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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1873 2 March - June

Tuesday, April 1, 1873

Mr B.B. BROWN’ Sales
In the Estate of the late Mr. William JACKSON.
Unreserved Sale by Action
Of a valuable
Situated near Queen’s Town.
The undersigned has received positive instructions from the Executers of the above Estate to sell by Public Auction,
On Saturday,
The 4rd day of May next.
That valuable and well-known Farm called
“Green Fontein,”
Situate in the Bongolo, only 6 miles from Queenstown.
“Green Fontein” is nearly 1,400 morgen in extent; is situate on the Main Road to Aliwal North, Free State, and Diamond Fields; has very extensive Lands under Irrigation; large Dwelling House, good Stone Kraals, 2 large Sheds, Stables, Coach-house, and Garden well planted with choice Fruit Trees. In addition to the extensive lands near the homestead on the River, a very large piece of ground has been enclosed by a stone wall near the mountain for cultivation and for the run of stock night and day.
There is also a subdivision about 22 acres River Frontage of the adjoining Farm (“Lange Vale”) purchased by the late Mr. JACKSON from Mr. VAN DER LINDEN at a cost of over £300, securing to “Green Fontein” the right of water furrow from the Bongolo River. The fortunate buyer of the Farm will get Title to this as well.
The whole forming a very valuable and productive Farm, and being situate so near to the large and rapidly increasing Daily Market of Queen’s Town, offers to the Stock Farmer, agriculturist, and Market Gardener – with the certainty of a considerable and immediate income, an opportunity seldom presented for profitable investment – Comfort, Independence, and Fortune.
As the Executors are anxious to close the Estate, the Auctioneer’s instructions are peremptory – in fact, to “Sell without Reserve.” An extended Credit can be had, and possession will be given forthwith. Title Deeds can be seen and any information had at the Auctioneer’s Office.
The Farm will be sold punctually at 12 o’clock on the above day viz., May 3rd, in front of the Auctioneer’s Office.

DEATH. – One by one the earliest residents of Port Elizabeth are being gradually removed from our midst. On Sunday night last Mr. Charles ADCOCK breathed his last. Deceased was born and brought up in this town, and ha ever since resided here, and by his inpustry and courtesy conducted a large and profitable business. His death, which took place at the comparatively early age of forty-four years, was not unexpected, as he had been ailing from some months past, and all hope of his recovery had long since been given up.
The funeral, which took place yesterday, was numerously attended, and among others who paid their last tribute of respect to the deceased were the Freemasons of the “lodge of Good Hope,” of which he was a member and an officer. – Telegraph.

Friday, April 4, 1873

FATAL ACCIDENT. – A fatal accident occurred on Tuesday last in Queen-street. It appears, from what we can gather relative to the unfortunate case, that a child of the name of CHANNER was playing by the large gates at the former premises of Mr. O’SHEA, and the gate, a very ponderous affair fell upon the poor little thing, death ensuing almost immediately. – Telegraph.
Dr. GUTHRIE died this morning at twenty past two, at No. 20, Eversfield-lace, St. Leonard’s-on-Sea, where he arrived for the benefit of his health on the 31st of last month. Most of the members of his family were present. The rev. doctor was in the seventieth year of his age, having been born in 1803. During his illness many telegrams have been received from Scotland in regards to his condition, including an inquiry from the Queen. The late Dr. GUTHRIE was a well-known minister of the Free Church of Scotland. He was celebrated for his pulpit eloquence, and was the author of a number of popular religious works.

SUDDEN DEATH. – A man named PILLIPS, by trade a tailor, in the employ, of Mr. P. SCALLAN of this town, died very suddenly, on Tuesday last. Only about a quarter of an hour before his death he came into the front shop from the work room to ask the assistant for some thread. Having abtained it, he could scarcely have resumed his employment a few minutes before the aweful visitation took place as a quarter of an hour after he had been in the lower shop, the assistant on going into the work room found him prostrate. Every endeavour was promptly made, but the iron had of death was upon the poor man, who we understand, leaves a widow and children in Cape Town. – Telegraph.

Tuesday, April 8, 1873

MARRIED – AT Queenstown, by the Rev. W.B. RAYNER, on Wednesday, April 2nd, 1873 – George H. TURVEY, of Lady Brand, O.F>S., second son of E.M. TURVEY, Esq., to Jessie Blake KEIGHTLEY, of Queen’s Town. – No Cards.

