The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1859 2 July - December
Friday, 1 July, 1859
BIRTH at Bloemfontein on the 28th June, Mrs. KRAUSE of a daughter.
Mejufvrouw de Jongh BLOEM verwittgt mits dezen hare leerlingen dat de bezigheden in hare School hervat zullen worden op 4den July aanstaande.
Mrs. Fanny SOLOMON begs to notify to the public generally, and to debtors to the late firm of NORDEN & SOLOMON, of Smithfield, particularly, that the partnership lately existing between her and Mr Louis NORDEN has been dissolved by mutual consent, and that she has taken over the whole of the stock and book debts belonging to the late firm, and therefore requests all person in debited thereto, to make their payments to her, at her Store in Wakelyn Street, where the business is still continued in her own name.
Smithfield, 10th June, 1859
We understand that Mr. Advocate VALCKENAER (of Smithfield) has accepted the appointment of Landdrost of Winburg, pending the confirmation of the Volks.
The acting President (Snyman) has departed rather suddenly for his farm on the Orange River, where his only son, a promising youth is said to be seriously ill.
Friday, 15 July, 1859
Mr. SCOTT, teacher of this place, whilst on a run during the holidays, was somewhere on the border of the Colesberg and Cradock districts, severely bitten by a pack of fierce dogs, which beset him on all sides. Mr. SCOTT, we learn, had called at and entered, a farmer’s house; and after some time, on coming out of the house, was attacked by the dogs in broad daylight, on the very stoep, without his having in any way provoked them. Mr. SCOTT was severely lacerated in the arms and legs, and would have been torn to death, unless assistance had arrived. If true, that the farmer, on being recommended to get rid of such inhospitable brutes, answered that for attacking an Englishman he would never do so – then it is time that the law should step in, to compel the keepers of vicious dogs to tie them up in the daytime, or destroy them, as any stranger on the most necessary and lawful errand, to such houses, may be exposed to danger.
We observe that our late townsman, Mr. St. P. O’Shaughnessy O’BREIN has become joint-editor of the “Albert Times” which is in course of being enlivened by productions from that gentleman’s fertile pen.
We published in our advertising columns, a report of the examination of the school at Fauresmith, conducted by Mr. EMMERSON. The branches taught are of a diversified and practical nature. Fauresmith is lucky in having secured the services of so competent a teacher.
The most brilliant matrimonial display we have witnessed in Bloemfontein, came off on Tuesday last, on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. J.F. IDDEKINGE, secretary of the Volksraad, to Miss Anna Maria, the second unmarried daughter of Mr. Landdrost van SOELEN.
The partnership hitherto existing between Messrs. VALCKENAER & FINLAY, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.
All those indebited to the above firm, and all those having claims against the same will please settle their accounts with Mr. R. FINLAY.
Smithfield, June 30, 1859
Miss TENNANT begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Bloemfontein and the Orange Free State that she will open an English Boarding nd Day School on Monday the 18th Instant
In the estate of Hermanus Johannes WESSELS
Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the late Hermanus Johannes WESSELS, formerly of the Caledon River District, and lately of the Bloemfontein District, that they are hereby required to file their claims with the undersigned within six weeks from this date. All persons indebted to the same, are also required to pay their several debts to prevent legal proceedings being instituted against them.
For self and co-executor, H.J.WESSELS
Smithfield, July 4, 1859
In den gemeenschappelyken boedel van wylen Magdalina Maria Margaritha BEZUIDENHOUT en nagelatenechtgenoot Andries Gotlieb DUVENAGE van Vlakfontein, District Bloemfontein.
Crediteuren in den bovengemelden gemeenschappelyken boedel worden mits deze opgeroepen hen pretention, vorgezeld met de verechtsbewyzen, binnen zes weken van af deze datum, by den ondergeteekenden ten zyne kantore Bloemfontein, inteleveren, en degenen daaraan verschuldigd hen debit nook binnen opgemelde tyd te betalen, ter plaatse voormeld.
Executeur Datief bovengem. Boedel.
Bloemfontein, 28 Juny, 1859
Te Bloemfontein, op Dinsdag, den 12 July, 1859, door den Weleerw. Hr. Andrew MURRAY Az. – Jonkheer J.F. van IDDEKINGE, Secretaris van den Volksraad, Registateur der Rondgaande Hoven en Hoven van Appel, met Anna Maria, derde dochter van den Weledelen Heer C. van Dyk van SOELEN, Landdrost van Bloemfontein
De inwoners van den Oranjevrystaat kunnen met onvervalscht vorsche Medicamenten en Droogeryen voorzien worden aan het Apotheek van den Heer KISCH van Colesberg, die pas van Europa is teruggekeerd – tegen zeer untige prysen.
