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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1893 01 January

Saturday 7 January 1893

On Tuesday afternoon (says The Friend) the Rev. Henry [Charles/Challis] TUCKER, a clergyman of the Church of England, died at the Bloemfontein Hospital. The deceased had come out from England to this country a short time ago on account of a pulmonary complaint, but the immediate cause of death was, we understand, heart disease. Mr. TUCKER was a popular London preacher of much ability, and his untimely death will be much regretted. He was only 35 years of age, and leaves a wife and one child, who were present at his death. We tender our sincere sympathy to them in their sad bereavement under such peculiarly sorrowful circumstances.

We (D.F. Advertiser) have to record the painfully sudden death of Dr. William Roper HARRHY, District Surgeon of Barkly West, who succumbed after five days’ illness to an attack of peritonitis, complicated by typhoid fever, distinctly traced to blood-poisoning contracted while performing a post mortem examination at Wittefontein, on a native who had been dead for 13 days. A thorough gentleman, a good husband and the kindest friend, always ready to help, with not only professional advice, but with his purse, he will be sadly missed by many poor families in the district. As a right good sportsman he was also well-known, having been for many years Secretary to the Barkly West Turf Club.
[Transcriber’s Note: The middle name is printed as Roper but his Death Notice gives his middle name as Rosser. The original hand-written notice to the paper probably used the German double s which was mistaken for a p]

Mr. MASKEW, the Magistrate for Burghersdorp, while giving judgement in a case at the Periodical Court (Molteno) on Thursday last, was seized with an apoplectic fit. He lingered in a semi-conscious state until Wednesday, last week, when he died. The close of that Periodical Court would have terminated his Government service, which had extended over forty-five years. He intended leaving on Monday for Capetown to take up his residence.

Mr. A.W. FLETCHER, formerly a member of the firm of FLETCHER & Co, of Adderley-st, Capetown, being an ardent lover of the turf, on Boxing Day rode his brown horse Doctor in the Kenilworth Handicap at the Gymkhana meeting. The horse took the fourth place, but subsequently threw his rider, who fell heavily to the ground upon his head. He was picked up and carried home, but he became unconscious and gradually sank until night, when he died. Mr. FLETCHER leaves a widow and two children.

The Graaffreinet Advertiser publishes the following telegram dated Jansenville Dec, 29th: The first marriage under SCANLEN’s Act was celebrated on Monday between Nicholaas Johannes SMIT and Aletia Wilhelmina GRAAF, by special licence. Elders of the D.R. Church were against the ceremony in the church. The minister was willing to perform the ceremony.

Tuesday 10 January 1893

Mr. Joseph TROWER begs to notify that he has disposed of his Business at Clumber and now resides in George-street, Grahamstown. Will Correspondents please note.
January 6th 1893.

Reuter wires from Pretoria: Sydney E. BROWN, cashier of the Pretoria Board of Executors, has disappeared, and an examination of his books reveals the fact of a deficiency of between £888 and £1,000. He is now wanted on a charge of alleged fraud.

A terrible tragedy was enacted on Wednesday afternoon in a small room of a house situate in the upper part of Cradock. Albert Perry FURMIDGE (says the Midland News) was a native of Grahamstown, but for many years resided in Cradock, where he carried on the business of gunsmith &c. For some time he has been separated from his wife, and gradually sinking in the social scale, until only a few people really knew that he was still living in town. About one o’clock on Wednesday afternoon David STONE, who shared a room with him, opened the door and was so horrified by the sight presented that he rushed down to Dr. De WET and requested him to come up. On the Doctor’s arrival he found that FURMIDGE had loaded an Enfield muzzle-loader, then leaning over, with his forehead pressed to the muzzle, had pressed the trigger down with the handle of an iron ladle. It was a shocking spectacle, brains and portions of the skull being bespattered over the floor, bed and ceiling. Death, it is needless to say, was instantaneous. On further examination several written scraps were found, which left no doubt that the rash act was premeditated. One note, which was found lying under a stamp album, read as follows:
To Sinclair FURMIDGE, Queenstown. Give this book to George WEBBER
(Then in blue ink) Oh my poor head.
On another scrap of paper was written:
Life is misery. I am going home. Pray for me, my wife and children, I love you all. It is getting dark. Farewell, darlings.
On the reverse side:
Goodbye, all old friends. Mr. STONE, please forward the stamps to Mrs. F, Queenstown, and also stamps in my shop, and my private papers are in my shop.
An inquest was held yesterday morning before the C.C. & R.M. (F.P. PETT Esq.), when a verdict of “Suicide” was returned.

