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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1894 10 October

Tuesday 2 October 1894

BIRTH at Grahamstown Sept 29th 1894, the wife of Mr. Frank IMPEY of a son.

DIED at Woodstock, Capetown on 30th Sept 1894, Charles, eldest son of C. and M.A. FRAY, of Grahamstown, in the 40th year of his age.

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. Charles FRAY, who died at Woodstock, near Capetown, on Sept 30th. Deceased, who has been sick for some time, was, for a long time, book-binder in this office, and will be remembered by all his fellow workmen, during that time, as an honest, hard-working mechanic.

Mr. Carrington WILMER, Editor of the Zuitpansberg Review, has been thrown from his horse and killed.

A notification appears in the last Gazette authorising T.B.P. DAVIES M.D. Univ. London 1893, to practise medicine and surgery in this Colony.

We draw attention to the advertisement in today’s issue to the fact that Mr. C.J. STIRK has taken his eldest son, Mr. Harry STIRK, into partnership. We trust the firm will continue to prosper as heretofore.

We (News) regret to learn of the death, by drowning, of Trooper J. SUMMERS of the B.B. Police, in the Hartz River at Taungs. It is supposed that in taking a short cut away from the road he entered the river, and in crossing it got into a deep hole. Whether the horse became frightened, and in jumping back stunned his rider, or how the accident happened is not known, but poor “Jack” was found there. Deceased was one of Major LOWE’s old force, and is the third member of that corps who has lost his life by drowning near Taungs.

Thursday 4 October 1894

DIED suddenly at Bowden on September 27th, Henry Dugmore BARNES, aged 53 years and 11 months.

We regret to report the sudden death of Mr. Henry Dugmore BARNES of Bowden, who was the eldest son of Mr. Geo. BARNES, and who, it will be remembered, lived for some time in African Street, Grahamstown. It appears that one of the relatives took in deceased’s early coffee to his room on Thursday 27th ultimo, and receiving no answer when he tried to wake Mr. BARNES, shook him, and found that he was quite dead. The body was still warm. Death is attributed to fatty degeneration of the heart. Deceased was 53 years and 11 months old.

The Graaff-Reinet Advertiser states that on Tuesday morning last week a sad death took place between Kendrick and Aberdeen Road in the train going to Port Elizabeth. The report of the inquest held on Wednesday showed that the deceased was Mr. Arthur WATSON of Kanariefontein. George LOGIE, a farmer, who was travelling with the deceased when he died, stated that both he and the deceased left Katriver on Monday morning last, and arrived at Kendrew the same evening. They were on their way to Grahamstown to consult a doctor, the deceased having been ill for the last three weeks. They left Kendrew by train the next morning and about five miles from Aberdeen Road Station WATSON complained of pains all over his body, and a minute after he was dead. The District Surgeon, who had been telegraphed for, and had gone to examine the body, declared the death to be due to advanced dropsy.

On the 4th inst at the Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Rev. Canon Espin, assisted by the Rev. W.B. Wallace, J.B. GREATHEAD MB to Ellen Annie, daughter of the late W.H. BUBB Esq., Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

At St.George’s Cathedral this morning Dr. J.B. GREATHEAD, District Surgeon of Albany, was married to Miss Ellen A. BUBB, daughter of the late W.H. BUBB Esq, of Cheltenham, Gloucester. The Rev.Canon ESPIN, assisted by Rev. W.B. WALLACE, performed the ceremony, which was of a very quiet nature.

Saturday 6 October 1894

Surgeon Major John Frederick McCREA, who won the Victoria Cross during the Basuto War in 1881, is dead. He came of a race of soldiers. Shortly after obtaining his medical diplomas he volunteered for the Zulu War, and received the appointment of civil surgeon to the forces of the Cape. He served with the Cape Mounted Yeomanry during the following year in the Basuto War, where, for his conspicuous bravery during the severely contested engagement at Tweefontein, the Queen conferred upon him the Victoria Cross. He went [obscured] for some distance under heavy fire, and with the assistance of Captain BUXTON, of the Mafeking contingent, conveyed a wounded burgher named AIRCAMP to the shelter of a large ant-heap, and having placed him in a position of safety, returned to the ambulance for a stretcher. D.F. Advertiser.