Droogeryen en Medicamenten, Instumenten en Medicyn-kasten voor geneeskundigen –in groote verscheidenheid.
BEVALLEN te Bloemfontein, op den 14den dezer, Mejufv. E.A.ALLEMAN van eenen zoon
BIRTH at Fauresmith, on Sunday, the 26th inst., Mrs F.K.HOHNE, of a daughter.
Fauresmith, 30 June 1859
Friday, 22 July, 1859
Recommends himself for repairing and cleaning all kinds of clocks, watches, accordions and [flu*inas] – as also for the tuning of pianos; whilst moderate charges and punctual attendance may be depended on.
Bloemfontein, 5th July, 1859
Friday, 29 July, 1859
The following notice appears in FORRES GAZETTE
“ To surviving Friends,”- A correspondent in Grahamstown, Cape Colony, writes us by last mail of the death of a Mr. John DOUGLAS, general Merchant, in Grahamstown, who died lately, immensely rich. He was a native of Forres, and his father was a tanner or curier in this town some forty or fifty years since. His relations, we learn, removed to Glasgow some time ago, where they have been lost sight of. Should this meet the eye of any of them, in their fields, they would better look after their interests in Mr. DOUGLAS’s property
In den intestaten boedel van wyle Jan Lodewyk BOOIJSEN, van het Middelveld, District Bloemfontein.
Aangezien de bovengemelde overledene Jan Lodewyk BOOIJSEN in het jaar 1819 of daaromtrent, een wettige huwelyk heeft voltrokken met Christina Magdalenade BUIJS, weduwe van wylen Cornelius FABER, van de Kaap kolonie, dewelke tusschen de jaren 1807 en 1818 gestorven is, en aangezien de nalatenschap van gemelde FABER (zoo beweerd wordt) vermengd is geworden met den boedel van gemelden Jan Lodewyk BOOIJSEN; en aangezien de erfgenamen van gemelde Cornelis FABER, derhalven vormenen regt te hebben, om uit den boedel van gemelde BOOIJSENS te vorderen, zoodaldg bedrag met de renten, als zy kunnen aantoonen, dat in den boedel van genoemden BOOIJSEN is over gegaan, en zy zich by den ondergeteekenden hebben vervoegd, ter becoming van uit kapitaal met de renten: Zoo worden alle belanghebbenn mits dezen verwittigd, dat tenzy het bewezen wordt, dat de boedel van gemelde Cornelis FABER alreeds daartegen binnen zes weke van af heden gerekend, by de gemelde Executeuren Datief te Bloemfontein gemaakt worden, de erfgenamen van gemelde Cornelis FABER door de gemelde Executeuren Datief beschouwd zullen wordemals geregtigd tot het door hen geeischt worden kapitaal met de renten als voorzegd.
De Executeuren voornoemd van gemelde boedel,
Bloemfontein, 25 July, 1859
Indien Henrik HANCKE by den ondergetekeekenden aanzoek wil doen, hy sal iets bysozonderlyk tot zyn voodeel hooren.
James HOWELL Winburg, 25 July, 1859
If William ANDERSON, does not settle his account with the undersigned for hous, rent &c., within three weeks from date, the articles left by him will be sold on his account.
R.FINLAY Smithfield, 25 July, 1859
Friday, 5 August, 1859
In der boedel van wylen Mejufvrouw Margaritha Isabella LOMBARD, en nagelatene echtegenoot Hendrik Jacobus VIVIER
Allen die vermenen iets uit bovengemelden boedel te vorderen hebben, word by deze opgeroepen zich binnen den tyd van zes weken van heden af, te melden by den ondergeteekenden; en zy, die aan gemelde boedel verschuldigd zyn worden verzocht hunne schulden binnen gezegden tyd te vereffenen
N.P. MULLER Executeur Datief.
