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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1872 3 July - September

Tuesday, July 16, 1872

BIRTH, - At Queenstown on the 29th June, 1872, the wife of Mr. Alfred RIDLEY of a daughter.

We very much regret to announce the sudden and very unexpected death of Mr. J.J. LE SAEUR, late magistrate of Humansdorp, which took place in Cape Town on Monday night. He subjected himself to a surgical operation the previous day – which unhappily ........ fatally. Mr. LE SAEUR had been suffering from a serious illness for several months before – Argus.

Tuesday, July 24, 1872

BIRTH – at Queenstown, on the 16th July, 1872 – the wife of C. SONNENBERG, Esq., of a son.

DIED – at Tarkastad, on the 15th of July, 1872 – Mary Eliza, infant daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W. Murfin, aged, four months.

SERIOUS ACCIDENT. – On Friday week a child of Mr. S. MEYER’s, at Brantwacht, Mossel Bay, met with a serious accident. It appears that the child – a promising boy of about 4½ years – was playing with a stick, and struck a horse a blow, when the animal kicked him, and inflicted severe wounds on the head. The poor little fellow was first discovered by his mother, in an insensible state, when Dr. BATEN was immediately sent for, who, with his usual promptness attended, and found the child in a precarious state, with two scalp wounds on the right side of his head, and an extensive fracture of the pariental bone, part of the brain substance protruding.

Friday, July 26, 1872

CHILD BURNT TO DEATH. – On Friday evening last, at about 6 o’clock, a little girl of about 4 yours of age, daughter of Mr. SAWYER at Mowbray, met her death under the following circumstances. She and another little one were playing in the front room, where a fire had been lit, and either playing with or coming in too close contact with the grate her clothes caught. The mother who was in the back part of the house at the time, on hearing screams, rushed in, and found the room enveloped in smoke, but did not see the child, who in her alarm had run round the table and rolled under. Medical aid was immediately called in, but too late, as the fire had done its work and the little victim, succumbed at about ten o’clock that evening.

Tuesday, July 30, 1872

BURIAL OF A NUN. – On Sunday afternoon a considerable number of spectators were attracted to the Roman Catholic Church and also to the burial-ground, to witness the funeral of Sister Mary Catherine (of the Crown of Thorns) whose death, from heart disease, took place on Saturday morning last. The funeral cortege, preceeded by his lordship Bishop RICARDS and Father FARRELLY, and followed by the nuns and school children, arrived at the Church shortly after three o’clock. Here a portion of the burial service was read by His Lordship, at the conclusion of which the procession reformed and proceeded to the cemetery. At the conclusion of the service, the nuns and children dropped white lilies upon the coffin. The deceased lady was but twenty-one years of age, - Penny Mail.

Tuesday, August 6, 1872

MARRIED – At Aliwal North, on Wednesday, the 31st July, 1872, by the Rev. William ROSSITER, Rector of St. Paul’s Samuel Wesley, second son of the late Stephen TROLLIP, Esq., of Queenstown, to Jessie Jane, second daughter of Mr. J. WILLIAMS, of Aliwal North, and grand-daughter of the late William BOOTH, Esq., of Walworth, England. – No Cards.

DIED – at Queenstown on the 2nd August, 1872 – Albert Sibly, infant Son of Mr. And Mrs. Stephen MORUM, aged 1 month and 15 days.

OBITUARY. –We regret to announce the death of the wife of our fellow-townsman, Mr. H. TIFFIN, which sad event took place last week.

Friday, August 9, 1872

OBITUARY. – Death the fell destroyer has once more been busy in our midst. This week we have to record the death of a comparitive stranger – a gentleman recently from England – Mr. Kenyon PARKER, who departed this life at the Free State Hotel, at about sunrise on Tuesday morning last, 30th ult. Mr. PARKER with his wife and three young children arrived here by way of the Diamond Fields some three or four weeks since, from their native land. Deceased who had for some time been suffering from a pulmonary complaint had been advised by the doctors at home to try our unrivalled climate, which he accordingly, did, but alas too late. He, as it has now proved, merely came here to die. When Mr. PARKER reached this, it was only to apparent to those who saw and conversed with him, that he had but a short time to live. His mortal remains were interred in the English Burial yesterday (Wednesday) at 4 o’clock in the presence of a large concourse of followers, the funeral service being performed by the Venerable Archdeacon CROGHAN. The sorrowing widow and fatherless children will now return home to England. Deceased is understood to have held a good position in Sheffield, England, and had only completed his thirty fourth year. – Friend.

Tuesday, August 13, 1872

MARRIED – At Aliwal North, on Wednesday, the 31st July, 1872, by the Rev. William ROSSITER, Rector of St. Pauls Samuel Wesley, second son of the late Stephen TROLLIP, Esq., of Queenstown, to Jessie Jane, second daughter of Mr. J. WILLIAMS, of Aliwal North, and grand-daughter of the late William BOOTH, Esq., of Walworth, England. – No Cards.

