Queenstown Free Press 1872 2 April - June
April 2 1872
It is with no ordinary sorrow that we record in to-day’s paper the death of John H. PARKER. This announcement will, we are sure, be read with deep sorrow and regret by every one in this town and district; and far beyond these limits, in every town of the Province, and in the busy haunts of Griqualand West, will the sad intelligence send a pang of grief into many a heart. For John H. PARKER was no ordinary man, and so long had he been one of us that his name was almost a household word. Coming to Queenstown in 1857, only a few years after its foundation, a young man, just out of his teens, he grew up with the town; assisted in the rise and progress of all its institutions; and by his spirit and industry contributed no meagre share towards its present flourishing condition. In fact no man has perhaps done more in his day for our community; and his unexpected removal, in the prime of life, and in the vigor of his days, is a public loss. His great characteristic was wonderful spirit and indomitable pluck, and in no stinted measure did he infuse these into others; so much so that these are the qualities for which our little town has become noted. As a business man he was keen and conscientiously upright; he knew how to make money; and had his temperament been a little less speculative, years ago he might have retired with a handsome fortune. On more than one occasion he had great and trying difficulties to face. Sunshine was not always upon him; but under deep and dark shadows he did not despond. Not one in a thousand would have battled so manfully with them as did John H. PARKER. They would have succumbed; but he rose superior to them and won the day. During the last year of his life most of his time and attention were given to the diamond trade. He went into the purchase of the precious gems, as he went into every other kind of work, with a bold heart. If you wanted to see diamonds, PARKER’s was the place. They were there in little bagfuls. Oh! How he admired the brilliants, and with what pleasure he would take up one stone after another and show your its peculiar beauties! But his speciality for most of the previous years was auctioneering, and for this, his frank, genial and humourous manner well suited him. It was a pleasure to attend one of his sales, but of late they have been few in number. His energy was directed into new channels. The same spirit which he showed in his own affairs he carried into public life. If any new undertaking was set agoing, any institution formed, any special town or divisional work to be done, John H. PARKER’s name was sure to be connected with it. His energy was invaluable. It would be impossible to mention all the public positions of trust which he has filled from time to time. For many years he was a member of the Divisional Council; he also sat on the municipality for a time; of the Benefit Society he was long President; and almost from the formation of the Queenstown Bank he was one of the directors. In the independent and Presbyterian Church he was one of the finance officers; and was among the managers of the Saving’s Bank, the Aided school, and to several other institutions. In all these places he will leave a blank, not to be easily filled. On gala days, such as laying the foundation stone of our first bridge, or the visit of a Governor, John H. PARKER was in his glory... ...He was not a strong man and many a time has he been laid aside on a bed of sickness. Still his frame seemed so elastic, his spirit so buoyant that until within a few hours of his death it was fondly hoped he would be raised up again to go in and out among us. But Providence had otherwise ordained; and on Thursday morning last, after a week of severe agony of body and mind, in the thirty-sixth year of his age, and in the full swing of a busy and useful life, with its manifold engagements, and the hope of many clustering around it, John Hayes PARKER passed away from our midst. For many a day yet to come, will his memory be green in our souls...
A MOSTmelancholy case of poisoning has happened at Middelberg. The facts of the case as represented are, that Doctor COWARD upon his return home had together with all the family partaken of some curry from which ill effects were felt. Though as it would appear not on that day sufficient to arouse their alarm. The following day on partaking of the soup all the family and a visitor, Mr. REEVES, were seized with severe illness, from which Mr. REIVES was the first to die in 24 hours after seizure. Since then we learn that a son of Doctor COWARD’s aged nine years has fallen a victim. Doctor, Mrs, and the 2 Misses COWARD are all sufferers from the ill effects of the poison. The latest intelligence states Mrs. COWAARD to be convalescing, but the lives of the rest to be still in serious jeopardy. A remarkablecharacter of their illness is that there are intervals of apparent convalescence followed by severe relapses, which are alleged to denote a poisonous herb known among the natives. At present there is no define proof of how the poisoning was caused, suspicion attaches to a Bushman servant girl in the house who several days ago upon being rebuked for misconduct, and threatened to be complained against to the master, retorted that the whole family had better look out that they do not all come into trouble.