Tuesday 9 October 1894

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 9th October, the wife of G.W. THOMAS of a daughter.

A serious accident happened the other day to Mr. J.D. MORGAN, of Queenstown, a well-known horse dealer and speculator (says the Representative). He was shooting on the farm of Mr. MAYTHAM, near Queenstown, when the gun went off while he was holding it with his left hand. The finger and upper portion of the hand were blown entirely off. Much exhausted by pain and loss of blood, Mr. MORGAN reached his home, and medical aid was promptly summoned. Drs. BARRY, BATCHELOR and COLNE held a consultation, and decided to amputate the hand. The operation was successfully performed, and the patient is progressing as well as may be expected.

Thursday 11 October 1894

MARRIED at St.Patrick’s Cathedral on October 10th 1894 by the Rev. Father Hanton, assisted by the Rev. Father Perry, Maximilian M. IRNIGER to Emily, daughter of John LAMB Esq, of this City.

DIED at Cradock Oct 9th, Dr. John BEGG-ROBERTSON, of Bridge of Allen, Scotland.

The marriage of Mr. M.M. IRNIGER and Miss Emily LAMB was solemnised yesterday morning at St.Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral before a large and fashionable assembly. The bride was very tastefully arrayed in white [illegible] silk, the petticoat of which was richly trimmed with some handsome point de Venice lace, and bridal flowers. The bodice was made square, which, together with the tight elbow sleeve, was mainly composed of a rich silver brocade. The whole effect was simply charming. The bride also wore the usual veil and orange blossom, which added a subtle charm to the scene. The bride was attended by her sisters, the Misses Maria and Agnes LAMB, who also looked very sweet, being dressed in cream nunscloth, richly trimmed with yellow moire and gold gimp with yellow ribbon streamers, finished off with bows. The bridegroom found an able supporter in Mr. John R. LAMB. After the ceremony, which was partly choral, the marriage party repaired to the residence of the bride’s father, where a sumptuous repast had been prepared for the occasion. A number of congratulatory telegrams from different parts of the Colony testified that the happiness of the bride and bridegroom had an interest for many who were at a distance. The presents were both numerous and costly. Mr. and Mrs. IRNIGER left on their honeymoon in the afternoon for Port Alfred. We join with the many friends of the newly-wedded pair in wishing them long and unclouded years of happiness in the “united state”.
The bride’s dress was made at the establishment of Messrs. COPELAND and CREED, and those of the bridesmaids by Miss Mary REEVE, all of which reflected great credit on the artistes.

An esteemed correspondent informs us (D.F. Advertiser) that an old woman named Rachel KOOPMAN died at Daniel’s Kuil the week before last at the great age of 115 years, and that she had 14 children, 74 grandchildren, 106 great-grandchildren, 26 great-great-grandchildren and 21 great-great-great-grandchildren, making a total of 241!

Our readers will hear with the deepest regret of the death at Cradock, on Tuesday last, of Dr. John BEGG-ROBERTSON, of Bridge of Allen, Scotland. Deceased only lately left Grahamstown, where he had been practising for a short time, and had gained much popularity on account of his geniality and medical knowledge, to seek the drier air of Cradock, as our climate was not favourable to his malady, an advanced stage of phthisis or pulmonary consumption. Dr. ROBERTSON took a keen interest in sports of every description, and, it will be remembered, presented for competition at the last meeting a silver cup to the Athletic and Cycling Club. Deceased was a consistent and valued member of Trinity Church. We tender out heartfelt sympathies to Mrs. BEGG-ROBERTSON in her severe affliction.

Saturday 13 October 1894

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday October 10th 1894, the wife of Mr. A.C.OLVER, of Johannesburg, of a son.

DIED at Umtali, Mashonaland, on the morning of the 15th September 1894, Joseph MULLIGAN, youngest son of the late Patrick and Mary MULLIGAN, of Grahamstown, aged 27 years.