Garza Vallei district,
Bloemfontein, 22 July, 1859
Friday, 12 August, 1859
During the night of Sunday last two horses, the property of Mr. PAGE, Merchant – and some two or three besides, belonging to other persons, including Mr. BORCHERDS – were stolen. The latter’s has since been recovered, as well as that belonging to a carpenter in town. It is conjectured that those horses had been abandoned, had strayed homewards, whilst the thieves were enjoying their first off-saddling.
Suspicion attaches to two European tradesmen, sometime working in Bloemfontein – the one, CONNOR, an Irishman and mason, the other CLARK, (not Sir George) who was for a time cobbler in the employ of Mr. PAINTER, master shoemaker of this place. We have not heard that the usual preliminary step of tracing the spoor or trail had been immediately set about. The conjecture is, that the thieves have taken the direction of Vaal River.
John E STONE, accused of the murder of one Patrick SMITH, whose trial was postponed from last sitting of the Combined Court of Landdrost, as reported at the time, escaped from the jail here during the night of Saturday last. Well perhaps it is as well, seeing that the fact of being so many months in the Bloemfontein prison, constitutes in itself no contemptible amount of personal suffering; and that even had Mr. STONE been brought to trial, with all the witnesses in attendance, he would have been acquitted. That he shot his companion, there is no room to doubt. That he did so under circumstances which might reduce the crime from murder to culpable homicide, there are reasons to believe. In any event, we never expected his condemnation. STONE is married to a Dutch woman, of respectable standing in this quarter
In den boedel van wylen den heer David H.L.KROUSE, en zyn nagelatene weduwe Jacoba Maria GRUNDELING.
Eenig person die aan bovengemelde boedel verschuldigd zyn, of iets te vorderen heft moeten zich binnen den tyd van twee maanden hunne schulden te betalen, of hunne eischen in televeren by de ondergeteekenden.
Alle schuldenaren die nalatig zullen zyn hunne schulden binnen gemelden tyd te betalen, zullen volgens wet vervolgd worden
J.D.CILLIERS, sen., J.J. FICK Executeuren Datief.
Wittebergen, 25 July, 1859
In den insolventen boedel van wylen den hr, C.J. FRANCIS
De liquidatie en distributie rekening in den bovengemelde boedel, zal voor den tyd van een maand van heden gerekend, ten kantore van Meester van Insolvente Boedels te Bloemfontein – openliggen. Waarna indien gene objection daartgen worden in het midden gebragt, de verdeeling dien volgens zal plaats hebben.
Geo HOME, Jas DICK qq.
in het boedel.
Bloemfontein, 1 Augustus, 1859
Op Woensdag, 27 July, geschiede alhier een droevig geval op de plaats Palmietfontein een uue van het dorp een zoon van den Heer John GRIMMER – een veel belovend jongeling van 22 jaar werd op eene ongelukkige wyze doodgeschoten. Een Hottentot was bezig om iets te doen, aan een slot van een geweer dat geladen was, het ging a fen de kogel ging onder de regter arm door inhet lyf e naan de linker zynde weer uit, zoodat de dood spoedig volgde; zwaar is dit verlies voor de bejaarde ouders, daar zy korten tyd geloden ook hun oudste zoon naar graft bragten.
Friday, 19 August, 1859
In den insolvente boedel van Richard Henry Bestabel HARRIS, Blikslager te Winburg
Alle personen vorderingen hebbende tegen bovengemelde insolvente boedel worden versocht zoodanige vorderingen, met de daartoe vereischte bewyzen, by de ondergeteekende inteleveren, binnen zes weken van heden gerekend en degenen daaraan verschuldigd, de door hun verschuldigde sommen te betalen binnen denzelfden tyd
John JOHNASON, Curator.
Winburg, 15 Augustus, 1859
Alle die iets te vorderen hebben van den gemeenschappelyken boedel bestaan hebbende tusschen Barend Jacobus ENGELBRECHT en Elizabeth Johanna ERASMUS (laatst gemelde overleden Zynde) worden verzocht daarvan opgave te doen ten kantore van den ondergeteekenden te Fauresmith binnen zes weken na heden.
C.J. VELS q.q. Exec. Testamentair.
Fauresmith, 11 Augustus, 1859
Friday, 2 September, 1859
BIRTH at Smithfield, on the 20th current, Mrs. H.D. HODGSON, of a son.
De ondergeteekende van moendag zynde zyne bezigheid te veranderen van af den 1sten October inst. Versoekt alle persoons die hunne rekeningen tot op den 30 Juny l.l. niet vereffend hebben, om hetzelve te betalen voor of op den 30sten dezer maand ; anders zal per cent gevraagd worden voeg invordering
Wm. Geo EVERY.
