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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1894 07 July

Tuesday 3 July 1894

Mr. and Mrs. David HALL, her parents, came out with the British settlers of 1820 and were located [...] with the Salem Party. She was born there on February 13 1823. The family after a while moved to Grahamstown. Her father carried on the Kafir trade at Fort Wiltshire till his death, while Mrs. HALL with the family remained in town. Miss HALL married R.J. POTE in January 1843, when they removed to Daggaboer, and after a while from there to Kaga, and thence to the district of Uitenhage, where they remained till the Kafir war of 1850. They then removed to the district of Somerset East, where they have continued to dwell till her death, which occurred in June last, after fifty-five years and five months of married life. To mourn her loss she leaves three sons and three daughters, together with thirty six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She was a faithful and loving wife, an affectionate mother and a kind friend, and ready to care for the poor and the wanderers, many of whom will bless her memory. Mrs. HALL [sic] was a sincere Christian, and for thirty years a member of the Wesleyan Church, and was careful to bring up her family in the ways of godliness and morality. Her bereaved husband has the consolation of looking forward to rejoin her ere long in that blissful immortality, of which a line of her favourite hymn ”A country far from mortal sight” so confidently speaks.
[Transcriber’s note: Her Death Notice appears on the page following that of her husband Robert James POTE, so he was right that he would “rejoin her ere long”]

Thursday 5 July 1894

At St.George’s Cathedral on Wednesday 4th July, George James, C.C. and R.M. of Mafeking, eldest son of Major J.F. BOYES, of East London, to Avice Baines, eldest daughter of Mr. J.B. EBDEN, of East London.

MARRIED at Commemoration Church on July 3rd 1894 by the Rev. Evans, Steve J. BERRY, of Port Elizabeth, and youngest son of the late William BERRY, of Grahamstown, to Bessie, eldest daughter of J.P. THOMAS Esq, of Grahamstown, late of the 11th Company Royal Engineers.

At 2:30 yesterday afternoon St.George’s Cathedral was the scene of a very pretty and fashionable wedding, when Mr. George James BOYES, C.C. and R.M. of Mafeking, British Bechuanaland, and eldest son of Major J.F. BOYES, and Miss Avice Baines EBDEN, eldest daughter of Mr. J.B. EBDEN of East London, were united in the bonds of holy matrimony. The service, which was fully choral, attracted a large crowd of friends and relatives, and the ceremony was performed by the Bishop of the Diocese, assisted by the Very Rev. Dean HOLMES. The fair bride was given away by her father, and was attended by four sisters as bridesmaids: Misses Blanche, Zina, Kathleen and Constance EBDEN. The happy bridegroom was ably supported by his brother, Mr. Chas. E. BOYES of the Basutoland CS. The service commenced with that most appropriate hymn “The voice that breathed o’er Eden”, Mr. W. [DEANS] presiding at the large organ. At the conclusion of the service the bridal party repaired to the Chapter House for the usual signatures, on leaving which the organ pealed forth the grand old “Wedding March”. The bridal party then drove to the residence of the bride’s mother in Oatlands Road, where the usual festivities were fully carried out, there being present: Major and Mrs BOYES, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. EBDEN, Mrs. BROWN, Mr. Alfred EBDEN and Miss EBDEN of Rondebosch. The happy couple left soon after for Manley’s Flat, amidst showers of good wishes for their future happiness and prosperity, where they will spend a few days previous to proceeding to Kimberley, on their way home to Mafeking. We join with the hosts of friends in wishing them success and happiness commensurate with life.
Below we give the costumes worn at the marriage:
Bridal Dress: Rich white moiré train and skirt, draped with Limerick lace, bodice moiré with square yoke of lace [... insertion], wreath, veil pinned with diamond star.
Travelling Dress: Brown tweed long coat, red cloth waistcoat, large brown chip hat with moiré ribbon and red [illegible].
Bridesmaids: Cream cloth dresses, muslin “crossover” fichus, large hats with white ostrich feathers and bright green velvet bows, carrying white wands with Neapolitan violets and ribbons; gold safety pins with [p...s], presents of the bridegroom.
Mrs. EBDEN: Heliotrope cloth and [brocade] trimmed with jet, bonnet, heliotrope velvet with jet and black [ties].
Mrs. BOYES: Grey corded silk timed with [s...] [paesamentorie], bonnet to match with pink may.
Miss May EBDEN: Grey and pink, rimmed with pink silk, black hat trimmed with black feathers.
Mrs. [..] BROWN: Dress of shot mauve and green silk, trimmed green ribbon velvet, green velvet hat with black feathers [....] rosettes.

