Queenstown Free Press 1870 2 April - June
April 5, 1870
[This paper is bound badly. I am only able to read one side of the article] ACCIDENT. – We regret to record ... of a lad about 15 yearsof age... Barend DE KLERK, of the farm...’s Poort,” in the Aliwal North...under the following circumstances... the deceased had mounted a ... which hewas training) and... reached his seat in the saddle... brute reared up on hislegs... DE KLERK held the reins... tight and the animal fell over his... unfortunateyoung man under... poor lad, no doubt, sustained ... al injuries as he lay unconscious... could use little or no nourish... that time, and expired on the... the ninth day.
April 8, 1870
A MINISTER MURDERED. – The Transvaal Advocate reports that a letter from the Rev. S. HOFMEYR, of Zoutpansberg brings the shocking intelligence that Matlale’s Kaffirs had murdered the Rev Mr KREUTZER, the missionary, on Sunday, the 5th of February last. The same news is confirmed by letters from Nazareth.
April 19, 1870
BIRTH – near Dordrecht on the 12th April, 1870, the wife of Mr. G. STEWART, of a son.
MURDER. – Mr BOTTRILL, wagon maker and blacksmith, has been murdered in the most brutal manner, at Burghersdorp.
April 26, 1870
DIED, at Tambookie Kop, near Glen Grey, on the 20th April, 1870, Richard HUDSON, Snr., aged 64 years and 11 months – Friends please accept this notice.
The Aliwal paper announces the death of J.J. SAUER Esq, many years landdrost of Smithfield and some time Deputy Sheriff of Aliwal.
DEATH OF DR. BELL, OF WASCHBANK – We regret to have to record the death of this gentleman, which took place during the night of Tuesday the 12th instant. The deceased was formerly connected with the Royal Navy, but failing health compelling him to relinquish the arduous duties of his proffession, he took up his abode on the Waschbank, where, for the benefit of his health and the good of that community, he has for the past few years resided. It appears that the deceased gentleman had been passing a fortnight at the house of his friend, the Rev. GORDON, of All Saints Mission, and on his return was spending a night at Mrs. MULROUP’s, a Kafir trader, where (although he retired no worse than usual) he expired during the night. On Thursday morning the body was brought into Dordrecht, and interred there during the afternoon, the Rev. Mr. GORDON – who had been sent for expressly, and who only met the procession on its way to the grave – officiating. Shops were closed out of respect to the memory of the deceased and a goodly number of townspeople so companied the body to the grave. Among the followers were two companies of Police under Inspector SURMON and Sub-Inspector CATHRINE, as well as a number of country residents, by whom Dr. BELL was especially held in esteem. Some of them had come more than 50 miles to pay their last tribute of esteem to the memory of the deceased gentleman. Dr. BELL will be much missed by all who knew him. He was one of those who have the good word of all for kind and gentlemanly bearing. Especially to those living round theWaschbank, he was not only a genial friend and welcome visitor, but invaluable as a medical adviser. Deceased was a brother to the late Rev. BELL of King Williamstown. – Communicated.
May 3, 1870
DIED – at “CraggieBurn,” Division of Queenstown, on Wednesday, 27th April, 1870, Sara Munro, beloved wife of James EKRON, jr., aged 36 years and 5 months.
May 10, 1870
DIED – in the Tambookie Location, near Glen Grey, on the 8th April, 1870, Richard HUDSON, aged 64 years and 11 months. Friends at adistance please accept this notice.
May 24, 1870
BIRTH at Dordrecht on the 16th instant, the wife of Mr. C.C. KEMPER, of a son.
June 17, 1870
BIRTH – at Queenstown, on the 14th instant, Mrs. Daniel BRADFIELD, of a daughter.
June 21, 1870
DIED – at the residence, Merino Walk, on the Zwaart Kei, division of Queenstown, Mr. Thos. RANDALL, aged 51 years.
FATAL POST CART ACCIDENT. - A very melancholy accident occurred on Friday last on the main road between Humnasdorp and Port Elizabeth. Mr. W. McPHERSON, who is in business at the Knysna, was travelling to the Bay on a visit to his brother. At a very bad part of the road, the cart being driven at its usual furious rate came in contact with a large stone, which caused so violent a jerk as to throw out both the driver and the passenger. The former was but little injured, but the latter was killed almost immediately. It is said that besides the severe concussion of the fall he was kicked by one of the horses. The unfortunate deceased leaves a wife and three children to mourn his untimely fate.
June 24, 1870
DEATH OF MR. E. BRADFIELD. – It has become our painful duty to record the addition of another name to the list of those original Settlers who have closed their eyes in death during the Jubilee year of their settlement. At the good old age of seventy-three, Mr. E. BRADFIELD, of this town, expired, almost suddenly, on Sunday morning last. Up to the time of retiring to rest the previous evening, the deceased gentleman was, to all appearance, in his usual health and spirits, having merely complained of a slight pain in the chest for a few days previously. At about six o’clock on the Sunday morning Mrs. BRADFIELD was alarmed by a rattling in his throat, but before she could procure a light he had ceased to breathe. His funeral, which took place on Monday afternoon, was followed by a large number of those who had been acquainted with him during his lifetime, and who thus testified to the esteem in which he had been universally held. The late Mr. BRADFIELD came to this colony in 1820, with the Nottingham party, and was with his companions, located at Clumber, where two of the deceased gentleman’s brothers are to this day residing on their original allotments. His own life in this country had partaken largely of the vicissitudes which marked the career of many of the early settlers. By each of the three successive Kafir wars which have desolated the Frontier was Mr. BRADFIELD completely ruined; and as often did he press manfully forward in the battle of life and recover his lost ground. The circumstances of the last of these calamities which befell him were exceptionally cruel. Carrying on business at Mancazana Post, he upon the first rumour of war, removed the whole of his stock to Fort Beaufort. Reassured by the proclamationin which Sir Harry SMITH discountenanced the belief that war was impending, and believing that Government would be responsible in case it did occur, he returned to his place of business. Immediately the war of 1851 actually broke out, Mr BRADFIELD was just able to make his escape from the Post with his family of eight children leaving the whole of his property at the mercy of the enemy. He never recovered anything, or received the slightest compensation from Government. After spending a year or two in Somerset andPort Elizabeth, Mr. BRADFIELD took up his abode in Cradock, where he resided for the last seventeen years. In the general regret which has followed his loss, and the sincere sympathy accorded to his family, we have the best testimony to his worth, and to the respect entertained for him while living. – Cradock Express.
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