Queenstown Free Press 1873 1 January - March
Tuesday, January 7, 1873
DIED – from drowning at “Queens Park” near Queenstown, on the 21st December, 1872 – Hannah Maria, second daughter of S. HARDING, aged 16 years, 7 months, and 3 days. Also Rhoda Harriet, fourth daughter, aged 10 years and 18 days. – Mr and Mrs HARDNG, with family, beg to thank all those who so kindly assisted and so deeply sympathised with them in this great affliction.
DIED – at “Nettle Grove,” on the 7th December, 1872, oat the residence of Mr. E.D. WEBSTER – Mr. James MUNDELL, Senr., a Settler of 1820, leaving a large family to mourn their loss.
Most Melancholy Accident.
One of the saddest events we have ever had to record as happening in this town or neighbourhood, took place on Tuesday, the last day of the Old Year, near dusk, on Mr. HARDING’s farm, which is situated about a quarter of an hour’s ride from town. A great, in fact a monster picnic, was to be given by the family on the New Year’s Day; and as might be expected, for several days previous great preparations had been going on for the festive gathering. Mr. HARDING’s four daughters, of whom one is married, and two of the others at Boarding School, from which they had returned little more than a week, were peculiarly active in getting everything into order; and in the afternoon of the last day of the year, having been like busy bees the whole day, and at last seen their preparations complete, they got permission to go and have a dip in the river Komani close by. It appears the girls had never bathed in the river before. Their parents had been against it; but on this occasion the mother’s consent was given and away went the happy four to a well-known spot for bathing. It was a treacherous place however; and soon, very soon ,the water had the poor girls in its fatal hold.
One daughter first got beyond her depth, and the two elder sisters who were still secure, as was natural, rushed to help her. But their assistance was vain; and as so often happens, their attempts to save a sister made the calamity all the more terrible; for the drowning sister pulled both of them after her into the deep water, so that three out of the four seemed about to perish. But the shrieks of the fourth sister brought a Kaffir boy who was passing to the rescue; and at no inconsiderable risk of his own life he managed to save one of the three sisters – and that the married one. Of the two other poor things, thus suddenly and in the midst of unusual rejoicing, taken away from this world, one was got out very shortly afterwards; and for several hours it was fondly hoped that life was not extinct; but all means of restoration failed. The vital spark had fled. The other body was not found till the following morning. It did not rise to the surface; but was found under a rock in the river bed. The news of this sorrowful event reached town late in the evening; but it was New Year’s morning before it became generally known. On any morn it would have cast a deep gloom over the town; but on this occasion, the first morning of the new Year, and when everybody was preparing to give the opening year a festive welcome, the sad news caused a tenfold deeper gloom. Several never heard it till they were about to wend their steps out to the great picnic which was to have been. It was a terrible shock to them when told how the mysterious hand of death had brought dark clouds of deepest sorrow over the anticipated gathering. We need not say that sympathy for the bereaved family has been universal. On Thursday morning the corpses were brought into town, and buried in the Independent and Presbyterian portion of the Cemetery. All the townspeople at home were present at the mournful ceremony. The Rev. W.B. PHILIP conducted a short but very impressive service in the Church, and also at the open grave, assisted at the latter place by the Rev. W.B. RAYNER. It was a pitiable sight to see the two coffins side by side, containing the dust of two young creatures respectively 10 years and 16 years, lowered into the tomb. Two days before they had been full of life and joy – lights of their home. Solemn indeed was the warning which their untimely end carried to the hearts of the living. Truly in the midst of life we are in death.
Friday, January 10, 1873
THE MURDER AT FORT HARE. – David PLAATJES who is charged with killing his reputed wife Sannah THEUNISSEN in the old magazine at Fort Hare on the 24th December, was fully committed for trial for the crime of murder by the Resident Magistrate. The three cowardly Graaff-Reinet Hottentots, who were passive spectators of the brutal transaction, were called upon to give security for their appearance was witnesses at the trial, but as they could not do so they were also sent to prison for safe custody.
