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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1910 1 January - March


1 January 1910


BRUORTON - On December 24, at Sandfontein, Uitenhage, the wife of William Bruorton, a son.
ELLERMAN - On December 21, at Folkestone, to Sir John Ellerman, Bart., and Lady Ellerman, a son.
GRENFELL - On December 25, at 25, Great Cumberland Place, Mrs. Arthur Grenfell, a daughter.
LINDESAY - On December 22, at Edenburn, near Tralee, Co. Kerry, the wife of Crawford Lindesay, a daughter.
MARSHALL - On December 20, at Kimberley, the wife of Walker Marshall, De Beers Consolidated Mines, a son.
MCKAY - On November 30, at Bloemfontein, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKay (nee Rachel Anderson), a son.
PARKER - On December 24, at Mooi River, the wife of Anthony Scott Parker, M.B., a son.
SOLE - On December 18, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Walter P. Sole (nee Southcott), a son.
SUTHERLAND - On November 30, at Cape Town, the wife of Wm. Sutherland, a daughter.
WATSON - On December 2, at Germiston, Transvaal, the wife of Fred. W. Watson, Consolidated Gold Fields Laboratory (formerly of Glasgow), a son.
WOOD - On December 8, at Seapoint, Cape Town, the wife of M. D. Wood, a daughter.


DORMER - DOW - On December 22, at Burghersdorp, Arthur Ernest Bath Dormer to Elizabeth Strachan, eldest daughter of the late James Dow, Auchterarder.
GIBSON - DYKE - On December 22, at Morija, Basutoland, Harrison Wyatt Gibson, Government Engineer, son of the late T. B. Gibson, to Ella Stephen Dyke.
RITCHIE - GOLDNEY - On December 16, at Heidelburg, Transvaal, Basil H. M. Ritchie, Chaplain H.M. Forces, to Hilda, eldest daughter of Colonel T. Goldney, C.B., Lomond View, Dunblane.
STRACHAN - ERSKINE - On December 22, John Hendry, youngest son of the late John Strachan, to Jeannie McGregor, youngest daughter of Alex. Erskine.
WILLIAMS - JENNINGS - On December 21, at St. John's, Red Lion Square, D. J. Williams to Maud, daughter of the late John Waddington Jennings.


AKERMAN - On December 27, at Grimston Lawn, Haven Green, Ealing, Emma Elizabeth, widow of the late Sir John William Akerman, K.C.M.G., aged 58 years.
FRASER - On December 19, at Maryhill, Griselda Mair Davies, relict of Samuel Fraser, Glasgow.
HOLMES - On December 15, at Jagersfontein, James Fairbairn Holmes, youngest son of John Holmes (late of Edinburgh), and beloved husband of Agnes Paul, late of Edinburgh.
MCGREGOR - On November 23, at Kimberley, Donald McGregor, aged 46.
MYHILL - On December 19, at Saffron Walden, William Myhill, formerly of Port Elizabeth, aged 72.
REITH - On November 27, at Pretoria, suddenly, John Fotheringham Reith, youngest son of James Reith, Edinburgh, and beloved husband of Marie Christina Wilcox, Galashiels.
SOUTHEY - On December 1, at Claremont, Cape Town, Colonel Richard George Southey, C.B., C.M.G., late Lincolnshire Regiment, fourth son of the late Sir Richard Southey, K.C.M.G.
SPENGLER - On December 2, at Cape Town, George Wolfgang Spengler, in his 83rd year.

Miscellaneous articles on same page:

By special licence the marriage took place of Mr. Frank Graham Bell, of the Rietfontein Mines, and Miss Margaret Winifred Hewitt, daughter of Mrs. E. Hewitt, of Johannesburg. Another quiet wedding was that of Mr. J. Petty, of the French Exploration Company, and Miss T. Toms, daughter of Mr. J. B. Toms, late of Brisbane. The Rev. T. O. Perry conducted the service at the Baptist Church, Troyeville. Mr. Frank Grunsell, of the Engineering Department of the C.S.A.R., was best man, and Miss Maggie Toms bridesmaid. The honeymoon was spent at Kroonstad.

A very pleasant function took place at the Town Treasurer's office, when Mr. Easton, Town Treasurer, on behalf of his staff, presented a purse of sovereigns to Mr. A. J. Wrey Watken, on the occasion of his forthcoming marriage with Miss Peel, which is to take place at East London.

