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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1872 1 January - March

January 2 1872

MARRIED –13th December, 1871 – by Rev. W. MEADEN, at St. John’s, Winterberg – James EDWARDS, Jr., of Winterberg, to Jessie, second daughter of Mr. ...person[McPHERSON?] of Queenstown.

January 5 1872

BIRTH – at “Lang Leg,” Vaal River, Diamond Fields, on Friday, 15th December – the wife of Mr. C.H. WEBSTER, of a son.

DEATH BY LIGHTNING. – A boer, named JACOBS, was struck dead by lightning whilst in the act of stacking oat hay, at Ospoort, the farm of the late ACKERMAN. The boer’s wife and a coloured man were assisting to save the sheaves from rain, when the electric fluid fatally struck JACOBS, knocked down the nigger, and strange to say, left the woman unscathed.– Friend.


THE Star publishes the following obituary notice. Mr. WOOD will be well remembered in Queenstown from his connection with the Free Press: - 

Our telegram conveys the intelligence of the death of Mr. George WOOD, Editor of the Penny Post, a gentleman who had many friends here, having been a resident in this city for some years. Mr. WOOD came to the Frontier with Mr. R.W. MURRAY in 1864, when the Great Eastern newspaper was started. After a residence in this town for several years, he accepted an engagement as reporter to the Queenstown Free Press, and subsequently was on the staff of the Cradock Express. Upon leaving Cradock he was engaged as reporter and Sub-editor to the King Williamstown Gazette, and after a stay of some months in Kaffraria he again took up his residence in this city and for some months had the editorial charge of the Grahamstown Advertiser. At the close of the year 1870 Mr WOOD went to Port Elizabeth, where he stayed some months and in February last returned to Capetown, where he accepted the editorship of the Penny Post, which enjoyed a flourishing career under his care. The late Mr.WOOD had many qualities which would have made almost any man’s fortune. As a writer of the light literature of the “Press” he had few equals, and as an amateur actor he possessed talents which placed him far above the ordinary run of most amateurs, and even many professionals. He had a particular gift for representing grotesque characters, and was exceedingly clever in burlesque. “Queen Eleanor” in the burlesque of “Fair Rosamond” was the last character he performed in this city, and was acknowledged to be one of the best assumptions he ever essayed on the stage. One of his most successful and clever bits of acting was his old man in the “Chimney Corner,” and had Mr. WOOD taken to the stage as a profession he would undoubtedly have made his mark. Too easily lead, generous to a fault, and of a most kindly disposition, he may be said to have been no persons enemy but his own, and after several years friendly acquaintance the writer of this will but add his regret to those of the many friends who now mourn the untimely death of George WOOD.

January 9 1872

BIRTH – at Queenstown, on the 7th January, 1872 – the wife of Mr. A. BRITTAIN,of a son.

January 16 1872

SAD ACCIDENT. – It is our painful duty to report the shocking death, at the Location, yesterday afternoon, of a son of Mr. F. JARDINE, a fine child about 4 years of age. The particulars, as far as we can gather, are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. JARDINE had gone out to Woest Hill, leaving the children, who were playingin the yard, in charge of the servant. After some time, the little boy was missed; but no suspicion that anything had gone wrong was entertained till one of the children, looking into a large tank, (the mouth of which was open), saw the little boy’s hat on the surface of the water. The alarm was immediately given and a coloured boy, procuring a ladder, went down into the tank, and found the body there. Medical assistance was soon on the spot, and all that the neighbours could do was done, but without avail, it was too late, life was extinct. – Penny Mail.

January 23 1872

BIRTH, at Poplar Grove, on the 21st January, 1872, the wife of Mr. G.D. HINDS of a Son.

MARRIED, at Dordrecht Division of Wodehouse, on the 15th January, 1872, by the Rev. John GORDON, of All Saint’s Mission, Frederick Richard Francis SOUTHEY Esq., eldest son of Henry SOUTHEY Esq., of Loet Fontein, near Middelburg, to Matilda Jane, eldest daughter of W.C. HUTCHENS, Esq., of Dordrecht, - No Cards.

January 30 1872

BIRTH. – At Queenstown, on 28th inst., Mrs. Charles BROWN of a daughter.

FATAL ACCIDENT. - We regret to hear that Mr. Alfred PHILLIS, for some time clerk in the employ of Messers. Holland & Co, has died from the effects of a gun-shot wound. He had resided lately with his brother-in-low, Mr. W. MACHIN, at Toegedacth Hotels near Graaff-Reinet. On Friday last between five and six o’clock he was taking his gun down for the purpose of going out shooting. It was loaded and cocked. Something catching the trigger caused the gun to go off and the young man received the charge in his stomach causing almost instant death.

February 2 1872

DIED, at Queenstown, on Saturday, 27th January, 1872, Thomas Frederick, infant son of Mr. And Mrs. W.J. NETTELTON.