A SON SHOT BY HIS FATHER. – On Thursday last John VINKWART, and old servant of W. SLATERS,’ was charged before the Resident Magistrate of Victoria East with the crime of culpable Homicide. The prisoner and a numerous purty of friends had been “keeping up Christmas” rather too freely. They begun dancing and drinking on Christmas Eve and so continued through the night. About 1 o’clock a.m. the prisoner left the dancers who were enjoying themselves outside, went into his hut and fetched his gun “to shoot,” as the witnesses expressed it, “for Christmas.” He stood at the door of his hut, pointed the muzzle of the gun downwards, and fired off both barrels, shooting his own son, a little boy three years of age dead upon the spot. The poor child was lying asleep on the ground about five yards from the place where his drunken father stood. It is not supposed that the prisoner knew that his child was lying there, or that he intentionally killed him; in fact he himself says, he was so extremely drunk thht he did not know what he was about. The Magistrate observed that it appeared to be a fit case for a Jury and that he should therefore commit the prisoner for Culpable Homicide, accepting bail for his appearance. Mr. SLATER became surety and the prisoner was released.
Tuesday, January 21, 1873
DEATH BY DROWNING. – There have been two deaths from drowning while bathing at the Kowie, a Mr. JOHNSON, recently from England, and a native boy.
THE LATE REV. W. SHAW. – The Pulpit in the Wesleyan Chapel, Queenstown, was, on Sunday last, mournfully draped in black, in memory of the late Rev. W. SHAW. On Sunday evening, February 2, the Rev. H.H. DUGMORE will preach a funeral sermon, having reference to the lamented death of Mr. SHAW. We believe Mr. DUGMORE has also been invited to the Meeting of Conference to be held in Grahamstown next month.
SUDDEN DEATH. – A young Dutch farmer named FERRARIA, died suddenly a few days ago in the Caledon district We believe that he was at a wedding and had been dancing, when a report was brought to him that one of his horses had broke lose and was off. He immediately ran out caught cold; and was laid up. He died during the third day. – Aliwal Standard.
Tuesday, February 4, 1873
DIED, on Friday, the 24th January, 1873, of Bronchital Croup, Earnest West, Infant Son of Mr. & Mrs. CROUCH, Aged 14 months and 15 days.
DIED, of Diamond Field fever, near Smithfield, on the 3rd January, 1873, Mr. SYMONS, late of Alice, where his family reside. Friends please accept this notice.
The Advocate records the death of Dr. MUCAHY District Surgeon of Victoria East.
Friday, February 7, 1873
ACCIDENTALLY DROWNED. – On Wednesday morning a white woman named Eliza CORNEGIE, while bathing on the south side of the Breakwater, was accidentally drowned. It appears that she fell into a deep hole, and no one but her sister being present, before she could be extracted life was extinct. – Telegraph.
MELANCHOLY DEATH. – This morning walking along the bank of the river, the streetkeeper, Mr. COOMBSS, saw a man in the river. He succeeded in getting him out, when it proved to Mr. CALLCOTT, a carpenter recently from Grahamstown where his family at present reside. Mr. H. TIFFING who happened to be passing got assistance, but while removing him he died. He was buried by Mr. TIFFIN, who was very kind and took great interest in this “stranger in a strange land.” It is time some provision wrs made for cases of destitution such as this. It is not the first of the kind of late.
Friday, February 14, 1873
BIRTH – at Queenstown, on the 6th February, 1873, the wife of James WIGGILL, of a son.
TWENTY FOURTH CHILD. – The inhabitants of Springbok were on Tuesday week gratified by the announcement that the wife of our respected townsman and oldest inhabitant, Mr. John TOWNSEND, had presented him with his “twenty fourth child!” Mr. TOWNSEND, who is now in his seventy-fourth year, has been a resident in Namaqualand from the times the Copper Mines were started, and is now the chief agent of the Cape Copper Mining Company at Springbok. Those who notice the activity of the old gentleman can hardly be persuaded that he has not made a mistake of twenty years in his age. A short time since, at the christening f one of this great great-grandchlidren no less than four generation of the family were represented – Mr. TOWNSEND, his son, grand-daughter, and infant! If it be true that the wealth of a colony consists in its children, then, surely, Mr. TOWNSEND deserves a gold medal for his contributions to it. – Argus.