TWICE MARRIED IN LESS THAN A MONTH. – A curious case is now undergoing investigation by the Resident Magistrate of Klip Drift. A young lady who has been until lately, known as Miss Sarah MILLER, is charged by W.H. SEFTON with the crime of bigamy. From the prosecutor’s affidavit we learn that on the 10th February of the present year he was married to the accused by the Rev. Mr. ROBINSON, a licensed minister of the Church of England and that on the succeeding day (Sunday) he was surprised to learn that the banns of marriage had been called by the Rev. Mr. SADLER between the frail one who had sworn to love, honour, and obey him but the previous day, and one Charles BROOKSTEIN. He at once informed all interested parties of the slight impediment to his Sarah (she, by the bye, totally repudiates the first marriage) becoming the wife of another man, and the upshot was that the Rev. Mr. SADLER refused to perform the ceremony. Thus matters stood until thearrival of the Bishop of the diocese, who in consequence of the representationof the parents, made the better (?) half of W.H. SEFTON and the whole of C.BROOKSTEIN one. The affidavit further charges the parents of the young lady with complicity in the crime, as they were duly informed of the first marriage; but the prosecutor and the Rev. Mr. ROBINSON both swear to it. His worship offered to take bail for £500, the accused in £250, and two sureties of £125 each, but it has not been forthcoming. By the time the case has been fully heard there will, we think, be enough matter developed to form the basis of a most sensational work, out of which a novelist would make a fortune. – Field
TERRIBLE FATAL ACCIDENT. – A frightful claim accident occurred at Dutoitspan on Thursday afternoon, with melancholy effects. It seems that Mr. P. DU PREEZ, late of Winburg, Orange Free State, was working in his claim, as usual, when a portion of the ground which had been slightly undermined, gave way, falling upon him. The catastrophe having been witnessed by several diggers, assistance was soon obtained, and the unfortunate man was taken from his unhappy position, and removed to his domicile, close to the kopje, where he died almost immediately. Search was then made for two Kaffirs who were supposed to be buried under the rubbish, but after digging for some time the missing men were observed to be standing close by amongst the crowd which had by this time assembled. The deceased was a hard-working, persevering digger, but he does not appear to have been very fortunate. He leaves a wife and a large family, to whom we tender our sympathy in their very mournful bereavement. A subscription list has been started in aid of the afflicted family with very satisfactory results.
April 5 1872
DIED, at Queenstown on the 7th April 1872, after a severe illness of some weeks, the beloved wife of Mr. W. STILWELL, Sen., aged 74 years and one month. She leaves a disconsolate husband and large family circle to mourn their irreparable loss. Deceased came to the Colony with her husband in 1820.
April 23 1872
BIRTH, - At Dordrecht, on the 16th inst., Mrs. Horatio HUTCHON of a daughter.
May 3 1872
NEXT OF KIN.- On the 10th instant a meeting of next of kin and creditors of the late John COLEMAN, will be held before the resident Magistrate, of Queenstown to appoint Executor dative, &c.
Tuesday, May 21 1872
The Cape papers announce the death of Mr. Rice JONES, brother of Mr. F.H. JONES of our town.
Friday, May 24 1872
We regret tohave to record the death of Captain COBBE, late British Resident of Fingo land(Transkei), which sad event took place yesterday, at the residence of Mr. STOW, Dutoitspan.
Tuesday, June 4 1872
DIED – at Kleinfontein, District of Queenstown – on the 27th May, 1872, Ann, wife of Thomas BAILEY, (born McEWAN) aged 32 years, one month, and 24 days. Deeplyregretted by her bereaved husband and four young children, and a large circleof friends.
OBITUARY. –We notice in the last Diamond News an announcement of the death of Mr. Daniel COLLINS. It will be remembered that Mr.COLLINS was formerly a resident of Queenstown.
Friday, June 7 1872
DIED at Queenstown, on the 3rd inst., Alexina Russel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Hugh THOMSON, aged 2 years 9 months and 17 days.
Friday, June 14 1872
BIRTH, on the 30th May, 1872, at Devonshire Hill, Rondebosch, (residence of Geo. J. NICHOLLS, Esq.,) the wife of Charles Edward NICHOLS, of a Son.
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