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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1895 01 January

Thursday 3 January 1895

BIRTH on 31st December 1894, the wife of the Rev. A.T. RHODES of a son.

At St.Patrick’s Cathedral on January 3rd 1895, Robert Samuel TRIBE, second son of Mr. Edward TRIBE, to Mary Laura REEVE, second daughter of Mr. William REEVE, both of Grahamstown. No cards.

DIED at Frere Villa, Beaufort Street, 31st December 1894, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of C.R. GOWIE, aged 71 years and 9 months.

DIED at Goosha, District of Peddie, December 15th 1894, Ida Florence, the youngest and dearly beloved daughter of William and Fanny WESSON, aged 3 years 3 months and 26 days.
Lost awhile our treasured love
Gained for ever safe above

DIED in Grahamstown, 3rd January, Kate, beloved wife of William L.H. BROOKS, aged 34 years.
The Funeral will leave her husband’s residence in Beaufort Street tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock.
A. WILL, Undertaker

We regret to announce the death of Mrs. BROOKS, wife of our fellow-citizen Mr. W.H. BROOKS, who died at about 11 o’clock this morning. We learn that the doctors performed an operation on the deceased lady, which was successful, but that she died from exhaustion. The funeral will leave the residence in Beaufort Street tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock, and the coffin will be carried from the hearse to the grave by member of the Sons of England, of which Society Mr. BROOKS is President.

On Friday evening news [was] received in Port Elizabeth that Mr. John CONSTABLE, the well known and popular proprietor of Algoa House Hotel, had been fatally injured by a gun accident while hunting, and expired that afternoon.

We are very sorry to hear of the decease of John HUGHES Esq, formerly Mayor of Somerset East, and much respected citizen of that town. Particulars have not yet reached us, but we offer our sympathy to the bereaved widow and family.


This morning at St.George’s Cathedral, the Bishop, assisted by the Dean, united in wedlock Mr. J.J. RHODES of Kimberley and Miss Amy POTE, daughter of Mr. peter POTE. The bride, who looked charming, was dressed in white silk, and was attended by her sisters, Misses Jessie and Rosie POTE, who were dressed in cream crepon, trimmed with yellow, the former carrying a shower bouquet. Mr. Harry POTE performed the giving away ceremony, and the best men were Messrs. Frank CROXFORD and Peter POTE.

At St.Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral this morning, Miss Clemence Mary WILMOT, daughter of the Hon. A. WILMOT M.L.C., was married to Mr. Henry R. GETHIN of Johannesburg by the Rev. Father HANTON. The bridesmaids were Miss Lulu, Alice, Florence and Rita WILMOT, and the best man was Mr. ATHORP, late of the Standard Bank. The blushing bride was given away by her father in the usual manner, and looked very sweet in a rich dress of white satin, with wreaths and veil. The bridesmaids were dressed in becoming costumes of floating Indian muslin, with hats trimmed in pink, and carried bouquets of pink flowers and fern. The Church was crowded with friends and relatives.

This morning at St.Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral, Mr. R.S. TRIBE, for many years connected with the Journal Office, entered into the blissful state of matrimony with Miss Mary REEVE, also of this city. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father HANTON, and was witnessed by a large congregation. Miss Flossie REEVE, sister of the bride, was a pretty bridesmaid, while Mr. Ben. TRIBE ably seconded his brother as best man. The bride wore a dress of cream nun’s cloth, with cream pongee sleeves, yolk and sash, and a cream silk lace hat, trimmed with ostrich feathers. The bridesmaid wore a cream serge dress, trimmed with mauve, and a white lace hat and mauve flowers. The bride was given away by her father.

To each of the above three couples we tender our heartiest wishes for a happy and prosperous life, and a peaceful voyage over life’s ocean.

This esteemed lady, who has for the last eighteen months been in ill health, and whose decease has been of late daily imminent, did not see the New Year dawn. She died on Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, the procession starting from Frere Villa, Beaufort Street, and making its way to the Wesleyan Cemetery. The coffin was a very handsome one, and bore an inscription stating the age of the deceased, which was 71 years and 9 months. The pall bearers were Messrs John E. WOOD M.L.A., R. AYLIFF, Hon. W. AYLIFF and J. SLATER. The funeral service was conducted by the Revs. T. CHUBB and W.F. EVANS. A number of beautiful wreaths were placed by friends upon the coffin.