A wedding came off at Newcastle on Wednesday June 27th where, notwithstanding the unsettled state of the weather, a good number of spectators were present to witness the marriage ceremony between Clarence Hartley, second son of Mr. Thos. BRENT, and May [sic] Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr. James BRENT, both of Newcastle. The officiating Minister was the Rev. A.J. LENNARD from Peddie. The bridegroom was supported by Mr. Ernest BRENT. The bride was given away by her father, she looked very [...] and pretty in her dress of fancy cream nun’s veiling trimmed with lace ribbon and orange blossom, and wore the usual wreath and veil, and [acted] her part fairly well. The bridesmaids were five in number. They were Miss May BRENT, cousin to the bride, who was dressed in a white crimped muslin trimmed with white lace, Miss Olive BRENT, sister to the bride, who was attired in a white embroidered robe, Miss Lulu BRENT, who was dressed similarly to her sister Miss May BRENT, Miss Jessie LOCKE, who wore a canary colour nun’s veiling trimmed with old gold, and Miss Harriet POWELL, who was dressed in a pale green crepon, trimmed with white lace and ribbons. They all wore maiden hair ferns and mignonette and white [sticks] in their hair, and carried bouquets, and with their faces all aglow with excitement formed a very pretty picture. After the service the bridal party, attended by a few of their friends and relatives, drove to the residence of the bride’s father, where they were all treated to a sumptuous breakfast, the health of the bride was proposed by Mr. Thos. BRENT and heartily drunk by all in pure water, and responded to by the bridegroom. Shortly after the breakfast the bride and bridegroom left by cart for their future home, escorted part of the way by the bridal party, where we will leave them, wishing them all happiness and prosperity.

Saturday 7 July 1894

Married at Commemoration Chapel on July 5th 1894 by the Rev. T. Chubb BA, President of the Wesleyan Conference, assisted by the Rev. W.F. Evans, Rev. A.W. CRAGG to Ellen (nellie) SHIPHAM, youngest daughter of the Rev. John SHIPHAM, of Prestwich, England. No cards.

Mrs. EATON, who died in the Oudtshoorn district last week, was one of the few surviving settlers of 1820, having turned her 98th year. She had enjoyed the best of health up to a fortnight of her death.

On Thursday afternoon last Commemoration was filled by an unusually large congregation to witness the nuptials of the Rev. A.W. CRAGG and Miss SHIPHAM, daughter of the Rev. John SHIPHAM of Prestwich, England. The bride arrived in the Colony only about a week ago, and has been the guest of the Rev. and Mrs. S.J. HELM. Shortly after the time announced for the ceremony, the bride arrived at the church, escorted by the Rev. S.J. HELM. Her dress was of white cashmere, trimmed with silk, with wreath of orange blossom and veil. The bridesmaid was Miss Betty HELM, who wore a pretty dress of white crepon, trimmed with lace. There were three little flower girls, Miss Hermine BECKER, Miss Nettie HAMILTON and Miss [Louise] KNIGHT. They were attired in white silk smock dresses, and carried lovely baskets of choice flowers. The hats of the bridesmaid and flower girls were composed of white [illegible] and ostrich [tips]. They each wore a pretty brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. The groomsman was Mr. Stanley DOLD. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Theo CHUBB, President of the Conference, assisted by the Rev. W.F. EVANS; and the Rev. S.J. HELM gave the bride away. The following ministers were also present: the Revs. D.D. FRASER, A. PITT, W.C. HOLDEN, W. TYSON, C.S. LUCAS, J.J. DAVIES. The Wedding March was played by Mr. T.E. SPEED as the company left the Church. At the conclusion of the ceremony an At Home was held at the residence of the Rev. and Mrs. S.J. HELM, when a large number of the friends and well-wishers of the bride and bridegroom assembled to express their congratulations and good wishes. The costly and beautiful presents, of which there were a large number, were greatly admired by the guests. Congratulatory telegrams were received from the Revs. J. SCOTT, F. MASON, H. COTTON, J. ROBB and J.H. WILLIAMS. The happy pair left by the evening train, en route for Highlands, where a short stay will be made on the way to their future home, Ladybrand, in the Free State, the circuit to which Mr. CRAGG was appointed at the Conference recently held in Bloemfontein. A large number of friends assembled at the Railway Station to offer their parting congratulations. We join in the chorus of good wishes, and trust that long life and good happiness may be the portion of the bride and bridegroom.

Tuesday 10 July 1894

BIRTH at Grahamstown, July 6th 1894, the wife of Mr. L.L. GIDDY of a son.