Bloemfontein, 1sten September, 1859
Lieut.-General Robert Henry WYNYARD, O.B. Commander of the Forces, assumes the reins of government, in the absence of Sir George Grey’s successor, and will no doubt support and develop the policy of Sir George, under whom, General Wynyard served, in civil appointments, While Sir George was Governor of New Zealand
Friday, 9 September, 1859
On the night of Wednesday last, the house of Mr. Frans JOUBERT, near Bulsburg in this district was destroyed by fire. The house was a thatched one; and it is conjectured that sparks emitted by some neighbouring fire, must have lodged under the thatch and thus caused the ignition. We hear that the first alarm of the catastrophe reached Mr. JOUBERT, was the noise of the roof of the kitchen falling in. We regret to hear that Mr. Joubert has lost everything situated within the reach of the action of the fire; even down to the wearing apparel of his household. The wonder is – seeing the careless way in which fire is dealt with – that more houses are not burnt.
Friday, 16 September, 1859
In den boedel van wylen Petrus Lafras UYS, en nagelaten weduwe Alida Maria UYS
Alle diegene die versculdigd zyn aan, of te vorderen hebben van bovengemelden boedel, wordt verzocht hunne schulden te betalen, of hunne vorderingen in te diene naan de ondergeteekenden, ter zyne kantore te Harrismith, binnen acht weken van heden datum
H.O. DREYER, q.q. Alida Maria UYS, Executrice Testamentair.
Harrismith, 10den September, 1850
Aan erfgenamen in den boedel van Hendrina Welhemina van der WESTHUIZEN geboren MOMBERG
De ondergeteekende executeur in dezen boedel maakt de erfgenamen bekend, dat de boedel van wylen hunnen Moeder gesloten is, en dat hunne erfpotier, betaalbaar zyn te zynenhuize “Rietpoort” gelegen, in het Nieuwveldt, afdeeling Beaufort gedurende de maand November 1850
W.KEMPER Executeur Testamentair
Beaufort, 1den Augustus, 1859.
Died at Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, on Sunday morning 11th instant after an illness of four weeks, Augustus MAIN, esquire, late District Surgeon and Justice of the Peace of Middleburg, Cape Colony: aged 58 years.
The deceased, during his short but useful career as a Medical Practitioner in this town, had, by his urbanity, gentlemanly demeanour, and kind attention at the sick bed, endeared himself to many friends, by whom his loss is sincerely and deeply regretted.
Bloemfontein, 13th September, 1859
DIED at Fauresmith, of hooping cough, on Friday, the 2nd September, 1859, Charles Henry Grattan, only son of Wm Arthur HARRISON and Emily EMERSON, aged 1 year, 8 months, and 2 days.
The friends who so kindly sympathized with the parents in their bereavement, are requested to accept their deepest thanks.
The stock of the wholesale and retail business of Messrs. COLLETT & EVERY, at Cradock, (formerly E.H.CALDECOTT) having been purchased by Mr. William DISTIN, notice is hereby given that the same is for sale at a Liberal Credit, or is Barter.
For particulars, apply to Mr. T.C. SCANLEN, at Cradock, or to the undersigned.
Cradock, 10 Sept., 1859
Friday, 23 September, 1859
By Special Licence, on 23rd August, last in the Dutch Reformed Church, at Potchefstroom, South African Republic, by the Revd. Mr. D. van der HOFF, Mr. James Evans, of Pietermaritzburg, Natal to Miss Susanna Christina, second daughter of Mr. M. GOETZ, of Potchefstroom.
MARRIED at Bloemfontein, by the Rev. A MURRAY, jun., on the 8th inst., Mr. P.J.A. BORCHERDS, to Miss A.J. van SOELEN. Bloemfontein, 9th September, 1859
Aan nabestaande vrienden en bloedverwanten wordt door deze bekend gemaakt dat het den Almagtigen God behaagd heft om myn geliefde echtgenoot Jacobus Lodewiekus WOLMARANS, van hier uit dit tydelyk nuur het eenwige te doen overgaan, in den ouderedom van 42 jaren, 9 maanden, en 13 dagen, en my overlatende om zyn verlies te betreuren
Catharina D. WOLMARANS, geboren BOTHA
Aasvogelkop, 5 September, 1859
Friday, 30 September, 1859
The latest tidings we have had on this subject, are to the effect that, there have died on the farm of Rudolph BRITZ, Lower Modder River, seven persons in all – 5 whites and 2 blacks. The other persons who were on the place have passed through the disease successfully. With the exception of BRITS’ place we have not learnt that small pox is elsewhere in this State. The buildings on the infected farms have been burnt to the ground, with part of the bedding, &c., the other part having been submitted to a thorough cleansing and fumigation. These particulars we gather from an official report addressed to the Landdrost.
