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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1894 06 June

Saturday 2 June 1894

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on the 2nd June 1894, Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr. M. HAWKEN Sen., aged 70 years and 4 months.

Noting the fact that Miss Olive SCHREINER’s husband has added her name to his, and become Mr. CRONWRIGHT-SCHREINER, the St.James’s Gazette asks why not Mr. Olive SCHREINER at once? Thus he would have still more effectually shown he had the courage of his wife’s convictions.

The Queenstown papers record the death of Mrs. E.M. TURVEY, who came to the Colony in 1821, when only three years of age. For many years she resided in Grahamstown, where also she married Mr. E.M. TURVEY. Later she lived with her husband on Table Farm, on the [Ki.....] River, and [old]l travellers still gratefully remember her hospitality. For the last 35 years she lived with her husband in Queenstown. About a year ago she was seized with a paralytic stroke, after which she gradually declined, and passed away peacefully on Friday last. She leaves 7 children, forty grandchildren and nineteen great-grandchildren. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, and was largely attended. The chief mourners were her aged husband, and son from [Cala], and four sons-in-law, Messrs. F.B. BROWN, J.W. BELL, D. BRADFIELD and S.J. TAYLOR [sic - should be G.J. TAYLOR]. Mr. G. TURVEY was not able to reach Grahamstown in time for the funeral. The pall bearers were DR. BATCHELOR, Messrs. D.S. BARRABLE, F.C. BATE and J. MALLETT. The Rev. R. LAMPLOUGH officiated. The service in the Church was most impressive, that venerable old minister the Rev H.H. DUGMORE delivering a most impressive and appropriate prayer during the service.
[Transcriber’s Note: Deceased was born Jane Sophia DANIEL]

Thursday 7 June 1894

BIRTH at Hilliers Street on June 3rd 1894, the wife of A.J. CONNOCK of a son.

MARRIED on the 9th May 1894 at Finchley, London N.W., by the Rev. F. BALLS, uncle of the bride, Sarah Roberta Godlonton, eldest daughter of Mr. E.B. Cotterell HOOLE and granddaughter of the late Hon. Robert GODLONTON, to Mr. George H.B. SHAW, Cape Colonial C.S., and son of Rev. B. SHAW of Grahamstown.

We regret to record the death of the Rev. James READ, Congregational Missionary, of Kat River, who died at Seymour on Monday last. Deceased was one of the oldest missionaries in the country.

Saturday 9 June 1894

BIRTH on June 9th at Ivy Cottage, William-street, the wife of Mr. Robert IVY of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown June 8th 1894, Hollings William OGILVIE, aged 49 years, eldest son of the late William OGILVIE.

On May 9th at Wentworth Park Church, Finchley, London, the marriage took place of Mr. George H.B. SHAW, of the Cape Colonial Civil Service, son of the Rev. B.J. SHAW of Grahamstown, Cape Colony, and Miss Roberta HOOLE, eldest daughter of Mr. E.B. Cotterell HOOLE, and granddaughter of the late Hon. Robert GODLONTON. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. F. BALLS of Hendon, uncle of the bride. A touch regret was felt that the Rev. John WALTON MA was prevented by illness from taking part in the service. The hymn “The Voice that Breathed o’er Eden” was sung as the bride came up the aisle on her father’s arm. The Church was tastefully decorated with palms, ferns, and flowers. The bride’s dress was of cream [illegible...] with flowers and trimmed with lace and orange blossom, and edged with pearl trimming. She wore a Brussels lace veil which had been worn by her mother on her marriage. The bride also carried a shower bouquet of choice white flowers, the gift of the bridegroom. The bridesmaids were Miss Ethel BALLS, Miss Jeannie HOOLE, Miss [Wilma] GODLONTON and Miss Amy HOOLE, who wore dresses of eau de nil crepe, with sleeves and full front of the [....] to match, the skirts having scalloped edges falling over two narrow accordion-pleated flounces, and finished with rouleaux of [...]; the hats were white chip with an insertion and edge of yellow straw, and were trimmed with cream tulle and eau de nil tips, and pink roses under the brim. The flower girls, Miss Hettie HOOLE, Miss Ellie [BISECKER], and Miss Irene NORCOMBE, wore frocks of pink nun’s veiling, with accordion-pleated skirts, and sleeves and yoke of pink silk, the latter covered with cream lace, and hats to match. The bridesmaids wore gold brooches, the gift of the bridegroom, and carried shower bouquets of pink [...], pink roses and white pinks, also the gift of the bridegroom; the flower girls carried baskets of the same flowers. The best man was Mr. J.C. HOOLE, brother of the bride. As the bride left the Church, Mendelssohn’s Wedding March was effectively played by the organist. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. HOOLE held a reception at Melrose Villa. The health of the bride and bridegroom and parents of the bride and bridegroom having been drunk, the happy couple left amidst showers of rice and hosts of good wishes for Folkstone, en route for Paris and Switzerland. The bride’s travelling dress was of tweed, with blue moiré panel front revere, and fancy drab straw hat trimmed with tulle the same colour, and blue velvet roses, a cloak to match completing a very becoming costume. The presents were numerous and [valued] and included some choice china and plated ware. The wedding cake was supplied by [Boggard] and decorated with natural flowers.