At Randfontein the marriage took place of Mr. J. C. Walker and Miss Edmunds, eldest daughter of Mr. J. C. Edmunds. After the fully choral service, a reception was held at the Government School. Mr. H. W. Walker acted as best man, and Miss Primrose Edmunds as bridesmaid. The honeymoon was spent at East London.

A juvenile fancy dress ball at the Oddfellows' Hall, Turffontein, attracted a large, well-gowned assemblage. The Hon. H. Wyndham, Mr. and Mrs. C. Chudleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Caldecott, Mr. and Mrs. Paterson, Mrs. Stansfield, and Mrs. Hocking adjudged as prize winners Janet Sinclair, Alice Adlington, Eileen Rentoul, Adelaide Sinclair, Ethel Tonge, Ella McLaren, Violet Rowe, Doris Jenkins, Lionel Wishart, William Adlington, Clarence Ingle, Charles Dale, Rowland Sinclair, Harry Cantor, Roy Jenkins, Archie Roberts, and Greville Powell.

GERMISTON - Mr. and Mrs. Prout, Mayor and Mayoress, gave a very pleasant reception at their residence, The Homestead. The Town Councillors and their wives were entertained at dinner, and then the remainder of the guests arrived. The gardens were picturesquely illuminated, and the Germiston Town Band played. The vocalists of the evening were Miss Cherrington, Mr. Mirwish, and Mr. Wintle. The Mayoress received in a toilette of pale blue brocade and lace.

PRETORIA - During the sitting of the Diocesan Synod, Bishop and Mrs. Furse gave a very pleasant garden party at Bishop's House. Favoured by perfect weather, it took place in the open air, the pretty lawns and gardens presenting a gay setting for the large number of guests. Among the latter were Lady Selborne, Lady and the Misses Colleton, Lady Rose Innes, the Hon. Johann and Mrs. Rissik, the Mayor and Mayoress (Mr. and Mrs. J. G. van Boeschoten), and the Consul-General for the Netherlands (Mr. Knobel).

MARITZBURG - At the Emmanuel Cathedral, Durban, Mr. Alfred Vincent-Georges, of Pretoria, was married to Miss Anna Maria Regina, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Walter-Girout, of Ryde Avenue, Durban. Mr. Fred. K. Brunskill, of Illovo, and Miss Myra Robertson, daughter of Dr. Robertson, of Durban, were married at St. Peter's Church, Maritzburg. Miss Doris Britwell was the bridesmaid. At Ravenhill, Engabeni, Alfred County, Miss Ellie Rosalind Larkan, youngest daughter of Mrs. A. M. Larkan, was married to Mr. Charles Dorning, of Bushy Valley, Oribi Flats. The bridesmaids were Miss Larkan, sister of the bride, and Miss Girlie Larkan, cousin.

After a residence of over 21 years at Colenso Mr. W. Edwards died there in mail week. He was 44 years of age, and was a proprietor of a store in the little town. He was a well-known sportsman, Secretary of the Union Rifle Association, and in his younger days was well known in running and cricket circles.

8 January 1910


ALEXANDER - On December 7, at Ceres, to Dr. and Mrs. I. Alexander, a daughter
CORNISH - BOWDEN - On the 4th inst., at Rondebosch, the wife of Athelstan H. Cornish-Bowden, Surveyor-General, a son.
MERRY - On December 4, at Frenchhoek, the wife of William C. Merry, a son.
MILNER - On November 27, at George, the wife of W. Milner, a daughter.
STEVENS - On the 1st inst., at Wynberg, the wife of Lieutenant Harold Stevens, Royal Artillery, a son.
WOOD - On December 8, at Sea Point, the wife of M. D. Wood, a daughter.