MARRIED – at the Congregational & Presbyterian Church, Queenstown, by the Revd. W.B. PHILIP, B.A., on Wednesday, April 2, 1873 – George Nutter TUDHOPE, of Messeteng, British Basutoland, youngest son of the late Francis TUDHOPE, Esq., of Grahamstown to Sarah Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late John MASKELL, Esq., of Queenstown. – No Cards.

DIED – AT “Aloe Grove,” Dist. Of Queenstown, 4th of April, 1873, at the residence of his son-in-law, (Mr. Elijah WIGGEL) – Francis Parot BENTLEY, at the age of 89 years, 8 months, and 18 days. He was one of the British Settlers of 1820. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Friday, May 9, 1873

Notice to Creditors.
In the Intestate Estate of the late William FINNAUGHTY, District of Fort Beaufort.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned, having been appointed Sole Executrix in the above Estate, requests that all claims against that Estate be sent in to Mr. H.E. McTAGGART, Fort Beaufort, within six weeks from this date, and all indebted thereto are required to settle their respective accounts within the same period, to the said Mr. H.E. McTAGGART.
Eliz. Rebecca FINNAUGHTY.
Sole Executrix.
Grahamstown, March 25, 1873.

Tuesday, May 13, 1873

FATAL ACCIDENT AT ST HELENA BAY. – On Monday the 21st ult., as Mr. James MACLACHLAN was returning from Waterklip to Stumpnose Bay in a cart drawn by four mules, he met with a very severe accident, which caused his death. As he and the driver were coming down the hill, within a mile of his residence, the mules took fright and ran away. Mr. MACLACHLAN sprang out at the back of the cart; his foot caught the side and he was thrown violently on his head and back, which caused severe internal injuries. He died on the following Wednesday night at half-past eleven.

DEATH OF MR MANN. – The public will learn with deep sorrow that Mr. W. MANN Assistant Astronomer breathed his last yesterday morning. The deceased was first Assistant Astronomer Royal from the appointment of Sir Thomas MACLEAR as Astronomer Royal (1833) until last year, when declining health compelled him to retire from his arduous position. While Mr. MANN, was a most indefatigable and praiseworthy devotee of science, he endeared himself by his amiability to all who had the good fortune of knowing him. He was son-in-law to Sir T. MACLEAR and leaves a wife and nine children to mourn the loss of a good husband and father. To them and to the veteran Sir Thomas we offer our most unfeigned sympathy. – Standard.

Friday, May 16, 1873

MELANCHOLY DEATH. – A young Dutchman, of Kragakamma, in the Uitenhage division, died here last week. The poor fellow – whose name was BUCHNER – arrived here with three wagons laden with merchandise, and of which he was in charge, on Friday last. It appears that he was in a sickly state on arrival at Burgher’s Dorp, where he obtained medical assistance. On his way hence, he caught cold and he grew worse. Medical aid was promptly obtained on arrival here; but he only lingered to Monday morning, when death put an end to his suffering. The deceased was, we believe, about 24 years of age; and the cause of death was fever. – Aliwal North Standard.

Tuesday, May 20, 1873

MARRIAGE WITH ONE’S DECEASED WIFE’S SISTER. – The Volksraad of the Free State have suspended Mr. ROBERTSON, Landdrost of Smithfield, from his office, for marrying the sister of his deceased wife.

MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. – A very sad and melancholy accident happened last week at the farm Driko, near Somerset; the residence of Mr. E. HISCOCK. Mr. J.A. CAMERON, son-in law of Mr. HISCOCK, became seriously ill, and while in a delicate state escaped in the night from the room and rushed into the veld. Although diligent search was made in every nook and corner of the farm where his friends thought he might be, they looked in vain. At last a suggestion was made, - might he not have fallen into the dam. The dam was at once emptied, and to the grief of everyone the body of poor CAMERON lay at the bottom. Mr. CAMERON was a quiet and intelligent gentleman, and was greatly respected by all who knew him. He had been married to Mr. HISCOCK’s daughter only about two months. His remains were brought into town, and followed to their last resting place in the Wesleyan burial-ground by a large number of friends. Universal sympathy is felt for the bereaved widow and family under this severe and melancholy affliction. Mr. CAMERON was a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, and had been a colonist for many years. – Courant.

