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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1894 09 September

Tuesday 4 September 1894

DIED at Grahamstown on Sept 3rd 1894, Sidney John Smithers INGRAM, aged 23 years and 5 months.

The Sisters of our local Convent are in mourning; they have lost one of their number. Sister Frances Xavier (or as the was commonly called, Sister Xavier) died on the 30th August after a short illness. The history of this Sister’s life is intimately bound up with the history of the Convent. Forty-two years ago a young lady paid a visit to St.Patrick’s Cathedral on Palm Sunday; she was immensely struck with all she witnessed there. .... The young lady, who was none other than the daughter of the Rev. John HEAVYSIDE, offered herself as a candidate in the infant Convent. Her life as a nun began in April 1850 and finished on the last of August 1894. Her life was rich in good works. In the fifties Rev. the late Bishop RICARDS founded the Colonist newspaper, and one of the most brilliant writers on the staff was Sister Xavier....

We regret to record the decease of Mr. Sidney INGRAM, second son of the late Mr. Thomas INGRAM, of this city, who had been suffering from a severe cold for about four weeks, but it was not until Sunday last that he was obliged to keep to his bed, to which he had been confined until a few days previously. He, however, became gradually worse, and notwithstanding the best medical attention, passed quietly away at 6 o’clock yesterday morning, the disease having led to pleurisy. His death at the early age of 23 years is a sad loss to a large circle of friends, with whom he was a warm favourite. In cricket circles he will also be missed, having been looked on as a promising young batsman. The bereaved relatives have our sincere condolence. The interment will take place this afternoon at 4 o’clock.

Thursday 6 September 1894

BIRTH at Butterworth Sept 5, the wife of Mr. Alfred R. STOCKS of a son.

DIED on 1st September 1894, at [Sandili] House, Uitenhage, Emily Freeland, the beloved wife of John Miller THORNTON, aged 37.

DIED at Grahamstown Sept 6th, Mrs. O’GRADY, aged 63 years. R.I.P.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late Residence, the Old Club, High Street, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

We have to record the death of Mrs. PRINCE, an old lady in Long [K...], who had attained the good old age of 103 years and 10 months. She appeared in her usual good health up to the day of her death, coming to dinner as usual and not complaining of even slight indisposition. The same evening she died. What was most remarkable in connection with this case was that Mrs. PRINCE had never had occasion to wear glasses.

Saturday 8 September 1894

DIED at Grahamstown Sept 8th 1894, William Henry SUCKOW, aged 28 years 1 month and 17 days, late Colour-Sergt. B.Co., First City Volunteers.
The funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Hodges Street. tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at a quarter to 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker.

The Bedford Enterprise records the death, at 59 years of age, of Mrs. GREEN, widow of the late Rev. G. GREEN of the Wesleyan Church. Some few months back Mrs. GREEN recovered from a protracted and dangerous illness, but did not gain her wonted health. Two or three weeks ago she was again confined to her bed with an attack of inflammation of the lungs, and though improving under treatment, a complication arose which somewhat unexpectedly caused her death on Sunday night, when she quietly passed away in her sleep.

Scarcely a day has passed of late without the deep tolling of the Cathedral bell chronicling the death of some member of our community. Yesterday Mrs. Susan KYTE, widow of Mr. R. KYTE, who died the other day, expired very suddenly, and this morning we hear of the death of Pvt. W. SUCKOW Jnr of the First City Volunteers. Deceased will be buried tomorrow afternoon with full military honours.

Tuesday 11 September 1894

DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Barkly East, Josiah George, aged 46 years, fourth son of the late Mr. J.S. GARDNER, of Grahamstown.