Thursday 12 January 1893

BIRTH on January 10th 1893 at “The Grove”, Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, the wife of H.J. JENNINGS Esq. of a daughter.

Sir Theophilus SHEPSTONE, that veteran colonist, who has played important parts in the political arena of South Africa, has just attained his seventy-sixth year. His health is good and he takes great interest in all matters of a public or philanthropic nature.

We note, with sincere regret, the death of Mr. Henry Illingworth DOWSON, which occurred on Tuesday afternoon last, after several years of suffering from cardiac affection. Mr. DOWSON has held the position of Bookkeeper to the firm of T.H. Grocott (now Messrs. Grocott and Sherry) for upwards of twelve years, and was a good and faithful servant, as well as competent in all his duties, while his quiet and unassuming manner won him the esteem of his principals and fellow-employees. His life has always been a preparation for death, for he knew that the end might come at any moment. While health and strength permitted, he took a prominent share in the religious work of the Baptist Church, of which he was a consistent member. His faith was founded upon a personal knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, in the study of which he was constant. He leaves many friends, especially those connected with the Press, who will regret his demise. We desire to express our sincere sympathy with the bereaved widow and sons. The funeral took place at 8 o’clock this morning, and was largely attended.

The Johannesburg papers announce the death of Mr. H.A. FREEMAN, who was for many years established in Grahamstown as a painter and decorator, and whose excellent work is to be seen in many of the large residences of the city. Mr. FREEMAN resided in Hill-street, where he remained some years, proceeding afterwards to England with a competency, but finding the climate unfavourable to a somewhat weak chest, returned to the Colony, subsequently taking up his residence in Johannesburg, where he died last week.

Saturday 14 January 1893

DIED at Grahamstown Jan 14 1893, William HOCKEY, aged 73 years.
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord”.
The Funeral of the late Mr. HOCKEY will leave his late residence, Prince Alfred Road, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

We (E.L. Dispatch) have to report with sorrow that the youngest boy of Mr. A.W. FULLER met with his death by drowning yesterday afternoon. The sad accident happened at Mr. FULLER’s place whilst Mr. and Mrs. FULLER were away up the river. A small hole about two feet deep, had been dug to receive a pole, and this had got filled with water by the late rains. The child had evidently slipped head foremost into this hole whilst playing about it, as upon being found his head was down in the water and his legs protruding above. When discovered the child was quite dead. In such a sad bereavement the parents will have the general sympathy.

Thursday 19 January 1893

There are several bad cases of typhoid in the Cradock district at present, directly traceable to the drought causing the supply of decent drinkable water on many farms to run short. We (News) have the authority of the District Surgeon (Dr. FEHRSEN) for stating that since the Cradock waterworks have been in operation, cases of typhoid have been of rare occurrence in town, whereas previously the disease was common and deaths frequent.

Saturday 21 January 1893

DIED at Grahamstown, Jan 20, John HAYTON, aged 74 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, High-Street, tomorrow (Sunday) morning at 7:30. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker.

A painful sensation has been caused in town by the sudden death of our old and respected fellow-citizen, Mr. John HAYTON, who for many a long year has been a familiar figure to the inhabitants of this place, and whose sons and sons-in-law are occupying important positions amongst us at the present time. The old gentleman always had a habit of remaining in his study for a short time before retiring for the night. On Thursday night, as he did not come up by 10:45, Mrs. HAYTON went to look for him, and found him lying in the door of his study, with a cut on his forehead. He had been seized with a fit when on the point of retiring. Dr. SAUNDERS was quickly summoned and did all that was possible, but Mr. HAYTON never recovered consciousness, and passed away at 8:15 last night, surrounded by members of his family. We hope next time to give some sketch of the life of one of the most successful and popular of our citizens. We would extend our sincere condolences with the bereaved family in their trouble.

According to the Cape Times the body of a middle-aged man named Geo. BACHMANN has been found in a well at Zonnebloem. Assistance was at once obtained, but it was found that life was extinct, and the body was removed to the morgue to await a post mortem examination. Deceased leaves a wife and family. The circumstances do not point to foul play.

Tuesday 24 January 1893

DIED at Johannesburg on the 23rd January 1893, Edwin George Stuart, third son of the ate Robert BERTRAM, of Grahamstown.

The Johannesburg Stock Exchange and all the principal offices and places of business were closed on Thursday afternoon as a mark of respect to the memory of the late Mr. H. ECKSTEIN, whose funeral was taking place at Stuttgart that day.