Friday, 14 October, 1859
We now understand, that a Mr. F. W. van der RIET, of Swellendam, is willing to take the field as a candidate for the presidency. We know nothing personally of his talents or qualifications farther than – that he is well spoken of by respectable people amongst whom he resides. He is, at present Clerk of the Peace at Swellendam; and held the same office lately at Burghersdorp.
Copied, neatly and correctly by G.S. HIGSON, Piano-forte Teacher, [Tempo]. Copies of the newest and most fashionable Polkas, Waltzes, &c., to be had. Orders to be left with Mr. James CAMERON, Bloemfontein.
Friday, 21 October, 1859
If James SHAW, who formerly resided in Smithfield, Middleburg and Hanover, does not within six weeks from this date, liquidate the balance still due by him on the purchase of a certain erf in the town of Hanover, from Jacobus Petrus le ROUX together with expenses and interest, he will have to bear the consequences; as legal step will then be instituted to secure the seller.
C.W. HEEGH, q.q.
Hanover 30th September, 1859
Alle die iets te vorderen hebben van de gemeenschappelyken boedel bestaan hebbende tusschen Theodorus Hendrik PIETERSE en Catharina Maria van der MERWE, eerstgemelde overleden zynde, worden verzocht daarvan opgave dien ter plaatse van den ondergetekenden, te Pelserskraal, district Winburg binnen zes weken na heden.
C.J. du TOIT, L.R. BESSER Exec. Datief
Pelserskraal, distr. Winburg, 13 Oct, 1859
Friday, 28 October, 1859
Het heeft den Almagtigen God behaagd tot zich te nemen op Donderdag, en 13den October, 1859 myn teedergeliefde vader, Petrus Albertus EIJZILIE, in den ouderdom van 81 jaren, 7 maanden, en 17dagen.
De vrienden die hunne hulp aan den overledenen gedurende zyne zickbed vergunt hebben, wordt mits dezen hartelyk bedankt
Wed. A.M. v.d. MERWE geboren EIZILIE.
Bloemfontein, 27 Oct, 1859
This medical man was tried and sentenced to be executed, for the poisoning of a Miss BANKES. He has been respited by the Queen, as doubts arose as to the real cause of Miss. BANKES’ death. The guilt of Dr. SMETHURST, according to the evidence, secured pretty conclusive. The axiom, however, that it is better that 99 guilty escape, than that one innocent person should suffer, is the safe course. A man can be robbed, ruined, sent to wander the world over, friendless and houseless. These adversities may be repaired or redressed. But take a man’s life, and no degree or intensity of regret, can restore him to life, although his memory may be purified.
Friday, 11 November, 1859
Aan alle veldcornets, policie en getegtsdienaren en nurgers vanden Oranjevrystaat.
Nademaal, voor my, Arnoldus Abraham STUART, Vrederefter te Winburg, door beeedigde informative van den konstabel [BAAI..] gebleken dat de person van John TAYLOR nu of vroeger eipier van Winburg, zich schuldig heeftgemaakt aan ambtmisdaad, door het laten of helpen ontvlugten van den prisonier Jakob Johannes BRETENBACH, beschuldigd van diefstal op den avond van den zesden November 1859; En bademaal gemelde TAYLOR zich-tevens met een bruin schutpaard uit de voeten gemaakt heft:
Zoo is het dat gy hierdoor gelast en geauthoriseerd zyt gemelden John TAYLOR, alsook den ontvlugen prisonier Jakob Johannes BREGTENBACH te arresteren, en voor my te bregen om behandel te worden volgens wet.
Gegeven onder myne hand dezen ze venden dag van November 1859, ten Landdrostkantore, Winburg.
A.A. STUART, Vrederegter.
