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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1893 07 July

Tuesday 4 July 1893

A mysterious looking box, which gave rise to considerable alarm, was unpacked from a truck at the goods station yesterday. It was placed on one side for safety; but through the inquisitiveness of a stray horse, a “dark and dreadful deed” was revealed. The horse somehow put his hoof through the lid, and a horrible stench arose. The checkers on duty at once despatched a messenger to the Fieldcornet, to inform him that a shocking murder had been committed, and the body packed in a box and shipped to the station by rail. Mr. [KREIZEN..ER], accompanied by Detective WATT, drove over post-haste, and had the box carefully opened, when he discovered the mangled and decomposed remains of – a large fish. His disgust can easily be imagined. Argus.

Thursday 6 July 1893

MARRIED at Wesley on the 21st June 1893, by the Rev. A.J. Lennard, Sydney Robert, fourth son of C. LLOYD Esq, Alice District, to Susannah Lillian, youngest daughter of John BRADFIELD Esq. J.P., of Melville Park, Peddie District.

DIED at Weakley’s Cottage, Grahamstown, on July 4th 1893, Fanny Louisa, youngest daughter of the late Alfred DICKASON, of Seven Fountains, aged 29 years 10 months an 21 days.
Jesus my heart’s dear refuge,
Jesus has died for me;
Firm on the rock of ages,
Ever my trust shall be.
Mrs. DICKASON desires to thank all kind friends who assisted her during her daughter’s illness.

The death in Queenstown recently announced of Mrs. J. THOMPSON, relict of the late Mr. J. THOMPSON, Magistrate of Maclear, recalls some of the incidents which this [....tre] lady passed through during her life time. During that awful year of war, 1880, Mr. THOMPSON was Magistrate at Maclear, the natives were rising on every side with a suddenness quite unexpected, all the traders in the neighbourhood flocked to the residency with their families and as much of their property as they could get along. Mr. THOMPSON left to meet the ill fated Major HOPE to obtain from him ammunition etc, for the defence of Maclear, but he had only got as far as Reuter’s trading station when he heard of the foul murder which had been perpetrated by Umhlonhlo and his people. Major HOPE and party had been murdered. Before major THOMPSON could return he found the trading station in which he was besieged by thousands of natives and his life was in imminent peril for two weeks. Meanwhile a large body of rebels had moved on the Maclear, but brave Mrs. THOMPSON had directed and encourage those with her to barricade the place, make trenches, in fact turn the whole place into a laager. Notwithstanding the fact that she fully believed her husband was also murdered, she led the way in everything, and thanks to her encouragement, advice and undaunted spirit, Maclear was saved, though it was besieged for a long while and twice vehemently attacked. Her husband meanwhile was in a terrible state of anxiety regarding his family, he could not get to them, and yet hourly expected to hear of their massacre. Relief forces, however, arrived just in time to avert a terrible catastrophe. Mr. THOMPSON was so fearfully affected by all that he had passed through that he died shortly after peace was proclaimed. Government showed its appreciation to Mrs. THOMPSON by making her a present of the residence at Maclear, and by granting her a substantial pension. About two months ago this brave lady, whose name is recorded in the pages of the history of the Transkei, came to Queenstown to visit her sister, Mrs. WEBSTER, where after a short illness she passed away at the age of 58, leaving three sons, all resident at Umtata, and a daughter with her aunt in Queenstown. – Free Press.

Mr. John CLARKE, a wealthy farmer, was killed by a fall from his horse while riding home from Kokstad last week.

Saturday 8 July 1893

Mr. FAIRBRIDGE, whose death has just been announced, was about seventy years of age, and a central figure in metropolitan society for many years. He was principal of the well-known firm FAIRBRIDGE & ARDERNE, solicitors, a prominent Freemason, a confirmed bibliophile and a prominent and brilliant lawyer in his day. His library is at once the envy and admiration of all who had the pleasure of visiting it, and his collection of works of South African interests was truly unique. This, we understand, will be bequeathed to the South African Library. Deceased in his time took a conspicuous part in political matters, and in whatever walk in life he engaged he made friends by his genial and often brilliant wit, and unbounded generosity.

We are sorry to receive from Port Alfred this morning the report of the death of Mr. Henry GOULD of this town. Particulars of the sad event have not yet reached us. Mr. GOULD had been staying, for his health, at the Kowie. The funeral will leave the Railway Station, Grahamstown, at 9 o’clock on Monday morning for the Wesleyan Cemetery, when all friends are kindly invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Tuesday 11 July 1893

On the 5th inst, at Segton Villa, Capetown, by the Rev. J.M. Russell M.A. B.D., James B. ANGUS M.A., Principal at the Boys’ Public School, Grahamstown, to Annie M. GILLIES, daughter of the late Malcolm GILLIERS, Auckenbreck, Argyllshire, Scotland.

A telegram received by the Rev. B.J. SHAW announces the death of this highly esteemed Wesleyan Minister, which took place at Queenstown yesterday morning. He was in an advanced age and had long been suffering from a paralytic complaint, which caused great pain towards the last. Mr. CHAPMAN was one of the venerable race of missionaries who were contemporary with the Rev. W. SHAW, and who did invaluable service in the earlier days of the Settlement in supplying the ordinances of religion to the Eastern colonists, as well as in evangelising the natives. For some years, as Chairman of the District, he resided in Grahamstown.

Sir George TRYON, who met his death in the terrible naval disaster as reported in our telegraphic news, was nearly sixty years of age (says the Umtata Herald). Major ELLIOT, who knew Admiral TRYON well, informs us that he was about 6’ 4” in height, and besides being one of the most distinguished, was also one of the most handsome men in the navy.

