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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1893 02 February

Thursday 2 February 1893

BIRTH at Evelyn House, Grahamstown on the 2nd February 1893, the wife of Fred. Z. MELVILL of a daughter.

The death is announced of Mr. Laurie RAWSTORNE, some years Resident Magistrate o Tarkastad, and lately of Komgha.

Private Hugh JOHNSTONE of the C.M.R. committed suicide at Dordrecht the other day in a most determined manner, by shooting himself with a revolver in the mouth. The bullet lodged in the skull. Deceased was a man of education and also a vocalist of considerable ability.

On Friday last Hyman ISAACS, a lad fifteen years old, a junior clerk in the Hatherley Distillery offices, committed suicide in a determined manner. He blew his brains out. A large dose of poison was found near him in case the revolver failed. There is absolutely no motive known for the act. The deceased left a note saying that no one was to be blamed, and that £15 owing to him was to be sent to his mother in England.

Saturday 4 February 1893

On Thursday Feb 2nd by special licence, at Christ Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. M. Norton, John Gordon MACPHERSON to Gertrude, only daughter of the late Mr. F.C. BARRETT of Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, England.
[Transcriber’s Note: Grrr! Monmouthshire is in Wales!]

DIED AT SEA on board the Dunster Castle, January 23rd, Ella Dorothy, aged 11 months 5 days, third daughter of Harry Edsell and Elizabeth HINWOOD of Cookhouse.
“The sea gave up the dead which were in it” Rev. xx.13.

The marriage of Mr. Avon SAXON and Miss CHERON is definitely announced at Johannesburg.

Mr. and Mrs. SHERBLOOM will have the sympathy of the community by reason of a sad accident which has resulted in the death of their promising little son. It appears that the poor little fellow was being treated by Dr. FITZGERALD for bronchitis, and had almost recovered under that gentleman’s skilled supervision, when, being left alone a few days ago, he got hold of a bottle of cough mixture, which his father procured at a chemist’s for himself, and which appears to have contained a considerable quantity of morphia. Liking the sweet taste, the child swallowed the whole bottleful, and when found was comatose. Medical assistance was at once called in, but though every effort was made to restore the little sleeper to consciousness, the result was failure, and he passed away without waking. An inquest is to be commenced shortly, of which more anon.

Tuesday 7 February 1893

Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a certified copy of the Deed of Transfer made on the 2nd June 1854 by James POWELL in Trust for children of William HOLDER in favour of James TEMLETT, whereby certain perpetual quitrent land, being the northern half of certain piece of land situate in the Division of Albany, F.C. of Bathurst, at the junction of the Kowie and Mansfield rivers, measuring 255 morgen, was conveyed; all persons claiming to have any objections to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds in Capetown within fourteen days from the publication of this notice.
Ex. Dative Est. Jas. TEMLETT
Feb 3rd 1893

Eastern province Guardian, Loan and Investment Co
Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a certified copy of the Deed of Transfer made on the 8th day of April 1856 by James POWELL in Trust for children of William HOLDER in favour of George WOOD senior, whereby certain perpetual quitrent land, being the northern half of certain piece of land situate in the Division of Albany, Field-Cornetcy of Bathurst, at the junction of the Kowie and Mansfield rivers, measuring 255 morgen, was conveyed; all persons claiming to have any objections to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds in Capetown within fourteen days from the publication of this notice.
Dated at Grahamstown this 3rd day of February 1893
Henry WOOD
Henry WOOD, Chairman
Executors Testamentary Estate late Hon. George WOOD

DIED at Adelaide on Friday February 3rd 1893, Beatrice Margaret, second daughter of Thomas and Margaret CINNAMON, aged 16 months and 27 days.
“Suffer little children to come unto Me”

Thursday 9 February 1893

The sad intelligence has been received, we understand, of the death in the Bechuanaland Protectorate of the only son of the late Captain BLYTH.