Saturday 5 January 1895

Mr. VAN PLASTER, a well known farmer near Thaba ‘Nchu, has been thrown out of his cart at Abraham’s Kraal and killed.

Tuesday 8 January 1895

BIRTH at “Lieuwfontein” on 31st December 1894, the wife of D.W. JOHNSON of a son.

MARRIED on the 3rd January 1895 at St.George’s Cathedral by the Right Revd. The Bishop, assisted by the Very reverend Dean of Grahamstown, J.J. George RHODES, of Kimberley, to Amy Langford POTE, daughter of Peter POTE Esq.

MARRIED at St.Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral by the Rev. Father Hanton, assisted by Father Barthelemy, Henry Richard GETHIN, of Johannesburg, to Clemence Mary, second daughter of the Hon. A. WILMOT M.L.C., on Thursday January 3rd 1895.

DIED at Grahamstown, January 7th 1895, George STROKES, aged 46 years.

The Budget, in an obituary of the late Mr. HUGHES, says: Over 40 years ago he first arrived in Somerset, and for some time managed the old established business of Messrs. Joseph & Co. Young and full of energy, he identified himself with all the institutions of the place. He was held in universal esteem, and on the formation of the first Somerset Cavalry Volunteer Corps, became appointed Captain. Few of this old corps remain, but we understand two of the old veterans followed in the funeral cortege of their old Captain.
An enthusiastic cricketer, he captained the Somerset team for some years, and there may be some still left who read these [lines] able to recall the hard-fought [illegible] of the old club.
For [20] years he held the position of Town Clerk, enjoying the [illegible] of the people but of the various members of the Municipality, elected from time to time. Resigning his position a few years ago, he was elected a Commissioner, his intimate knowledge of Municipal affairs standing him in good stead in this capacity. Conscientious and trustworthy, he had the confidence of the members of the Board, who on more than [one] occasion elected him as Mayor, a position which he occupied at the time of his lamented decease. Where ways and means were close, his vote was always given for measures advancing the interests of the town. He was, however, opposed to [schemes] entailing taxation likely to prove a burden to the poor of the community.
For [25] years he held the position of Secretary to the Divisional Council, and Road Inspector. Two months ago these duties were separated, and in recognition of his long and faithful service, the Council presented him with a [illegible] and augmented his salary as Secretary.
The old Agricultural Society had in him a devoted Secretary, and where the farming interests were concerned he always took a lively part, also in the establishment of the Gill College and Public Library. In fact, every Institution in Somerset East had in him a strenuous worker and liberal supporter.
There are few in the district who will not miss his presence at Nachtmaal time. For 31 years he presided as organist of the Dutch Reformed Church, but henceforth the fine old instrument of the church must respond to the touch of another hand.
The funeral took place on Friday 28th inst and was largely attended by all classes, including members of the Divisional Council and Municipality, also the elders and committee of the Presbyterian church. The Rev. Mr. HOFMEYR conducted the service at his residence, and the Rev. Mr. LEITH in the Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. HUGHES was an elder. A touching incident at the funeral was the spontaneous attendance of many old natives, who lose in Mr. HUGHES a staunch friend and advocate. A funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. LEITH on Sunday morning.

Mr. William Coventry OAK, Manager of the Kaffrarian Bank, Kingston, succumbed on Thursday night (says a contemporary) to injuries received a few weeks ago through a match igniting his nightgown.

Thursday 10 January 1895

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 4th Jan 1895, Mrs. Barclay SHAND of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown, January 7th 1895, George BURGESS, aged 46 years.

At [E....], Natal on Monday 24th December there passed away, at the ripe old age of 86, an old [illegible] in the person of Mr. SCHEEPERS, one of the many who arrived by wagon in the Colony 56 years ago. He was one of the few survivors of the massacres that took place in this country about that time, and would have attended the meeting at Moord Spruit on Dingaan’s Day, but was too old and infirm.

