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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1895 02 February

Saturday 2 February 1895

BIRTH at Melrose Villa, Grahamstown, on Friday the 1st February 1895, the wife of George H.B. SHAW of a son.

We deeply regret to hear that a few days ago the infant son of the Rev. Chas. And Mrs. PETTMAN, of Capetown, and formerly of Grahamstown, by some means got into the fire and was severely burned, and subsequently died.

Thursday 7 February 1895

PASSED AWAY at Queenstown, Annie Jane FOX, the beloved wife of G.E. FOX, and eldest daughter of the late Edward LOWDEN.

Saturday 9 February 1895

MARRIED on the 6th instant at St.George’s Cathedral, by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, Herbert Charles, son of the late Herbert ALLEN, of Cardiff, to Harriette Louisa, youngest daughter of the late Rev. J. LARDNER-BURKE LLD, of Rutland Square, Dublin.

DIED at Kasouga on February 8th 1895, George FORD, of Manley’s Flat, aged 73 years and 11 months.

Tuesday 12 February 1895

The death took place on Jan 6th in London of Mr. Michael BENJAMIN, late of Grahamstown. Mr. BENJAMIN, who was 72 years of age, was formerly the head of the important and prosperous firm of Benjamin Bros. of Grahamstown. He was president of the Hebrew Congregation in Capetown, in 1859, on the arrival of the Rev. J. RABINOWITZ, and was (the Argus says) a large-minded and liberal member of his community.

On Sunday morning the remains of Mr. George FORD were followed to the grave at Southwell by a number of friends and relations, including Messrs. Robert WEBBER and Stephen SMITH of Grahamstown. The deceased gentleman was a son of one of the British Settlers of 1820, being 73 years of age. His father was the head of FORD’s Party, who settled at Manley’s Flats, and he was born in Albany, but resided for the last 14 or 15 years at Manley’s Flats, testimony being borne to his popularity and genial character by all his neighbours. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.R. BRUCE of Southwell. The chief mourners were the four sons and one daughter of the deceased. The coffin was the work of Mr. A. WILL of this city.

[Transcriber’s Note: The following lengthy extract was transcribed by Warren THACKWRAY and concerns a court case mentioning two sons of Benjamin Mortimer THACKWRAY, James Mortimer and Ernest Benjamin]