Tuesday, August 27, 1872

E.P.G.L. & I. Co. – Grahamstown.
In the Estate of the late Mr. Geo COLEMAN.
Sale of Valuable Farm.
Will shortly be sold by Auction, the Farm “Andries Berg,” Adjoining “Groote Vlei,”
Date and place of sale hereafter.
F.B. BROWN, Auctioneer.
Queenstown, August 13, 1872.

ALLEGED MURDER AT NEW RUSH. - Mr. Joseph LEVY, late post contractor, was brought up in custody on Monday, fore Mr. J.L. TRUTER, charged with the murder of Ellen CONNER, a young woman with whom he had been residing. Dr. GRIMMER said that he on Saturday made a post mortem examination of the body of the deceased, and he found death to have been brought about by the diseased organs of the body, especially the liver, which produced dropsy. There was inflammation of the intestines, which he considered was several days old. A kick hastened the death of deceased. Prisoner was remanded until Wednesday, that further evidence might be taken. Bail was tendered, but the Magistrate said this was not a bailable offence. Messrs. EDWARDS and TINNERY defended. – News.

Tuesday, September 3, 1872

In the Estate of the late Mr. J. FLASHMAN, of Queenstown.
Unreserved Sale of Dwelling House.
The Undersigned has received instructions from the Executors in the above Estate, to sell by Auction, without Reserve on Saturday, 5th day of October next, (being Nachtmaal), The large dwelling-House belonging to the above Estate, situate near the Dutch Church, Queenstown, containing Five Rooms and Kitchen, with Stable, enclosed Yard, &c.
The House is well built of Burnt Brick, and is in a good state of repair, Mechanics and others wishing to secure a good roomy House, on easy terms should attend this Sale, as there will be NO RESERVE.
Immediate possession can be had.
Sale on the spot – punctually at 10 o’clock.
F.B. BROWN, Auctioneer.

MURDER AT NATAL – A dreadful murder has taken place near Maritzburg. It appears that a shoemaker, named CLARKE, who lodges with a Mr. And Mrs. TAYLOR, was settling some accounts with his landlady as he sat at his work-bench. The husband came in and accused CLARKE of meanness. Angry words followed; blows ensued; and at length Mrs. TAYLOR, who had been trying to part them, exclaimed, “CLARKE you have stabbed him.” The blood was then pouring from a fearful gash in the neck, inflicted with the knife CLARKE had been n working with. CLARKE tried everything in his power to stop the blood; but finding his efforts unavailing rode off for Dr. BOAST, who arrived just as the wounded man was sinking and too late to save his life. He died within three hours of receiving the wound. The culprit at once came into town, and surrendered himself to the police.

Friday, September 6, 1872

BIRTH – at Queenstown,, on the 4th September, 1872, the wife of Mr. S.S. MILLS [possibly MILES] of a daughter.

BIRTH – at Queen’s Park, on the 28th August – the wife of Mr. J.C. GARNER of a daughter.

Tuesday, September 10, 1872

DIED – at Paarden Kraal, Stormberg, on the 5th September, 1872 – Mary Anne, beloved wife of Mr. William BARRABLE, leaving a disconsolate husband and several children to mourn their irreparable loss. Aged 40 years and 5 months.

DEATH OF A CAPE COLONIST. – There are few men on the Eastern frontier of the Cape Colony more respected than Mr. William POHL, of Adelaide, who is now a digger on the Diamond-fields, and the intelligence that his wife has suddenly departed this life at the New Rush will be received with deep regret throughout the Eastern Province. The hospitality of Mr. And Mrs. William POHL was a household word in the Cape Colony. The deceased lady was buried at New Rush. – News.

Tuesday, September 17, 1872

DIED – at New Rush, Diamond Fields, on the 22nd instant – Herbert Henry Jeffeson, infant son of Mr. And Mrs. Charles H. WEBSTER, aged 8 months and 23 days.

Friday, September 20, 1872

SUICIDE. – A private of the F.A.M. Police named MAHON, and stationed at Klipdrift, committed suicide on Thursday morning last. The unfortunate man seated himself on the ground, and placing the muzzle of his revolver in his mouth, blew his brains out, causing immediate death. The Field says no reason can be ascertained for the committal of the rash deed.

Friday, September 27, 1872

DIED – at Queenstown, on the 24th of September, 1872- Mrs. Mary Elizabeth HOUSLEY, aged 59 years and 6 months. – R.I.P.

WEDDING.- There was quite a stir in the main street of the town on the occasion of Mr. R. BARNED (Ulyate and Barnes) leading to the hymeneal alter, the eldest daughter of Mr. G. BEALE, one of the oldest residents of Queenstown. The Wesleyan Chapel was filled with an appreciating Audience. The bride and bridesmaids were elegantly attired, and the best men all that could be desired. The service was performed by the Rev. H.H. DUGMORE.

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