CRAIG - STEWART - On November 29, at Woodstock, John, second son of J. Craig, Aberdeen, to Maggie, youngest daughter of F. Stewart, Woodstock.
DEWAR - COMRIE - On the 3rd inst., at Bloemfontein, Harold James Dewar, of the Treasury, Orange River Colony, second son of the late William Husband Dewar, F.R.C.S., Kirkcaldy, to Dora, fourth daughter of James K. Comrie, Glasgow.
GRAY - KOERTZEN - On November 30, at Cape Town, Arthur J. Gray to Freda M. Koertzen, both of Cape Town
HOWAT - WOOD - On December 7, at Umtali, Andrew Howat, to Elizabeth Turnley Ritchie, widow of James Wood, Edinburgh.
INCHBOLD - ROOD - On December 1, at Malmesbury, Robert Arthur Inchbold, B.A., LL.B., of Natal, son of John Inchbold, of Leeds, to Millie, second daughter of Ernest Rood, of Malmesbury.
NOBLE - CRAIG - On the 1st inst., at Edinburgh, Thomas, third son of the late William Noble, Kirkcaldy, to Helen, eldest daughter of the late Norman Oscar Craig.
O'GRADY - NAPIER - On December 7, at Port Elizabeth, Francis E. E. O'Grady, of Cape Town, to Isabella, second daughter of Mr. Alex. Napier, of Port Elizabeth.
TROUP - DAVIS - On December 4, at Pretoria, James MacDonald Troup, M.B. (Camb.), of Pretoria, to Alberta Beatrice Caroline (Bertie), youngest daughter of the late G. E. Peckett Davis, of British Guiana.


ALLEN - On December 8, at Cape Town, George Moberley Douglas, late of the Standard Bank, Philipstown.
CARRE - On December 30, Dr. Louis Charles Achille Carre, of Camberwell, suddenly, aged 68.
GETHING - On December 25, at Swansea, Jane Gething, eldest daughter of Elias Gething, of Neath Abbey, and widow of the late Thomas Gething, Aberdare, aged 96.
SEWELL - On the 2nd inst., at Penzance, Fitzroy Hamilton Spencer Sewell, late Paymaster Natal Police, Maritzburg, son of the late General Sir William H. Sewell, aged 67.
SOLOMON - On December 12, at Rondebusch, Daniel Samuel Solomon, in his 55th year.
THOMSON - On December 8, at Maritzburg, Frank Philip Nowell, only child of Nowell Ellman Thomson, of Wonderboom, and grandson of the late Captain Frank Tourle Thomson, R.N., aged 18.
YOUNG - On December 7, at Cape Town, John Young, formerly Town Clerk of Sea Point, aged 68.


PEPYS - In loving memory of Charles John Leslie Pepys, the beloved eldest son of the Hon. Mrs. Henry Leslie Pepys, who died at Leydsdorp, January 5, 1905.

15 January 1910


BAIN—On the 9th inst., at Dunalasdair, Cala, to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bain, a son.
BRYDEN—On the 6th inst., at Johannesburg, the wife of Charles L. Bryden, a daughter.
DE VILLIERS—On December 10, at Paarl, the wife of Attie de Villiers, a son.
DUFFETT—On December 9, at Rondebosch, the wife of F. W. Duffett, a daughter.
EHMKE—On December 14, at Wynberg, the wife of J. F. Ehmke, a daughter.
NORRIS—On December 6, at Pilgrim’s Rest, the wife of the Rev. H. J. Norris, a son.
PLAYFORD—At Yeoville, to Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Playford, a daughter.
VELLACOTT—On the 4th inst., at Bloemfontein, the wife of P. N. Vellacott, F.R.C.S., a son.


ABBOTT—HUTTON—On the 11th inst., at Mombasa, Edmond Keith, youngest son of the late Keith Edward Abbott, of the Consular Service, and Emily Anne, daughter of the late Hon. C. W. Hutton, and of Mrs. Hutton, Rondebosch.
EDWARDS—SPRAKE—On December 14, at Johannesburg, Owen Greig, fourth son of Bidewell Edwards, Cape Town, to Ann Elizabeth Sprake, of Johannesburg.
GERMANY—LANCASTER—On December 9, at Johannesburg, A. Germany, only son of Jas. Germany, to Violet Lancaster, only daughter of Christopher Johnson Lancaster.
GIBSON—WOOD—On December 15, at Grahamstown, William eldest son of William Gibson, of Lenzie, to Eva Gordon, younger daughter of S. W. Wood, of Grahamstown.
GILHESPY—LYALL—On the 5th inst., at Dunbar, George H. Gilhespy, Johannesburg, to Lily, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lyall, Dunbar.
MORONY—DE NYS—On the 5th inst., at Southsea, Lieut. Colonel Burdett Edward Morony, R.E., eldest son of the late Captain Robert Burdett Morony (the Buffs), to Amy Muriel, elder daughter of the late J. P. de Nys, of Plumstead, Cape Colony, and of Mrs. R. W. Myburgh.
SELFE—CAMPBELL—On December 8, at Pretoria, Charles Henry Sydney, elder son of Lieutenant-Colonel Selfe, of Bedford Park, to Mary Annie, elder daughter of Andrew J. Campbell, Brits Station, near Pretoria.
SIMPSON—EADIE—On December 8, at Witbank, Leopold George, son of Captain Simpson, Stirling, to Amy, elder daughter of Robert Eadie, Witbank.
THORSEN—LAMBERT—On December 10, at Cape Town, Martin P. Thorsen, of Germiston, to Jane Traverse Lambert, eldest daughter of J. T. Lambert, of Liscard, Cheshire.


