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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1893 08 August

Tuesday 1 August 1893

BIRTH, Monday July 31st, the wife of Mr. John VAUGHAN of a daughter.

On Tuesday last a shockingly sudden death occurred at Bloemfontein. An old mason named Bob TAYLOR, who was working at Dr. KELLNER’s, suddenly dropped down on the scaffold and expired without a word. The cause of death (says the Friend) was heart disease.

Thursday 3 August 1893

We regret to have to chronicle the sad decease of Mr. A.M. MACKAY, who died somewhat unexpectedly this morning. The funeral will take place on Saturday next at 3:30 from the residence in Hill Street.
[Transcriber’s Note: There are three separate funeral notices from Albany Lodge, St.John’s Lodge and St.Andrew’s Lodge urging brethren to attend in Masonic regalia]

July 29th at St.George’s Cathedral, Capetown, Frederick A. SAUNDERS, of Grahamstown, to Lucy, second daughter of Professor MEIKLEJOHN of St.Andrew’s University, Scotland.

Tuesday 8 August 1893

DIED at Grahamstown, August 5th 1893, Margaret, widow of the late Joseph WALKER, in her 84th year.

Last week Mr. Edward [AMOS] of the Salem District while out hunting in the Kareiga Valley discovered the body of a white man. The body was dressed, and showed no signs of foul play, so that the only information that can be drawn is that deceased must have perished from starvation and exposure.

The death of a venerable lady, Mrs. Joseph WALKER, occurred on Saturday last at her residence, Prince Alfred Street. Although at a great age, being in her 84th year, she enjoyed excellent health till within a few weeks of her decease, and although her condition gave cause for anxiety during last week, it was not thought that the end was so near. Mrs. WALKER was the wife of the late Mr. Joseph WALKER, for so many years resident in Bathurst Street, and eldest daughter of Mr. Benjamin BOOTH. She came to this country with her parents in 1820, at the age of eleven, and had her share of the early struggles of that period. Mrs. WALKER was the mother of four daughters and seven sons, all of whom, with the exception of one of the latter, arrived at maturity, and a number of her descendants are scattered through the Eastern Districts of the Colony. By her children and their children she was regarded with an affection and esteem far surpassing ordinary feeling, induced by her sweet disposition, her simple undeviating devotion to principle, and her strong religious character, combined with a matured judgement that was seldom at fault. Years seemed to have no effect in diminishing her ardour for gaining knowledge, and up to within six weeks of her death, when she was attacked by her last illness, she was able to take an active and intelligent part in conversing upon the religious, social and political questions of the day. A bright star, shedding light and happiness to those around her, has been extinguished in the circle in which she moved, and in the hearts of many the void will never be filled. The husband of the late Mrs. WALKER took a very active part in municipal and political matters, and as one of the founders of the Eastern Districts gave ungrudgingly time, means and energy to promote the interests of his adopted country. He was a vigorous member of a vigorous religious body, and in every capacity in the numerous lay offices of the Wesleyan Church he was a successful and acceptable worker. We merely mention these things to state that the deceased lady heartily seconded her husband in all these duties, and like every wife of the old 1820 contingent she was prepared for all the emergencies of the time, when the duties were rough, and those who were competent and willing were very few.
The funeral of the late Mrs. WALKER took place yesterday afternoon, proceeding from the residence in Prince Alfred St. to Commemoration Church, and thence to the Cemetery. The hearse was followed by three sons, Messrs. Joseph, William and Mortimer B. WALKER, and several grandsons of the deceased. The pall-bearers were Mr. AYLIFF, Mr. T.H. PARKER, Mr. W.A. FLETCHER, Mr. H. WOOD, Mr. J. WEDDERBURN and Mr. J. SLATER. The funeral service was read by Revs. T. CHUBB and W. HOLDEN, a number of beautiful wreaths being deposited upon the coffin.

Thursday 10 August 1893

Miss Mary Helen CARLISLE(who is not unknown in Grahamstown) received the distinction of a command from her Majesty the Queen to send her latest picture, entitled Arose, for her inspection at Windsor Castle. The Queen was much pleased with the picture. Miss CARLISLE’s mother, Mrs. CARLISLE-CARR, arrived at the Cape in The Scot. We (S. Africa) wish her a successful sojourn in South Africa.

In the Insolvent Estate of William Howson WILLMORE of Rokeby Park, Division of Bathurst
The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for the inspection of Creditors at the Resident Magistrate’s Office in Grahamstown for seven days from the 15th day of August 1893, and thereafter for a further period of fourteen days at the Office of the Master of the Supreme Court, Capetown, from the 25th day of August 1893, after which, should no objections be raised thereto, the Honourable the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same, and order the Distribution thereof.
Lorimer B. DOLD
Sole Trustee
August 9th 1893.

On Thursday night a ballast train ran into a ganger’s trolly near Vereniging, killing the ganger, named KELLINGS, whose body was frightfully mutilated.

Tuesday 15 August 1893

Wm. KELLY and Joseph BEARD, the prisoners who attempted to escape from the Johannesburg gaol by hiding between the ceiling and the roof of a cell, have been sentenced, the former to one additional year’s hard labour and twenty lashes, and the latter to six months and ten lashes. For a previous attempt to escape BEARD received six months’ additional imprisonment and twenty-five lashes, and to wear chains. Thos. DEACON, who was associated with BEARD in his first attempt to escape, was similarly sentenced, save lashes.

The death from bronchitis of Major Stanley LOWE, a well known officer in the Imperial Service in Bechuanaland, and formerly on the Diamond Fields, is reported from Taunga, where for the last few years he has been C.C. & R.M. He died on Friday last.

We are sorry to learn that no decided improvement has manifested in Mr. AYLIFF’s health. He continues to suffer from the effect of sunstroke.