Eastern District's Court
Tuesday, February 5th
This was a claim for the sum of £38. 15s, which the plaintiff alleged, to be due to him as a balance of wages for working as a wagoner for the defendant.
The defendant denied any wages were due beyond what had been paid.
Mr. KING was for the plaintiff, and Solicitor-General for the defendant.
The plaintiff being called stated:
He was hired by the defendant at Vryburg in April 1892 at £3 per month. He went to Fort Salisbury with his wagon. There were two wagons - one driven by him. The other wagon was driven by another native, who ran away because he was beaten. They got to Salisbury on the 6th July 1892. He remained in the defendant's employment until January 1893, driving the wagon about to Umtali and other places. He always drove the same wagon. The defendant sent him off on the journeys, and the younger brother of the defendant accompanied him. After December 1892 he left for Johannesburg in the same wagon. Ernest THACKWRAY was with him, Mortimer sent him. He said nothing about his wages, he paid him nothing at the time he left, but had given him £10 for 1892. He gave him this at Salisbury, this was before he went to Umtali. At Johannesburg, they carried timber to where the machines were working. He left there after 2 months and went back to Salisbury in the same wagon, arriving there in September 1893, Ernest was with him. Plaintiff was in Mortimer THACKWRAY's employ, and looked to him for his wages. He asked him for his money on returning to Salisbury, and he was told to wait. WEBB then arrived, and THACKWRAY lent witness to him; and he went in WEBB's wagon to Chimolo. He said that WEBB would pay him for the work, and he did so. He was with him for three months and he gave him £12. After that defendant lent witness to PALMER, and he stayed with him a month and a half. He drove PALMER's wagon and was paid by him.
After that, he went back to THACKWRAY at Salisbury and drove his two wagons. He stayed with him until he left Salisbury. They made no fresh agreement. Defendant sent witness out. His brother was not there. Witness carried building materials in defendant's wagon. He got no money for this. Defendant "used to" tell him he got paid for the work. He left Salisbury in May 1894 and came to Bulawayo with defendant's wagons; and came to Mafeking; and there left THACKWRAY and left the wagons there. Before leaving Salisbury he received £4 from defendant, £6 at Bulawayo, and £6 at Mafeking. Has not received anything besides this £16 and the £10 already mentioned. At Mafeking witness told the defendant that he wanted his money after he had given him the £6. He said he wanted £38. 15s more. Defendant gave him 6s, to buy a shirt with, and said he would reduce the amount by giving him cattle. He had not given him any. One Daniel was present when this was said. Daniel assisted in driving the wagons. Witness subsequently met the defendant in Grahamstown, when he said he better go home to Southwell. He went there and afterwards came back, when he had another conversation about the money with the defendant, when one Joseph was present. Witness asked for his wages, and defendant said "he had not any money, and had three other debts in Grahamstown, which he must pay first". Witness said "what must I do"? He answered he must wait until the defendant could go to Bulawayo again to work. The amount due was mentioned in Joseph's presence. Defendant said it was £38. 15s and witness said "No £39". It was Saturday (the 29th September). Witness went to Major NESBITT, and asked him to write to the defendant. An answer came back to NESBITT, denying the defendant owed anything to him. After this THACKWRAY came to witness and asked him not to summons him, and said he would give him £20. He took out a writ of arrest against him and has not been paid.
Cross-Examined: It was after this conversation that he made the second affadavit. It was made on the same day he spoke about the £20. He told Mr. STONE about this conversation, he wrote down the witness said, and then swore to it. The witness was further cross-examined, on the details of his evidence, and the court adjourned.
Wednesday, February 6th
Mr. KING called;
Daniel, who stated he heard a conversation at Mafeking, between plaintiff & defendant, in which the former asked for his wagon, and that the defendant gave him £6 in paper money, and promised to pay the remainder.
In cross-examination, the witness stated that he came down in the wagon for nothing. He paid nothing and fed himself. He was the only one so coming. On further questioning he said there was one "John," who was a servant Dr. RYAN.
The plaintiff being recalled stated that this "John" was paid by the Doctor, and on his attention being called to his having stated the day before he was engaged and paid by defendant , he denied he had made the previous statements.
Joseph was then called, and said he was present at a conversation between plaintiff and defendant on 29th September, at MILNE’s Yard, when the plaintiff asked for his money, and defendant said he owed him some but had not got it now, when plaintiff asked him to give him some cattle. Defendant said he had stated he would give the cattle, but his father would not part with them. Witness, after some further conversation, asked defendant why he called him, as he acknowledged his debt to plaintiff and that he had promised to give him cattle. Witness gave details of a further conversation between plaintiff and defendant in Grahamstown about the debt, when he said defendant asked why the plaintiff sued him - and said : Ït is not a nice thing you are doing, but I will give you £20." Plaintiff on this replied he would do, if he went down to his lawyer. THACKWRAY Senior then came on the scene; and the defendant said to him he wanted to give the plaintiff £20, but THACKWRAY Senior told him not to do so. Witness and plaintiff went down to STONE's. The two THACKWRAYS did not go with them.
Cross-examined; Was sure this was on 1st October, and that THACKWRAY Senior came up and told Mortimer not to pay £20. He had not stated in his affadavit that THACKWRAY would then give him cattle, but that he had so promised before the conversation.
This closed the plaintiff's case.
The Solicitor-General then put in the affadavit for the defendant (leave having been already granted by the Court to do so.) He denied that he was indebited to the defendant. He had engaged him in Vryburg and was employed till the 31st December 1892, when he left and went into the employment of the defendant's brother Ernest THACKWRAY, subsequently onto that of Mr. WEBB and a Mr. PALMER. The defendant had allowed him to come down, in his wagon, which he was glad to do, in terms of agreeing to assist in working the wagon.
The affadavit of Margaret THACKWRAY, confirmatory of the above was also read, on the same terms as the defendant's affadavit, under the order of the Court admitting it, - Mrs. THACKWRAY being unable to attend the Court through indisposition,
The Solicitor-General then called Benjamin Mortimer THACKWRAY, the father of the defendant and of Ernest THACKWRAY, who stated he recollected his son Mortimer going to Mashonaland in 1892, Ernest was then in Grahamstown, but went up afterwards. He had been up there before for two years. He was not dependant on Mortimer in any way. Ernest had been saving money. On one occasion he sent witnesses some. Was present when a conversation took place between his son Mortimer and plaintiff on 29th September, before Mr. MILNE's, Witness was just inside the gate. He had driven his cart in the gate. He saw two men just in front of it. They were the plaintiff and Joseph. His son was there too. Plaintiff asked his son whether he had received any money from Ernest THACKWRAY, and he replied he had not. He asked defendant whether he would get his father to let him have two young oxen in settlement of what Ernest THACKWRAY owed him, and defendant replied he had nothing to do with Ernest THACKWRAY's business. They walked on, and his son got excited and said something which he could not hear, except that he told them to be off. On Monday the following, he saw the defendant and plaintiff opposite the Magistrate's, but did not hear what took place, (The witness,  Benjamin Mortimer THACKWRAY, who was very hard of hearing, said he became deaf in consequence of an attack of influenza, but this was after the conversation he spoke of had taken place.) Continuing his evidence, he stated his son, the defendant, said he was willing to pay plaintiff £18, and witness said to him he had better not do so. He did not know why he wanted to pay this to the plaintiff.
Cross-Examined: They were speaking Kafir in MILNE's yard. They were three or four yards from the witness. He had influenza about the middle of October. He was a little deaf before that, and had never been well since.
Mr. HUTTON, Solicitor, was then called, and gave formal evidence of having given the defendant certain advice, after he received the letter of demand from Major NESBITT.
This closed the defendant's case.
Counsel having addressed the Court, the Judge-President reviewed the facts at length, and gave judgement for the plaintiff for the full amount claimed, namely 13months wages, less 5s., or £38. 15s., with plaintiff's witnesses, expenses, and costs in the case, and also costs in the previous applications in connection with it.