ALLEN—On the 8th inst., at a nursing home, Thaine Allen of 16, Hans Mansions, S.W., 6, Lloyd’s Avenue, E.C., and Delagoa Bay, South African merchant, aged 68.
BALMER—On December 16, at Kimberley, Edmund Cecil Balmer, late of Aughton, near Ormskirk, aged 28.
FINLAY—On the 9th inst., at Edinburgh, Thomas Finlay, beloved husband of Helen Heatly.
HARLEY—On December 11, at Cape Town, Charles Joseph Harley, son of the Rev. Wm. Harley, in his 49th year.
KYLE—On December 15, at Wynberg, Captain Arthur Latimer Harrington Kyle, aged 48.
SMITHERS—On the 10th inst., at Cape Town, suddenly, Harry N. Smithers, aged 30, husband of Agnes Morrison, of Edinburgh, and elder son of Henry Smithers, Esterdale, Kenilworth.
WATSON—On December 10, at Cape Town, Catherine Watson, aged 70.

Miscellaneous article on the same page:

A man named Walden, who was formerly a fireman on the Natal Government Railways, was recently killed on the railway at Pietersburg. It is believed that he jumped from a train with the intention of breaking his journey at that point.

22 January 1910


ALEXANDER - On December 7, at Ceres, to Dr. and Mrs. I. Alexander, a daughter.
CORYNDON - On the 11th inst., at the Residency, Mbabane, the wife of Mr. R. T. Coryndon, Resident Commissioner of Swazieland, a son.
DENNISON - On the 17th inst., at Woodside Green, London, W.E., the wife of John A. Dennison, a son.
GRIPPER - On the 3rd January, at Queenstown, Cape Colony, the wife of Hugh T. Gripper, of a son.
HARRIS - On December 21, at Kimberley, to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. S. Harris, a daughter.
KEATING - On December 18, at Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Keating, of Beaconsfield, a son.
LONGHURST - On December 11, at Johannesburg, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LONGHURST, a daughter.
MILNE - On December 19, at Roodepoort, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold S. Milne, a daughter.
MORTON - On December 18, at Boksburg, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morton, a daughter.


CRAIG - STEWART - On November 29, at Woodstock John, second son of J. Craig, Aberdeen, to Maggie, youngest daughter of F. Stewart, Woodstock.
ROBINSON - MITCHELL - On December 14, at Cape Town, Clement Robinson, of Ulverston, to Nellie Mitchell, Hampstead.
SHARP - WATSON - On December 23, at Springs, David Y. Sharp, son of the late George Sharp, Callardyke, to Christina Leslie, daughter of the late William Watson and of Mrs. Watson, Trinity.
SKELTON - WRIGHT - On December 9, at Germiston, Robert Wilson Wright to Hannah Skelton, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Skelton, of Beaconsfield.
SMITH - DRYNAN - On the 12th inst., at Edinburgh, Thomas Charles Smith, S.S.C., Battlefields, elder son of John Smith, Galalaw, Kelso, to Grace Elizabeth, fourth daughter of the late Alexander Aitken, and of Mrs. Aitken, Edinburgh, and widow of A. B. Drynan, Leith.
TROUP - DAVIS - On December 4, at Pretoria, James MacDonald Troup, M.B. (Camb), of Pretoria, to Alberta Beatrice Caroline (Bertie), youngest daughter of the late G. E. Peckett Davis, of British Guiana.
ZINN - COMBRINCK - On December 18, at Kimberley, John H. L. Zinn, of Johannesburg, to Martha (Baby) Caroline, second daughter of Mr. P. J. Combrinck, of Karee Kalk, district Kimberley.


