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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1911 3 July - September


23 September 1911

CRASTER—At Salisbury, Rhodesia, the wife of W. S. Craster, a daughter.
GRANT—On August 24, at Johannesburg, the wife of Cormack Grant, M.B., a son, still-born.
GREEK—On August 22, at Johannesburg, the wife of Sam Greek, a son.
HAMILTON—On April 7, at Johannesburg, the wife of J. Dundas Hamilton, of Lake Chrissie, Transvaal (nee Suie May), a daughter.
HOFMAN—On August 20, at Johannesburg, the wife of Lou Hofman, a son.
LAWTON—On August 21, at Rondebosch, Mrs. A. B. Lawton, a son.
LLOYD—On September 18, at Pretoria, the wife of J. Barclay Lloyd, of Bonchurch, a son.
MILLER—On August 20, at Klipheuvel Station, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Miller, a daughter.
RODWAY—On August 23, at Johannesburg, the wife of John Inshaw Rodway, a son.
SILCOCK—On August 23, at Johannesburg, the wife of Boardman Silcock, a son.
THOMPSON—On August 14, at Kimberley, to Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Thompson (“Matabele” Thompson, jun.), a son.
VAN ZYL—On August 19, at Wynberg, the wife of H. S. Van Zyl, a son.
WEBBER—On August 21, at Johannesburg, the wife of F. K. Webber, a daughter.
WOOD—On the 21st inst., at Rackenford Lodge, Weybridge, the wife of J. Clairmont Wood of a daughter.

BOWLES—LITTLE—On September 20, at St. Stephen’s Church, Kensington, by the Right Rev. Bishop William Gaul (late of Mashonaland), assisted by the Rev. H. A. Bowles, Charles Edward, only son of Arthur H. Bowles, of Temple Court, Guildford, to Agnes, only daughter of James B. Little, of Selukwe, Rhodesia.
CHAPLIN—DOIG—On August 12, at Germiston, Godfrey Ernest Chaplin to Daisy Eva Doig, daughter of Alexander Doig, of Heidleburgh, Johannesburg.
LEGGATE—GILCHRIST—On September 16, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, William Muter Leggate, Ardgowan, Hartley, to Margaret, daughter of the late James Gilchrist.
LINKLATER—CROMARTY—On August 22, at Johannesburg, Alexander Linklater to Catherine Cromarty, both of Johannesburg.
MCLACHLAN—BAXENDALE—On September 18, at Cape Town, Arthur Ronald, youngest son of the late R. A. McLachlan and Mrs. McLachlan, of Cape Town, to Margaret Constance, second daughter of the Rev. Walter and Mrs. Baxendale.

CAMERON—On August 19, at Johannesburg, Sidney James Cameron, aged 28.
CLARKE—On August 25, at Johannesburg, Johanna Clarke, aged 72.
CORMACK—On August 16, at Port Elizabeth, Robert Cormack, Cellardyke, Fifeshire.
FORBES—On September 13, at Cape Town, the Rev. William Forbes, of the Congregational Church, Rondebosch.
GOLDSTEIN—On August 23, at Cape Town, Abel Goldstein, Fordsburg.
JERIFOS—On August 22, at Johannesburg, Demetrios Jerifos, aged 32.
MACNEILLIE—On August 22, at Johannesburg, George Andrew MacNeillie, aged 28.
OOSTHUIZEN—On August 24, at Johannesburg, Gert Thomas Oosthuizen, aged 41.
RABER—On August 21, at the Old Somerset Hospital, Elise Raber, aged 72.
SENIOR—On August 22, Margaret Senior, widow of the late Wm. Senior, of Halifax, Yorkshire, aged 74.
STEWART—On September 16, at Randfontein, David Ferguson Stewart, late of Glasgow and Port Elizabeth.

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