The remains of Sir Theophilus SHEPSTONE were followed to the cemetery by two knights, three judges, the five Government members, a dozen members of the Legislature, both chiefs of the railway service, two colonels, two majors, six captains, three lieutenants, two mayors, 20 councillors, six doctors, seven clergymen and four Catholic priests.

A man named George FOLEY was picked up on Saturday in a Capetown street in an unconscious condition, and died at New Somerset Hospital some hours after admission. Very little is known about the deceased, who was apparently between thirty and forty years of age, but that he had come from Kimberley, and from a letter found on him that he had a female relative at Hompatnad, who was in the habit of sending him money.

Thursday 17 August 1893

DIED at Evelyn House, Grahamstown, on Tuesday August 15th 1893, Thomas HOLLAND, aged 67 years. Deeply regretted.

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Thos. HOLLAND, the Deputy Sheriff, which occurred at his residence, Evelyn Villa, High Street, on Tuesday night, after a short illness. Though apparently well on Friday, he was found in the evening of that day sitting at his desk (where he had been writing) unconscious, having sustained, we believe, a slight [seizure] combined with effusion of blood on the brain. He never rallied, but passed away on Tuesday, in his 68th year. Mr. HOLLAND was a gentleman of considerable reading and [obscured]; and his death is a distinct loss to Grahamstown. We offer our sincere condolences to the bereaved family in the affliction which has so suddenly deprived them of a beloved husband and father.
On the E.D. Court assembling on Thursday Sir Jacob BARRY, Judge President, said that since the Court last met death had removed the Sheriff of this Court. The Court had lost a valuable and able officer, and Grahamstown a respected and old citizen, to whom and to whose large family all were devoted. He was sure he would give expression to universal feeling in expressing deep sympathy with Mrs. HOLLAND and her family in their bereavement. At the rising of the Court at one o’clock it would adjourn with the object of attending the funeral.

We regret to hear that news has been received by Mr. Warwick HILL, of this town, that his son, Mr. Herbert HILL, died of fever at Bulawayo (Lobengula’s Place) in July last. The information was received from Mr. COLENBRANDER.

The Richmond Era states that on Thursday week while Mr. Fred GEARD was amusing himself with a fox terrier, a table on which a lamp with a glass bowl was standing was upset. The bowl was broken and the ignited paraffin ran over the floor. A set of curtains and other articles became ignited and the flames spread rapidly. Mr. GEARD’s endeavours to extinguish them resulted in his being most severely burnt about the hands, arms and face. Medical attendance was called in, but complications arose, tetanus intervening, and in spite of the best medical skill death resulted on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday 19 August 1893

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Aug 19th 1893, the wife of Mr. George WILL of a daughter.

Tuesday 22 August 1893

At Bowden, August 14th, by the Rev. T.W. Pocock, Charles Cecil GARDNER, son of the late Mr. Hezekiah GARDNER, of Fish River Rand, to Emily, second daughter of Mr. John DUGMORE.

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday August 21st, Ann COGAN, relict of the late James COGAN, aged 65 years and 9 months. At rest.

We regret to have to record the sudden death of Mrs. R.J. COGAN sen, wife of the late Mr. R.J. COGAN [sic], who was stung to death by bees in August of last year. Mrs. COGAN had never been quite strong since she had the misfortune to break her collar-bone in 1890, and yesterday morning at about 6:30, as her son, Mr. J.COGAN, was passing out of the house, his mother, who was in the kitchen, asked him to help her lift a pot of water which she had already tried to carry, and must have sustained some hurt from the effort. Doctors FITZGERALD and CHEW, who were called in, state that she must have suffered an internal rupture from this, for her other son, Mr. A.W. COGAN, soon after this heard his mother sigh once or twice, and on going into the kitchen found her stretched on her back dying. Professor O.C. COGAN then immediately ran for the doctor, but before they could arrive Mrs. COGAN had departed this life. The deceased lady was a daughter of the late Mr. John PANKHURST, one of the British Settlers of 1820. She had a brother killed in the Kafir war of 1846. She married the late Mr. COGAN in 1848 and has resided in Grahamstown ever since. We tender our sincerest sympathies to the bereaved family, who are thus suddenly deprived of a good and loving mother.
[Transcriber’s note: Mrs. COGAN was the widow of James Joseph COGAN. Richard James COGAN was her son]

A contemporary hears of a sure and simple cure for chilblains. Take some bees’ wax and melt in with a little salad oil, which forms an ointment: when cool, rub on the chilblain twice a day. If applied at once when making its appearance, one application is generally sufficient. It will be found an excellent remedy for chapped hands and lips. Schools should copy this, as schoolchildren often suffer very much from chilblains.

Saturday 26 August 1893

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth, 22nd August, George Kendrick LEVINGS, of Grahamstown, late of London, to Eliza Annie BARKER of London.

The four-year-old daughter of a policeman called MYNHARDT was drowned at the Rand brickfields by tumbling into a well. The trap-door was left open and the little one was not missed for twenty minutes after she had fallen in.

The funeral of the late Mrs. SMITH, mother of Mr. W.A. SMITH of this City, took place on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. SMITH was a well-known and respected resident of Grahamstown, and had reached the venerable age of 84.

Thursday 31 August 1893

DIED on the 26th July at Brighton, Sussex, William Cloves TAMPLIN, Colonel Commanding 1st Volunteer Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment. For thirty-three years member of the Corps.

The Star reports that a child names SLABBERT was run over by a tram the other night in Bree Street. The poor little fellow, who ran right under the horses’ feet, had one of his legs badly crushed and died this morning. Although the accident was in no way attributable to default on the part of the Tramway Company, the directors at once resolved to bear the funeral and other expenses incidental to the fatality.

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