AYLIFF - On the 14th inst., at Kensington, London, Jane Butler Ayliff, widow of the late John Ayliff, First Judge of the Native High Court, Natal.
BROWN - At Durban, Sarah Courtney, beloved wife of Robert Brown, aged 37.
HUSBAND - On the 13th inst., at Levenhall, Musselburgh, N.B., Margaret Fair Anderson Husband, B.A.Lond., youngest daughter of the late James W. Husband, Wigtown.
REICHENBERG - On the 16th inst., at Frankfort-a-M., Ludwig Reichenberg, late of Aliwal North, father of James Reichenberg, 7, King Street, St. James's Square, S.W.
THOMSON - On December 10, at Maritzburg, Frank Phillip Nowell, aged 18, only child of Nowell Ellman Thomson, of Wonderboom, and grandson of the late Captain Frank Tourle Thomson, Royal Navy.
WIID - On December 1, at Lindley, Orange River Colony, Nettie Wiid, beloved wife of Attorney B. L. Wiid.
YOUNG - On December 7, at Cape Town, John Young, formerly Town Clerk of Sea Point, aged 68.

5 February 1910


ANGUS - On December 29, at Sea Point, the wife of Alexander Angus, a daughter.
BAGSHAWE - On January 26, at Wolourand, Petrusburg, Orange River Colony, the wife of Francis J. Bagshawe, of a son.
BARRELL - On December 30, at Barkly West, to Mr. and Mrs. G. M. H. Barrell, a son.
BRINK - On December 30, at Vryburg, the wife of D. Brink, a son.
BROWN - On January 25, at Vryheid, to Mr. and Mrs. Brown, a son.
CORNISH-BOWDEN - On January 4, at Rondebosch, the wife of A. H. Cornish-Bowden, a son.
DENMAN - On December 31, at Kimberley, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Denman, a daughter.
GRAY - On January 4, at Willowmore, the wife of Andrew Gray, of the Standard Bank of South Africa, a daughter.
HARRIS - On December 28, at Beaconsfield, the wife of F. J. Harris, twin daughters.
WRIGHT - On December 29, at Klipdam, to Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Wright, a daughter.


ARMOUR - PALMER - On December 28, at Cape Town, Alfred Edward Armour, to Elizabeth Edith, eldest daughter of Captain H. V. Palmer, Army Service Corps, Middelburg.
BROMEHEAD - COOMER - On December 21, at Bulawayo, Francis St. John, second son of the late William Bromehead, of Cape Town, to Elizabeth Barbara, second daughter of F. C. Coomer, of Fulham
HATTINGH - MURPHY - On December 28, at Maritzburg, Isaac J. Hattingh, of Welgelegen, Elandshagte, to Alice Blanche, only daughter of the late William B. C. Murphy, Athlone.
HORSLEY - COOPER - On December 30, at Creighton, Natal, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Natal, Richard Gordon Cressy, younger son of the late C. Cressy Horsley, C. E., and Mrs. Cressy Horsley of Neasden, Middlesex to Margery, second daughter of George H. Cooper, J.P., of Creighton, Natal.
JERARD - STARKEY - On January 27, at Holy Trinity, Dartford, Conrad Malleson Jerard, of Stewartwyn, Alberta, Canada, to Mabel Medlicott, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Starkey, of Dartford.
LOW - SMITH - On December 28, at Kimberley, Alexander, youngest son of James Low, of Dundee, to Agnes, eldest daughter of James Smith, Kimberley.
MACER - FRANKLIN - On January 29, at St. Clement's Church, Ilford, Lionel William Macer, of Pilgrims Rest, to Ada Elizabeth Franklin, elder daughter of R. J. Franklin, Ilford.
SEYMOUR - KNOWLES - On January 29, at Johannesburg, Harold Williams, second son of Thomas Seymour and Mrs. Seymour, of Pontyberem, Carmarthenshire, to Muriel Gladys, third daughter of the late G. H. Knowles, of Pembrey, and Mrs. Knowles, Bedford, and grand-daughter of the late John Swire, Pembrey.
SPENCE - GRANT - On December 29, at Kimberley, James Reid Spence, fifth son of G. and A. Spence, of Kimberley, to Elizabeth Fleming Grant, eldest daughter of J. and M. S. Grant, of Kimberley
STRICKLAND - OLLEY - On January 1, at Cape Town, Ernest Marwood Stickland, late of Bournemouth, to Eva Olley, eldest daughter of Charles W. Olley, late of Belfast
STRACHAN - ROGER - On January 25, at Durban, Hercules Strachan, jun. (Anglo-French Exploration Company), Johannesburg, son of H. Strachan, Edinburgh, to Eleanor Beatrice (Dolly), second daughter of the late James Roger, F.E.I.S., Old Aberdeen, and stepdaughter of Joseph Firth, M.A., Edinburgh.
WRIGHT - MANCE - On December 29, at Kimberley, Horatio, second son of Major A. J. Wright, of Kimberley, to Gladys, youngest daughter of the late R. J. Mance, of Maraisburg.


