South Africa 1898 1 January - March
8 January 1898
BALL, Mrs. A. H. V., Port Elizabeth, December 1.
HULETT—On November 28, at Kearsney, Natal, the wife of W. A. Hulett.
WILLIAMS, Mrs. W., Durban, November 27.
CATO, Mrs. W. W., Durban, December 2.
KING, Mrs. R. M., Grahamstown, December 5.
WELCH, Mrs. J. E., Durban, November 29.
BACON, E. F.—PIRIE, M., Kleinfontein, December 6.
GOUGH, A. J.—SINCLAIR, A., Cape Town, Dec. 7.
JACKSON—DRAKE—At St. Mary’s, Poona, on Jan. 3, 1898, by the Rev. F. Bruce Horne, Captain S. C. F. Jackson, D.S.O., the Hampshire Regiment, Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General, Bombay command, son of the late Commander W. T. F. Jackson, R. N., to Lucy Beatrice, second daughter of the late Sir William Henry Drake, K.C.B., and of Lady Drake.
KEILLER, S.—ANGUS, A., Cape Town, December 8.
LABISTOUR, A. C.—BROOKE, C. F., Durban, Dec. 8.
MACVICAR—FRIQUET—On December 31, at St. Cyprian’s Church, Durban, by the Rev. Canon Johnson, J. R. P. MacVicar, eldest son of the Rev. W. MacVicar, Ordiquhill, Banff, to Lucienne, elder daughter of the late Louis Friquet, of John Street, Mecklenburgh Square, London, and Mdme. Friquet, Forest Hill.
NOEL, P. G.—WILLIAMSON, R. E., Durban, Dec. 8.
REIMERS, P. A.—NISSEN, M., Cape Town, Dec. 6.
SHAW, W. B.—HODGSON, E. E., Cape Town, Dec. 8.
WARNE, W.—NICHOLLS, A., Maritzburg, December 4.
WOODS—COPE—On December 30, at All Saints’ Church, Upper Norwood, by the Rev. Sidney C. Woods, brother of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. J. Oakley Cole, Vicar, Maurice Walter Woods, of Fairlight, Gleneldon Road, Streatham, second son of the late Thomas Woods, of Eastbourne, to Edith Augusta, only child of the late George A. Cope, of Cape Town.
CLOETE, Mrs. H., Kalk Bay, December 11.
GARLAND, Mrs. T. W., Verulam, Dec. 1, aged 73.
GIBBENS, J., Lower Chilton, District Cathcart, December 7, aged 67.
JONES—Emma Jones, wife of W. H. Jones, both late of Kimberley, in her 30th year.
RADLEY—On December 19, at Muizenberg, Cape Colony, Stewart Trench Radley, aged 26.
ROBINSON—On November 2, at Port Shepstone, Natal, George Mostyn Robinson, son of Arthur Robinson, of Brighton.
ROSSOUW, D. J., Modder River, Kimberley, December 8, aged 46.
WILLIAMS, D. G., Claremont, December 10, aged 20.
WITT—On December 27, at 9, Ouseley Road, Balham, Sarah Henrietta, the wife of W. C. Witt, after a short illness, aged 42.
2 February 1898
HARRISON, Mrs. F., Queenstown, December 30.
PENNELL, Mrs. C., Durban, January 6 (stillborn).
STEER-On January 5, at Ravenshoe, Maritzburg, the wife of Thomas Bruce Steer.
WILSON, Mrs. H. H., Colesberg, January 1.
YOUNG, Mrs. G. W., Durban, January 1.
BARKER, Mrs. J. R. K., Queenstown, January 5.
MCKENZIE, Mrs. P., Lady Frere, December 31.
NETTLETON-On February 2, at 18A, Cedars Road, Clapham Common, the wife of Spencer Nettleton, of Johannesburg.
ROWE, Mrs. H. R., Stellenbosch, January 2.
STANFORD, Mrs. W. E. M., Rondebosch, January 6,
TODMAN, Mrs. G., Durban, December 31.
BATH, W. A.-GEILS, M. A., Durban, January 5.
BROCKETT, H. C.-MORTIMER, E. F., Richmond, January 3.
