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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1871 4 October - December

October 3, 1871

AN OPIUM EATER AT CRADOCK. – FATAL RESULT. – On Monday morning last, the District Surgeon, (Dr. GREY) was called upon to attend a Mr. F. PRIOR, who was reported to be very ill through indulging in the use of opium. Upon arriving at the house, however, he was found to be quite dead. It seems that, being something of a quack doctor, he had had a quantityof drugs in his possession, and among them opium, and using it instead of grog, which he was unable to purchase, overdosed himself. This was established at the post mortem which was held on the same day. – Register.

October 31, 1871

BIRTH – at Queenstown on the 25th October, 1871 –the wife of Mr. A. GOLDSCHMIDT, of a son.

DIED, at the farm “Green Fontein,” Bongolo, on the 25th October, 1871, Mr. William JACKSON, aged 53 years, leaving a sorrowing widow and a family of eleven children to mourn their irreparable loss.

November 7, 1871

MARRIED – at Queenstown, in the Presbyterian Church, on the 26th October, 1871, by the Revd. W.B. PHILIPS – John Colburn GARNER, third son of the late Revd. W.H. GARNER, Wesleyan Minister, to Sarah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of S. HARDING, Esq., Queen’s Park.

FATAL ACCIDENT. – We regret to record the death of Mr. Anthony MEYER, a young man 20 years of age, which sad event occurred in the Windvogelberg on Thursday last. It appears that the young man, with his brother, was on the road to King W. Town with their fathers wool. He had handed the whip to his brother, and was walking on the opposite side of the wagon which neared the edge of the road. He stepped on to a stone. The stone slipped, throwing him between the wheels of the loaded wagon, the hind wheel passing over the head of the unfortunate deceased. He called to his brother for water, and while in the act of drinking the blood gushed from his mouth and ears, and life became extinct. He did not speak further than to say that the stone slipping from under him cause him to fall.

November 24, 1871

DIED – at Queenstown, on Wednesday, the 22nd of November, inst. – Caroline GRUBB, aged 68 years and 2 months.

MRS. GRUBB, who came to the Colony with the Settlers of 1820, departed this life on Wednesday last. Deceased had been a great sufferer for some years, and for months had been unable to leave her bed. She will be well remembered as one of the oldest residents of Grahamstown, which town she only left to accompany her daughter to Queenstown. The original settlers are one by one passing from our midst, and there will soon not be one left to tell the tale of their early trials and privations. The funeral will move from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. E. PARKER, this morning at half-past nine o’clock.

SERIOUS ACCIDENT. – A young farmer, named William BROCKETT, met with a very unfortunate accident on Wednesday afternoon. He was coming to town from Kraggakama, with a load of forage. In jumping out of the wagon with his whip, to steady himself he laid hold of one of the sheaves, which, giving away, caused him to over balance and fall under the wheel which passed over his chest, inflicting very severe internal injuries. He was immediately conveyed home, and Dr.THOM was sent for, who proceeded out to the farm the same evening, and remained all night with the patient. We understand he gives very little hope of the young man’s recovery. – Telegraph.

November 28, 1871

BIRTH – at the Qamatta Poort, on the 21st of November,1871 – the wife of Mr. S BERESFORD of a son.

BIRTH – at Kamastone, on the 2nd of November,1871 – the wife of Mr. J.H. BARNES, of a son.

BIRTH – at Queenstown, on the 24th November, 1871– the wife of Mr. W. JACKSON, Jr., of a son.

DIED – at Queenstown, on the 24th of November,1871 – Mary Ann, beloved wife of Mr. W. JACKSON, junr., of Hopefield, Districtof Queenstown, aged 22 years and 5 months, deeply lamented by her sorrowing husband and a large circle of relatives and friends.

December 5, 1871

DIED – at the Omnibash, Transkei, on the 19thNovember, 1871, - Robert, the beloved son of William and Rebecca BANDS, aged 2years, 11 months, and 2 days. – Friends at a distance will please accept thisnotice.

DIED – at the Farm Coldstream, District of Queenstown, after six weeks illness – Harriet, relict of the late Wm. WEDDERBURN, Sr., in her 63rdyears. Deeply regretted. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. W. PALMER at the fields. The deceased had of late been very successful and was fast accumulating a competency, when brain fever assailed him and carried him off.

DEATH AT PORT ELIZABETH. – A lad named James GAUGAIN, and apprentice at the Herald office, and a Hollander named Theodorus WILLINGS, whilst bathing in the Bight, swam out a considerable distance, and being unableto regain the shore owing to the strong current, were both drowned. A boat put off and brought their bodies ashore. GAUGAIN was not quite dead when taken out of the water, but all efforts made to resuscitate him were ineffectual.

DEATH OF FATHER HIDIEN. – We deeply regret to learn from Mr.BENNING, junr., who returned by the last cart from Dutoitspan, that the respected Roman Catholic Priest at that Camp, the Rev. Father HIDIEN, is deceased. Mr. BENNING informs us that about 3,000 persons attended the funeral, amongst them being a number of young girls, dressed in white. Those who have been on the Fields, and are aware of the esteem in which the late Father HIDIEN was held, owing to his exertions on behalf of the suffering and sick, of whatever creed, will not be surprised at the respect thus shown to his memory. Typhoid fever was the cause of death. – Gazette.

December 12, 1871

BIRTH – at Queenstown, on the 6th instant – Mrs.W. BROWN of a daughter.

The death of Mrs. BOYCE, wife of the Rev. W.B. BOYCE, is announced. She was 65 years, and has for a long time been a great sufferer. The funeral was largelyattended.

December 15, 1871

In the Estate of the late H.J. BERTRAM.
All persons having any claims against, or being indebted to the above Estate, are requested to file their claims with or to pay their debts to the undersigned, or to Mr. A.D. WEBB, within Six Weeks from the date hereof.
Mary BERTRAM,Executrix Testamentary.
Queenstown, 9th December, 1871.

December 19, 1871

MARRIED – at Queenstown. On the 6th instant, bythe Rev. H.H. DUGMORE – John MEADE, to Georgina Margaret BREMNER, only daughter of Mr. James G. BREMNER of Queenstown.

December 26, 1871

FATAL ASSAULT. – We hear that Andries DU TOIT, son-in-law of Gabriel JACOBS, of Gansvley, district of Victoria, has been murderously assaulted by a Hottentot, his servant. It appears that about three weeks ago, DU TOIT warned the Hottentot not to drive the stock on the water-course, but he disobeyed and as the latter was walking up to him, the Hottentot stabbed DU TOIT in the thigh and back. The doctor was sent for from Franserburg, who pronounced the wound not mortal; but the unfortunate young man died two weeks afterwards. The Hottentot is in gaol awaiting his trail. –Beaufort Courier.

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