BOULT - On January 5, at Walmer, Charles Boult, aged 91.
DAY - On January 28, at Bloemfontein, after prolonged illness, Frank Day, of Brinkworth, Wilts, third son of Richard Day, late of Hodroyd Hall, near Barnsley, Yorkshire.
GRAY - On January 13, at Willowmore, of typhoid fever, Lucy Louise, wife of Andrew Gray, of the Standard Bank of South Africa, and youngest daughter of the late William Fowler Fraser, Bank of Bengal, India, and of Mrs. Fraser, of Dundee, Natal.
MCCALMAN - On January 22, at Levanbuie, Islay, Duncan, aged 30, youngest surviving son of Mrs. McCalman.
PARKER - On January 28, at the residence of her cousin, Mrs. Partridge, Wyvenhoe, Anerley, Mrs. Parker, widow of Mr. W. R. Parker, Durban
RUFFEL - On December 30, at Durban, Mrs. N. O. Ruffel
SUTHERLAND - On January 20, at Maseru, Basutoland, shot dead by a native criminal whom he was endeavouring to arrest, Reay Mackay Sutherland, Basutoland Mounted Police, late Royal Artillery, aged 34, youngest son of Evan Charles Sutherland, of Skibo and Aberarder.
WISELY - On January 28, at Valletta, Malta, Jessie Tod, wife of the Rev. George Wisely, D.D., Malta, aged 83.


HUTCHISON - In loving memory of Jeanie Lister, beloved wife of Alick Hutchison, and daughter of Mrs. Paterson, Springburn, who died at Kimberley, January 28, 1907.


FREEMAN, JACK, was least heard of in the Cape Mounted Police stationed in Bechuanaland in 1902. Mother asks.
GILMORE, DAVID, left England nine years ago, and was last heard of from Ladygrey, Natal. Brother asks.
KNIGHT, WILLIAM, left Croft, Leicestershire, thirty years ago, and went to South Africa, where he was last heard of sixteen years ago. Sister Mary Ann asks.
LAWRENCE, HETTY, was living in Port Elizabeth in 1881. Brother asks.
MORLEY, HAROLD EDWIN, sailed to Natal on board S.S. Saxon, 1903. Brother Frank asks.
PRYKE, FRANK, went to Cape Colony five years ago, and has not since been heard of. Father asks.
SMITH, FREDERICK NOAH, formerly of Clapton, went to South Africa three years ago. Sister Louisa asks.
SPURRELL, MARY, nee POSS, went to Algoa Bay with her husband in 1873; last  heard of 19 years ago, living either in First, Third, or Fifth Avenue, Algoa Bay. Sister-in-Law Christiana asks.
THOMPSON, DEIGHTON and WILLIAM, were last heard of in South Africa 12 years ago. Brother John asks.
TILBURY, WILLIAM, was in Pretoria in 1903. Parents ask.
WEBBER, JOHN, of German nationality, left Ireland for South Africa in 1901, and was last heard of working in the mines at Johannesburg. Brother Charles asks.

Miscellaneous articles on same page:

Major D. Beale Browne, 9th Lancers, stationed at Potchefstroom, has so far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to leave the hospital and take a recuperative trip to the coast.

A man named Delport, of Pienaarsriver, near Pretoria, recently had one of his feet shattered by the accidental explosion of a charge which he was ramming into a muzzle-loading gun.

