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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1870 3 July - September

July 5, 1870

NEXT OF KIN. – The Master announces that the next of kin and creditors of William ELAM, a trader, lately residing in the Transkeian Territory, deceased, are required to take notice that the deceased died intestate, and that a meeting will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Queenstown, on Friday 22nd July next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, to appoint Executors.

July 8, 1870

ANOTHER “Pilgrim Father” gone to his rest. Mr. Henry GRAY of the Salem Party died last week, aged 90 years. He was in early years a sailor, and was present at the battle of Trafalgar.

July 22, 1870

SUDDEN DEATH. – Mr JEANS, one of a party of diamond seekers from Fort Beaufort, died at the Ox-Kraal on the road up. The deceased was a member of the Odd Fellows. The members of the Queenstown Lodge had the corpse conveyed to Queenstown and decently buried, following the body of their brother to the grave.

July 26, 1870

DIED, at Ox Kraal River on Monday night, the 18thJuly, 1870, John JEANS of Fort Beaufort, aged 30 years, leaving a sorrowing widow and four young children to mourn their irreparable loss. Mrs. JEANS hereby tenders her sincere thanks to the Brethren of the Oddfellows Society and other friends of Queenstown, for the sympathy and respect shown to her late husband on this melancholy occasion.

August 9, 1870

OBITUARY. – We regret to announce the death on Saturday morning of Mr. George William IMPEY, eldest son of the Revd W IMPEY. Deceased was in very ill health some years since, but had greatly improved in health while resident in Cradock, and prior to coming to reside in this district. He had been married to the youngest daughter of the Hon G WOOD just two months when he departed this life. Much sympathy is felt for the young widow in her grief.

August 16, 1870

A VERY sudden death took place at Graaff Reinet on Tuesday last from accidental poisoning. Mrs A ASMITH, residing in Caledon-street, drank a wine-glassful of what was supposed to be medicine, but which proved to be Burnet’s Disinfecting Fluid, a patent medicine, consisting chiefly of chloride of zinc. She lingered in excruciating agony from 8a.m. until 5 p.m., when she expired. – G.R. Herald.

August 30, 1870

FATAL ACCIDENT. – The uncertainty of life has been again recently exemplified in a terribly shocking manner. It appears that Mr Joseph BARRY, son of Mr Thomas BARRY, of Swellendam, fell under the wheel of his wagon, near Mr Jacob TALJAARD’s farm, six hours from Bloemfontein, about nine days days ago, and was instantaneously killed on the spot. He was a married man, with a family, and he was forty, or thereabouts, Mr John EMETT was his travelling companion, but at the time of the fatal occurrence was absent on a visit to an adjacent farm. It is hardly necessary to add, that we deeply sympathize with the bereaved widow and fatherless children who have thus suddenly been deprived of their main support. – Friend.

TERRIBLE FAMILY AFFLICTION. – The advertising columns of our Dutch contemporary, the Volksblad yesterday, contains a “death notice,” which presents as terrible picture of domestic tragedy as we have seen for a long time. In the family of a Mr TERBLANS, of the place Eenzaaamheid, in the district of George, within a period of eight days no fewer than eight died, of ages ranging from five yearsto twenty-four. We will simply transcribe the record: On the 21s tJune, Maria Johanna, aged 24; on the same day, William Adrian, aged 13; on the 23rd, Johanna Elizabeth,aged 9; on the same day, Susanna Eransina, aged 11; on the 24th, Magdalena Arsielia, aged 22; on the next day, Williamina Adrina, aged 15; on the same day, Jacoba Johanna Anna, aged 5; on the 19th Hester Catharine Johanna, aged 18. There is something very touching in the pious submission with which the bereaved parents announce their terrible loss and bitter grief. We simply translate the advertisement: And so the Lord has visited us in six days, and taken to Himself eight children, all of whom died of diphtheria. Their end was peace to our consolation. We are silent and worship, for what the Lord does in His wise counsels is well done, and we say with Job: ‘The Lord hath given and the Lord hath taken way, blessed be the name of the Lord.’ We thank the friends who in this our time of trial have so faithfully stood by us, and we pray for them the blessing of the Lord.”

September 2, 1870

MARRIED – on the 16th inst., at St. John’s, Winterberg, by the Rev. W. MEADEN, Richard Henry, eldest son of Wm. STAPLES Esq, of Provedence, Queenstown, to Susannah, third daughter of Alfred MOORCROFT Esq., of Thorn Kloof, Winterberg. – No cards.

MARRIED – on the 16th inst., at St. John’s,Winterberg, by the Rev. W. MEADEN, James second son of Mr. N. ELLIOTT, Fort Beaufort, to Mary Jane, fourth daughter of Alfred MOORCOROFT Esq, of Thorn Kloof, Winterberg. – No cards.

September 9, 1870.

SUDDEN DEATH. – A very sudden death occurred in theTambookie Location on Monday night. Mr.McGREGOR, travelling with a load of timber from the bush, overtook an European named W.H. ROBERTS, who said he was going to the Bolotwa to seek employment. Arriving there late at night he did not care to stay, and Mr. McGREGOR said he might go on with the wagon. About two or three hours after leaving the Bolotwa, as Mr. McGREGOR was walking by the side of his wagon, he heard a thud of something having fell. Running to the back of the wagon, he was just in time to see the hind wheel pass over the chest of ROBEORTS, who had fallen. He at once lifted him up, but in a few minutes life had departed. There was about 6000lbs of green timber on the wagon. Mr. Field cornet FINCHAM was at once sent for, and examined the body.


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