Saturday 12 January 1895

Married at Molteno Jan 9th by the Rev. J.E. Paterson, James Landless BROTHERTON, third son of the Rev. H. BROTHERTON of Port Alfred, to Alice Mary KING, second daughter of Mr. J.W. KING J.P., of King’s Glen, and granddaughter of the late Hon. Samuel CAWOOD.

A mounted policeman named John SWARTS was bringing a prisoner into Johannesburg from Langlaagte, when by some means he fell from his horse, and his head is so frightfully injured, supposed by the horse’s kicking, that he died Monday afternoon.

The will (dated the 23rd October 1894) of Robert STANTON, of Grahamstown, was filed on the 27th December 1894 by his sons, James, William Edward and Arthur. To the last named he bequeaths certain lots of ground situated in Grahamstown; to Olive Mary POULTON, £100, to be paid in monthly intalments of £5; should she marry before the whole sum of £100 has been paid, the whole residue must be handed over to her in one lump sum. To Eliza Jane GARDINER he leaves £72, to be paid in monthly intalments of £8. The testator directs that as soon as possible after his decease his cottage in Carlisle Street, Grahamstown, shall be put in a proper state of repair, and that his sister Caroline CALDER shall be allowed its free use during her lifetime; the executors also being directed to pay her £6 per month. At her death the money, which has been set aside to pay for the annuity, must revert to the general estate. The residue of the testator’s property is to be divided equally between the children, namely James, Elizabeth, Robert, William Edward, Dinah Jane, Sarah Maria and the children of the testator’s late daughter Louisa Jane; the children inheriting their mother’s portion. Under a codicil dated the 19th November 1894 the testator directs that the children of his late daughter shall receive £12 per annum each until they attain their majority, when the balance of capital and interest must be paid out to them. -Argus.

Tuesday 15 January 1895

Dental Surgeon
Begs to intimate that he has removed from Mr. PAGE Jun.’s to Hill Street, just about opposite Albany Drill Hall, where he can be consulted as usual.

As from the 1st day of January 1895 the business hitherto carried on under the style or firm of COPELAND & CREED will be carried on under the style of T. BIRCH & Co, who will pay all the liabilities and receive all the accounts of the aforesaid firm of COPELAND & CREED.

The jubilee of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas TARR was celebrated at their residence at Clumber on January 3rd. There was a large gathering of relations and friends. Everybody seemed to be in the best health and spirits, and a thoroughly enjoyable day was spent. At the conclusion of the sumptuous repast provided by the venerable host and hostess, speeches of congratulation and reminiscence were given by the Rev. J.R. SAUNDERS and Mr. Enos TIMM. Interesting addresses were read from the parents to the children, and the children to the parents, in which it was stated that Mr. and Mrs. TARR had been blest with 13 children, all of whom are living and married. There are also 72 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren, making a total of 98 living descendants. The reading of some verses, written for the occasion by Mr. Job TIMM, caused great enjoyment, especially to one named in the second verse. The lines are as follows:-
Oft when I’m thinking I heave a big sigh,
When I look o’er my life in years now gone by,
When forests abounded with honey and game,
And I think of the three who gained public fame.
How I listened at dawn’s earliest hours,
After the fall of some copious showers,
Till the sound of the rifle gave the warning
That “Tommy” was here, ‘ere daylight was dawning.
I think of the joy when meeting our friend,
Knowing on him we could always depend,
Each getting ready to start on our rounds,
Loading our rifles and calling the hounds.
And I think how we crept beneath the low trees,
As we moved along slowly, oft on our knees,
Tracing the spoor as we went on our way
Through wearying hours on a hot summer’s day.
I think how we rushed when the dogs gave a bound,
How we list to the bark, that glad welcome sound,
I think how each hunter was eager to gain
First view of the beast, though often in vain.
I think of the beast as he charges around,
I think of him, too, lying dead on the ground.
Then with what rapture we hacked at our game,
Adding fresh laurels to the three hunters’ fame.
Then I think of the chat at the evening meal,
The friendship of each for each other we feel,
I think how we pledged for each other to stand,
When bidding farewell with a shake of the hand.
I think of the three, all fearless and bold,
I think of them now, growing feeble and old,
When I think of it all, I heave a long sigh;
Yes, I think of the past forever gone by.