Tuesday, May 27, 1873

SUDDEN DEATH. – Information was received in town this morning by the Resident Magistrate, of the sudden death, at Riebeck, of one of the privates of the F.A.M. Police, stationed out there. His name is Malcolm TURNBULL. It appears from the inquiry instituted by Mr. Field-cornet JUHRE, that the deceased, in company with a corporal and several privates of the same force, was drinking at Praed’s canteen on Tuesday evening. On the men preparing to leave, it was found that TURNBULL was so sleepy and drowsy he could not be roused up, the corporal therefore ordered one of the men to sleep with him at the hotel that night. In the morning, about half-past six, young PRAED called out to the deceased to wake him, but receiving no reply, he informed Mr. PRAED, sen., of the circumstance, who thereupon went to his bedside, and was shoked to find that TURNBULL was cold and stiff. Mr. PRAED immediately proceeded to police station to report what had occurred, and the body was afterwards removed thither. The fieldcornet, Mr. W. JUHRE, was sent for, who held an investigation the same day. He found that from the pit of the stomach of the deceased upwards the body was a violet colour, increasing in intensity as it approached the head, where the colour of the skin was was purple. From his description of the body. Dr. ATHERSTONE is of opinion that the deceased died during a fit of apoplexy. The witnesses examined by the fieldcornet deposed that the unfortunate man had been a very hard drinker, but on the evening in question had drunk only three or four glasses. The deceased had formerly been an engineer on board one of the mail steamers, and was said to be well connected in England. – Star.

Death has been busy with us of late. There were no less than four during the past week.
THE REV. W. SHEPSTONE, ex-General Superintendent of Wesleyan missions in the Queenstown District passed quietly away into the hands of his Maker, at 3 o’clock on Monday morning the 26t inst. The lamented departed had on various occasions suffered, and been confined to bed, but such was the life and vigour of his constitution that he always rallied, and looked hale and hearty again – the present occasion the agony suffered was excruciating. In turning in the bed one of the ribs was broken, which had to be set y Dr. DE MORGAN, who was in attendance, but the patient sufferer felt his time had come at last, and resigned himself quietly, lingering up to the date names. He was one of the first missionaries in Kaffirland, and spent the greater part of his long life, 76 years in the work of his Creator and Saviour. The Revds. H.H DUGMORE and HUNTER and all the members of the family who could be present were with Mr. SHEPSTONE up to the last, to soothe, comfort and cheer the dying moments of one so greatly revered and beloved. The funeral will move from the late residence at Kamastone, on Wednesday, (tomorrow) at 11 o’clock.
C.W.J. POWELL, Esq., of Rocklands in this division has gone from among us. He departed this life, unexpectedly at last, on Friday the 23rd inst, about midday. Mr. POWELL had been suffering for some weeks, but nothing serious was anticipated. On the 21st he was in such good health and spirits as to be present at the wedding of his granddaughter, Miss. FROST,. He returned to his own home, and was well as usual up to Friday. In the morning of that day he took a long walk, returning about 11 o’clock, partook of a plate of soup, and remarked to Mrs. POWELL that he felt much better, and had slept sounder the last night or tow. Shortly after he fell from the chair on which he was sitting and was lifted up a corpse. Death is supposed to have been caused by the sudden stoppage of the hearts pulsation. Mr. POWELL was one of the first residents of the division, and from that time to the present has occupied a leading position, being always looked up to as one of the most gentlemanly and intelligent farmers in the colony. He leaves a very large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their sudden bereavement. The remains were conveyed to their last resting place yesterday, Archdeacon WHITE being present and conducting the service.
Mr. E. PRIOR, a Trader in Kaffirland also died during the past week after a lingering illness, and was buried on Sunday last, a large number of Odd-Fellows of which Lodge he was a member, and other friends following the remains to the Church, and thence to the grave. There was also on the same day the funeral of an infant of Mr. And Mrs. J. THOMAS.