FATAL ACCIDENT. - On Thursday, the 23rd ultimo, Mr, Willem BOTHA, of the Cronstadt district, who, with his family, had been on a visit to his father-in-law, Mr. J.G, VERMEULEN , was on his return home, in a bullock-wagon. The Sandriver being rather full at the time, he endeavoured to cross it at the drift had by Mr. VENTER’s farm. Evidently the water was still rising, for as soon as the oxen got into mid-stream they were carried down-stream. Whilst drifting down Mr. BOTHA took to with his wife, who managed to take by the hand one of their little girls. His son, a boy nearly 12 years of age, who had been told to remain in the wagon with his two other little sisters and the servant girl, seeing his father and mother in the water, also jumped into it, and seizing his father by the jacket, caused him to lose hold of his wife, and all were now struggling for life. Mrs. B. And her little daughter in some unaccountable way reached the banks of the river. Mr. B. After a hard struggle become thoroughly exhausted, and could offer no further assistance to his son, whom he saw sinking to rise no more. After drifting about for a few minutes he recovered sufficiently to make one more effort to save himself, and he reached the bank, which he crawled up, but after making a few strides he fell down, and had afterwards to be removed on a stretcher to Mr. VENTER’s house. The bottom board and tent of the wagon had, by the breaking of the long wagon, got disengaged, and was floating down the river with the servant maid and the two little girls. The Kafir leader, with great personal danger, floated down with it, constantly endeavouring to push the tent towards the banks of the river. At one time the whole was overturned, and one of the children washed out, but happily the Kafir saved her, and again placed her on the fril barge. Which he at length succeeded in forcing into a bend of the river, where the whole were saved. Whilst this was going on, Mr. VENTER and a couple of his Kafirs managed to disengage the oxen from the “under-stell with which they were floating about, and thus these were also saved. The body of young BOTHA has not yet been recovered. Mr BOTHA lost everything which had been contained in the wagon. – Friend.
Friday, February 21, 1873
DIED. – At Queenstown, on the 19th February, 1873, William GREEN, of Balfour, aged 55 years and 2 days.
The bereaved widow and family, beg to tender their sincere thanks to the kind friends in Queenstown for their kind sympathy and attention shewn them during the illness of the deceased, more especially to Dr. KRANZ, Rev. W.B. PHILLIP, Mr. E. CROUCH, and others.
Tuesday, February 23, 1873
ON the Evening of 21st December, 1872, washed overboard and drowned from the wrecked steamer Germany, on Point de la Coubre, coast of France – Mary Maria Clift EARLY, and her little family of four children, wife of Mr. Edward EARLY, junr., late of Witney, Oxfordshire, England, and second daughter of the late Isaiah TITTERTON, Esq., of Port Eilzabeth. A loving wife and mother, a good daughter, a kind sister, deeply regretted by her sorrowing relatives and friends.
Queenstown, Cape of Good Hope.
DROWNED. – The son of the petty Chief VYSE was drowned last week while attempting to cross the Kei at Tylden.
Friday, February 28, 1873
BIRTH. – At Dordrecht, on the 16th February, 1873, the wife of the Revd. Z. ROBINSON, of a daughter.
Tuesday, March 4, 1873
SUDDEN DEATH – Information has reached us of death of a shoemaker named LATIN, for some time a resident at St. Marks Mission. This sad event took place on Saturday last. The poor man left the cottage and was walking around it outside, when he fell down and expired before assistance could be rendered. Heart disease is said to have been the cause. Deceased leaves a widow and large family to mourn their irreparable loss.