Thursday 17 January 1895

The Cape Times says: Another young life has been sacrificed to the abominable drainage arrangements of this city. Yesterday a daughter of the late Dr. SHAW was carried to her last resting place at Maitland, a girl whose sweetness of disposition endeared her not only to her family but to her teachers and schoolfellows in most equal degree. The typhoid fever which caused her death was directly traceable to the emanations from a drain trap which has been a frequent cause of complaint.

Saturday 19 January 1895

BIRTH, January 17th, the wife of Fred’k. M. WEIGHILL of a daughter.

An accident of a shocking nature occurred on Saturday at Port Elizabeth (says the Telegraph) by which an employee of the Harbour Board, named David WARRIKER, aged 19, lost his life. It appears that the deceased was working at a revolving crane, which stands on a trolley. He attempted to catch hold of the pulley chain whilst the crane was in the act of revolving, when the upper table of the crane caught his head, jamming it between the side of the crane and the trolley. His head was completely smashed and he died within a few minutes.

A sad accident happened on Monday. A party of girls went to bathe in Cagmane Kloof, near Montagu, when two of them - Maria BATT and Maria LANDSMAN – both eighteen, got into one of the deep holes occasioned by the recent floods and seizing hold each other were both drowned.

We(Telegraph) regret to record the death at the early age of fifteen years and six months of Mr. Frank WESTBURY of Uitenhage. He had been for a picnic with a party of young men to Van Staaden’s river mouth during the New Year holidays, where he took a chill, being a little run down with the strain of business. He was alas brought home to die, which event has cast a gloom over a large circle of friends, as he was loved by everybody. His remains were followed to the grave by the children of the Wesleyan Sunday-school, who sang “Shall we gather at the River” at the grave side. Audible sobs on all sides were heard at intervals during the funeral service, which was conducted by the Rev. Mr. CAWOOD.

A lad named SULLIVAN, son of a Maritzburg jeweller, was practising on Monday on one of the ropes of the gymnasium at the Government school when the rope broke and he fell on his head. He died shortly afterwards.

Tuesday 22 January 1895

FELL ASLEEP on the 20th January 1895 at “Oaks”, Somerset-street, Grahamstown, Doris Ellen Brownlee, daughter of William and Kate WALKER, aged 1 year.

A grand wedding took place at the Dutch Reformed Church, Cradock, yesterday, the contacting parties being Miss SCHOEMAN and Mr. LOMBAARD. The bride wore a costly white satin dress, the train of which was held by two pages, and there were eight or ten little bridesmaids in attendance, who, on the bride’s emerging from the church after the ceremony, strewed flowers on her path. The Town Hall had been taken as a place of reception for the numerous guests and friends, and it was nicely arranged and fitted up, the presents being also displayed there on a side table. The bride’s parents being wealthy, no expense appears to have been spared, and the wedding has attracted more attention than any at Cradock for years past.

Thursday 24 January 1895

A very sad death by drowning occurred at the North-End beach on Sunday morning. It has for years been the practice in fine weather for owners of horses to swim the animals on a Sunday morning, at which time there are invariably a good many boys swimming or skylarking about the beach. The owner of a number of horses, Mr. RUDOLPH, sent his horses in, in charge of his own servants, for a swim as usual. Young Jas. TANDY must have got leave from one of the lads in charge to swim one of the horses, for the evidence goes to show that he mounted the animal and rode far out into the surf, little thinking of the danger he incurred if a wave heavier than usual should strike the animal. Suddenly a big wave struck both boy and horse, and he instantly fell and disappeared. The alarm was given, and other boys rushed into the water, but to no avail. About twenty minutes afterwards the body was washed ashore.

A son of Mr. Chas. MATTERSON, eight years old, climbed an electric light pole at the Rand and caught hold of the wires, which were only partly insulated. The youngster received such a severe shock that he fell to the ground insensible. He was much hurt and his hand badly bruised.

