Queenstown Free Press 1871 2 April - June
April 18, 1871
FATAL EVENT AT FORT BEAUFORT. – One of the most afflictive events we have had to chronicle took place at Fort Beaufort on Thursday evening last. Dr BREDA, son-in-law of L H MEURANT, Esq., R.M., whilst labouring under great irritability from indulging freely in drink, stabbed his wife in the abdomen, and mortification setting in, after great effusion of blood, she expired on Sunday morning. The funeral took place this (Tuesday)afternoon. The miserable man is in custody – The preliminary examination in the case of Dr BREDA, at Fort Beaufort, has terminated in the committal of the prisoner for trial. The chief witness was the servant girl, who deposed that her master left the room where the deceased and he had been quarreling, saying “I will do for you!” and that he went out and returned with the knife with which he deadly assault was committed.
May 9, 1871
May 16, 1871
BIRTH at Queenstown, o the 8th May, 1871, the wife of Mr James HODGES of a daughter.
May 19, 1871
OBITUARY. – It is with sincere regret that we record the death of Mr. Joseph FLASHMAN, so long a resident in this District. For the last few months he has been living at Dordrecht, superintending the building of the New Dutch Church in that village. Congestion of lungs was we believe the cause of death. The deceased was a son of Mr. FLASHMAN of Dover. It is a matter of consolation to know that at the time of his death he was surrounded by his wife and family, who had some time previously removed from Queenstown. To them we offer our heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement.
May 30, 1871
DIED, - At the residence of Mr J. WEAKLEY, Senr., Queeenstown, on the 28th day of May, Catherine Susan, the beloved wife of Mr. George FILMER, aged 36 years and eight months. Leaving a husband and eight children to mourn their sad loss.
June 2, 1871
SAD CASE. – One of the most painful affairs which have been known in Capetown for a very long period has occurred since our last issue. On Saturday afternoon last, Miss HOLLAND, the niece of Mr. W. STIGANT, went out to Sea Point in one of the tramway cars. In it she was met by one of her friends – and she seems to have had a large circle of them – who asked where she was going; she replied she was going out to spend the afternoon. There was then nothing unusual in her manner. At Sea Point she was seen rambling on the rocks, and at last she went to the huge boulders which are in front of the cottage belonging to Mr. SAUNDERS, at present occupied by Capt. DIVER. Some persons then saw her place down her parasol, take off her gloves and jacket, and then placing her hands before her face, fling herself into the breakers. Those who know anything of SeaPoint are aware that at this particular spot the rollers break with tremendous violence against the rocks, even in the calmest weather, and the drawback is very strong. Whether the unfortunate girl was at once carried out to sea, or was caught in the tangled meshes of the bamboo, which at this particular part is very thick, it is, of course, impossible to say, but she has never been seen since. All that the people in the neighbourhood or her relations can do has been done to recover her body, but all in vain, and those who are bereaved are left to wonder as to what caused her to commit this rash act. Those who knew her best speak of her as being most amiable and contented and happy until last Valentine’s Day, when, it is said, she received a valentine so gross and unkind that she was almost driven to phrenzy. She entreated her relations to trace out the person who had sent it her, and they pointed out how difficult a task that would be. Since then she has never been herself, and has made constant reference to the insult she had received. This is the only reason which can be given for her having thus hurried herself to a premature death. She was only nineteen years of age, good-looking, and interesting, and her loss has brought a gloom over a large circle of her acquaintances, whilst the deepest sympathy is felt with her relatives who are well-known and esteemed in this community. The system of sending valentines in this town seems to be to send the most repulsive ones that can be purchased, and this is not the first time we have heard of such wickedness ending unhappily. We do not envy the feelings of the individual who from malice or revenge sent this valentine to Miss HOLLAND. - Standard.
June 16, 1871
ACCIDENT. – A sad accident occurred between Klip Drift and Gong-Gong last night. A Mr. PAXTON was proceeding in his travelling cart, when suddenly his driver missed him from the vehicle, and on descending and looking back along the road he found his master lying dead a short distance off. He had fallen from the cart, and the wheel passing over his body, had crushed his liver and caused instant death. A postmortem was held by Dr HALL, and the cause of death thus ascertained. – Diamond News.
June 27, 1871
BIRTH – at Queenstown on the 26th Instant the wife of C.T.W. MOUAT, of a son.
DEATH OF B.A. MEINTJIES, ESQ. – Our readers may remember that on Saturday, the 13th May last, Mr B A MEINTJIES, while superintending the repairs and re-thatching of the Dutch Reformed Church, had the misfortune to fall through the ceiling into the body of the Church, breaking his leg. Since then he has been progressing most favorably, occasionally suffering from severe heartburn. On Thursday last he appeared in excellent health and spirits; but towards evening he complained of pain in the pit of the stomach, which, in a short time became most intense; tympanites ensued, and he terminated his earthly career at about 9 o’clock on Thursday evening last. The deceased gentleman was an active member of the Dutch Reformed Church, and his loss will be felt not only by his more immediate relatives, but by a large circle of friends – G R Herald.
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