MARRIED at Newcastle on 27th June, by the Rev. A.J. Lennard, Wesleyan Minister, Clarence Hartley, second son of Thos. BRENT Esq, to Mary Elizabeth, second daughter of James BRENT Esq. of Newcastle, Peddie.

DIED at Grahamstown July 9th 1894, Eliza McCLURG (born FLATTERY) of Birr, King’s County, Ireland, aged 48 years. R.I.P.
American and Irish paper please copy.
The Funeral of the above will leave the Railway Station at half past 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. McCLURG, wife of our Stationmaster Mr. W. McCLURG, who has for some time past been in feeble health, and her death, which occurred last night, has been for some time inevitable. Mrs. McCLURG was 48 years of age. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3:30, from the Railway Station.

At Pretoria last week a little child, the son of Mr. Inspector DE LANGE of the Education Department, during the process of some cooking operation went up to the stove, on which a basin of melted fat was standing. The child, which was only [18] months old, managed to get hold of the basin and pull it over, the contents being spilled over it, causing death in a few hours after intense suffering.

Mr. Alfred E. CALDECOTT, whose sad death is announced from Salisbury, belongs to a well-known Grahamstown family. His father was Mayor of Grahamstown in 1860-[6?] and his portrait hangs in the Council Chamber. The deceased was educated in England and afterwards returned to the Cape Colony, and was articled to his brother-in-law, Mr. Selby CORYNDON, whom he afterwards joined in partnership. He won the last gold medal presented by Sir Bartle FRERE as Vice Chancellor of the Cape University for an essay on “The Future of the Native Race in South Africa”. He married some years ago Miss DRAKE, daughter of Lady DRAKE.

Thursday 12 July 1894

DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday July 11th 1894, Charles Jenkins JONES, aged 72 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Carlisle St, this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Mr. JONES, who had been for many years Foreman of Works for the Corporation, died somewhat suddenly on Wednesday morning after an illness of three days. We believe that the present severe weather, and the effects of a recent attack of influenza, induced pneumonia, which proved rapidly fatal. Mr. JONES, who had resided in Grahamstown nearly all his life, was 72 years of age, and had been in business as a builder before becoming a Municipal official. He was still hale and hearty, and active and efficient in the service of the city. As a citizen he was much esteemed, and very great regret will be felt at his sudden decease. We offer sincere condolence to the bereaved widow and family. The funeral is to leave the residence in Carlisle St. this afternoon at 4.

Saturday 14 July 1894

MARRIED at Klip Drift on Thursday the 12th inst, by the Rev. LOMAX, Arthur LOMAX, Durban, to Mary Elizabeth KEETON, eldest daughter of B.B. KEETON Esq.

At Port Elizabeth last week, while his workman was at dinner, a bootmaker named John SINCLAIR committed suicide by cutting his throat with both a knife and a razor.

Tuesday 17 July 1894

A sad case of drowning occurred at Florida, near Johannesburg. Miss Bessie ALLEN, formerly of Adelaide, Cape Colony, was found drowned in 24 inches of water. It is assumed that while watering the garden she had a fit.

Mr. Tom VAUGHAN, a prominent local hotel keeper, shot himself dead at Salisbury on Monday morning. The deceased was one of the earliest members of the Sanitary Board. It is believed that his mind was affected by the news of his wife’s death at Pretoria.

Thursday 19 July 1894

DIED at Grahamstown July 19th 1894, Grace MARSH, relict of the late James Picton MARSH, aged 86 years and 9 months.
The Funeral of the above will leave the residence of Mr. Joseph TABB, Oatlands, tomorrow (Friday) morning at 10 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

DIED at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. E. CHAPMAN, Beaufort Street on July 18th, Elizabeth CLARK, aged 82 years and 7 months.
The Funeral of the above will leave Beaufort Street tomorrow (Friday)afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

We have to record the death of Mrs. Elizabeth CLARK, mother-in-law of Mr. E. CHAPMAN of this city. Mrs. CLARK was 82 years of age and came out with the British Settlers’ Howard’s Party. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock.
[Transcriber’s note: Her Death Notice says she was the daughter of William and Elizabeth THOMAS, who were actually in MORGAN’s Party]

The Queenstown Free Press chronicles the death of Mrs. DUGMORE, who came out to this country in 1835 with her mother and sister – nearly sixty years ago. Her maiden name was SIMPSON. In 1838 she married the Rev. H.H. DUGMORE, a minister of the Wesleyan Church, than whom there is no man more beloved, esteemed and respected in the Eastern Province. Mrs. DUGMORE was an ideal missionary’s wife, and through many hard and trying years she bravely and devotedly stood at the side of her husband, cheerfully, zealously and unselfishly assisting him in the great work he had undertaken. Her memory will ever live fresh in the minds of innumerable people, both European and native, who had the privilege of coming in contact with her. After her husband’s retirement from the missionary service, Mrs. DUGMORE devoted her life to doing good in and around Queenstown. Wherever help or assistance was required she was to be found, always ready to do some good, kind, unselfish action. She was in perfect health up to a few days prior to her death, which occurred on Saturday evening, from the results of a cold, which though not at first serious, had caused her to take to her bed. She was buried on Monday last.

