Queenstown Free Press 1868 4 October - December
Friday, October 16, 1868
BIRTH – On the farm Drummond, Division of Queenstown, on Monday, the 12th October, 1868, the wife of Mr Donald W McDONALD, of a son.
DEPLORABLE ACCIDENT. – The Civil Commissioner of Albany yesterday morning received a telegram from the Civil Commissioner of For tBeaufort stating that the bodies of a Mr. and Mrs. REYNOLDS had been brought into that town, the unfortunate persons having been killed by upsetting of a wagon. It appears that the unfortunate deceased were journeying to the Queenstown district on a bullock-wagon with a half-tent to it. On Sunday evening last they had arrived at the Tower, a few miles on this side of the town, where the road takes a sharp turn, having a high mountain on one side and a deep ravine on the other. It is supposed that the driver was asleep or neglectful in turning this corner, for the wagon capsized, smashed in the tent, and crushed both Mr. and Mrs. REYNOLDS to death. Mr.REYNOLDS had been for some years past a resident of Chalumna, British Kaffraria, and only married about three months. He was on his way to the Queenstown district, where he intended starting in business. Both he and his wife arewell known here, and respected amongst their acquaintances. – Anglo-African.
MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT AT DANS HOEK TOWER...[The father of the late Mrs. REYNOLDS was in town thismorning, and is as may be naturally inferred, very deeply affected by the unexpected and melancholy catastrophe. Mr.REYNOLDS was married three months since, in the Peddie district, and not one month ago as stated in the telegram. Mrs. REYNOLDS maiden name was Elizabeth Emily WICKS. The father set out this afternoon, by the kind assistance of Mr. J. WEBB, who offered him the use of a cart and horses, to discharge the mournful duty of seeing that the remains of his deceased daughter and her husband receive respectable interment. The deceased, REYNOLDS, was a carrier, and had two brothers residing at Fort England named respectively James and George REYNOLDS. They have all numerous friends in town, who deeply sympathise with them in their present sorrow]
Tuesday, October 27, 1868 [Should read Friday, October 23,1868]
ANOTHER SETTLER GONE. – Every now and then we are reminded that our forefathers, the founders of this settlement, are fast disappearing from our midst, gathering to a better home. Yesterday evening Mr. W. EALES breathed his last. Deceased came to this colony with the original Settlers, in 1820, and saw many ups and downs during the early career of the inhabitants of the colony. He settled in Queenstown on its first formation, and has always been recognized a quiet, inoffensive person. Mr. EALSE has a large family connection, and was generally respected by every one.
Tuesday, October 27, 1868
DIED, at Queenstown, (Calderwood Street) South Africa, on Thursday, 22nd October, 1868 – Mr. William EALES, aged 75 years and 7 months, - Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820. He leaves a large family, and a numerous circle of friends to mourn their loss. – His end was peace.
BIRTH, at Dordrecht, on the 24th inst, Mrs. C.C.KEMPER, of a Son.
SAD ACCIDENT. – On Saturday evening a little girl of Inspector EVANS met her death in the following manner: - It appears the parents, together with the child, had been out spending the evening, and it being late, the servant was sent home to put the child to bed. Upon Mrs. EVANS going up to the room, sometime after, she found the poor thing covered up with pillows, and quite dead, from the effects of suffocation. It is supposed that the girl, for the safety of the child, had piled a number of pillows round it, which by some means were pulled down, and thus caused its death. Advertiser & Mail.
DEATH OF MR A.J. VAN JAARSVELD. – Mr. VAN JAARSVELD, the Prov. Fieldcornet of Wipener (Jammerberg), we regret to learn, died at Corannafontein, near Smithfield, on Sunday last, the 18th inst., in consequence of the wounds received at the hands of a Basuto, as last weeknarrated, at Cita’s Town, near the T.Kimi, on the 9th inst. Mr. VAN JAARSVELD was buried on his farm on Monday last, and adds another to the long list of victims of the protest and deputation to England policy. We cannot blame VAN JAARSVELD, who proved himself to be one of the bravest and most active or our burghers, and did his utmost to carry out the instructions of the“powers that be,” but we do blame those who so employed him. Mr. VAN JAARSVELS had a first-rate farm, with a good dwelling house, close to Smithfield, which he purchased a few years since from Mr. T.W. VOWE, of this town, but left his quiet home, impelled, nodoubt, thereto by a sense of duty to his adopted country. VAN JAARSVELD only removed from the Cape Colony a few years since. – Friend.