Saturday 11 February 1893

The Albany Licensing Court will hold its Annual Meeting in the Court Room, Grahamstown, on Wednesday March 1 at 11 o’clock am for the purpose of considering the following applications for Wines and Spirits Licences.
Hotels with Bars and taps, with privileges.
1. Elizabeth NELSON, Cathcart Arms, Market-square
2. John Thomas MORRIS, Wood’s Hotel, Bathurst-street
3. Harry HINWOOD, Railway Hotel, High-street
4. James LONG, Masonic Hotel, High-street
5. William RAMSBOTTOM, Albany Hotel, Hill-street
6. John LAMB, Prince Albert Hotel, New-street
7. Sarah FERGUSON, Ferguson’s Hotel, Cowie-street
8. William TOMLINSON, Hotel, 49 Bathurst-street
9. Elizabeth McCUNE, Hotel, Cross-street
10. Ellen Emma STOW, Hotel, Howison’s Poort
11. Alfred J. McDONALD, Victoria Hotel, High-street
12. Wm. PAGE jun, Page’s, Church-square
13. Archibald LAPPAN, Welcome Inn, New-street
14. John Thomas MORRIS, G’Town Sanatorium, Botha’s Hill
15. LAWRANCE & Co, Bottle Store, High-street
16. Martha OLIVER, Bottle Store, 69 Bathurst-street
Hotel and Tap, with privileges.
17. Henry Paul DANIELS, Hotel &c, Darsie Klip (40 miles)
18. Alfred EMMS, do., Hell Poort 915 miles)
19. Richard PAYNE, do., Committee’s (25 miles)
20. Edwin LARK, do., Manley’s Flat (15 miles)
21. John HOPGOOD, do., Fort Brown (18 miles)
Hotel and Tap, with privileges
22. Thomas Henry HUMPHREY, Hotel &c, Fort Brown
John HEMMING, Res. Meg., Albany
Resident Magistrate’s Office
9th Feb 1893

Division of Alexandria
Notice is hereby given that the Resident Magistrate of Alexandria, in conjunction with such members of the Licensing Board as may attend, will, in conformity with the Liquor Licensing Acts of 1883, 1885 and 1891, hold a Court, in the Court Room, Alexandria, on Wednesday March 1 1893 at 10 o’clock am, for the consideration of the undermentioned applications for Wines and Spirits Licences.
1. James C. PHILIPSON, Retail Wine and Spirit, Alexandria
2. Thomas R. DECKER, Retail Wine and Spirit, Alexandria
3. Sarah E. Cook, Retail Wine and Spirit, Alexandria
4. Jacob COHEN, Retail Wine and Spirit, Graafwater
5. Alexander SOLOMON, Retail Wine and Spirit, Kinkel Bosch
6. Alexander CLARK, Retail Wine and Spirit, Nanaga
7. Thomas H. BRUTON, Retail Wine and Spirit, Sandflats
8. Hugh ORR, Retail Wine and Spirit, Coerney
9. Elizabeth J. GANE, Retail Wine and Spirit, Zuurberg
Resident Magistrate’s Office
1st Feb 1893

On Thursday afternoon at Capetown a white man, named CALNE, who was employed in the pulling down of the Commercial Exchange, fell from a considerable height, and was picked up unconscious. He was conveyed without delay to the Casualty Ward, where Dr. FISK was in attendance, but the unfortunate man expired almost as soon as he arrived there. The body was afterwards conveyed to the railway morgue, and a post mortem examination and inquest will follow in due course.

We frequently read of letters of forgiveness which come too late, and such was the case in regard to police constable Charles FIELD of Capetown. FIELD was a policeman in that city, and came of a good English family, his father being Colonel FIELD of Guernsey, late of Her majesty’s Warwickshire Regiment. A melancholy feature of the young fellow’s death was that on the very day that he died a parcel of letters arrived from England begging him to come home. He had left home in consequence of a family disagreement, but the mail which should have summoned him back to his friends arrived too late.

On the10th inst at St.Bartholomew-street, Grahamstown, Winifred Irene, only daughter of A.B. and Jessie WAKEFORD, aged 14 months and 13 days.
“Jesus called a little child unto Him” Matt. xviii. 2

Tuesday 14 February 1893

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Feb 7th, the wife of H.G. WILLIAMSON of a daughter.