DIED at Port Alfred 7th July, Henry E. GOOLD, aged 41 years, son of the late Mr. H. GOOLD of Seymour. Deeply regretted.

Thursday 13 July 1893

DIED at Queenstown on Sunday July 9th, after a prolonged illness, Rev. George CHAPMAN, aged 76 years and 6 months, for 51 years a Wesleyan Minister.

Tuesday 18 July 1893

About eight months ago a European named WILKINSON suddenly disappeared from Rietvlei, near Maritzburg. Various letters appeared in the newspaper, hinting at the murder, and the body having been thrown into a well. The authorities made investigation without result. Recently a farmer was talking to his European labourer, when the latter said if his master would let him go on the spree he would find out. The man went on the spree and got into company with two European working-men, who joined him in his bout. One of them had a dog, and the labourer poisoned this, and told the owner that his comrade JOHNSTONE did it. The owner became very angry, and swore JOHNSTONE would swing for it, and then confessed that JOHNSTONE and himself had murdered the missing man. After the murder a farmer got a party to search a well, but they had not completed their search when darkness set in. That night the murderers removed the body from the well and buried it in another place. The man is supposed to have been murdered owing to something about a woman. The murderers have been arrested.

Tuesday 25 July 1893

A telegram from Port Elizabeth says a mysterious case of supposed poisoning cropped up on Thursday. A European girl named KING, between 16 and 17 years of age, complained to her parents on Tuesday evening of pains in her stomach. Chloridyne was administered, but the girl got worse. The Dr. HOMAN was called in and found the patient in a state of collapse, and exhibiting symptoms of poison. Every effort failed to save the girl, and she died yesterday evening. At the inquest this morning Dr. HOMAN deposed that in some liquid which came from deceased’s stomach he had found traces of arsenic. Further investigations are being made. The whole case is clothed in mystery. The girl was very popular in her circle, and her parents are highly respectable. The funeral this afternoon was attended by a number of school-girls, in white, with veils and wreaths.

Golden weddings are of such rare occurrence as always to have an interest of their own, and in the instance of the Rev. B.J. SHAW and Mrs. SHAW, who celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on Thursday evening next, a very large number of friends will offer their congratulations. Such a life as Mr. SHAW’s is full of interesting reminiscences both personal and Colonial; and in response to requests he has, we learn, very kindly consented to give a sketch of events in which he has been concerned; and also of missionary work during the long period of 78 years since the Wesleyan Missions were first commenced at Capetown by his father, the late Barnabas SHAW, in 1815. For the convenience of friends, Rock Cottage, Grey Street, has been obligingly thrown open to friends of Mr. and Mrs. SHAW for this purpose on Thursday evening at 7 o’clock.

Thursday 27 July 1893

BIRTH at Fairlawn, Grahamstown, the wife of W. Howel SCRATTON of a son.

Private J. SALTHOUSE C.M.R. died from inflammation of the kidneys, brought on, it is said, by having to go on guard duty in the upper districts without tent or shelter of any kind. We(Mercury) wrote about the inhumanity of this sort of thing before the cold weather set in, but our warning was unheeded.

BIRTH at Sarnis Cottage on July 27, the wife of D. KNIGHT of a son.

MARRIED at Grahamstown on July 27th, by Special Licence, at St.George’s Cathedral, by the Very Rev. the Dean, John Omer William, eldest son of Mr. J. ROGERS, to Emma, second daughter of Mr. Joseph HALL, both of Grahamstown.

Mr. Alf. PIKE had a very serious fall from his horse this morning about 9 o’clock. He was riding at a brisk pace down Bathurst-street from the Market Square, and just as he reached the bridge his horse suddenly stopped and backed, throwing Mr. PIKE violently off on to his head. Mr. T.H. GROCOTT, who was passing at the time and saw the accident, picked him up, quite unconscious and bleeding profusely at the ears and mouth, and took him home in a cab. It will be remembered that Mr. PIKE had a similar fall a short time back, when he broke his leg. We sincerely hope no serious results will accrue from this painful accident.

Saturday 29 July 1893

The will (dated 18th Dec 1876) of the Rev. George CHAPMAN, Wesleyan Minister, who died at Queenstown on the 9th July 1893, [was proved] by his surviving spouse Jane Elizabeth CHAPMAN (born WOKINSHAW), Robert LAMPLOUGH and Charles Maynard MALLETT. The testator directs that his surviving spouse shall enjoy the benefit of the estate so long as she remains single. Should she re-marry, then the executors must realise the estate and put the money out at interest, which she shall receive annually. At her decease the estate is to be divided equally between the children of the marriage, namely Susannah Sarah COOK, James William CHAPMAN, Mary E. BLENKINS, George W. CHAPMAN and Emma Eliza MALLETT.

The E.L. Despatch records the death of Mrs. GIDDY, relict of the late Rev. Richard GIDDY. The deceased lady had been in ill health for some time, and had come to the seaside for a change of air. She expired on the West Bank on Thursday last and the funeral took place on Friday afternoon. The first part of the burial service was conducted in the Wesleyan Church by the Rev. Mr. THEOBALD, assisted by the Rev. Mr. DUGMORE. A large number of mourners were present, and the choir sang a hymn, Mr. W. BEST jun. playing the Dead March as the procession left the building. The remains were interred in the East Bank Cemetery. Mrs. GIDDY was in her sixty-eighth year, and her death will be mourned by a large circle.

We are glad to hear Mr. Alf. PIKE, who had such a bad fall from his horse on Thursday last, is much better, and Dr. CHEW says that he will, in all probability, be able to get up on Monday.

  • Hits: 1939