FATAL RAILWAY ACCIDENT. – On Sunday evening the last train from Wynberg knocked down and went over a young lad named A. MOSTERT, who was killed upon the spot. It appears that at about half-past six o’clock, the deceased together with his brother were driving some cows through one of the crossings between the Salt River and Observatory Railway Stations, for which purpose they had opened the gates After the cattle had got over, the deceased was told by his brother to go across and close one of the side gates. He had no sooner got over than the train was observed coming along, upon which the deceased was told to stop where he was until it had passed. He must either have misunderstood his brother or have done it from sheer foolishness, for just as the engine was about ten yards from the spot, he attempted to run cross the line, but before he got over, the engine was up to him, and the front part of it knocked him down with violence between the two rails. The engine driver did all in his power to stop the train, but the distance was too short, and it passed over him. The ash-pans beneath the furnace on all the Wynberg engines being but a very short distance from the ground, the poor fellow was pretty well smashed before the train could be stopped, and was, of course, taken up dead. We are happy to say the officers in charge of the train are free from all blame. – Advertiser & Mail.
Friday, October 30, 1868
BIRTH, at Queenstown, on the morning of the 30th October, 1868, Mrs. David S. BARRABLE, of a Daughter.
Friday, November 6, 1868
SUICIDE. – We regret to state that Farrier Major FISHER, of the C.M.R., committed suicide yesterday afternoon by shooting himself through the head. It appears he had been drinking hard during the last few days, and yesterday asked leave of absence that he might try to rectify himself. This was granted, and not long afterwards the report of a gun was heard, and the unfortunate man found in the agonies of death having shot himself as stated. He lingered a few minutes and then expired. – Watchman.
Tuesday, November 10, 1868
DEATH RESULTING FROM ACCIDENT. – A fortnight ago a young mannamed HALL, a carpenter, was working at the Riet Valley coffee estate, when his adze slipped and cut his foot, dividing the main artery. Medical assistance and every attention were given, but without avail, the poor fellow having lingered on until Sunday last,when he expired. – Natal Mercury.
DISTRESSING ACCIDENT. – An accident happened in Cape Town, through which a little girl, the daughter of Mr. B.N. VOLSTEEDT, of Cape Town, lost her life. The child, it appears, was playing about, and pulled down a box of matches from a shelf. The matches ignited, and, before any assistance could be given, her clothes had caught fire, and she was seriously injured about the head, arms, and breast. Mrs. VOLSTEEDT, in endeavouring to stifle the flames, suffered injury to her hands. The child lingered in great pain through Sunday night, and died on Monday night.
DEATH FROM THE DISSELBOOM AGAIN. – We regret having to record one of those shocking accidents whish happily so seldom sadden our columns. On Monday evening last between 7 and 8 o’clock, a young man named Henry LEWIS, who was recently in Mr. DUNNING’s employstarted for Durban in charge of a friend’s wagon, and when a few miles from town, left his post to speak to a driverof another some little distance ahead of him . Though warned not to get upwhile the wagon was in motion as the disselboom was higher than usual, the man attempted to mount, and, missing his footing, fell back, and was instantly crushed to death by the near front and hind wheels passing over his chest. Deceased was only 25 years of age. This is not the first time life has been lost in this way, and might have been saved, had a few pence been expended in placing a small wedge as is now done in but a few cases. His remains were brought into Grey Hospital and the funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon – Natal Witness.
Friday, November 13, 1868
MARRIED at Thaba ‘Nchu on the 2nd November instant, by the Rev. James SCOTT, Wesleyan Minister, - Mr. Charles Henry WEBSTER, to Hester Ann, daughter of John THORNE, Esq., of Capetown. – No Cards.
DIED at Buffel Doorns, on the 20th of October, 1868, an apoplectic fit, the beloved wife of Mr. Robert HARTLEY, aged 30years. She leaves a husband and four young children to mourn her irreparable loss.
Tuesday, November 17, 1868
We regret to announce the death of J. BURNET, Esq., C.C.& R.M. of Aliwal. Deceased had been suffering for some time, but on Saturday became much worse, and departed this life on the evening of that day. Deceased was must respected both in public and private life, and his name will be long remembered for the prominent part he took in matters connected with the Orange River Sovereignty.
Tuesday, November 24, 1868
BIRTH – on the 21st November, 1868, the wife of Mr. Geo. W. STOWN, of Queenstown, of a daughter.
DIED – On the farm Dony Draai, near Whittlesea, on the 13th instant, Mr. James THOMPSON, aged 59 years.
NOTICE. Robert STEVENSON, aged about 13 years, whose mother is dead; and his father, Hugh STEVENSON, having left him in Queenstown in a state of destitution, - Notice is hereby given, that unless the said Robert STEVENSON be claimed within SIX weeks fromthis date by some relative able and willing to take charge of him, he will be indentured to some fit and proper person in terms of Act no. 15, of 1856/ Charles D. GRIFFITH, Res. Mag.Res. Mag. Office, Queenstown, 7th Nov., 1868
Tuesday, December 8, 1868
DIED at Queenstown, on the 3rd Dec., 1868, Ernest Wakeford, only son of Mr. And Mrs. S.R. GARDNER, aged two months and then days.
