South Africa 1911 2 April - June
3 June 1911
EDGECOMBE—On May 21, at Benoni, to Mrs. H. L. Edgecombe, a daughter.
FORD—On May 3, at Barberton, Mrs. Milverton Ford, a daughter.
FRIEDMAN—On April 30, at Jeppes, Mrs. J. Friedman, a son.
KNEEN—On April 30, at Kenilworth, Mrs. A. S. Kneen, a son.
PUGH—On May 31, at 97, Holloway Road, N., to Herbert Henry and Nelly Pugh, a daughter.
RUNDLE—On May 2, at Kimberley, Mrs. S. Rundle, a daughter.
TANNOCK—On April 6, at Nqamakwe, Transkei, to Mrs. James Tannock, a son.
WHEAT—On May 30, at Vogelfontein, to Dr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Wheat, a son.
WILSON—On April 30, at Kimberley, Mrs. George Wilson, a son.
BEST—BATTERBURY—On May 22, at Durban, Alexander Finlay Harrower Best, of Clocolan, to Annie Lillian Batterbury, of Melbourne.
CHATTERTON—SMITH—On April 22, at Griqualand East, Emma Herring, youngest daughter of C. H. Smith, Griqualand East, to Dudley Henry, eldest son of James Chatterton, Johannesburg.
DORE—NICHOLLS—On April 24, at Wynberg, Harry B. Dore, of Koffyfontein, O.F.S., to Gladys D. Nicholls, of Wynberg.
EVANS—RAWE—On April 25, at Groot Spelonken, Zoutpansberg, Robert Lees Evans, Priest-in-Charge of Zoutpansberg, to Ida Mabel, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Rawe, of Groot Spelonken.
GORDON—BEYER—On May 23, at Wrenbury, Cheshire, John Miller Gordon, Surgeon, R.N., to Minnie Marian, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Beyer, Wrenbury.
HEIM—ROESCH—On April 19, at Bloemfontein, Maximilian Karl Heim, of Kimberley, to Nancy Victoria Roesch, of Bloemfontein.
LORD—GODDARD—On April 29, at Johannesburg, Robert Lord to Daisy Ada Goddard.
MAGILL—HATCH—On April 18, at Cape Town, James Magill, of Kimberley, to Winnifred Hatch, of Belfast.
MATHIESON—FORBES—On May 23, at Durban, William Gilkinson Matieson, of Durban, to Elsie Norrie Forbes.
OWEN—WEEDON—On May 30, at Durban, William Owen to Ethel Lucy Yorke Weedon.
PEARSON—TULL—On April 26, at Kimberley, Henry Pearson, of Kimberley, to Agnes Tull, of Beaconsfield.
ALLISON—On May 2, at Johannesburg, Samuel David Allison, aged 29.
BEDINGFELD—On May 29, at Johannesburg, William Felix, fourth son of the late Sir Henry Bedingfeld, Bart., aged 38.
LANG—On May 24, at Cape Town, Edward John Lang, of Bulawayo.
MCCORMICK—On May 4, at Johannesburg, Angus McCormick, President of the Transvaal Miners’ Union.
MULLEN—On May 22, at Kimberley, Rev. Fr. William Mullen.
NORMAND—On May 4, at Doornfontein, George Anderson Normand, aged 38.
SLABBERT—On May 3, at Johannesburg, John Arthur Slabbert, aged 28.
THORBURN—On May 3, at Kimberley, William Thornburn, aged 61.
TYRWHITT-DRAKE—On April 28, at Grahamstown, Laura, wife of J. D’Urban Tyrwhitt-Drake, eldest daughter of C. Pettitt, Dispatch, Port Elizabeth.
WALCOTT—On April 22, at Cape Town, Hamilton Lyons Walcott, younger son of the late Henry Lyons Walcott.
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