DIED at Grahamstown Sept 8th 1894, William Henry SUCKOW, aged 28 years 1 month and 17 days, late Colour-Sergt. B.Co., First City Volunteers.
The parents of the deceased tender their sincere thanks to Dr. FITZGERALD, Major TAMPLIN, Capt. MARSHALL, Lieut. BOOTH, Col. Sergts. NOAKES and KEEL, Very Rev. Dean HOLMES, Revs. NORTON and TURPIN, 1st City Volunteers, and many friends for their kindness to their dear son in his long and painful illness.
[Transcriber’s Note: There is a paragraph under the heading MILITARY FUNERAL on the same page which is difficult to read, but appears to mention most of those listed in the Thanks above as having been present at William SUCKOW’s funeral]

The Barkly East Reporter records the death of a little girl, the daughter of Mr. Jacobus VORSTER, from lockjaw. The unfortunate child managed to run a splinter into her knee whilst playing, with the result that, in spite of the best medical care, lockjaw set in with fatal results.

Thursday 13 September 1894

DIED on the 17th August 1894 at [Talla], British Protectorate, Henry HARMAN of Marlow, South African Republic.

PASSED AWAY at Port Alfred on 8th Sept, at half past two, Eliza Jane, beloved wife of W. FINN, aged 62 years 2 months and six days; deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
“Happy is the soul that parts from the body believing in Jesus Christ”.
The husband of the above desires to tender his sincere thanks to all kind friends who assisted him during the illness of his beloved wife, especially Mrs. SLOLEY (his niece) from East London.
All friends please accept this notice.

We regret to hear of the sad bereavement sustained by Mr. W. FINN of Port Alfred, in the death of his beloved wife on Saturday last. Deceased was 62 years and two months of age, and is deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends. Little need be said about her spiritual life, as the following lines at the foot of the death notice speak their own testimony: “Happy is the soul that parts from the body believing in Jesus Christ”.

At Buluwayo on Sept 8th, Captain HEYMAN R.M. was married to Mrs. ALEXANDER at the Mission Station, Hopetounpan. The wedding was private. Mrs. ALEXANDER is well known in this city, where she was long resident, being a daughter of our esteemed fellow-citizen, Rev. W. IMPEY.

Saturday 15 September 1894

A guard in the Kimberley gaol named Charles WOOD committed suicide the other night, having six shots at his head, three taking effect. No reason is known why WOOD took this step, though close beside him was found a slip of paper with the words “a wasted life”. WOOD was quiet, unassuming, highly respected, and a few minutes before shooting himself seemed in his usual spirits.

[Transcriber’s Note: There is a report in this issue of the death of a carpenter named JENKINS in an accident in the De Beers Mine, but his first name and any further details are totally obscured due to fading away of all text on the right hand side.]

Tuesday 18 September 1894

On the 12th inst at St.George’s Cathedral, by the Rev. J. Lowther Hodgson BA, Martin Edward, eldest son of the late Hugh Munro MACKENZIE Esq. J.P., of Distington, Cumberland, to Amy Elizabeth, second daughter of Major R.A. NESBITT, late Cape Mounted Riflemen.

On Wednesday last St.George’s Cathedral was the scene of a fashionable wedding, the occasion being the marriage of Miss Amy E. NESBITT, second daughter of our old friend and fellow citizen, Major R.A. NESBITT, to Mr. Martin E. MACKENZIE of Port Elizabeth, eldest son of the late Hugh M. MACKENZIE Esq. J.P., of Distington, Cumberland. The ceremony, which commenced at 12 o’clock, was performed by the Rev. J.L. HODGSON BA, and was witnessed by a crowd of friends and guests, who afterwards adjourned to the residence of the bride’s father. The bride, who looked very charming, was dressed in a costume of flowered silk, with veil and wreath complete, carried a beautiful bouquet, and was given away by her father. The bridesmaid was Miss Mabel NESBITT, sister to the bride, while the bridegroom was ably seconded by Mr. Percy JONES, also of Port Elizabeth. After the service was over the happy couple left the church to the grand old strains of the Wedding March, played by the organist, Mr. W. DEANS, and that afternoon left by train for Port Alfred. We join with a host of friends and relatives in wishing them every happiness and success in life.