Tuesday 12 June 1894

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday 10th June 1894, Andrew WHYTE (late Poundmaster) aged 66 years and 5 months.

We regret to record the sudden death on Sunday last of Mr. Andrew WHYTE, who has occupied the position of Poundmaster and Inspector of the Municipal [illegible] since [1884]. Mr. WHYTE was one of those men who was friendly with everyone and a [universal] sorrow will be felt at his death. We extend our cordial sympathies to his bereaved widow.

At Durban on Tuesday a sad case of poisoning occurred to a boy of two and a half years, the son of Mr. E.[C.] GREEN. The child suddenly became ill about six in the morning, and died at eleven. Examination revealed the presence of a virulent poison. The sister, aged six, afterwards sickened, and it is feared will not recover. It is supposed that they had eaten wild berries, which are found in the neighbourhood.

Mr. Teunis SMIT, Klein Klipfontein, near Piquetberg, died suddenly at five o’clock on the morning of the 7th. He was preparing to drive to his farm at Velddrift when he went inside to partake of a cup of coffee, and expired shortly afterwards, in the prime of life. He was always in robust health.

Thursday 14 June 1894

The [.....Reporter] states that on Tuesday last the church of St.Stephen at Barkly East was crowded on the occasion of the wedding of Mr. James MAITLAND, son of the well-known monumental mason of Grahamstown, and Miss Christina Annie SCHADWILL, daughter of the late Mr. A.A. SCHADWILL,of Burghersdorp. The bride is one of the prettiest and [...est] girls in Barkly. The ceremony, which was choral, was performed by the Rev. Mr. POTE MA, Rector of the parish. After the ceremony a reception was held at the house of the bride’s mother, after which the happy couple started for Grahamstown and Aliwal North.

Saturday 16 June 1894

DIED at Grahamstown, June 15th 1894, Stephen MUNDY, aged 85 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Bathurst-St, this (Saturday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

The tolling of the bell this morning announced that the above-named venerable gentleman had passed away last evening, after an illness of three weeks. The deceased came to Grahamstown from Birmingham in 1848, and has resided in this City ever since. He went through many vicissitudes in those early days as a member of STUBBS’ Rangers, patrolling Fish River and District with 52 men. In 1859 he was returned as a member for the Cape House of Assembly, and prophesied a direct line of railway from Port Elizabeth. Of late years health necessitated his retirement from active business, but did not prevent him from taking an intelligent interest in public affairs. The deceased was 85 years of age. We offer our sympathies to the relatives of the deceased in the loss they have sustained. The funeral will leave the deceased’s late residence at 3pm this afternoon.

Tuesday 19 June 1894

DIED in the Farm Hopewell, Somerset East, on Friday 15th June 1894, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of R.J. POTE (born HALL) from a fit of palsy, in her 72nd year. Only ill five hours. One of 1820.