Friday, 25 November, 1859
Allen die iets vorderen hebben of verschuldigd zyn aan den boedel van wylen Anna Sophia JOOSTEN, en nagelaten man Cornelis Jacobus BADENHORST, worden by deze opgeroepen om binnen zes weken na datum dezes, hunne schuldvorderingen ten kantore van den hr. G. VERGOTTINI, te Winburg, inteleveren, of hun verschuldigde te komen voldoen.
Executeuren datief.
Winburg, 25 November, 1859
Friday, 2 December, 1859
Te Pietermaritzburg, op den 4den November, 1859 door den Wel. Eerw. Heer W. CAMPBELL, de Wel. Ed. Heer Arent Johannes Bernardus Schagen van SOELEN, oudeste zoon van den Wel.Ed. Heer C. van Dyk van SOELEN, Landdrost van Bloemfontein, met Jongejufvrouw Sara Susanna, vierde dochter van den Wel. Ed. Heer J.N. BOSHOF, onlangs President van den Oranjevrystaat.
Friday, 9 December, 1859
Nademaal het ter myner kennisse gekomen is dat zekere personen rekwesten hebben uitgenomen op gedeelten van myne geinspecteerde plaats “Bushman’s Bank” gelegen in het veldcornetschap van Joachin TALJAART, Caledon Rivier district – grenzende aan Kaffir Kop, Riet spruit en Plat Kop, - maakt ik mits dezen bekend, dat ale gezegde plaats myn eigendom is; en ik waarschuw degenen die deze kennisgeving mogen aangaan, dat indien zulke bewesten niet terug getrokken worden, regterlyke stappen tegen hen zullen worden genomen.
Smithfield, November 15, 1859
Friday, 16 December, 1859
De onderteekende biedt te koop aan, op de plaats van den hr.A.J. van TONDER, Kromspruit, in de tyd van een maand van dezen datum, eene aantal bekwame Slagt – en trekossen, alle goed gezout en geent door de longziekte
P.H. van der MERWE,
Kromspruit, Vlakfontein, distr Bloemfontein,
21 Nov., 1859
Friday, 23 December, 1859
Ernst Joachim STEINBERG zonder testament overleden zynde laatsleden gehuwd gewiest met Magdalena Adriana BRITS ; zoo worden alle belanghebbenden, nabestaanden encrediteuren opgeroepen te verschynen ten kantore van den Landdrost te Smithfield, op Zaturdag, den 28 January, 1860, des morgens ten 10 ure ten einde eene of meer executeuren te kiezen om den boedel te administreren
C. v.D. van SOELEN, Weesheer, O.V.S.
Weeskamer, Bloemfontein,
13 Dec., 1859
Daar de vroeger aangesteld executeur in den boedel van wylen Frederik Christiaan MYNHARDT, overleden is – zoo wordt by dezen er eene nieuwe oproeping gedaan on eenen executeur te kiezen om den meergemelden boedel van wylen Frederik Christiaan MYNHARDT te administreren. Waartoe opgeroepen ? verschynen de weduwe? En verder alle belanghebbenden, nabestaanden en crediteuren te Landdrostkantore te Smithfield op ? den 22 December e.k
C. v.D. van SOELEN, Weesheer, O.V.S.
Weeskamer, Bloemfontein, [obscured]., 1859
DIED at [obscured] Fonteintein, Griqualand on [obscured] instant, James FOSSEY, Esq., aged [obscured] - deservedly regretted by all his friends.
Friday, 30 December, 1859
We learn that STANFIELD and KERR, imprisoned on the charge of having robbed the mail from this to Colesberg as formerly reported, have effected their escape. So much for the efficiency of our prisons. We elsewhere refer to the subject of our gaols.
We learn that Mr. Johannes KLOPPER from Camdeboo, district of Graaff Reinet, has arrived here during the past wek, with his family and stock, and has purchased the two farms formerly the property of Mr. B.W. RICHTER, on Kromspruit, Upper Modder River, District Bloemfontein, for £3000.
A young man of the name of Marthinus RENSBURG, nephew of Commandant MULLER of this district, was on Sunday, the 18th instant, struck dead by lightning, on a farm adjoining that of Mr.MULLER.
De ondergeteekende van voornemen zynde om Engeland te besoeken, geeft hiermede kennis, da thy op heden eene Generale Procurationen den hr. John BENJAMIN verleend heft, die het geheel bestuur zyne bezigheid gedurende zyn afwezigheid hebben zai
Hope Town,
December 9th, 1859
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