Queenstown Free Press 1871 1 January - March
January 3, 1871
We regret to have to record the death on Christmas day of W.F. LIDDLE Esq., C.C. and R.M. of Alice.
January 24, 1871
MARRIED – On the 19th of January 1871, at TrinityChurch, King W. Town, by the Rev. J.J. ROWE, Military Chaplain, EdgcumbeCORNISH, to Elizabeth Maude, youngest daughter of Edward DRIVER, Esq., of Fort Peddie.
DEATH OF THE HON. JOHN BARRY, M.L.C. – A private telegram was received this morning by Mr Advocate BARRY, conveying intelligence of the death of his uncle, the Hon John BARRY, M.L.C. - Eastern Star.
February 1, 1871
Mr W.R. THOMPSON, an old and respected citizen of Grahamstown, died at his residence in High-street, on Wednesday morning.
WHOLESALE MURDERERS. – At the criminal sessions lately held in Capetown, a Dutch farmer, named C J E P THJART and his coloured servant Pans, were sentences to death, for the murder of eight Bushmen in Namaqualandon or about the 1st May last. A memorial, praying for a reprieve, is going round for signature.
February 7, 1871
DEATH OF THE REV. MR. DAUMAS (French Missionary with the Basutos) – The following is an extract of a letter received from Natal this morning: - Natal, January 23. I have just heard that Mr DAUMAS is no more. He died in the course of this night. The Basuto war, followed by the breaking up of his mission station, the fatigue and failure of his mission to England, crowned by the terrible anxiety caused by two of his sons being in Paris have proved too heavy trials to be borne by one who had passed the meridian of life, and who was worn out in great partly by long and arduous labours in the mission field. The loss is not his, but to his poor widow and family; - what a blow to them! – Journal.
February 10, 1871
DEATH OF MR. BORCHERDS. – Another colonial worthy has been gathered to his fathers in the person of the venerable Petrus Gerhardus BORCHERDS, who died at his late residence, Stellenbosch, on Wednesday last, the 1st instant, at the advanced age of upwards of eighty-four years. Deceased was born in Capetown on the 8th July, 1786, and entered the public service of this colony in 1803, from which he retired in 1857; his services thus extending over the unusually long period of sixty years. His last appointment was that of Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Capetown, on relinquishing which the Parliament, on the recommendation of the then Governor, Sir George GREY, awarded him a retiring allowance of £600 per annum – a sum equal to his full pay when last employed in active duty; it had previously voted him a special gratuity of £2,000 in consideration of his long public services in the colony and of his claims upon the liberality of the legislators, arising out of the loss which he had experienced by the reduction made some years before in the salary which he had enjoyed.
February 14, 1871
DIED – Near Pniel, on the farm of Messrs C and F BREDEKAMP, on the 21st January, 1871, Patrick DOWDLE, aged 58 years and 4 months, deeply regretted by his wife and family.
February 21, 1871
DIED – at his own residence, Humnanby, District of Queentsown, on the 1oth February 1871, Mr Matthew WESTERBERG, aged sixty-eight years, eight months, and two days. Friends will please accept this notice.
DIED, at the Transkei on Tuesday the 14th inst., after an illness of six weeks, the second daughter of Henry James and Mitalda LLOYD, aged six months and seven days. Friends at a distance please receive this notice.
February 28, 1871
BIRTH – at Hong Kong, China, on the 14th November, 1870, the wife of M.W.R. RUSHTON, Esq., Assistant Commissary General, of a son.
The marriage of Mr Thomas LANGFORD, of Grahamstown, with Miss Caroline FLOOKS, on Wednesday last, is announced in the Journal.
March 14, 1871
DEATH of Mrs MOFFAT – We regret to hear by the last mail of the death of Mary, the beloved wife of the Rev. Robert MOFFAT, late of Kuruman, South Africa. She died at Buxton on the10th January, aged 75.
March 21, 1871
March 28, 1871
MARRIED, - At Commemoration Chapel, on the 22nd March, 1871, by the Rev. G.H. GREEN, Alfred BRITAIN, Queenstown, to Margaret WEBB, eldest daughter of John WEBB, Esq., Market-square, Grahamstown – No Cards.
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