Saturday 23 June 1894

The will (dated the 29th March 1894) of Joseph Henry NASH of Grahamstown was filed on the 2nd June 1894. The testator bequeaths to his four sons, namely Ryder Joseph, William Bensted, James Henry and Samuel Arthur NASH, in equal shares, the farm Brosley, situated in the Albany district, with the farming implements thereon, and directs that the residue of his estate shall be divided equally between the four sons as aforesaid and his two daughters, Gertrude Clara and Josephine Henriette.
The will (dated the 23rd July 1892) of Dr. Alfred Stainbanks DREW, of Alexandria, was filed on the 8th June 1894 by his surviving spouse Isabella Tongue DREW (born MAYNE). The testator bequeaths the whole of his estate to his surviving spouse, in trust for the children born in South Africa, in which estate he includes a house and premises situated at Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire, England. Should the bulk of the estate not be consumed in the education and maintenance of the children, he desired that it should not be disposed of until the youngest daughter came of age, or was married, when it may be realised and the proceeds divided equally between the children. To his brother George he leaves his gold watch and a gun; to his sister, Julia A., £20, and to certain other relatives one shilling each.

Tuesday 26 June 1894

MARRIED at Llanover Villa, Driefontein, by the Rev. J.T. Darragh, assisted by the Rev. Atkin, Walter Reuben DELL, fourth son of the late Stephen DELL of Barville Park, to Grace Evelyn HALL, fourth daughter of Dr. HALL, Knight’s, Driefontein.

DIED at Grahamstown, June 25 1894, John WEBB, in his 68th year.

One of our oldest and most respected citizens, Mr. John WEBB, passed away last night after about a week’s illness. It would be more correct to say that he had been failing for quite a year past, but still kept up, and at times seemed stronger and more likely to live. He was a member of the Town Council, and fully intended being present on Wednesday last, but was taken ill on the previous day, and lapsed into an unconscious state during the latter part of the week. His condition was without pain, but he could take no nourishment, and death came last night in a most peaceful manner. He was in his 68th year, and was one of the sons of Mr. Christopher WEBB, a settler of 1820, whose first residence in the Colony was at Salem. The father had his full share in the troubles of the Colony, and during the war became one of a body of volunteers who were attacked by Kafirs, and nearly all killed. Mr. C. WEBB saved himself by jumping over a krantz, but not till he had received a severe wound in both thighs. He lay all night and was found and rescued in the morning, and brought into town, where he recovered, and was granted a pension through the representation of Capt. (afterwards Sir Harry) SMITH. Of the seven sons of this veteran settler, five are still alive, the eldest having long been engaged in missionary work in the Transkei. Mr. William WEBB, and Mr. James WEBB (who resides near Stutterheim) are in town, and will attend the funeral of their late brother, which takes place this afternoon. Mr. John WEBB was, in his more vigorous days, engaged in the successive colonial wars, and he was besides an active citizen of Grahamstown, where he resided all his life, and a successful farmer and man of business. He was one of the three original members of the Municipality, the other two being Mr. J.E. WOOD M.L.A. and Mr. William WEBB. We offer our sincere condolences to the bereaved family, in the loss of one who was not only a loving husband and father, but a man possessed of valuable colonial experience, and one who has served the country of his birth in many capacities, as the brief record we are able today to offer will show.

Thursday 28 June 1894

The Funeral of the late Mrs. BLACKWELL will leave the residence of her daughter, Mrs. W.H. NUNN, Lawrence-street, for St.Patrick’s Cathedral this Thursday afternoon at 3;30 o’clock and at St.Patrick’s Cathedral at 4 0’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

A sad death occurred at East London, owing to typhoid fever, the victim being Mr. HEROLDT, who had only recently been appointed to the Customs Department there. Strange to say, this is the fifth of the family to whom this disease has proved fatal.

Saturday 30 June 1894

DIED at Bathurst June 25th 1894, Ellen, the beloved wife of Thos. S. LANSDELL, aged 64 years, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian fortitude.

DIED at Grahamstown, June 29th 1894, Richard KYTE, aged 46 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, New-St., tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

We regret to record the sudden death of Mr. R. KYTE of New-Street, who was seized with an apoplectic fit on Thursday last and died yesterday morning. Mr. KYTE was only 47 years of age, and leaves a widow and two children to mourn the loss of one who was a hard-working and industrious citizen, and a good husband and father.

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