Tuesday, June 3, 1873

In our last we accidentally omitted a notice of decease, on Sunday, of Mr. J.J.H. SMUTS, who for more than forty years has been connected with the press of Cape town. Born in the Hague, in Holland, in the year 1809, he, with his father, Mr. Advocate SMUTS, of the old Court of Justice, came to the Colony in the year 1815, with twelve years afterwards, when the Zuid Afrikaan newspaper was established, under the direction of a committee consisting of Sir C. BRAND, the late Mr. P.A. BRAND, and Mr. Advocate HOFMEYR, Mr. SMUTS received an appointment connected with it. Subsequently he became the part-proprietor and editor of the Zuid Afrikaan, until two yars ago he retired from active labour, and the Zuid Afrikaan was amalgamated with the Volksvriend Professionally, as in every relation of life, Mr. SMUTS was warmly esteemed and respected by all who knew him. – Argus.

Tuesday, June 10, 1873

DIED – on the 28th May, at Hilton, the residence of Mr. John MILES – Mary, the beloved wife of Thos. PAGE, Sen., aged 74 years and nine months. – The deceased came to this colony, with the original settlers. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Friday, June 13, 1873

TWO DEATHS FROM DROWNING. – A correspondent who resides at Philippolis, has furnished us, under date the 29th ult., with the following mournful intelligence: - “A sad accident occurred about an hour from here on Saturday night last, by which Mr. Theodore BOTHA and his son-in-law Piet VAN RENSBURG lost their lives. A fearful storm of rain broke over the farm Droogeplaats and neighbourhood, and the above farmers were returning home from town, and probably arrived at the spruit, where the accident happened, in the dark. As they were the only persons present no one can tell how the catastrophe came to pass, but as they did not arrive at home a messenger was sent in to town on Sunday morning who upon hearing that they had left for home the previous evening, went out and after searching ,found first the remains of the cart, with one dead horse attached, a short distance below Klipkraal house, and on further searching, discovered the body of BOTHA. The other horses and the body of RENSUBRG were found about two miles further down. The spruit were the accident occurred is very small, and fed but a short distance, and must on this occasion have been very full. BOTHA leaves a widow and large family of children; VAN RENSBURG had been married about two years, and leaves a widow and one child. – Friend.

Tuesday, June 17, 1873

DIED – at St Mark’s Mission Station, on the 11th June, 1873 – Emma Florence De La Courtle SNOOKE, only child of Mr. And Mrs. S.D. SNOOKE, aged 2 years and 8 days.

Friday, June 20, 1873

AWFULLY SUDDEN DEATH. – On Saturday afternoon Mr. John PYE and his neighbour Mr. Thomas DAVIS were returning from Beaufort to Buxton, their home; as they were driving over a perfectly smooth piece of road opposite Ainslie’s, and engaged in conversation respecting one of the horses, Mr DAVIS heeled over from his seat and dropped on the road. He was dead. Mr. PYE called to him, but there was no reply. Shouting for help to some natives, he obtained, in a few minutes, assistance from the neighbouring huts. There was not a sign of life noticeable when he reached the body. The body was then lifted into the gig, where it was supported by a native, and Mr. PYE drove back again to Beaufort. The Magistrate directed the corpse to be taken to the gaol hospital, where he ordered a post mortem the result of which shews that death resulted from rupture of the liver which was in an extreme, and total condition f disease. By the attention and kindness of the jailor the corpse was properly prepared with shroud and coffin for sepulture; and the friends of deceased permitted, ere it was closed down, to taks there last look on mortal remains. The deceased came to this Colony, from Wales, in 1820, in the service of Mr. GRIFFITH, father of the honoured Magistrate of Basutoland. By perseverance and frugality in time he gathered a little property; and of late years has occupied a small farm of his own at Buxton. He has been twice married; his first wife without issue died about two years ago; his second marriage took placa on the 7th May, and he died on the 7th of June, exactly one month after. – Advocate.

Tuesday, June 24, 1873

MARRIED – On Monday, the 23rd inst., by Special License – Susanna Catherine, eldest daughter of R. J. HEYDENRYCH, Esq., of Tarkastad, to Benjamin TALBOT.
Queenstown, 24th June, 1873.

Friday, June 27, 1873

DEATH OF ANOTHER BRITISH SETTLER. – On Wednesday last Mr. Richarrd RALPH, another of the few remaining Settlers of 1820, died at Fort Beaufort, in his 84th year. He went through all the three Kafir wars, and in the attack on Fort Beaufort in 1851, by the rebel Hottentot Hermanus he greatly distinguished himself, and it was supposed that it was a shot from Mr. RALPH’s rifle which put an end to the career of Hermanus. – Star.

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