BUTLER, G. R.-MATTHEWS, M. S., Cradock, December 25.
CAMBERON, J. A.-MACDONALD, M., Durban, January 3.
FLETCHER, J. C.-CRON-WRIGHT, C. F., Grahamstown, January 5.
FRANK, R. B.-PHILLIPS, C. C., Littlego, near Stutterheim, January 1.
MACVICAR, J. R. P.-FRIQUET, L., Durban, December 31.
MUNRO, J. R.-HORNING, H. A., Tongaat, January 5.
NEUBER, F. W. E.-BEATTIE, A., Cradock, December 24.
PEARSE-BARKER. On January 4, at Durban, Stephen Wyngate Pearse, youngest son of the Rev. G. Wyngate Pearse, Rector of Walton, Bletchley, Bucks, to Helen, youngest daughter of the late Charles Barker, of Manston, near Leeds, and of Mrs. Barker.
WILD, F. W.-YOUNG, J. E., Komgha, December 28.
WOOD-ROBERTSON-On February 2, at Station Hotel, Perth, by Rev. D. G. Manuel, B.D., assisted by Rev. John Miller, William Wood, of Durban, Natal, to Maud, elder daughter of R. Robertson, of Perth, N.B.
COCHET, Rev. L. J. J., Matatiele, December 12, aged 47.
COLLINS-On January 29, at Clovely, Chester, Maria Collins, daughter of the late W. P. Churton, of Whitchurch, and widow of Henry Ramsay Collins, aged 80.
EDENBOROUGH, W. M., Port Elizabeth, January 5, aged 45.
LEITHER, Mrs. C. F., Cape Town, January 8, aged 45.
MUDDIMAN, W. T., Uitenhage, December 30, aged 43.
MUNDY, Miss M. C., Grahamstown, January 5, aged 53.
SWIFT, Mrs. J., Uitenhage, December 27, aged 49.
TROY, Mrs. R., Durban, December 29.
WILEY-On January 28, at 6, Woodville Road, Ealing, James Wiley, late of Cape Town, in his 81st year.
WILSON, J. J. H., Durban, December 28, aged 71.
12 March 1898
COCKCROFT, Mrs. E., Grahamstown, February 7.
HULBERT, Mrs. E. S., Bolo, February 1.
KOLLE, Mrs. W., Kimberley, February 7.
LAMBE, Mrs. H. McF., Campbell, February 4.
MILNE, Mrs. A. H., Durban, February 9.
NEWBERRY, Mrs. C., of the Orange Free State, March 7.
RIMER, Mrs. J. C., Newlands, February 11.
ROACH, Mrs. J., Grahamstown, February 7.
WATKIN, Mrs. J. F., Durban, February 9.
ANDERSON, Mrs. D., Harrismith, February 2.
KEDDIE, Mrs. J., Cape Town, February 13.
KNOWLER, Mrs. C. H., Durban, February 10.
RAMSAY, Mrs. J., Durban, February 6.
VAN ZYE, Mrs. J. W., Colesberg, February 9.
WALKER, Mrs. J. H., Durban, February 3.
GOODRICHE, J.-PENDEREL-LONGLANDS, G. E., Maritzburg, February 3.
KETH, J.-ELLIS, K., Kingwilliamstown, February 8.
SHULDHAM, V. L.-WELLBELOVED, A. E. M., East London, February 7.
WALSH, J. R.-CALLANAN, A. E., Cape Town, Feb. 9.
WILD, B. L.-SELM, A. E., Brandfort, February 2.
BENSON-On March 3, at Camperdown, Natal, William Cole Benson, aged 47.
GRUNOW, Miss P., Kingwilliamstown, February 2, aged 21.
KUYS, W. C., Cape Town, February 10, aged 53.
MICHAEL, Mrs. T., Cape Town, February 13, aged 74.
MULLER, Rev. H., Burghersdorp, February 3, aged 39.
PATERSON, Mrs. M., Maritzburg, February 3, aged 69.
PEDDIE, W. H., Durban, February 6, aged 67.
RICHARDSON, J. A., Addington, February 3, aged 47.
SMEER, Rev. P., Roodebloem, February 8, aged 76.
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