Saturday 21 July 1894

BIRTH at Grahamstown, July 19th 1894, the wife of Mr. Justice JONES of a son.

DIED at Queenstown on the 14th July, Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. H.H. DUGMORE, in her 82nd year.

DIED at Grahamstown last night, Anna Margaret (born FEHRSEN) beloved wife of Victor SAMPSON, Barrister-at-law, in her thirtieth year.
Life’s work day -Sorrow
Life’s Sabbath - Rest
The funeral of the above will leave the residence of her husband, Oatlands Road, this Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

The tolling of the bell at St.George’s this morning announced the mournful tidings of the death of Mrs. SAMPSON, wife of Mr. Advocate SAMPSON. The deceased lady was a daughter of Dr. FEHRSEN, formerly of Cradock, and now resident in Capetown. She was only in her 30th year, and leaves a family of three little ones. One of the little boys had lately been nursed through a long and dangerous illness, causing the utmost anxiety and exertion to the parents, and Mrs. SAMPSON with the children had been since staying at Capetown for change of air and recovery of strength. The sojourn, however, did not have the effect hoped for, and on her return symptoms were developed of an alarming kind. The malady did not yield, in spite of every attention and skill, and the young wife and mother expired last night. In the affliction of the bereaved husband and family all the citizens will deeply sympathise.

A very sad event (the P.E. Telegraph reports), which has plunged a highly respected family into the deepest distress, is the death of Miss Maud A. WALKER, third daughter of Mr. Joseph WALKER J.P., which occurred very suddenly on Tuesday last. She had been seized a few days previously with a sharp attack of influenza: but no serious consequences were dreaded until some bronchial trouble developed, with fatal results. The deceased was a highly intelligent young lady, greatly esteemed by all who knew her for her amiable disposition, and her sudden death has cast a gloom over a very large circle of loving friends.

Tuesday 24 July 1894

DIED at Coldstream, July 23rd 1894, Daniel GLASS, aged 47 years.
The Funeral of the late Mr. Daniel GLASS will leave the residence of Mr, Jabez SOUTH, South Street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Mr. Francis H. CARPENTER, an old and much respected resident of Port Elizabeth, and many years Secretary to the Guardian Assurance Company, died on Tuesday night.

We regret to hear of the death of Dr. John DRUMMOND (M.D. Edin) which took place at Malvern, England, about the end of last month from an apoplectic fit, from which he did not rally. Dr. DRUMMOND was well known in this city, having resided and practised here for a few years. He came out for his health, having previously resided in Manchester, where he had a high reputation as a physician and surgeon. He had married a sister (who predeceased him) of Messrs. R.W. NELSON and A.E. NELSON. Eventually he returned to Manchester, to which city his remains were removed from Malvern for burial.

We have to record the decease of Mrs. MADER, which occurred yesterday, at the advanced age of 97. Mrs. MADER, whose life and experiences cover the whole period of the Eastern settlement of this Colony, was first married to Mr. HUNTLY, father of our late Magistrate, and subsequently to her husband’s death she married Dr. MADER, a military surgeon, who settled here and built the house, we understand, in which Dr. ATHERSTONE now lives. The deceased lady had for some time before her death suffered from a complication of disorders, causing great pain.

We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Daniel GLASS of Coldstream, which occurred on Monday 23rd July, from pleurisy. Mr. GLASS was in the prime of life, being only 47 years of age. We offer our sincere condolences to the bereaved relatives.

Thursday 26 July 1894

DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 22nd July 1894, Katherine [Minnie], beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. [CHALMERS], aged 14 years.

The Advertiser regrets to hear of the death of Mrs. John AYTON, late of Grahamstown, and mother of Mrs. MEINTJES, the wife of the member for Pretoria in the [..... Rand]. The sad event took place a few days ago at Johannesburg.

Tuesday 31 July 1894

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on the 24th July, Susan Elizabeth, relict of the late Dr. MADAR, in her 97th year.

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