February 6 1872

DEATH BY DROWNING. - The post from Alexandria last evening, brought a hurried line announcing the death of Mrs. COLTMAN of Oliphant’s Hoek, who was drowned while bathing at the Bushman’s River mounts, yesterday morning. Mr. COLTAN is a farmer and miller, owning a large establishment, and lately removed from Zuurberg to Alexandria. He is left with four children, all very young, to mourn his irreparable loss. Further particulars inform us that the body has been found, and brought into Alexandria. – Journal.

February 13 1872

FATAL ACCIDENT. – On Sunday afternoon a fatal accident occurred at the corner of Harrington and Caledon-streets. A dog-cart, containing three girls (two Misses SCHIERHOUT and a Miss CERFONTYN) a young man, said to be just from the Fields, and a driver, was capsized through the breaking of the pole while in the act of turning out of Caledon-street into Harrington-street. The vehicle fell upon the females, killing one on the spot, and one of the other is said to be so severely injured as not to b expected to live. The girl killed was one of the Misses SCHIERHOUT. The young man and the driver escaped unhurt.– Penny Post.

February 16 1872

MARRIED, at the residence of the Bride’s father, Stormberg, on the 31st January, 1872, by the Rev. W.B. PHILIP, Mr. Jeremia JENNINGS, of the Transvaal, to Elizabeth Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. Geroge VICE. – No Cards.

DIED, at Queenstown, on the 12th of February, 1872, of Diptheria, Agnes Aldrich, second daughter of Rev. Z. ROBINSON, aged 4 years and 9 months.

THE REV. J.D.M. LUDORF. – The death of this reverend gentleman is fully confirmed, but the sad event occurred at Likhatlong (Janje’s station), and not at Klipdrift as last week stated. The Chife Moroko, of Thaba ‘Nehu, and his councillors, who fortunately happened to be at Likhatlongat the time, were present at deceased’s deathbed, made a coffin, and did all they could to show respect to his remains. Mr. LUDORF had for many years been Moroko’s Missionary at Thaba ‘Nehu, and had great influence with that Chief and his tribe. No white person was at Likhatlong when Mr. L. died. The mournful event occurred on the13th January last. Mr. LUDORF had reached his 53rd year. Deceased was a printer by trade, and came out to this country in that capacity, in connection with the French Mission at Beersheba. He was some years afterwards ordained as a Wesleyan Minister. – Friend.

February 23 1872

BIRTH, at Coldstream on Monday the 19th February, 1872, the wife of Chas. H.MORGAN of a son.

Five men have been drowned in trying to ferry a new punt across the Riet River in theFree state. One was a Mr. TULLOCK, of Simon’s Town, the builder of the punt, and a Mr. PRETORIUS.

FATAL ACCIDENT. – A very sad accident occurred on Thursday week in Van Staden’s Pass causing the instantaneous death of a farmer named TERBLANCHE of Assagai Bush. The unfortunate man had been to Port Elizabeth with a load of produce and was returning with a load of merchandize. There is a very abrupt turning in the Pass, where the rocky wall projects into the road. The wagon was going so near this projection as to threaten its striking it. TERBLANCHE jumped down to drive the after oxen into the road and was caught between the projecting rock and the rail of his wagon, his chest being literally crushed. Death was instantaneous. We believe the deceased leaves a widow and young family. – Uitenhage Times.

March 11 1872

MARRIED, at Tarkastad, on February 28th, 1872, by the Revd. W.G. STEGMAN, M.A.,assisted by the Revds. J.G. STEYTLER, DE VILLIERS, (brother of the Bride), and the Revd. W. JOUBERT, J. Alleyne YELD, of Tarkastad, to Susanna Margaret, daughter of the P.F.R. DE VILLIERS, Esq., of the Paarl, Capetown

DIED, at Hilton, district of Queenstown, 6th March,1872, Robert MILES

March 22 1872

MARRIED, at the residence of Charles SONNENBERG, Esq., brother-in-law of the bride, on the19th inst., by the Marriage Officer. A.M. JACKSON, Esq., Adolphus GATES, of Kaiserslautern, Bavaria, to Jenny ROSENBLATT, of Hesse Cassel. – NoCards.

MARRIED, at the residence of Charles SONNENBERG, Esq., on the 19th inst. by the Marriage Officer, A.M. JACKSON, Esq., Jacob LEONI, of Amsterdam, to Rosa WOLF,of Kaiserslautern, Bavaria. – No Cards.

INQUIRY. –Inquiry having been made for one Philip STOLZNER, it is requested that any information regarding him may be communicated to the Colonial Office. Philip STOLZNER left his home in the year1855, served in the French army during the Crimean war, then came to this Colony, and is said to have entered the Frontier Armed and Mounted Police, and to have resided last at Burghersdorp.