Thursday 14 February 1895

Married at Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, on 13th February 1895, Harvey D’Urban RAINIER of Johannesburg, third son of G.G. RAINIER Esq. of Somerset East, to Gertie, daughter of Geo. BAKER Esq. of Grahamstown.

On Wednesday morning a very pretty wedding took place at Commemoration Church when Miss Gertie BAKER, daughter of our respected fellow-townsman Mr. G. BAKER, was united in wedlock with Mr. Harvey RAINIER, of Johannesburg, son of Mr. G.G. RAINIER, C.C. & R.M. of Somerset East. The bride looked very charming in a costume of white satin-striped delaine, with broché yoke and sleeves, trimmed with valenciennes lace and pearl trimming. This beautiful costume, together with the wreath and veil, were made by the well-known firm of Messrs. J.W. Bayes & Co. of Church Square. The bridesmaids were Miss Blanche BAKER and Miss Stella BAKER, sisters of the bride, who were prettily attired in dresses of figured muslin, with hats trimmed with flowers. The groomsman was Mr. Bert. BAKER, brother of the bride. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. James PENDLEBURY, and Mr. G. BAKER gave the bride away. The service was fully choral, a large number of the members of the choir attending in the choir stalls, and rendering the musical portions of the service. Mr. T.E. SPEED presided at the grand organ and played the Wedding March in his usual masterly style. At the conclusion of the service a number of guests were entertained at the residence of Mr. Henry HILL (uncle of the bride) and many and hearty were the congratulations and good wishes expressed by the assembled company. A number of telegrams were also received from absent friends, conveying the same sentiments. The presents were very varied in character, and were costly and numerous. The newly wedded pair left by the afternoon train for Port Alfred, where the first portion of the honeymoon will be spent. We desire to join or congratulations and good wishes with the host of friends who have already expressed similar sentiments, and trust that long life and great happiness may be the portion of the happy pair.

Tuesday 19 February 1895

Married on the 12th Feb 1895, at St.Cyprian’s, Highlands, by the Rev. Canon Smith, John Bertram LANHAM, fourth son of W. LANHAM Esq. of Stoneham, to Maria Elizabeth NICOL, second daughter of the late Wm. NICOL Esq. of Grahamstown.

DIED at Grahamstown on 17th February 1895, Alice Ada, second daughter of the late Fred. CONNOCK, of Port Elizabeth, aged 19 years and 4 months.

Very deeply do we sympathise with the relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. H.M. FELLOWS on the loss sustained by them in the death of Miss Alice Ada CONNOCK, second daughter of Mrs. FELLOWS, who died on Sunday morning last from an acute attack of rheumatic fever, which developed into failure of the heart’s action. Miss CONNOCK had previously suffered from attacks of a similar nature. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, when those joining in the procession were to be counted by hundreds, amongst whom were a number of young maidens from the Wesleyan Sunday Schools and the Convent Schools. The pall bearers were eight young ladies suitably attired in white dresses with black sashes. The chief mourners were her brothers, Mr. Fred. CONNOCK, Railway Department, Port Elizabeth, Messrs. Alfred and Ernest CONNOCK, and her step-father, Mr. H.M. FELLOWES and her step-brother, Mr. Frank FELLOWES. There was a large attendance of the personal friends of the deceased’s family. Rev. James PENDLEBURY conducted the service at the Wesleyan Cemetery, and the wreaths laid on the coffin were both beautiful and numerous. The coffin was covered with white satin with silver mountings, the pall being one of exceeding beauty, of purple velvet lined with white silk, provided by Mr. A. WILL, the undertaker, who managed the funeral in his usual decorous style.

