Queenstown Free Press 1872 4 October - December
Tuesday, October 8, 1872
BIRTH – at Paarden Kraal, Stormberg, on the 3rd inst. – the wife of Mr. J.JENNINGS, of a son.
DIED – at his residence, Riet Vley, on the 24th of Sept. 1872, after a lingering illness of several months, Mr. Wm FINNAUGHTY, aged 62 years, 2 months,and 2 days. Deceased came to this colony with the Settlers of 1820.
Friday, October 18, 1872
BIRTH – at Griffithville, on the 13th October, 1872 – the wife of Mr. John J.EDWARDS, Jr., of a daughter.
Friday, October 25, 1872
It is with the deepest regret that we record the death of Miss Harriet SMITH, daughter ofthe Rev. Jno. SMITH, Wesleyan Minister at Burghersdorp. We sympathise deeply with the parents in the heavy bereavement they have suffered in the last twelve months, having lost one son and two daughters in that short space of time.
Friday, November 1, 1872
DIED – at Queenstown, on the 30th October, 1872 – at the residence of Mrs. J.H. PARKER, after a long and painful illness, Sarah Ann, the third and beloved daughter of John F. And S.A. SLATER, of Bushman’s River, District Alexandria, aged 17 years and 10 months. Friends at adistance will please accept this notice.
Tuesday, November 5, 1872
Mr. WilliamGEORGE, the well-known and much-respected host of “George’s” of this town, and formerly of Grahamstown, died yesterday after a long and painful illness, aged50 years.
MARRIED – At St. Michael’s, Queenstown, on Tuesday the 5th instant, by the Venerable the Archdeacon WHITE, Thomas Sheilds, third son of Thomas Emmerson CARTER Esq., of Lee, Kent, to Kate Marie, youngest daughter of the late Captain William DARKE, of Launceston, Cornwall.
Tuesday, November 12, 1872
FATAL ACCIDENT.– A little boy, son of Mr. HODGES, who is now at the Diamond Fields, was amusing himself in the yard at Brink’s Hotel at Bedford, when a native came in at the gate pushing a Scotch cart in front of him in a reckless manner, jamming the poor little fellow between the wheel and the wall. The injuries he received were of such a serious nature that he lingered on for a few hours and died. We sympathize with the absent parents at this sad and melancholy occurrence. – Courant.
Tuesday, November 19, 1872
FATAL ACCIDENT. – A fine and promising young man, we are informed scarcely 21 yearsof age, has lost his life whilst incautiously working with his gun. It appears that he had loaded it for the purpose of shooting a dog, which was in the habit of annoying him at night, and shortly afterwards recollected that he oiled the inside of the barrel and forgot to wipe off the oil before loading. He therefore proceeded to draw the charge, and succeeded in removing the shot and the greater part of the gunpowder, only a small quantity adhering to the sides of the oiled barrel. Wishing to ascertain whether the nipple was free from obstruction, he place the muzzle of the gun in his mouth andproceeded to blow down the barrel. It being dark at the time he asked a friend who was standing by to hold a candle near the nipple, for the purpose of seeing whether a draft of air would issue from it. No sooner was the candle only but a very small distance from the nipple than he drew in his breath exhausting the air in the barrel and causing the flame of the candle to be attracted towards the nipple. The result was that some powder around and in the nipple ignited, causing an explosion of the powder remaining in the barrel. Having the muzzle of the gun in his mouth he received the full force of the explosion into it, extending backwards to the throat and even down his wind pipe and gullet. The injuries he received were, as may be expected, of a dangerous nature, and after suffering intense pain, which he bore with Christian fortitude and patience, he expired on the evening of Friday last, the 1st instant, at the residence of Mr. D. ROODT, bywhom he has been brought up from childhood, the accident having occurred the previous Tuesday. The name of the unfortunate man is John KROOZEN, 20 years of age, and a carpenter by trade. At the time of the accident he was engaged on the railway, and resided near Salt River Station. His funeral took place on Sunday last and was attended by a numerous concourse of relatives and friends, deceased being esteemed by those with whom he as acquainted. – Argus.
Friday, November 22,1872
MARRIED – at Queenstown, by the Rev. W.B. RAYNER, on the 21st November, 1872, John BARRABLE to Harriet Matilda FRANK. No Cards.
Friday, November 29, 1872
MARRIAGE. –Mr. DEN, Manager of the Telegraph Company has been married to Miss SOLOMON, fourth daughter of Mr. Henry SOLOMON, of Sea Point.
Tuesday, December 3, 1872
We understand that Mr. T. GARNER, the son of Mr. GARNER, now residing in England, is lying dangerously ill at the Convict Station at the Kowie, so ill that all hope of his recovery has been given up. Mr. GARNER was formerly an officer in one of Her Majesty’s cavalry regiments in the colony, after which he was hotel-keeper at Fort Brown; since then he has been for some three or four months a constable at the Kowie Convict Station. – Journal.
Tuesday, December 10, 1872
We regret to hear that Mrs. MASKREY, (cousin of Messrs PEACOCK of this town), departed this life at Dordrecht, on Sunday last. The deceased lady had been unwell, but in a fair way of recovery, when the fearful storm mentioned in our last broke over Dordrecht. The room in which she was lying had the windows broken, a cold was the result, which aggravated her sickness from which she never rallied and she died as stated leaving a large family to mourn their severe loss.
OBITUARY. – It is with much regret we record the death last Thursday at Dordrecht of Mr. E. VON WEDELL after a short illness. Mr. VON WEDELL came to this colony in 1856 as an officer in the German Legion; and afterwards entered the F.A.M. Police Force, where he served as a Sub-Inspector for many years. In fact it is only some two months since he resigned this post; with the intention of settling down to farming pursuits in the Wodehouse Division. The deceased was well connected. His brother was one of the Prussian Generals killed in the late war; and prior to his leaving Vaderland, Mr. E. VON WEDELL himself occupied some post in the King of Prussia’s household. To his widow, a sister of the Rev. J. BERTRAM, we tender our sincere sympathy.
Friday, December 20, 1872
SAD ACCIDENT. – A very sad accident happened at Rouxville during the latter part of last week. From what we can gather of the affair it seems that there was some person in a shop who was trifling witha pistol, which was charged with powder and ball. The shot went off and struck a lad, named WESSELS, in the abdomen. Medical assistance was speedily obtained from Aliwal North. – Standard.
Tuesday, December 24, 1872
We regret toannounce the death of Mr. S. STONE, son of S. STONE Esq. Town Clerk of Leicester, England, which sad event took place on Sunday night the 22nd Dec, 1872, from inflammation of the kidney. Deceased has been a resident adjacent to St. Peters, in this district, during the past 3 years. He was buried yesterday afternoon, the Ven.Archdeacon WHITE officiating.
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