We regret to have to record the death, at Umtali, Mashonaland, of Mr. Joseph MULLIGAN, at the early age of 27 years. The deceased was the youngest son of the late Mr. Patrick MULLIGAN, of this city, and was much respected for his quiet, unassuming manner. For some years he was employed at this office. We tender our sincere sympathy to the sorrowing relatives.

George SABER, formerly a well-known Kimberley business man, went on a recent morning to a rocky gully on Braamfontein Hill, at the Rand, and blew his brains out. He had been in poor circumstances lately, saying he had realised his life policy and his wife’s jewellery. A widow and family are left destitute.

Tuesday 16 October 1894

DIED at Grahamstown on Oct 15th 1894, John SHAW (of Scotland) in his 81st year.
The Funeral of the late John SHAW will leave the residence of Mr. R.H. RICHMOND, Prince Alfred’s Road at 4pm today. All friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker

We regret to record the death of Mrs. Hedley WRIGHT, who died yesterday afternoon.

The death took place at Mafeking on Thursday of Trooper FITZGERALD of the B.B. Police. Deceased, who we (B. News) hear was at one time proprietor of the Café Français in Kimberley, succumbed to dysentery after an illness of two days.

This esteemed, aged member and Class Leader of the Wesleyan Church passed away yesterday morning after a short illness. He had been for many years a resident in Grahamstown, having come to this country with the Sappers and Miners from Canada. After he had obtained his pension (more than thirty years ago) he became an “Army Scripture Reader”, and when the troops had been removed from Grahamstown he laboured with much success as a Colporteur for the Bible Society, and in that capacity was dwelling in a tent among the diamond miners at the time of the New Rush, and was one of the first to conduct religious services there.
Since the death of his wife, nearly a year ago, he has resided with Mr. and Mrs. RICHMOND, from whose residence in Port Alfred’s Road the funeral will take place at 4pm today.
Mr. SHAW, although somewhat lame from the effect of a dislocated hip, had reached his 81st year. As recently as the 7th October he attended Divine Service at Fort England Church, and took Communion.
[Transcriber’s Note: A colporteur was someone employed by a religious society to distribute bibles and other religious tracts]

Thursday 18 October 1894

FELL ASLEEP at Oatlands, 16th October, Alan Cragg, youngest child of Tilney and Ella PADDON, aged 2 years and 3 months.

Deep sympathy is felt by a large circle of friends for Mr. and Mrs. Tilney PADDON, in the death of their youngest child, a remarkably fine boy at the age of two years and three months. Whooping-cough attacked the child early in June of the present year. Inflammation of the lungs intervened, and after four months of suffering, and in spite of all that the skill and untiring attention of Drs. GREATHEAD and CHEW, and the most assiduous nursing, could do, the patient little sufferer passed away on Tuesday morning.

The funeral of the late Mrs. STANTON sen., who died yesterday morning, after a prolonged illness, took place this morning at 10 o’clock. An unusually large number of relations and friends followed the coffin, which was taken first to Trinity Church, where a short service was held by the Rev. A. PITT, and then the procession reformed and wended its mournful way to the Presbyterian Cemetery. At the grave the Revs. A. PITT and S.J. HELM were the officiating ministers. The pall bearers were Messrs. J. WEDDERBURN, A.S. WHITNALL sen., E.B. DRIVER, J.S. WILLCOX (Mayor) and Jno. WESTAWAY. The wreaths placed on the coffin were both numerous and handsome. The funeral was conducted by Mr. A. WILL with due decorum. The deceased lady was 71 years and 8 months of age.
[Transcriber’s Note: Deceased was born Mary Ann DICKS]

Saturday 20 October 1894

BIRTH at Grahamstown on October 15th 1894, the wife of Hedley WRIGHT of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown on October 15th 1894, Catherine Frances (born CUMMNG), beloved wife of Hedley WRIGHT, Solicitor, aged 25 years.