FATAL POST-CART ACCIDENT. – Yesterday (Wednesday) morning, at an early hour, about 4 o’clock, the post-cart of Messrs. STEIJN and HANGER (from Smithfield), in attempting to cross the Kafir-river, at the drift near Mr. Samuel MARAIS, three hours from this, was carried down the stream and one of the passengers, a Mr. RYAN, unfortunately drowned. The horses likewise were drowned; but later in the day the cart, the Colonial and Smithfield mails, and the greater part of the passengers’ luggage was recovered. The young man (RYAN) who has thus suddenly and unexpectedly lost his life, was a resident of Rouxville, where he was a clerk in the store of Mr.CHASE. He was, it is said, formerly in the employ of Mr. JACOBSON at Fauresmith. He was at the time en route to the Diamond-fields. Though a careful search had been made, up to yesterday afternoon the body had not been recovered. Mr. S. MARAIS, however, promised Mr. HANGER, one of the post contractors, who rode out at once to the spot, that he would, when found, make a coffin and see the same decently interred. The carpet bag of RYAN, said to have money in it, had not been discovered – this being the principal thing still missing. Mr.MARAIS was to take a sharp look out, and as the river fell, would doubtless hit upon it, and had undertook to send the same in to Mr. HANGERE here. There was one other passenger in the cart, Mr. Alexander REID, of Somerset East, who, when he felt the cart going downstream, sprang out and swam to the opposite (Bloemfontein) side. When he (Mr. R.) reached the bank, he caught at a tuft of grass which gave way in his hand; he then floated down a little farther, clutched at another tuft, and happily got out. Just as he gained terra firma, he heard poor RYAN, who had all the time held fast to, and remained in the cart, call out twice – “REID! REID!” After that he heard nothing more. He (REID) was alone, tired, and exhausted, and, of course, utterly powerless to render any aid to the drowning man. The post-boy likewise jumped out of the cart (an open one) and got out of the same stream on the same side as he had entered it. The post cart arrived at the drift at cock-crow, say about 3 o’clock a.m. The driver left the cart, went down the bank to the water’s edge, and remained away some time. When he returned to the cart, the passengers asked him anxiously if the river was safe to cross. He replied “he thought so,” and after a little further delay drove down into the water with the above fatal result. When the driver found the stream too deep and strong, he endeavoured to turn the horses and come out on the side he had entered, but, alas! Too late. The horses had no power or control over the vehicle, and down the whole went. –Field.

March 26 1872

OBITUARY. –It is with much regret and sorrow that we notice the death of Mr. W. WIGGETT, in the 58 year of his age, an old resident of the town. He came to the Colony many years ago, and passed through many changes of fortune, enjoying both the smiles of prosperity, and the frowns of trying days. No face was better known than his about the town; and many will miss it. Especially will the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Society deplore his loss. In this Society he took much interest, and was a tower of strength to the Conservative benches.

SAD AFFAIR. –Mr. Albert PEARSE, draper, of Main-street, was found dead in an iron tank at the rear of his residence yesterday morning. The deceased on Sunday night was in a very perturbed condition, and insisted upon walking about the house. At midnight, however, Mrs. PEARSE persuaded him to retire to rest, and everything went right until 4 o’clock yesterday morning, when she found that her husband had left the room in his night-dress. A diligent search was made for him during the morning, but no clue could be obtained to his whereabouts, until his body was discovered in an iron water-tank at the rear of the house. The deceased squeezed himself through the round aperture at the top, partly pulled the cover over, and deliberately sat himself down to die. When found, he wasin a sitting posture, the upper part of the head being alone out of the water. The District Surgeon was called in, and pronounced life extinct. Theunfortunate man has for some months exhibited considerable weakness of intellect, and it is feared that while in one of his periodical fits of despondency he committed the rash act. – E.P. Herald.

THE LATE MRS. BAILIE. –We have the painful duty to chronicle the death of Mrs. Jane Amelia BAILIE, relict of Mr. Archibald BAILIE, a member of Bailie’s Party, arriving in this country with the Settlers of 1820. The deceased lady was here on a visit for the benefit of her health, and had so far recovered as to make arrangements for her departure to Alice, having taken her seat for Saturdays cart; but on Friday morning a sudden attack of severe illness intervened which terminated fatally on Saturday evening last. The funeral was held on Monday morning, attended by a number of friends as well as the bereaved relatives who were able to be present. The deceased had an extensive family connection to whom the sad news will be a severe blow. The name of BAILIE also bears a prominent position in our country annals, and there is a lovely spot, we believe, amid the solemn Amatolas, well known to many a colonist as “BAILIE’s Grave,” the resting-place of another settler’s son, killed by the Kafirs. The maiden name of Mrs. BAILIE was CUMMING, and she was sister to the present British Resident among the Fingoes, T.A. CUMMING, Esq., - Journal.


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