, who died of influenza on Friday, aged thirty-three. Mr. HATCHARD was well-known in Grahamstown, and highly esteemed both in his private and public capacity. He was A.R.M. here for some time before leaving the Imperial Service in Bechuanaland. He was the son of the late Bishop of Mauritius, and had a sister married to Mr. Arthur BARKLY, who was Governor of Heligoland at the time that island was handed over to Germany. Mr. HATCHARD married a daughter of Col. GRIFFITH, and she is left a widow with four children to mourn the loss of a husband and father, in which they will have universal sympathy.

Thursday 14 July 1892

BIRTH at Reay Cottage, Grahamstown on July 10th, the wife of J. Reay SHAW of a son.

Another weary traveller has gone home to rest. Mr. William PAXTON, who for over sixteen years has been a patient sufferer, departed this life last evening. Born in 1806, he left England when a boy, and eventually settled in Grahamstown, about fifty years ago. During the period of his confinement to his residence he was greatly comforted and sustained by religious exercises. He was a consistent and devoted member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. Early yesterday morning he took part, clearly responding at morning prayer, and then went quietly to sleep, which lasted until he passed away at ten minutes to 6pm. His funeral will take place at 4 o’clock on Friday afternoon.

Saturday 16 July 1892

On the 7th inst at the Wynberg Wesleyan Methodist Church, Arthur DEALE, of Bloemfontein, to Amy, second daughter of the late Mr. Robert FURNEY, of Queen’s County, Ireland, second niece of Mr. W. FURNEY, of Wynberg, and adopted daughter of Mr. Joseph SWAIN, of the same place.

DIED at his residence, Beaufort-street, on July 13th, William PAXTON, aged 85 years and 9 months.
Who suffer with their Master here,
They shall before His face appear,
And by His side sit down.
To patient faith the prize is sure,
And they that to the end endure
The cross, shall wear the crown.

Tuesday 19 July 1892

MARRIED at Christ Church, Grahamstown, on 18th July 1892, by the Rev. W.B. Smith, Thos. E. LANHAM, eldest son of W. LANHAM, Stoneham, to Mary A. GUSH, fourth daughter of Joseph GUSH, Woodbury.

FALLEN ASLEEP, at Port Alfred on the 16th July 1892, Douglas Abercrombie Brownlee, infant son of William and Kate WALKER, aged [6] months and 16 days.

The will dated December [15th] 18[??] of John THOMPSON, who died in the Grahamstown Lunatic Asylum on June 6th 1892, was filed on June [26th] 1892 by the widow, Rhoda THOMPSON, and letters of administration as executors testamentary were granted to his brother-in-law, John Buckley JAMES, of Footscray, Fort Beaufort, and to his brother Alfred Alexander THOMPSON, of Rockwood, Queenstown. The property consists of the farm Rietviet, and of the farm Riet Valley, situate in the district of Cathcart. He nominated his wife to be the sole heiress of all the rest, residue and remainder of his estate, on condition, however, that should she re-marry the whole of his estate shall revert to his children. The son to provide for his sisters as long as they shall remain unmarried.
The will (dated April 21st 1890) of Sarah CRAUSE (born BOARDMAN), who died at the Albany Hospital, Grahamstown, on June 15th 1892, was filed on July 1st 1892 by Frank T. ARDEN MD. The testatrix bequeathed to her nephew Philip William BOARDMAN £100; to her grand niece Jessie HARTMAN the whole of her household furniture with the exception of a small dining-table, which she left to her niece Sarah Ann READ, to whom she also bequeathed all her bed linen, clothing, and the residue of her estate. She nominated Hedley VICARS, of Grahamstown, the executor of her will.
The will (dated June 8th 1872) of John Carel ROEHLIN, who died at Cradock on June 5th 1892, was filed on June 20th 1892 by the surviving spouse, Sophia Maria ROEHLIN (born ECKARD), to whom were granted letters of administration as executrix testamentary. The testator bequeathed his farm [D....fontein], district Richmond, and all his other property to his wife and four children.

Thursday 21 July 1892

MARRIED at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, on July 20th, by the Rev. G.W. Cross, Thomas Herbert, second son of Mr. J.H. HOYLE, of East London, to Christina Minnie, second daughter of Mr. A. JOHNSTONE Grahamstown.

It is with deep regret that we chronicle the sad death by drowning of Miss Kate RICHARDS, daughter of the late Mr. R. RICHARDS, formerly a resident in Grahamstown, and connected with the Journal in bygone years. The only particulars to hand are the following, briefly given in one of the Natal papers:- At a picnic party on the Bluff, Durban, on Wednesday 13th inst, Miss Kate RICHARDS, granddaughter of Mr. G.C. CATO, was drowned. Some children were paddling on the shore-side of the cave rocks, whilst Miss RICHARDS leaned against a rock, over which the surf suddenly burst, causing a Miss BUCHANAN to leave the spot, and while her back was turned another big wave came round, took deceased off her feet, and carried her out to sea. Mrs. BAYLIS, who saw the occurrence, rushed into the water and twice succeeded in clutching the deceased’s hand, but the water tore her away and Mrs. BAYLIS got out of depth herself, and but for the intervention of a Kafir girl might have been drowned. Meanwhile Miss BUCHANAN signalled to some Kafirs nearby, and these brought a rope, and presently, as the body was washed in, it was rescued and carried into the cottage. Every effort was made to restore animation but without success.

Tuesday 26 July 1892

BIRTH at Paterson on the 20th inst, the wife of Sub-Inspector A.F. BIRCH of a son; both doing well.

Thursday 28 July 1892

This afternoon at 4 o’clock the mortal remains of Mr. F. HARRISON, who died yesterday morning at the Chronic Sick Hospital, will be borne to their last resting place and buried with military honours. The deceased, who was a former member of the corps, went to Basutoland with the first detachment of the 1st City, served throughout the whole of that campaign, transferred to the second, and finally joined the 1st Yeomanry Regiment. The 1st City will parade at the Drill Hall at 3pm.

We offer our congratulations to Mr. W.H. DINGLE, who has so long been connected by birth, education and residence with Grahamstown, on his marriage to Miss Netta PARR, daughter of the late Mr. G.W. PARR, of the Kareiga. The service was conducted by the Rev Theo. CHUBB BA, in the pretty little rustic church at Kareiga, on Wednesday last, the 13th inst. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. H.E. PARR, brother of the bride, while the latter had the services of her sister, Miss Lily PARR. The costumes were very pretty and attractive, the outfits being, we understand, obtained at the establishment of Messrs. Ivy & Co, Bathurst St. After the ceremony a very pleasant party met at the residence of the bride’s mother, where refreshments and goodwill prevailed, and in the afternoon the young married folks took their departure for their new home in the Fort Beaufort District. We wish them every happiness.

Saturday 30 July 1892

The King papers report the sad death of Mrs. McINTOSH from blood poisoning. The deceased lady, who was the wife of the chief clerk in the King post office, had a reddish pimple on her lip, and the mischief must have originated there. Nothing serious was apprehended at first, but the effect of the poisoning was so rapid that she had to take to her bed, and died three or four days afterwards. She leaves two little girls motherless. Universal sympathy was felt with the bereaved widower, and the large attendance at the funeral included a number of the deceased’s lady friends. Mrs. McINTOSH was only 28 years of age.

We have great pleasure in congratulating Mr. R.J. KING on the celebration of his silver wedding a few days ago. We wish Mr. KING and the partner of his joys and sorrows many very happy returns of the day.


  • Hits: 1915