Mr. SCHUSTER, known in Pretoria as the founder of the local beer industry, has succumbed to the result of an accident at the Hospital. Mr. SCHUSTER trod on a broken bottle and had his foot cut most severely, some of the broken glass remaining in the wound. Medical attention was not summoned in time to extract this. Mr. SCHUSTER leaves a wife and family.

Tuesday 23 October 1894

BIRTH at Fort England, October 21st 1894, the wife of Rob’t WALTERS of a daughter.

DIED at Johannesburg on Friday 19th inst, of erysipelas, John Thornhill COOK, formerly of Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown, aged 60.

Thursday 25 October 1894

Salem and Farmerfield
Notice is hereby given that the District Surgeon will attend at Salem on Saturday 27th inst. at 11am for the purpose of vaccinating all who present themselves. Persons are warned that vaccination is COMPULSORY, and those not availing themselves of the opportunity will be liable to prosecution.
Grahamstown, 22nd October 1894

DIED at Grahamstown, October 23rd 1894, George PATERSON, aged 73 years, late of Glamis, Forfarshire, Scotland.

The sad news (says the Queenstown Free Press) was brought in to town on Friday last that young Mr. Edward HUGHES, second son of Mr. H.H. HUGHES, Field-cornet, Exonxa, had on Wednesday met with a terrible accident at the Kei Falls. The unfortunate young fellow had been seen, by some natives, falling from the highest point of the Falls on to a rocky ledge 30 feet lower and then bound off and fall another 60 feet down into the river. Friends of the family together with members of the Cape Police and C.M.R. were soon on the spot and a careful search was made for the body, which had last been seen floating in a large pool of water directly under the Falls. The surroundings of the Falls are of great grandeur, but terribly rugged and the pool in which the body was can only be approached, and then with great difficulty, from one side. The depth of the water too is estimated at over 25 feet. So that is not difficult to explain why the body was only recovered on Saturday evening. No explanation as to the cause of the accident is forthcoming.

A very painful sensation has been created throughout the Peninsula (says the Times) by the untimely and melancholy death of Miss Rykie HEROLD, only daughter of Mr. T.J. HEROLD, a farmer in the Stellenbosch district, but who has for some time been residing with her mother and other members of the family at Brent Villa, Observatory Road. Pending the inquest, which is to be opened on Monday, some mystery surrounds the event; but the main facts are only too clear. Miss HEROLD was found dead in her bed, having apparently died from exhaustion following upon child-birth, but under the bed, in a bath was discovered also the dead body of a newly-born infant, whose head had been nearly severed from its body, the act having apparently been committed by the deceased girl.

Saturday 27 October 1894

DIED at Grahamstown on Oct 27th 1894, William WEDDERBURN, in his 65th year.
The funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Prince Alfred Street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. All friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker

The BB are requested to attend the funeral of their late Bro. William WEDDERBURN, to meet at the Temple, Hill Street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. BB of sister lodges are invited to be present.
Usual mourning: aprons and jewels craped.
By order of the W.M.
Sec. 389
Grahamstown, Oct 27 1894

The death was announced this morning of the death of an old and much respected citizen, Mr. William WEDDERBURN, who expired at his residence, Prince Alfred Street, at the age of 65 years and 9 months, after a long illness. He had suffered for more than a year from an internal complaint, which assumed a more acute form some months ago, and confined him to his bed, where he lingered in extreme weakness, so that the end when it came was a release to the sufferer. Mr. WEDDERBURN was of an old Settler family, and was born here in 1828. He learned the trade of a turner under Mr. S.W. DELL, and when the war of 1846 broke out he became Orderly-Sergeant in the Grahamstown Volunteers, in which Mr. DELL was a Captain. In 1850 he became an officer in the Fingo levies, which were attached to the 12th Regiment, and was in all that war, doing good service, and taking part in one fight in the Fish River Bush. His principal duty was the convoy of cattle from Somerset East to this place, where they were delivered to Messrs. Cawood Bros., then contractors for the troops. The intervening country swarmed with rebels, and heavy losses were at times sustained, but the convoys under Mr. WEDDERBURN always arrived safely. He also for a time worked between Trumpeter’s and Peddie, convoying wagons. Great confidence was reposed in him, and at times he had command even when the post he was at was defended by regulars as well as levies. After the war Mr. WEDDERBURN went to Australia, where the gold discoveries had just been made, but had an unsuccessful time, and returned after about a year. He then engaged in the carrying trade, and subsequently settled down in Grahamstown as a forwarding agent, in which capacity his firm is well known throughout the Colony. Mr. WEDDERBURN’s wife was Miss WHITING, and their family was 10 in number, of whom 6 sons and 3 daughters survive. One of his sons is Postmaster at Kokstad, others are residing in Bloemfontein and other upcountry towns, and one is resident here. The deceased was a man of kindly disposition, and a general favourite. He was, like many other of our old citizens who are passing away, a perfect library of reference for information as to the former times. His loss will be regretted by a large circle of friends, who will join us in sympathy with the bereaved family.