We (Fort Beaufort Advocate) regret to hear of the death at Izelil valley of the Rev. Father O’CONNELL, at the advanced age of 80 years. The late rev. gentleman, who was perhaps the only military chaplain drawing a pension from the funds, spent most of his life on the frontier. For a considerable time he was an esteemed resident of this town, and when it weas found that old age incapacitated him from his duties, he was considerately removed to the mission station at Izeli, where he quietly passed away yesterday. (Jan 19)

The funeral of the late Mr. HAYTON took place on Sunday morning, at about half past seven o’clock, in accordance with a frequently expressed desire of the deceased; but notwithstanding that the hour was inconvenient, and that the rain was falling fast, a large number of his former friends assembled at the appointed time, and accompanied the cortege to the burial ground. The pallbearers were Major NESBITT, Messrs. Jno. E. WOOD M.L.A., C.H. DRIVER, H.C. BELL, J.S. WILLCOX Esq. (Mayor) and E.H. COLERIDGE. The Bishop, assisted by the Dean, conducted the service.
Mr. HAYTON was born in Cumberland, in the year 1818, near Silloth, a little port on the Solway, where he was brought up. After a short stay in London, he came out to this Colony at the age of 18 years, and spent something like six months at Capetown, afterwards removing to Port Elizabeth, where he was several years in business. In 1845 he married a daughter of the late Joseph WEAKLEY, who survives him. He finally took up his residence in Grahamstown, whence he never departed. His commercial career was one of unusual success, and when he ultimately retired from business, about 20 years ago, he had the reputation of being one of the wealthiest men in Grahamstown. He accompanied Prince Alfred to Quillmane, and returning in a small ship was very nearly wrecked. In a storm which he used to describe as awful, the captain was utterly at his wit’s end, and nothing but disaster was anticipated. Mr. HAYTON, however, took the helm himself at the critical juncture, and the trouble was surmounted, the ship finally arriving safe and sound at Port Elizabeth. An incident like the above shows the character of the man – one side of it at least. He was always opposed to anything in the way of display. He was a devoted husband and a model father. Of his large family, one daughter is married to a Colonel in the Eleventh, now retired at Home, another is married to the Solicitor-General, a third to captain VAN RYNEVELD, a fourth to Mr. Attorney VAN DER RIET, while two daughters are dead – the late Mrs. S. DELL (only recently deceased) and the late Mrs. W. HOLLAND. His sons are well-known about these parts, and one of them, Mr. A.E. HAYTON, is a barrister practising in Grahamstown. Our late fellow-citizen will be remembered in many parts of the Colony as the inventor of the “Hayton Rifle”, which was thought a good deal of in its day, and was used by multitudes of the older folks. He is credited with leaving behind him one of the finest libraries in the country, and one of which he was justly proud. He will long be remembered in Grahamstown as a man of simple, unassuming worth, one who never harmed a fellow-citizen in any way, or was ever heard to say an unkind thing about anybody. His familiar figure in front of the massive three-storey residence in High Street will be missed every hour of the day, by scores of people who were accustomed to stay awhile and chat with him as they passed. We again tender our sincerest sympathy with the bereaved family in their sorrow.

Intelligence has been received in town from Johannesburg to the effect that Mr. Edwin BERTRAM (third son of Mrs. BERTRAM of this city) died suddenly yesterday at Johannesburg. Very sinister rumours had been circulated in the city as to the cause of death; but we are glad to state that Mr. B.B. ATTWELL is in possession of a telegram this morning, stating that all the evidence points to the sad affair having been the result of an accident. No further particulars are yet to hand. We condole sincerely with the bereaved family.

Saturday 28 January 1893

BIRTH at Salem on the 20th January 1893, the wife of Mr. D. IMPEY of a son.

Tuesday 31 January 1893

A sad accident is reported by a Rand paper, to have taken place between Blauwback and Krugersdorp, whereby two ladies were drowned. Miss BODENSTEIN, daughter of the Fieldcornet of Krugersdorp, was on a visit to some friends at Blauwback. On returning to Krugersdorp, Mrs. ARNOLDI, wife of the Claim Inspector of Blauwback, accompanied her. On crossing a spruit on the road the ferry was turned over. The spruit was considerably swollen at the time, and was running very strongly. Miss BODENSTEIN and Mrs. ARNOLDI detached themselves from the vehicle and were washed down the stream and drowned. A Kafir driver and a little girl, who were on the box, managed with difficulty to scramble on to the opposite bank. Late last night Miss BODENSTEIN’s body was found about 1,000 yards from the drift. Mrs. ARNOLDI’s body has not yet been recovered.

  • Hits: 1816