A young man named Geoffrey HINDLEY, nephew of GOODWIN, the well-known manager of the United Main, was engaged a few days since at work near a coal-winch at Johannesburg, when it gave way, and he received a fearful blow on the body, which knocked him some distance. Notwithstanding the best medical advice he succumbed to his injuries.

A sudden death occurred on the beach at Schoenmaker’s Kop on Friday (reports the Herald). It appears that a picnic had been arranged to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of the birthday of David Henry Richard LOVETT, an old resident, and the picnic party, which was composed of some half dozen persons, drove out to Schoenmaker’s Kop on Friday morning. On arrival there some of the party went along the beach to fish, while the others stopped to boil the billy. The old gentleman went by himself along the beach looking for porcupines, and returned in about an hour and a half, when he complained of the heat. He refused some brandy and tonic, but took a bunch of grapes, and sat down on the beach away from the others. He then stretched himself out on the sand, and one of the parties, noticing that something was the matter, ran up and found the old gentleman gasping. He died about five minutes after in the arms of his daughter-in-law and a friend.

Thursday 21 February 1895

DIED at Grahamstown Feb 19th 1895, Ethelwyn, infant, daughter of Walter and Ellen BLACKBEARD, of [Palap..]

DIED at Johannesburg on the 14th Feb 1895, Nathaniel, youngest son of the Hon’ble W. COCK, of Port Alfred, aged 60 years.

The Herald reports an exceedingly sad drowning accident which occurred at a place called the Long Hole up the Valley, by which Mr. H.G. HANCOCK, brother of the proprietor of the Fountain Hotel, Port Elizabeth, lost his life. Deceased was swimming in the hole and swam out to get some water lilies for his wife to place on the grave of a relative, as was her custom, and being seized with cramp, sank, and although some white men who were near dived for his body at once, it was not recovered for an hour afterwards.

Saturday 23 February 1895

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral on the 21st February by the Very Rev. the Dean, assisted by the Rev. J.L. Hodgson and the Rev. W. White, J.T.H. HEROLD Esq. to Mabel Sancroft DILLON, daughter of Mrs. T.J.L. DILLON and granddaughter of Dr. W.G. ATHERSTONE, Thursford House, Beaufort St, Grahamstown.

On Thursday afternoon last a large concourse of friends, relatives and the general public assembled, notwithstanding the threatening aspect of the weather, to witness the marriage of Mr. T.J. HEROLD, of the Civil Service, to Miss Mabel DILLON, daughter of the late Dr. DILLON, and granddaughter of the Hon. Dr. W. Guybon ATHERSTONE. The ceremony was performed by the Very Rev. the Dean, assisted by the Revs. W. WHITE and J.L. HODGSON. The bride looked wetly pretty, dressed in a white corded silk gown, with full Court train, and wreath and veil complete. The bridesmaids, who were Misses BARRY and MARTIN, Geraldine DILLON and D. HEROLD, were dressed in handsome costumes of white silk, trimmed with cream lace and ribbons, with hats to match, trimmed with ostrich feathers. They also wore, as gifts from the bridegroom, gold and pearl initial brooches, and carried bouquets. Dr. Edwin ATHERSTONE, grand-uncle of the bride, gave her away. The happy bridegroom was ably supported by Messrs. A.W. DOUGLAS and GUTHRIE. Previous to leaving town for the Katberg, a large number of guests were entertained at Thursford House in Beaufort Street, where the presents were laid out for inspection, and were a costly and handsome lot. As on every occasion such as this, we join in wishing the young couple bon voyage over life’s ocean.

Tuesday 26 February 1895

News has been received in Port Elizabeth that the English Courts have decided in favour of Miss SCHULTZ in the famous Balmoral Will case. It will be remembered that last year lengthy evidence was taken here on commission, the case being that of the disputed will of the late Mr. Frederick Wolsley ROBERTS, of Balmoral. Deceased came out here, bought the Balmoral Estate, and lived there for some time, Miss SCHULTZ passing as Mrs. ROBERTS. On the death of Mr. ROBERTS the will was proved, in which the bulk of the property, some £30,000 or £40,000 worth, was left to Miss SCHULTZ. The widow and children of ROBERTS proceeded to have the will set aside by the English Courts, but according to news now received have failed.

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