Petrus J. COETZEE, of Pretorius & Co, Venterstad, shot himself with a Martini rifle on Tuesday afternoon in the village, the ball passing through the crown of the skull from under the lower jaw. It is assumed to be accidental. Much sympathy for bereaved parents. The verdict of the Court (says the Albert Times) after enquiry regarding Piet COETZEE’s death is that it was accidental.

Early on Friday morning during the heavy rains, which fell all night, a crime of the most horrible nature was perpetrated in the vicinity of West Hill. The only version of the sad affair we can obtain is as follows: At about 1 o’clock Mr. H.E. GADD A.R.M. was awakened, and saw his mother come into his room pointing to a tremendous gash in her forehead. She was speechless. He followed her, and on entering his father’s room found the poor gentleman lying senseless on the bed, badly hacked about the head, but still alive. No trace of the murderer was discovered at the time, but afterwards the marks of naked feet were traced by the Police up to the Queen Victoria Grove. Mr. J. GADD is lying in a precarious state, while scarcely any hopes are entertained of his wife’s recovery. Dr. GREATHEAD has sewn up the wounds, which are of a fearful character, and the lady is lying in a state of coma. The house in West Hill is a very long one, and Mr. H. GADD was sleeping in a separate part, and so knew nothing of the occurrence.
At about 2 o’clock Miss Ethel EDDIE, who was sleeping with her aunt, Mrs. CARLISLE, in Oatlands, was awakened and heard the sound of heavy breathing in her upstairs room. She lay still, and presently felt something laid on her feet. The something travelled up to her neck, which was firmly grasped by a rough hand, which attempted to strangle her. The plucky girl, who is only about 14 years of age, then struggled violently with her would-be murderer, and screamed loudly, awakening her aunt who was in the next room, and she striking a match came in. The man rushed downstairs, and the ladies heard him crash through the bow window out into the garden. They then threw up their window and called loudly for help. A policeman fortunately heard the cries and came, but could not find the man, although his naked footmarks were found and carefully measured. The foot is a well-formed one, and rather small in size. Miss EDDIE wondered at the assassin only clutching her with one hand, while he seemed to be feeling on the floor for something. This was afterwards explained when a blood-stained and murderous-looking chopper with a hook at one end was found under the bed. The murderer had evidently dropped this in the awful darkness, and was groping for it to kill the girl. It is surmised that this man was the same who was at Mr. GADD’s residence. Such crimes we often hear about as happening in America, and can scarcely credit the reports, but for such a thing to happen in our midst is an alarming thought for all citizens, for nobody is at that rate safe.
The police, who have been on the alert from the time of the committal of the crimes, yesterday morning captured a native near West Hill, who, on being confronted with the axe, owned that it was his property, but said that it was taken out of his tent, and later on a second native was arrested, and this morning a third was captured. Between the three of them, who appear to be working in conjunction with the Government water-borer, there is every possibility of getting to the bottom of the affair. We hear that one of the three states that the other two left the tent and were away all night with the axe. The three prisoners are remarkably young Kafirs. No matter can yet be discovered for the crime, beyond theft. The feet of the owner of the axe exactly fit the footprints.
Neither Mr. or Mrs. GADD is in a state to give any account of the man, but Mrs. CARLISLE says the man who entered her house spoke in Kafir and said “Missus” three times before absconding. The doctor says that the wounds correspond to the axe used as a weapon.
On enquiry this morning at 10 o’clock we learn that Mrs. GADD is worse, and that there is very little hope of recovery. Mr. GADD is not doing well, owing to weakness, though in itself his wound is not so dangerous, as it does not touch the brain.