There is an interesting veteran in Ladysmith in the person of Mr. W. J. Barron, who is staying with his daughter, Mrs. Webb, wife of Sergeant Webb, who is in charge of the Railway Police. Mr. Barron served in the Crimea, Indian Mutiny, Zulu war, and the old Boer war, and gained many decorations. Even in his advanced years he volunteered for service under General Buller early in December, 1899, and was rather chagrined when his offer was declined owing to his age. He had, however, a son who took his place, and served with distinction.

12 February 1910


BAKER - On December 21, at Beerlaagte, Balfour, Transvaal, the wife of Allan Sancroft Baker, a son.
BARTLEY - On the 8th inst., at Johannesburg, the wife of Bryan C. Bartley, a son.
FOWLER - On January 17, at Pretoria, the wife of Hugh C. Fowler, a daughter.
PARK ROSS - On the 8th inst., at Maritzburg, the wife of Dr. G. A. Park Ross, a son.
THACKER - On January 15, at the Robinson Randfontein, the wife of Dudley H. Thacker, a daughter.


COX - CHILD - On the 3rd inst., at Woodford, Christopher N. Cox, of Palmer's Green, and Messrs. Donald Currie and Co., to Lulu, youngest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J. R. Child, Woodford.
DOBSON - SLOLEY - On January 26, at Maseru, Basutoland, Captain Montague Charles Dobson, F.R.G.S., of the Royal Field Artillery, second son of Mr. Nelson C. Dobson, F.R.C.S., of Clifton Bristol, to Florisse, eldest daughter of H. C. Sloley, C.M.G., Resident Commissioner of Basutoland.
GROSSERT - BARBOUR - On January 6, at New Leeds, Natal, James Grossert, Tweedie, Natal Government Railways, to Edith Maud Barbour (nee Stead), eldest daughter of T. Stead, J.P.
LLOYD - BREWIN - On January 6, at Rusape, Rhodesia, Edgar White Lloyd, Priest in Charge of S. Faith's and the Epiphany, Rusape, to Elaine Margaret, only daughter of the late Arthur Brewin, of Giggleswick, Yorkshire.
LOW - SMITH - On December 28, at Kimberley, Alexander, youngest son of James Low, of Dundee, to Agnes, eldest daughter of James Smith, Kimberley.
MITCHELL - BALDWIN - On the 2nd inst., at Acton, Stanley Player Mitchell, fifth son of Henry Mitchell, of Acton, to Gertrude, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. F. A. Baldwin, of Acton.
NELSON - HENDERSON - On the 2nd inst., at Durban, Alexander MacGillivray, to Agnes Tweeddale, daughter of James Henderson, Durban
WRIGHT - MANCE - On December 29, at Kimberley, Horatio, second son of Major A. J. Wright, of Kimberley, to Gladys, youngest daughter of the late R. J. Mance, of Maraisburg.


CATTANACH - At Johannesburg, John Alva Cattanach, fourth son of the late Peter Lorimer Cattanach, Edinburgh.
DAY - On January 28, at Bloemfontein, after prolonged illness, Frank Day, of Brinkworth, Wilts, third son of Richard Day, late of Hodroyd Hall, near Barnsley, Yorkshire.
FORSTER - On the 3rd inst., suddenly, at Karonga, Nyasaland, Arthur Frost Forster, M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P. (Lond.), Medical Officer H. M. Government.
LERESCHE - On January 30, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, Persis Margaret, the dearly loved and only child of Alfred and Hilda Leresche (nee Harvey).
MACKIE - On December 29, at Kiewa, Mowbray, Annie Wilson, widow of David Mackie, both formerly of Glasgow Postal Telegraphs.
PATTISON - On January 11, at the C.S.A.R. Hospital, Doornfontein, as the result of a railway accident at Val Station, Basil Stuart Pattison, of  Fox Hill, Natal, third son of the late H. J. Pattison, of Kingston-on-Thames.
TOCHER - On January 15, at Germiston, John Tocher, eldest son of the late Andrew Tocher, Barry.
WILSON - On the 1st inst., in a railway accident at Roodepoort, Torrance Carandini Wilson, late R.N., aged 21.