Thursday 20 September 1894

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sept 16th 1894, the wife of Mr. Henry LAWRANCE of a daughter.

MARRIED at the Wesleyan Church, West Hill, on Thursday 20th Sept by the Rev. T. Chubb BA, President of the Wesleyan Conference, Henry Richard WOOD, 5th son of the late Hon. Geo. WOOD M.L.C., to Anna Mildred, second daughter of Mr. Josiah SLATER.

The marriage of henry R. WOOD Esq, of this City, to Miss Anna Mildred SLATER, was solemnised at the Wesleyan Church, West Hill, this morning. The Rev. Theo. CHUBB BA, President of the Wesleyan Conference, officiated. The little church was filled with friends and spectators; and the bride, in a robe of cream silk, was very charming. The choir under the direction of Mr. John WEDDERBURN sang the hymn “The voice that breathed o’er Eden”, and at the close of the ceremony the organist, [Mrs.] COGAN, executed the Wedding March. Both the bride and bridegroom have been connected with West Hill Church through taking part in the work of the Sunday School there; and among many beautiful tokens of regard which the bride received, none will be more appreciated than an address presented by the boys of her Sunday School Class, and a handsome silver cruet stand from the School generally. A photograph of the bridal pair was taken after their return from the ceremony, by the skilful hand of Mr. [JEANES]. After refreshments they left for Fort Beaufort on their way to the Katberg, where a portion of the honeymoon will be spent.

The death is announced of Mr. J.C.B. SERRURIER, Registrar of the Supreme Court. Mr. SERRURIER had been 46 years in the public service. He was admitted as notary public on the 31st Mat 1848; was appointed translator to the Supreme Court on the 1st June of the same year; admitted as attorney on the 3rd August 1848; appointed as interpreter May 1st 1856; Assistant Registrar in January 1868; and as Registrar in March 1878.

The Free Press says: Mr. J.F. FISHER, a very old and respected resident, died at his residence in Queenstown on Wednesday last, in his 76th year. Mr. FISHER was a chemist by profession. He had been ailing for many years, and his death, though sudden, did not come unexpectedly. The funeral, which took place on Thursday, was well attended. The late Mr. FISHER was of a very kindly disposition, and was well liked by all who came into contact with him. He was formerly a resident in Grahamstown, and had for some years the appointment of Superintendent of the Albany General Hospital.

Saturday 22 September 1894

Johannes SALEM, convicted at the last Criminal Sessions of the crimes of rape and murder at De Beers, and sentenced to death, was executed within the precincts of New Gaol, Kimberley, on Monday morning at 8 o’clock.

Thursday 27 September 1894

DIED at Grahamstown, Sept. 27th, Edna Neville LAWRANCE, infant daughter of mr. and Mrs. Henry LAWRANCE, aged 10 days.