TWO CHILDREN DROWNED. – Two children named WYTON fell fromthe wharf in Mossel Bay one day last week, and were drowned before they could be got out.
DEATH FROM LIGHTNING. – While on a tour through New England last week, Mr. A.J. KIDWELL was called upon in his capacity as provisionalFieldcornet, to hold an inquest over the body of a man named John LANCY, who was struck by lightning on the 27th November Mr. KIDWELL was at the farm of the deceased half an hour before he was killed, and when he left him a quarter of an hour before his death he was as merry as a lark; the lightning was most vivid and each flash accompanied by deafening peals of thunder. The lightning struck deceased at the back of the neck, passing round the left side of his neck, down his chest and out at the hem of his trowsers, causing instantaneous death. Fifteen hours after his death he turned quite yellow, but the parts where the lightninghad passed over him turned as black as charcoal. In 18 hours after death the smell of sulphur was something beyond description, and no one could enter the room where the corpse lay, without turning sick at the stench. A person named Thomas QUILL thus describes the occurrence: He said he was on the his way from the lands to the house, and when within one hundred yards from the house, observed a streak of lightning come direct from the heavens, and penetrate the kraal about thirty yards from the house. He then saw something like a cake of manure fly over the wall. He at once proceeded toward the kraal, went in and found LANCY laying on his back with his mouth open. He lifted the body, and found life to be extinct. The object which he saw fly over the wall was LANCY’s hat, which was completely torn and burnt by the lightning.
Friday, December 11, 1868
DIED at Glen Grey on the 25th ultimo, Miss M.A.STANFORD, greatly beloved by all who knew her. She died in faith, and her last words were – “O, cheer thee; God is near thee.”Dec. 4, 1868.
MELANCHOLY DEATH. – A sad death occurred on the Stormberg on Sunday last. Two young men belonging to a wagon outspanned at Lemoen Kloof, proceeded up the hill; arriving at the top one of them had moved a large stone intending to send it down the kranz the ground went away from under him and away he went. We are not aware of the distance, but it is said to be very deep and steep. Death must have been almost instantaneous. The body was recovered and interred on Tuesday last, the Rev. Z. ROBINSON officiating. The unfortunate youth was named Chas.PATERSON, son of “Old PATERSON,” the saddler, some years back a resident ofQueenstown.
Tuesday, December 15, 1868
BIRTH, on the 21st November, 1868, the wife ofMr. Geo. W. STOWN, of Queenstown, of a daughter.
DIED on the 9th December, 1868, Frances Sophia, wife of Mr. George W. STOW, and fourth daughter or the Rev. John HEAVYSIDE,aged 29 years.
Friday, December 18, 1868
BIRTH, near Bushman’s School, on the 13th inst.,Mrs. R.J. STONE, of a Son.
Tuesday, December 22, 1868
SAD AND FATAL ACCIDENT – A very sad and distressing accident happened yesterday morning, by which the eldest child of Mr. John WEAKLEY, Jr., a little fellow nearly two years of age, lost his life. The little fellow had just a short time before gone out with the native servant who was carrying a baby to the front of the house. Unperceived he got away from the servant, and went into the garden at the top end of which there is a small shallow dam, such as common in most of the gardens in this town. Into this dam he fell, and there his little lifeless body was found a few minutes afterwards. It was at first fondly hoped that life was not quite extinct, but although Dr. THORN and Dr. KRANTZ were almost immediately on the spot, human skill was of no avail. The little spirit had fled. We need say naught of the deep sorrow and grief of the parents, nor of the general sympathy felt for them in their heavy affliction. This is the second accident of the kind which has happened in this town during the past year. We have always considered these garden dams as very dangerous, when there are little children running about, and we do hope parents will take a warning from this second sad bereavement, and either fill up such dams or have them railed round.
Tuesday, December 29, 1868
DIED – At Queenstown, on the 24th Dec., 1868, -Thomas, the infant son of William John and Marian NETTELTON, aged 4 months, 21days.
THE LATE MR. J.W. KEMP. – This town has to lament, in the death of Mr. Joshua Williamson KEMP, the loss of one of its ablest and most respected ex-residents. Coming to this colony at an early age, Mr. KEMP laboured long, assiduously, and with the greatest integrity, as a mercantile man, in the building up of that fortune which in the evening of his days he retired to the Mother Country to enjoy. Few men ever would move more unobtrusively in society than Mr. J.W. KEMP, and none with a more courteous and benevolent bearing towards the younger members of our community. – Herald.
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