DEATH OF DR. PAWLE. – The death is announced in the papers of Dr. PAWLE, an old and respected inhabitant of the George district. Deceased came to this colony in 1820 in the Belle Alliance, with a party of British Settlers, and after remaining in the Eastern Province a year or two was appointed district surgeon of George. He had attained the advanced age of 84 years.
Friday, March 14, 1873
FATAL ACCIDENT. – Our correspondent writes to us (Standard) from Robertson under the date 1st March: - “Yesterday morning about six o’clock, a young man named F.J. VAN EEDEN, left the village on horseback. About nine o’clock a.m. he was found a short distance from the village by one VAN GRAAN, lying on Gorees Hogte in a state of insensibility. He was taken to the village where he was attended by the able District Surgeon Dr. HANEF. It appears that the stirrup leather broke, and he fell of the horse and was dragged a considerable distance.
Friday, March 24, 1873
FATAL ACCIDENT. – a SON OF Mr. BARTHOLOMEW, of the Standard & Mail, a fine little fellow about 7 years of age, climbed on the wheel of a cart, and the driver, not noticing him, drove away and the poor little boy was thrown under and the wheel passed over his head, causing almost immediate death.
The town was thrown into a sad state of excitement yesterday morning when it became known that Mr. R.H. LEVY had suddenly, by his own act, entered into the presence of his Maker. Mr. LEVY arrived in Queenstown on Monday week, and entered at once upon his duties as Assistant Teacher to the Aided School. During his stay he had been apparently happy and contented, and nothing had occurred to indicate in any way a tendency towards the sad end that was to follow. The lamented deceased purchased a pistol yesterday, and obtained a few charges of powder to experiment with. He retired at the usual hour the previous night, and drank his early coffee in the morning, after which he appears deliberately to have put the pistol to his forehead and fired. Death must have been instanteous. The spectacle was a sad one but on this we refrain to particularize, as being too painful. The remains were carried to their last resting place this morning followed by a large number of relatives and friends. With whom there is a deep and heartfelt sympathy prevailing the entire town. Prompt action was taken by the Magistrate, District Surgeon and Chief Constable to have the whole matter enquired into.
Tuesday, March 25, 1873
THE FUNERAL SERVICES FOR THE LATE MRS. FISH, wife of the Wesleyan minister at present stationed in Port Elizabeth, took place at 3 p.m. last Friday afternoon. The followers could not have been less in number than 150. One gratifying circumstance in connection with the occasion was that the ministers, save one, of all the Protestant religious denominations walked in procession, and took part in the obsequies, the Rev. Mr. HEPBURN and the Rev. Mr. MACINTOSH officiating in the chapel, the Rev. Mr. FORRESTER, Rev. Mr. GREENSTOCK, and the Rev. Mr. STOKS at the grave. The sublime service for the burial of the dead in accordance with the Church of England, was performed by the Rector of St. Paul’s, the Rev. S. BROOK; and the Rev. Mr. FORRESTER of the Scottish Presbyterian Church offered up an impressive prayer. The benediction was pronounced by the Rev. W. GREENSTOCK (Episcopal) and throughout it was noteworthy that such a united service had certainly never been witnessed on any previous occasion in Port Elizabeth. On Sunday last, a funeral sermon, appropriate to the occasion was preached by the Rev. E.D. HEPBURN, in the Wesleyan Chapel, to a crowded congregation. The text was Rev. Xiv., v. 13. An affecting allusion to the late lamentable bereavement was made from several pulpits in this town on Sunday, and it will thus be seen that the most earnest, heartfelt sympathy has been extended to the worthy young minister who has sustained so irreparable a loss. – Telegraph
Friday, March 28, 1873
MELANCHOLY DEATH. – We regret to hear of the death of a little boy, at Aliwal, son of Mr. S. BEKKER, M.D.C., under the following simple circumstances. On the Wednesday he sustained some injury to his foot b y the trampling of a goat, on Friday it grew worse – inflammation setting in – and on Sunday morning the poor little sufferer, in great apparent suffering but quite unconscious, breathed his last. - Standard.
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