This long-expected event in aid of the Convent Mission came off in the Town Hall last evening, and turned out to be a very grand success in every way, as the subjoined list of most of those present will testify. Never before can we remember seeing the Hall so tastefully decorated, and the Hon. Sec. Miss CURTAIN and her able Committee, Misses DOYLE, TRIBE and FOX, are to be congratulated on bringing everything to such a successful issue. The refreshments supplied were abundant and beautifully laid out in the Supper Room adjoining the Hall. The Mayor kindly officiated as M.C., and by his tact and genial bearing contributed largely to the enjoyment of the evening. The juveniles held the boards until 10 o’clock, after which time they made room for their elders, who kept up the dancing till about 1 o’clock. The costumes all looked very pretty, and it is difficult to discriminate, but the palm must be awarded to Miss Maggie HAGEMEYER as Monte Carlo. Some 300 couples were present dancing, and the gallery was filled to suffocation. The proceeds amounted to about £50. Appended is the list of those present as far as we could ascertain:-
Miss Katie BROWN – Gipsy Girl
Miss Amy WILLCOX – Duchess of Devonshire
Miss Nora WILLCOX – Forget-me-not
Miss G. HOLMAN – Tra-ra-tra
Miss A. LAMB – Lottie Collins
Miss May [NEET] -Rule Britannia
Miss Edith BRADLEY – Comin’ through the Rye
Miss Cecile BROPHY – Neapolitan Fish Wife
Miss Ethel GIBSON – Only a Basket of Flowers
Miss Charlotte WHITE – School Girl
Miss Hortense STACK – Breton Woman
Miss Mildred WHITNALL – Peruvian Peasant
Miss Amy STONE – Ivy
Miss Maggie HAGEMEYER – Monte Carlo
Miss Nellie GRANT – HMS Britannia
Miss Mabel HUTCHSON – Perdita
Miss M. CARTWRIGHT – My Sweetheart
Miss Lilian HUTCHISON – Incroyable
Miss Fanny GROSSMAN – Swiss Peasant
Miss Lucy LAMB – Queen of the Roses
Miss T. DAFFY – La Prima Bellarina
Miss M. LAMB – Grace Darling
Miss May SOLOMON – Greek Girl
Miss Florence RICHARDSON - [Gleaner]
Miss Elsie RICHARDSON - Swiss Peasant
Miss M. SOUTTER – Where are you going my Pretty Maid?
Miss Ethel DETTMER – My Sweetheart
Miss Mabel BOWEN – Patience
Miss Milly SELBY – England
Miss Alice BOWER - Fishwife
Miss Ethel McARTHUR – Snow
Miss E. DEARY – Scotch Girl
Miss Emily MORRIS - Buttercup
Miss Nellie O’CONNOR – La Marguerite
Miss Kate AHERN – Italian Peasant
Miss Maggie DEARY – Incroyable
Miss M. BOWEN – Queen Guinevere
Miss M. AHEARN – Maid of Erin
Miss M. CARTWRIGHT – Swiss Peasant
Miss R. WILLCOX – Snowdrop
Miss F. KING – Forget-me-not
Miss M. BURROWS – Hope
Miss Elise GOUGH – Peace
Miss M. SMITH – Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
Miss L .MACNAMARA – Spring
Miss Mary SCAER – French Peasant
Miss Florence MORRIS - Summer
Miss Maggie WALSH – do.
Miss R. BOWEN – Tina, My Sweetheart
Miss Letty PEARCE – Snow Queen
Miss Theresa LYNCH – Queen of Roses
Miss M. QUIRK – Evening
Miss Ruby SCAER – Little Red Riding Hood
Miss Mary CURRIE – Danish Princess
Miss R. HARRIS – Christmas
Miss Lily WRIGHT – Flower Girl
Miss Maud AHERN – Moon
Miss V. MORRIS – Golden Butterfly
Miss A. QUIRK – Starlight
Miss M. FINN – Ophelia
Miss D. HEATHCOTE – French Peasant
Miss G. SOUTTER – Red Riding Hood
Miss Mary PEARCE – Spring Flowers
Miss F. [SOUTTER] – Spring
Miss Edith ANSLEY – Flower Girl
Miss [K]. DICKS – Forget-me-not
Miss L. LYNCH – do.
Miss [R]. ROBERTSON – Summer
Miss A. SULLIVAN – Comin’ through the Rye
Master Willie CURTIS – King Canute
Master H. MEYER – Folly
Master B. TRIBE- Cyclist
Master Alfred LAMB – Sir Walter Raleigh
Master B. QUICK – Sailor Boy
Master W. DOYLE – [do.]
Master G. DAY – Gipsy
Master H. FYNN – French Peasant
Master H. HEATHCOTE – Hamlet
Master Jas. SCAER – Lord Fauntleroy
Master W. ROBERTSON -Step Dancer

Saturday 29 September 1894

BIRTH at Grahamstown Sept 29th 1894, the wife of Mr. J.S. WILLCOX of a son.

The other day a man named POWELL, a boatman at Port Elizabeth, whilst stepping from a tug to the jetty, missed his footing and was drowned. There was a heavy sea running at the time.


  • Hits: 1781