Since writing the above we learn that the police have succeeded in getting clear evidence against the two men implicated, and in fact the links of proof are considered to be complete. It appears that the two were associated in both the crimes; the one whose name is given as Klaas was the one who actually committed the murderous assault on Mr. and Mrs. GADD. He had been engaged by Mr. GADD only the day before, to work at the house, and had done half a day’s work there, thus gaining a knowledge of the premises. The object of the crime, there is no doubt, was money. Having left Mr. GADD’s after the alarm was given, the two criminals proceeded to Mrs. CARLISLE’s. Here Klaas handed the cleaver to his companion, who says he was not till that time aware that Klaas had had it, or used it, and the companion entered Mrs. CARLISLE’s house with the same murderous intent, which was fortunately frustrated. This second villain, we believe, split upon Klaas, and with the evidence of the third man, who remained in the tent, the details of the matter will be completely revealed. We congratulate Capt. RYNEVELD on the skill and promptitude with which he has succeeded in laying hands on the perpetrators of this dreadful deed. They will be brought up for preliminary examination on Monday next.

Tuesday 30 October 1894

DIED on the evening of 29th October 1894, James PRAED, aged 86 years.
The funeral of the late Mr. PRAED will leave his late residence, Fort England, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half past 3; and Commemoration Church at 4 o’clock. All friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Today we chronicle the decease of Mr. James PRAED, an old citizen of Grahamstown, in his 86th year. The deceased’s relatives have our sincere sympathy.

At Johannesburg early on Saturday a young man named APPLEYARD was found dead in his bedroom with a revolver by his side. He had shot himself through the heart. He is understood to have been driven to commit the rash act through a heavy financial failure. He furthermore suffered from insomnia and a painful abscess. He left letters saying he intended to taking his life, and giving his reasons.

The Harrismith paper reports a fatality near Mill River on the 12th inst. Mr. William VAN ROOYEN went to a Kafir kraal for a bag of mealies, and was assisting a native with the filling of the bag when he was struck by lightning and instantly killed. When his body was fund, some time after the catastrophe had taken place, it was discovered that the neck was broken and one of the shoulder blades smashed. The dog of the deceased was lying dead at his late master’s side, and the kafir shortly recovered consciousness. A widow and two children are left completely unprovided for.

Many who hail from Grahamstown will, we (Star) are sure, regret to hear of the death of Mr. Daniel LOWE, who for 30 years or more was a resident of that city, and a tailor and outfitter of no mean repute. He had for some few years past resided in Basutoland, where he died on Wednesday of last week, at the good old age of 74. He was a man of sterling worth, and esteemed for the honesty of purpose and uprightness of character which always distinguished him. He leaves an extensive circle of friends and a large family to mourn their loss, one of whom, a son, is a resident of Johannesburg.

The preliminary examination of the two prisoners, Klaas THOMAS and Mannie WILLIAMS, for the attempted murder of Mr.and Mrs. GADD will be commenced this afternoon at 2:30pm. The prisoners will be examined on a charge of murder. We hear this morning that Mrs. GADD is still unconscious, and that Mr. GADD is not so well. In our last issue we attributed all the credit of the capture to the Town Police. It appears that they were working in conjunction with the Cape Police, and that to Mr. J.E. WOOD M.L.A. must be attributed the credit of first tracking the footprints of the assassins. We publish elsewhere the plan of the house where the action took place and we shall give a full account of the examination.......
[Transcriber’s Note: Continues for a further half column, but no with no new information of note.]

  • Hits: 1848