Division of Bathurst
The Resident Magistrate of Bathurst, in conjunction with such members of the Licensing Board as may attend, will, in conformity Act No.28 of 1883, hold a Court, in the Court Room, at Port Alfred, on Wednesday March 1 1893 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of deciding upon the following applications:
1. Ellen COLE, Lot 49 Barrington Estate, Port Alfred East
2. Richard Herman SCHULZE, Kimberley Hotel, Port Alfred East
3. Edwin Alfred POTTER, Seven Stars Hotel, Bathurst
4. W.H. SWAN & Co, Erf No. 13, Block B, Port Alfred West
5. Edwin Owen SWAN, Farm Fort Dacre, Ward 3, Cuylerville, in Division of Bathurst
Acting Resident Magistrate
Port Alfred
9th February 1893

Mr. W.A. OXENHAM, well known and highly respected in Port Elizabeth, died after a very short illness on Thursday last.

Thursday 16 February 1893

We regret to hear of the painfully sudden death of Mr. H.C. BAKER, of Kingwilliamstown, who was married to a daughter of the late Hon. Samuel CAWOOD. The deceased appears to have fallen dead in his office, without any warning, on Tuesday morning. He and his brother (says the E.P. Herald) started the well-known business of Baker & Co in Port Elizabeth, which has grown to such large proportions, and afterwards moving to the Border went into business in Kingwilliamstown, the firm of Baker, King & Co being one of the best known houses in that town.

Saturday 18 February 1893

In the Estate of the late George Archibald WRIGHT of Grahamstown, Attorney and Notary
All Persons claiming to be Creditors of this Estate are requested to file their Claims with the undersigned Executrix, at the office of G.G. WRIGHT, High-street, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date; and all Persons indebted to the same to pay their Debts at the same place within the same period.
Letitia S. WRIGHT
9th February 1893.

Tuesday 21 February 1893

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Feb 17th 1893, the wife of W.H. GILDER of a son.

A Capetown telegram says: James MATTHEW, manager of the Standard Hotel at Port Elizabeth, died in the lock-up on Tuesday night from alcoholic poisoning. He had been drinking heavily for some days.

On Thursday a drowning fatality occurred on the Keiskama. A young son of a farmer named ERASMUS was bathing, and the little fellow having got out of his depth, shouted for help. His mother hurried to the rescue, but she in turn had to call for assistance. An elder son went to the rescue of both. The younger one in a most miraculous way escaped, but both mother and eldest son were drowned. So far the bodies have not been recovered.

Thursday 23 February 1893

The will of the late Mr. H.H.C. BAKER was filed this morning, and the following is a concise precis of its provisions:-
The document is date 1884, with three subsequent codicils. The executors named are Thomas KING Esq. and the Secretary of the Frontier Insurance Company (subsequently altered to A.H. WILEY Esq.) The bequests are as follows:-
To Mrs. BAKER, £200 at decease of testator, and £100 per annum as long as she remains unmarried.
To Herbert Mervin Dunn BAKER, the interest on £2,000 until he becomes of age, when he is to receive the principal, and to Dorothy Charlotte BAKER a similar amount. These sums to be paid over to Mrs. BAKER for the education and maintenance of these two children.
Ample provision is made for the children by deceased’s first wife, on a graduated scheme from £150 to £350 per annum, according to age, until they attain their majority; to whom also are left the house, furniture, plate, horses, carriage, harness etc., and after provision for the legacies mentioned the estate is to be equally divided amongst them, viz. Mrs. GLANFIELD, Mrs. Patrick RIDDELL, Miss Ethel BAKER, and three younger daughters at school in England.
To Miss Lydia CAWOOD £250
To Miss Mary CAWOOD £250
To Miss Mary BAKER £250
To Miss Eliza Tiver [sic] BAKER £25 per annum
Providing the estate realises £31,000, the executors to have £500 each.
In the event of any of Mrs. BAKER’s relatives being in the Colony at the time of the testator’s death, £75 shall be paid for their passage to England.
There are no legacies whatever to friends, servants, charities or institutions; the above being a brief summary of all the provisions of the Will.
The youngest child, a girl of three years of age, remains entirely unprovided for.
Mr. BAKER’s life was insured for some £25,000. – Cape Mercury.

[See notice for 28 March 1893]

Tuesday 28 February 1893

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 16th February 1893, Mrs. A.W. PRESTON of a daughter.

BIRTH on Feb 28th at Bathurst Street, Grahamstown, the wife of Fred. J. ABBOTT of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown Feb 28th 1893, May Ann, relict of the late Lewis BENNETT, aged 62 years
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Bathurst-street, tomorrow Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.
[Transcriber’s Note: Death Notice gives her Christian name as Mary Ann]

  • Hits: 1912