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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1873 4 October - December

Tuesday, October 14, 1873

BIRTH, - On the 9th October, 1873, at Cathcart Place, near Queenstown, Mrs John SUTHERLAND, of a daughter.

BIRTH at Griffith House, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. Charles Edward NICHOLLS of a Son.

On Sunday the New Rush public were horrified to learn that during the previous night a foul and deliberate murder had been committed, and the murdered man thrown down a claim. Of course there were many different versions of the tragedy but all that is generally known is that a German named PLOTZ, who worked in No. 12 Road, had been belaboured with a heavy stick or some such instrument until life was extinct, and that then the body was dragged to No. 0 Road, when it was attached by the throat to one of the pulleys and then let down a depth of about 120 feet into the claims. Of course there were many surmises as to the probable cause of so foul a deed, and as plunder, in a peculiar sense, could not have been the object, jealousy is supposed to be it.
On Sunday afternoon the police, who were very active in their endeavours to unravel the mystery, obtained a clue which led to the arrest of the wife of the murdered man and a German named Ernest MEHL, who had been known to use threatening language to the deceased and this appears from the evidence so far, to have destroyed the happiness of the PLOTZ family Boots that MEHL was known to have had on Saturday afternoon were discovered covered with blood, and a pair of cord trowsers which were worn at the same time were found to have been washed since. A pick-handle, which was identified as having been in a claim in No. 12 Road, on Saturday evening was also found covered with blood. This is the case so far for the prosecution but the police have, we believe, quite sufficient evidence t o bring forward to ensure the committal of the accused.
The male prisoner seems to take his awful position in a very cool manner, listening attentively to the evidence but the woman who is at least 40 years of age wears a very dejected look, and appears not to notice anything around. – Diamond News.

Friday, October 17, 1873

BIRTH, - On Friday, the 10th October, 1873, at Queenstown, Mrs. Charles VOGLEER, of a Son.

Friday, October 24, 1873

MARRIED – At St. Michael’s Church, Queenstown, on Wednesday, 15th October, by the Ven. Archdeacon WHITE, Arthur Davis WEBB, Esq., to Mary Elizabeth, second daughter of the late H.J. BERTRAM, Esq. – No Cards.

Tuesday, October 28, 1873

DROWNED. – In the obituary column of the London & Colonial News occurs the following:- “Drowned off Gardafui, in the steamer Singapore, of which vessel he was second officer James Alexander Simpson NISBET, second son of James William Burnie NISBET, of the ape of Good Hope ad Bitterne, Southampton.”

Friday, October 31, 1873

FASHIONABLE WEDDING. – Wednesday morning last witnessed the marrraige of J.W. BELL, Esq., Attorney of this town, to Miss TURVEY, daughter of E.M. TURVEY, Esq. The weather was all that could be wished, the Church crowded and the bride and bridesmaids as charming as the day. After the ceremony was over a large number of friends assembled at Mr TURVEY’s house, and after the usual felicitous toasts and speeches were over, the happy couple left for Balfour accompanied by the best wishes of all their Queenstown friends.

ELOPEMENT FROM PHILLIPSTOWN. – We have received a letter signed Andries LAWRENCE desiring us to make public the following facts: - On the 27th September, a man named DE VREE ran away from Phillipstown with a married woman named Elizabeth LAWRENCE, who has left a husband and a child of one year and eleven months old, to follow the fortunes of her paramour. Mr. LARENCE says, in his indignation, “a beast like she is not worthy to be called a mother; she is just worth being pulled to pieces by four horses.” Of the gay Lothario he writes: “He is a married man, and left his wife in Pretoria.” In order that no mistake may be made, Mr. LAWRENCE describes the runaway couple as follows: “He: A tall man with a lame leg, a mark on his nose, a moustache, and wears a “don’t-care’ hat, drinks French brandy. She: Rather thin looking; wears loose hair and a blue dress. In the hurry of leaving Mrs LAWRENCE found she could not get her own hat, her husband being at home, so she left with a hat belonging to another married woman, and , says Mr. LAWRENCE, “she also stole my last money.” Our correspondent further remarks with reference to De VREE:- “He calls himself a gentleman, but he acts like a blackguard,” which seems to us not more forcible than truthful. He purchased a blue silk dress for his Dulcinea, which LAWRENCE says he forgot to pay for. Finally, the unhappy pair were last heard of by the deserted husband at Mr Young’s hotel in this town. We should under the circumstances publish Mr. LAWRENCE’s letter in full, were it not worded to strongly for general reading. – Colesberg Advertiser.

Friday, November 7, 1873

DEATH THROUGH DRINKING. – On Tuesday morning last Frederick WILLIAMS, better known as “Charlie,” was found dead on the roadside near Hex Hiver, about twon and a half hours’ ride from Worcester. Twenty years ago the deceased deserted from the 73rd Regiment in Cape Town, and has ever since lead a vagabond life, obtaining a living by the sale of rudely drawn and gaudily painted forms of genealogical trees. He was generally thought to be harmless, but his drunken habits and noisy manner of crying his papers for sale caused him to be made acquainted with the inside of nearly every gaol in the Western Province. – Standard.

Tuesday, November 18, 1873

BIRTH – At Queenstown, on the 14th November, 1873, - the wife of Mr. J. KEMP of a Son.