26 March 1910


ANDERSON - On the 15th inst., at Lovedale, the wife of Arthur P. Moore Anderson, M.D., a daughter
BENNETT - On February 17, at Kimberley, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett, a daughter.
CUNNINGHAM - On February 27, at Boksburg, the wife of Norman Rousell Cunningham, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., a daughter, who only survived her birth a few hours.
FULCHER - On February 12, at Kimberley, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fulcher, a son.
KAPLAN - On February 20, at Johannesburg, to Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, a son.
KRAWITZ - On February 21, at Johannesburg, the wife of Philip Krawitz, a daughter.
LITHGOW - On February 16, at Johannesburg, the wife of Alex. Lithgow, a daughter.
NICHOLSON - On the 20th inst., at 26, Palace Mansions, Kensington, the wife of Francis Henry Nicholson (nee Lethbridge), a son.
RADE - On February 12, at Johannesburg, the wife of B. W. J. Rade, a son.
RODWELL - On the 16th inst., at Johannesburg, the wife of Cecil Hunter Rodwell, C.M.G., a son.
STUTTAFORD - On the 19th inst., at Cape Town, the wife of Richard Stuttaford, a son.


ABEL - RICHARDSON - On February 23, at Johannesburg, Abraham Hugh Abel, of Oldham, to Florence Annie, third daughter of the late C. F. Richardson, of Grahamstown, and formerly of Derby.
HARDING - KENNEDY - On February 16, at Klipdam, May Magdelene, fourth daughter of R. I. Kennedy (Fools Rush), to James Harding.
LEWIN - CROZIER - On the 21st inst., in the City of London, Henry Lewin, youngest son of the late N. Lewin, of Agra, to Charlotte Wright, fifth daughter of the late Gibson Crozier, and granddaughter of the late Hon. George Wood, of Grahamstown.
LIPMAN - HANRECK - On February 15, at Kimberley, Henry Phillips Lipman to Gertrude Hanreck, both of Kimberley
PERCIVAL - JEGOU - On February 26, at Johannesburg, Hamilton Dunbar, only son of Hamilton J. Percival, of Hove, to Marguerite, eldest daughter of the late Victor Jegou, of Le Havre, France.
REYERSBACH - DAVID - On the 20th inst., at Bonn-on-the-Rhine, Alphonse Reyersbach, of  49, Palace Court, W., to Martha David, second daughter of Louis David, Bonn.
SIMS - DENNY - On the 17th inst., at Claremont, James Hugh Sims, Basutoland Mounted Police, to Beatrice Winifred, eldest daughter of the late H. A. Denny, R. F. A.
WILSON - MAXWELL - On the 19th inst., at South Croydon, George Reoch Wilson, the Clydesdale Bank, Glasgow, to Helen Hamilton, daughter of the late John E. Maxwell, Cape Town.


COLE BOWEN - On the 18 inst., at Harrismith, Orange River Colony, Major Charles Otway Cole Bowen, D.S.O., Royal Engineers, third son of the late Robert Cole Bowen, Bowen's Court, Co. Cork.
GLAZEBROOK - On February 20, at Kimberley, Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glazebrook.
GODWIN - On February 12, at Boksburg, Sidney Herbert Godwin, aged 38.
GUEST - On February 13, at Johannesburg, George Hutchinson Guest.
VAN TIL - On February 7, at Carolina, Bartus van Til, of Waterval Onder, aged 43.
WALDECK - On February 14, at Zeerust, Anna Catherina Waldeck, aged 84.


Mr. Oliver Charles McMahon of St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, has been ordained Deacon of the Pro-Cathedral at Salisbury, and the Rev. O. C. McMahon will be assistant curate of Bulawayo.

Mr. A. Wienholt Hodson has become Assistant Resident Magistrate for the Southern District of the Bechuanaland Protectorate, in place of Mr. A. G. Stigand, who has been transferred to Ngamiland.

Mr. H. S. Keigwin has been appointed to act as Assistant Magistrate for the district of Salisbury, at Lomagundi. Mr. Keigwin is also acting temporarily as Native Commissioner for the Lomagundi district.

Last month lions were again prowling around at a spot scarcely six miles from the Gatooma Siding. Two donkeys fell victims to them, but one of the marauders was probably, in turn, the victim of Mr. Baillie Stokes, who secured a fine, black-maned male, not very far from the scene of the death of the donkeys.

The Boksburg Presbyterian Church has offered a call to the Rev. T. R. Ballantyne, B. A., of Belfast.

At the annual meeting of the Pretoria Harriers and Athletic Club held recently, a membership of 108 was reported, and it was stated that the affairs of the Club were in a very satisfactory state. Mr. J. G. van Boeschoten (the Mayor) was elected President for the ensuing year.

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