Rarely before have we seen such a crowd of friends and spectators at a marriage ceremony as was assembled this morning at the Baptist Church to see the uniting together of Miss Mabel WILLCOX, second daughter of our esteemed and popular Mayor, J.S. WILLCOX Esq, with Mr. Alfred HENY of Messrs. E. Wells & Co. The church was packed from end to end downstairs, and even upstairs in the gallery. Mr. MOISTER presided at the organ, and when the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. G.W. CROSS, pastor of the Church, commenced, that grand old hymn “The voice that breathed o’er Eden” was rolled out by a full choir, nearly everyone in the Church joining in the sweet refrain. At 11:30 the blushing bride, who, of course, looked charming, entered the Church leaning on the arm of her father, where the expectant bridegroom, ably supported by Mr. H.J. HEMMING, was awaiting their coming. Miss Beatrice WILLCOX made a very pretty bridesmaid, dressed in cream, relieved with light blue, and conducted the [several] little flower girls in pale blue dresses and white hats, carrying white staves with bouquets fastened on top. The bride’s dress was of white silk with wreath and veil, and was trimmed with orange blossom. She carried a splendid shower bouquet of white flower and fern. At the conclusion of the ceremony, as the happy couple left the Church, they were greeted with showers of rice from the hands of their friends. The wedding equipages were provided by Mr. G.W. GOUGH, of the Livery Stables, and were quite up to date. The newly married couple, and all their guests, adjourned to the Mayoral residence, where they sat down to breakfast, and where the usual toasts were given and honoured. As we write, the merry peal of the bells is ringing out wishes for a prosperous and happy life, and we can only, in conclusion, add our most hearty wishes to the young couple.

Saturday 26 January 1895

MARRIED at the Baptist Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. G.W. Cross, on the 24th Jan 1895, A.W. HENY, son of W. HENY Esq, Attorney-at-Law, Duffield, near Derby, England, to Mabel S. WILLCOX, third daughter of JS. WILLCOX Esq. J.P., Mayor of Grahamstown.

DIED at Grahamstown Jan 26th 1895, Clara KEEL, aged 19 years.
The Funeral of the late Miss KEEL will meet at the Baptist Church, Bathurst Street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at a quarter to 4 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

On Saturday afternoon a daughter of a farmer named JAMES was killed by lightning at the homestead of NEL, [Blignanieport], Griqualand West. Mrs. NEL was also affected by the shock, but is recovering.

Tuesday 29 January 1895

We regret most sincerely to record the sad death of Miss Clara KEEL, who died in the Albany Hospital from typhoid fever on Saturday morning last. It is supposed she contracted the fever in carefully nursing her mother, who, it will be remembered, died lately from the same fell fever. On Sunday afternoon the body was followed to the grave by the scholars of the Baptist Sunday School, of which the deceased young lady was a valued teacher. The coffin was of pure white and silver-mounted, and the service in the Schoolroom was conducted by the Rev. G.W. CROSS, special reference being made to the last words and experiences of the deceased. The pall bearers were Misses Minnie SMITH, Elsie RICHARDSON, Jessie and Bessie PAUL, Ethel SHORT and Ethel WEBBER. Mr. Geo. KEEL, the brother of the deceased, and only relative in the Colony, was the chief mourner, and Major TAMPLIN M.L.A. and Capt. SAUNDERS of the 1st City [..], of which Mr. KEEL is Colour-Sergeant, followed in the procession. At the grave the Rev. A. PITT assisted in the service. Many and beautiful were the wreaths laid on the coffin. Mr. A. WILL conducted the ceremony.

Thursday 31 January 1895

BIRTH at Oatlands on Wednesday Jan 30th, the wife of Tilney E. PADDON of a daughter.

The marriage of Miss KING, daughter of J.W. KING Esq, of King’s Glen, to Mr. James BROTHERTON, formerly of Alice, was celebrated in the Wesleyan Church, Molteno, this week.

On Saturday morning a guard in the employ of De Beers Consolidated Mines, named James B. MORRIS, killed himself by falling from the scaffolding round the buildings in connection with the new crushing machinery. At the inquest G.R. SMITH, a municipal constable, stated that he had known deceased for about 18 months. They were in the Cape Police together. Two or three months ago he attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat. Deceased told him that he had a sunstroke in India. He was always peculiar in manner. The Magistrate returned a verdict that deceased committed suicide while of unsound mind.

  • Hits: 1858