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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1873 3 July - September

Tuesday, July 1, 1873

BIRTH – at Queenstown on June 30, 1873 – the wife of F. BESWICK of a son.

Friday, July 4, 1873

In the Estate of the late Mr. Sydney STONE.
Will be sold at the Commission Sale To-morrow (Saturday morning), The Moveables belonging to the above Estate, consisting of Sundry Shop Goods, Silver Watch, Revolver, 2 Telescopes, 18 Vols. Dickens’ Works, and a quantity of other Books, &c.
Also – A new patent Cooking Stove (complete).
F.B. BROWN, Auctioneer,
A.D. WEBB, Executor Dative.

Tuesday, July 8, 1873

FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT. – A young man named NEL was killed in the Colesberg Kopje on Saturday last by a landslip. He was engaged in cutting a furrow to facilitate the transit of the buckets, when a portion of the ground gave way and jammed him fast. When extricated he was quite dead, the whole of his ribs having been crushed inwards. He would have reached his 20th birthday last Sunday, and had only half an hour previously, placed money in the hands of a female friend to buy things for a birthday cake. – Field.

Friday, July 11,1873

AWFULLY SUDDEN DEATH. – On Sunday afternoon he paid a visit to that portion of the New Rush Camp, where the natives spend their Sabbath. Our object was to give a sketch of Sadath observances in that locality. On arriving there we met a policeman with half a dozen natives carrying a corpse from a canteen to the prison, and on enquiring we found it to be the remains of an Irishman named BYRNE, a stone-mason, who had died suddenly during the morning. The unfortunate man asked the canteen-keeper an evening or two before to give him and his family shelter. They had been for days in a state and no place of shelter. The request was granted. The canteen keeper gave them all something to eat. On the Sunday morning the man complained of stitch in the side, and in a few minutes was found dead. He had been a very hard drinker. His wife cannot help that, she has suffered terribly, has a baby a t the breast, and one of four or five years old to provide for beside. It is an unquestionable case of destitution, and we shall be glad to receive any contributions from the charitably disposed for this poor woman, acknowledge them, and forward them to her. – News.

Friday, July 18, 1873

MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. – News has reached town of a sad accident by which a man named Henry RECHBY lost his life. It appears that he left the farm of Mr. G. BARNES, in whose employ he had been for three weeks, to visit Queenst’own and on returning to the farm he slipped off the wagon, the one wheel passing over the abdomen and the other over the chest and face. Death must have resulted almost immediately, as he never moved from the time he was lifted into the wagon until he arrived at the farm. Mr. BARNES sent at once for Field cornet G. FINCHAM, who held an inquest on the body, and reported to the Resident Magistrate.

Tuesday, July 22, 1873

OBITUARY. – This afternoon a young lady named Mary PHELAN, aged 17 years, and one of the boarders of the Convent School was buried. She died of consumption her decease having been expected for some time. On her way to the tomb, the hearse was followed by the school children, about ninety in number, beautifully dressed in white, a number of the Sisters, and several gentlemen mourners; while on either side of the hearse walked three of the elder young ladies of the school also dressed in white. The young lady deceased has been at the Convent since she was seven years of age, where she has been tenderly watched over, and where, by care, her life has been prolonged for some months at last. This is only the second death that has taken place at this institution since it was opened the last one who died being a sister of the young lady whose remains have this afternoon been interred. Both deaths were from consumption. We tender our sympathies to the bereaved friends and relatives. – Journal.

Tuesday, July 29, 1873

DEATH OF ANOTHER BRITISH SETTLER. – Mr. S. DENHAM, one of the British Settlers of 1820, has gone to his last home. He died on Saturday last, at the advanced age of eighty-two years. Unlike many of his fellow settlers, he had not, during his earlier days, amassed sufficient wealth to spend his sidelining years in ease and comfort; we believe he died in abject poverty and was buried at the expense of a benevolent gentleman residing near him, on West-hill, who was most attentive to him during his last illness. – Star.

Friday, August 1, 1873

BIRTH – At Queenstown on the 27th July, 1873, the wife of Mr. John MEADE, of a daughter.

Friday, August 22, 1873

BIRTH – at Coldstream, on the 18th instant – Mrs. John R. MORGAN, of a son.

Tuesday, August 25, 1873

DIED at Kamastone, on the 23rd instant, after a short illness of fifteen days, Henry George JEFFREY, aged 19 years and 9 months.

Friday, August 29, 1873

DIED – on the 16th inst. At Kimberly, Diamond-fields, to the inexpressible grief of her parents – Eleanor Mary Anne Effie, only child of Thomas and Eleanor WEBSTER. Aged 10 years and months.