DIED, - At Burton Cottage, on the 5th November, 183 – Amy Frances, daughter of R.B. and H.A. EVA, aged 6 years, 9 months, and 9 days.

DIED – On the 9th inst, at the residence of Mr. J. MARSHALL, Diep River, near Whittlesea, William BEAR, aged 90 years and seven months, native of Sholdwich near Canterbury, England.

THE LATE J.C. BELL, ESQ. – We regret to announce the death of Mr. BELL, the R.M. and C.C. of Stockenstrom. The lamented departed was for many years resident in Cape Town, in the Audit Department, whence he was appointed to the head of the Stockenstrom division. He endeared himself to those over whom he was placed, and was much beloved by all who knew him. He leaves a sorrowing widow and one child, as well as a large family circle to lament their bereavement.

A MAN named James MILLER, a carpenter, who with his wife and family were travelling from Cape Town to the Diamond-fields, was seized with an apoplectic fit in Bain’s Kloof and died in a few hours.

Friday, November 21, 1873

MELANCHOLY CASE OF DROWNING. – This morning between seven and eight o’clock, a young man named Francis HOGG, lately from England, and in the employ of Messrs, J. BENJAMIN & Co., was accidentally drowned while bathing at the Breakwater. It appears from the statement of Mr. Wm W STEYNER, who was bathing at the time, that he sprang off the side of the bath into the water, and was never seen again Probably he was swept away by the strong current which sweeps round the head of the Breakwater after southeast gales. Search was made for the boy this morning, and drags used, but to the hour of our going to press it had not been recovered. – E.P., Herald.

Tuesday, November 25, 1873

MR. BEAR whose death notice we publish in another column was one of the Settler of 1820. He was over 90 years of age, and has resided in this district, or at the Winterberg for many long years.

A YOUNG MAN named USHER, residing near the Fish River mouth, fell from his wagon on Howison’s Poort and the wheels passing over his chest killed him on the spot.

Tuesday, December 2, 1873

DEATH OF AN OLD PENSIONER. – William DOWNEY, a pensioner of the British army, died at Beragh on October 20, aged 88 years. Deceased entered the army at an early age, and after a few years service (in 1811) lost an arm through an accident at New Orleans. He has been in the receipt of 1s 3d per day pension since that date (four years before the battle of Waterloo), and has during that long period received in the aggregate £1,414 7s 6d.

MELANCOLY ACCIDENT. – While sitting on the rocks near Filey Brigg, Mr. PAGET, were suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of extraordinary magnitude, and were swept into the sea. The unmarried lady was saved very courageously by a girl, who, clinging with one had to a bunch of seaweed that grew in a cleft of the rock, grasped Miss TEBBUTT with the other hand and brought her safely to shore. Mr. and Mrs. PAGET however, were, unhappily, drowned.

DEATH FROM SMOKING. – On Tuesday Dr. LANKESTER held an inquest on the body of Mr. Robert Thepen WRIGHT, aged 54 years, a Government Clerk residing at 32 University-street. The deceased who was single, was of studious habits, but so fond of smoking that it was his constant practice to do so in bed. On Thursday week he retired to rest at his usual time. The following morning the servant girl called him. As she could get no reply she called up the landlady, who on entering his bedroom found deceased lying on the floor. He had taken the pillow of the bed, placed it on the floor, and laid down with his head upon it. On Mr. DUNCON, surgeon being called in he said deceased had been dead for some time. He had made a post morten examination, and was of an opinion that the cause of death was fainting. Had he taken a glass of grog or some stimulating with his pipe the fainting would have been prevented. The jury returned a verdict of accordance with the medical testimony.

Friday, December 5, 1873

DEATH OF TWO BROTHERS. – We regret to have to record the death last week, of two brothers, sons of Mr. Frederick LUCAS of Grahamstown, namely, Frederick William and Philip Camm, aged 35 and 34 years respectively. They expired within three days of each other, the former on the 11th, and the latter on the 14th inst. We believe the elder had been ailing form some time, but the death of the younger was the result of an attack of dysentery. – News.

A very sudden death happened on Tuesday last. Mr. JOHNSON, a painter, while going to his work, was seen behind the academy to throw up his hands wildly, and stagger calling at the same time for assistance. Several persons rand to his aid, and found him bleeding profusely from mouth and nostrils. While carrying him to his house, about a hundred yards distant he expired. He leaves a wife and large family in utter destitution. – Burghersdorp Gazette.

Friday, December 9, 1873

SUDDEN DEATH. – On Sunday Mr. Daniel HARTMAN died somewhat suddenly at Graaff-Reinet. Accompanied by a couple of his cousins, he arrived on Friday at the Drift outside the town with seven loads of merchandize from Elizabeth. There he was suddenly taken ill. He was at once brought into town, and a doctor was sent for but he died on Sunday. He was a son of Mr. Cornelius HARTMAN, of Sunday’s River, and only 22 years of age. The goods brought by the deceased and his relatives were loaded up at the exceptionally high price. On Friday over £800 was paid for carriage of the seven loads. The funeral took place yesterday, and was largely and respectably attended. – G.R. Advertiser.

Tuesday, December 23, 1873

DIED – On the 9th instant, at Kimberly, Diamond Fields, Florence Daisy, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CH. WEBSTER, aged 4 months and 14 days.

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