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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1869 1 January - March

Friday, January 8, 1869

DIED at Umtinto, from the effects of a wound occasioned by the accidental discharge of his gun, on the 2nd January, 1869, HenryColton WEBSTER, aged 27 years.

A SAD AND MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT occurred at the Umtinto, by which Mr. Henry Colton WEBSTER (brother of Mrs JEFFERSON), lost his life on Wednesday the 30th December, about 36 miles beyond Clarkebury. Mr. WEBSTER having occasion to clean his gun, went to the wagon, and while in the act of drawing it towards him it went off, the whole of the charge of buck and small shot being lodged in the shoulder. The bone was terribly shattered, the muscle and fleshy part of the arm completely torn away. No Europeans were nigh. Mr. WEBSTER got the native boys to assist him in binding up the wound, and then started them off, one to Mr.ROWLES’ trading station, and the other to another station. Eight hours elapsed before any assistance arrived, and during the whole of that time he was exposed to the hot December sun without shelter, having nothing but a buck wagon. Mr ROWLES arrived, inspanned the wagon and took him to his house. The messenger was despatched to Queenstown for medical attendance but did not arrive until Friday night at 10 o’clock. Dr. KRANTZ, accompanied by Mr. Daniel WEBSTER, started shortly after. On their arrival at Clarkebury, on Sundayafternoon, they met the people returning from the funeral. The lamented deceased died on Saturday night and was buried on Sunday. Mr. E. WEBSTER, who resides in Kaffirland, about 70 miles from the place where the accident occurred, started at once on hearing of it, but losing himself in a fog only arrived shortly after his brother’s death. The Rev. P. HARGREAVES succeeded in crossing the rivers and reached Mr. WEBSTER on Saturday morning, and was with him until life had departed. Every kindness was bestowed by Mr. and Mrs. ROWLES, who did everything in theirpower to alleviate the suffering of the dying stranger, who bore his agony without a murmer though often writhing in pain.

Tuesday, January 12, 1869

DIED, on the 7th January, 1869 Frances Caroline Philipson, - only child of George William and Frances Sophia STOWN, aged one month and seventeen days.

Tuesday, January 19, 1869

In the Estate of the late John S. WRIGHT, Esq., of London.
The Undersigned has also received instructions from the Executor in the above Estate, to sell on the above day, the valuable farm “Napoleon,” belonging to this estate, nearly adjoining Wellington, and similar to the same as to its grazing qualities. The farm is nearly 1,500 morgen in extent, and has extensive river frontage. The Terms of Credit will be Liberal, and parties in want of really good Farms should attend these Unreserved Sales, which will take place on the farm Wellington. Diagrams can be seen, and all information had at the Auctioneer’s office. Note the Day: Wednesday, 3rd February next
F.B. BROWN, Auctioneer.
John E. WOOD, Executor Dative in above Estate.

Tuesday, February 2, 1869

BIRTH, at Dordrecht, on the 24th January, 1869, the wife of Mr W MASKREY, of a daughter.

DIED, on Sunday, the 31st inst., John Joseph, twin son of Edward and Mary JEFFREY, aged 11 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

FATAL ACCIDENT – On Saturday last as Mrs. VAN AARDT, accompanied by her mother, was proceeding in a bullock wagon to Nachtmaal at Balfour, in going along a sideling road, with a precipice and the river below, the oxen took fright and bolted. Mrs.VAN AARDT jumped from the wagon and was very seriously hurt. The wagon went over the precipice, but caught in a tree, otherwise would have fallen into a deep hole in the river. On assistance recovering the wagon it was found that the old lady was so injured as to be dying, and only breathed twice after being removed from the wagon.

Tuesday, February 9, 1869

SAD ACCIDENT. – An accident occurred at Konbo’s Kraal, about the 14th Ultimo, thirty-five miles from Alexandria. Mr. John OOSTHUISEN was thrashing corn withthe machine, and asked his wife to bring him some water to drink. In doing so she came too near the works and the wind blew her dress, which unhappily was caught by the connecting rod. In a moment she was drawn under and her back broken. The machine was stopped before it had drawn in the upper part of her body. She died a few minutes after being released.

Tuesday, March 2, 1869

FOUND DEAD. – A woman named SCOTT whose husband (then in the employ of Messrs GODFREY and Co.) died very suddenly a little more than a year ago, was found dead in her house on Friday last. She resided in a small cottage at the North end of the town, and on the day in question a neighbour not having noticed her about as usual asked one of her children where her mother was, who replied that she was still lying down inside. This answer not being satisfactory, she went in to see for herself, and then discovered the poor woman lying dead in one of the rooms. A medical gentleman was called in, who gave it as his opinion that she had been dead two days and most likely had been suffocated in her own blood. She appeared to have fallen down and to have struck her face on the floor with such violence as to cause considerable hemorrhage from her nose and mouth. She leaves four young children totally unprovided for. – Telegraph.

Friday, March 5, 1869

BIRTH, at Queenstown, on 2nd the wife of Mr.George MANNING, of a Son.

Tuesday, March 16, 1869

BIRTH, on the 6th March, at Burghersdorp, the wife of John HEMMING, Esq., C.C. & R.M., of a daughter. 

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