MURDER OF A SAILOR IN BREE STREET. – On Friday night about a quarter to twelve Police Constable No. 46, who was in duty in Free Street, had his attention attracted by a man in the dress of a sailor who was standing close to the door of the canteen connected with the Nova Scotia Hotel. The policeman on going towards the man heard him knock at the door and say, “Tom let me in, I shall die,” after which he fell down in front of the door. The policeman endeavoured to help him up, and found that he was bleeding freely from the wounds in the breast and at the back of the neck, and was unable to walk. The police truck was obtained and the man was taken to Dr. ROSS, where he was examined. It was discovered that he had received a stab a cut about three inches in length under the fourth rib, on the right side, from which a portion of the lung protruded, and a second cut of about an equal length on the nape of the neck which laid bare the spine. Dr. ROSS having dressed the wounds sent he man to hospital, where he was received about three o’clock on Saturday morning. The man was not only suffering from the loss of blood, but was also intoxicated. The nature of the injuries the man had received was so serious that the medical men held out no hopes of his recovery, and on Sunday the Clerk of the Peace attended at the Hospital for the purpose of taking his deposition. The man stated that his name was Peter MUSGRAV, and that he was one of the crew of the steamer Tenton. His statement was not by any means a clear one. He said that on Friday evening he had been drinking and got into a quarrel, with some other seamen, at the lower end of Bree-street shortly before midnight. After the dying man’s declaration had been made, he continued to sink, and unally expired in the evening. Upon the information thus received some arrests were made, and amongst those taken into custody was a young man, a sailor on board the cutter “Phabe” named Mattys Edward ENGMAN. There is evidence to show deceased and t he prisoner were ffghting in Bree-street on Friday night, and that the former ran in the direction of the Nova Scotia Hotel, closely followed by the prisoner. This was only a short time before the deceased was first seen by the policeman on the beat. – Standard.

Tuesday, September 2, 1873

A WOMAN named Annie ORTON having died at Port Elizabeth under suspicious circumstances an investigation is being made by the authorities. A man names Henry GREAVES is in custody pending the result of the enquiry.

Tuesday, September 9, 1873

BIRTH – At Queenstown, on Monday, the 8th September, 1873 – the wife of Mr. George MANNING of a son.

BIRTH – at Queenstown, on the 8th September, 1873 – Mrs. Robt. P. HOAR of a daughter.

BIRTH – at Kimberley, on 2nd August, 1873 – the wife of A. GOLDSHMICDT, Esq. , of a son – stillborn.

DIED, at Kimberley, on 2nd September 1873 – Harriet Emma, beloved wife of A. GOLDSCHMIDT, Esq. Aged 26 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

SUDDEN DEATH. – We regret to learn of the sudden death of Mr. G.D. MARSH, of Marketsquare. He fell dead at the supper table last night. The cause of death is said to be disease of the heart. He was father of a large family of grown-up children, and must have been about sixty years old. – Star.

Tuesday, September 16, 1873

BIRTH – At Queenstown, on the 13th September, 1873 – Mrs. J.B. WEAKLEY, of a son.

We very much regret to announce the death yesterday afternoon, of J.J. LeSUER, Esq., of St. John’-street, one of the most venerable and esteemed of our retired civil servants. For many years he was the Civil Commissioner of Worcester, in which he was succeeded first by Capt. RAINER, and later by Mr. COX. Mr LE SEUR was a perfect type of one of the best of our old colonial families; and oddly enough, in another column to-day we publish in our review of the Cape Monthly Magazine, a most interesting episode of Cape history, part some eighty years ago. In him we have lost another of the links by which the old past and new present have been bound together. – Argus.

Tuesday, 23 September, 1873

MARRIAGE. – Capt. SWINEY, A.D.C. to His Excellency the Governor, was married on Wednesday last at Claremont to Miss GRAY, a daughter of the late Bishop of Cape Town. The bridal party was a small select one, including few beyond Sir HENRY and Lady BARKLEY and the members of their family. Archdeacon BADNALL assisted by the Rev. Mr. WILSHIRE, Rector of Claremont, officiated. There was a large crowd of spectators in and around the church at Claremont, and the school children with their banner attended to throw flowers in the path of the happy couple on their way from the building to the carriage, a duty they performed with evident satisfaction.

FATAL QUARREL IN PORT ELIZABETH. – On Saturday evening a quarrel arose between two Hottentots, named respectively Kaiser JONKERS and Jan FORTUIN, which terminated fatally. It seems from the evidence that the two men were drinking together in Marks’s canteen, at the top of Russel-road, when a dispute took place as to the payment. By the advice of a friend, FORTUIN started for home, and was followed by JONKERS, who struck him a blow with his fist. FORTUIN reached his hut, and was shortly afterwards disturbed by JONKERS knocking for admission. He once or twice drove him away, but at last he was dragged outside and thrown to the ground, when JONKER dealt him a low with a Kerrie across the front of his body, reaching slantwise down from his right shoulder. FORTUIN fell face to the ground and shortly afterwards expired. His assailant was arrested by Constable PRINS, and lodged in gaol. He was brought before the Resident Magistrate yesterday morning, and remanded until to-morrow for further evidence. – Herald.

Tuesday, September 30, 1873

ANOTHER blank has been left in the ranks of the few survivors of those who came to the colony in 1820. Mrs. W. HARTLEY departed to her long home on Sunday last, after a trying and severe illness, having suffered during the last month, as we would fail to describe. Mrs. HARTLEY was for many years resident in Grahamstown, where she was well-known and beloved. She was a sister of the Hon. S. CAWOOD, and was connected by family ties to most of the old families of Lower Albany.

DEATH OF MR. J.B. EBDEN.- Our readers in common with colonists generally will be concerned to hear of the death of Mr. John Bardwell EBDEN, of Capetown, father of W. EBDEN and Dr. EBDEN of Wynburg. Deceased, who had reached the advanced age of 87 years, was the oldest member of the mercantile community of the metropolis, and one of the most distingnished of its merchant and citizens. There was scarcely an office of political or commercial distinction here that the venerable and lamented gentleman had not honourably and creditably filled at one time or other during his lengthened residence in the colony. – Standard.

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