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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1860 1 January - June

Friday, 6 January, 1860

If Mr. Barend van WYK, who formerly lived in the district of Riversdale, in Cape Colony, and more recently on the farm Nieuwejaars Fontein, in the district of Bloemfontein, and who is now supposed to be living in the Transvaal Republic, will call personally at my office, he will receive a letter addressed to him from Messrs. Barry NEPHEWS & HUDSON, of Riversdale, which relates to business of the great importance.
Jas. DICK, General Agent.
General Agent’s Office,
Bloemfontein, 3 January, 1860

On 26th December, 1859 at Bloemfontein, by the Rev. A. LOUW Minister of Fauresmith, at the residence of J.F. van IDDEKINGE, Esq., I.H.M. VALCKENAER L.L.D Landdrost of Winburg, to M. van SOELEN, fourth daughter of C. van SOELEN Esq, Landdrost of Bloemfontein

Friday, 13 January, 1860

We understand that STANFIELD alias McLACHLAN and John KERR, who lately effected their escape from prison at Faurersmith, where they had been confined on the charge of having some few weeks ago, robbed – or rather stolen letters and money from – the mail bags, were last week apprehended. It is reported that they had just made another attempt on the post. STANFIELD we have heard, is a deserter. We do not know what KERR may have been. With regard to STANFIELD and all such deserters as come to this country and who do not know how to conduct themselves, let them be summarily tried for such crimes as they commit in this country, and being convicted or not – let them be immediately handed over to the Commander in Chief of the Cape Colony, along with certified copies of their convictions or trials as the case might be, and such affidavits at may amount to prime facie evidence of their desertion. We should not recommended their being kept here a day longer than providing the means of extradition would necessitate. We venture to say, that we should not long be bothered with ill-behaved deserters, were this course adopted. The Free State stands in need of an accession of white men: and certainly so long as deserters behave themselves, we should be sorry to see them molested. It would be well were the Colonial Government to post some police or Cape Corps at Colesberg, to whom such vagabonds could be at once made over.

At Bethulie, on the 10th inst., by the father of the bride, Mr. Robert SCOTT, teacher, Bloemfontein, to Louisa Hortense, eldest daughter of the Rev. J.P. PELLISSIER, missionary, Bethulie.

Friday, 20 January, 1860

At Bloemfontein, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. Andrew MURRAY, Mr. R.D.COLLINS, to Margaretha Louisa, second daughter of Mr. J.H. VILJOEN, of Fauresmith district

Mr. HAMELBERG, Member of Volksraad for the village of Kroonstad and ward of Lower Valsch River, has, we learn resigned his seat in the Volksraad. We understand that Mr. HAMELBERG did not agree with the views of his constituents, nor they with his; and that be deemed it his duty to afford them an opportunity of electing one to their mind.

A Mrs. ROSSEAU of Fauresmith, (whose husband resides in that village) one day lately (the exact date we do not know) went to the spruit, where a Mrs. KOEKEMORE was washing. After a time Mrs. ROSSEAU exclaimed ‘here comes Frans’ (meaning her husband); and she then proceeded to meet him. Husband and wife then walked in company, farther down the spruit, and were lost sight of, by Mrs. KOEKEMORE. Mr. ROSSEAU, sometime afterwards, (how long we do not know) spread the report that his wife was missing; and as we understand, stated his belief that she had been murdered. Some two or three days after her visit to the spruit, her body was found, attention being directed to the spot by a dog observed as if tearing at some carrion, which turned out to be the remains of the deceased Mrs. ROSSEAU. We farther learn that some beads, which she had worn on that day, were found on a coloured girl. We understand that an Englishman, lame of leg, and some colored men, were taken up on suspicion. The Englishman, who is a stranger, was we understand, inculpated on account of his being lame of one leg. We gather that the lame leg has something to do with footprints observed near the body. We shall abstain from pursuing the facts or alleged facts farther for the present in case we might appear to pre-judge the matter. We however do say, that the fact that the crime has not been brought home to the guilty party, argues much – very much, incapacity on the part of the criminal authorities. A European detective – even a village constable – would have traced home the murder to the guilty party, in a few hours. With the evidence of Mrs. KOEKEMORE, and that of Mr. ROSSEAU himself, who ought to have accounted for his parting with his wife, added to the evidence of the girl with the beads, sufficient evidence could be collected to guide officials not altogether useless. The case is one which ought not to be beneath the personal and most painstaking investigation, of the State Prosecutor. And we shall be surprised to learn that he is not already on the spot. Although minute particulars to be relied on, have not come to our knowledge, the report of the murder itself, reached us on Thursday of last week. It is said that one Bastard, named Appel, has confessed to the crime. We do not believe he will adhere to such a confession. So soon as we have reliable particulars, we shall recur to this subject.

In die boedel van Adriaan Johannis ROSSOUW, een minderjarige, vroeger van Kraanvogelvley, afdeling Richmond, Kaapkolonie, overleden.
Kennis word mits dezen gegeven, dat de ondergeteekende aangesteld is geworden als Executeur Datief in opgemeld boedel, en alle personen bewoerende erfgenamen te zyn van gemelde overleden, worden by dezen versocht hen bewyzen met de daartoe vereischte documenten, te deponeren ten kantore van den ondergeteekende, Dorp-straat, Richmond, op of voor den 25 Maart, 1860.
R. RUTHERFOORD, Executeur Datief.
Kaapkolonie, 24 Dec., 1859

Friday, 3 February, 1860

Private Boarding Academy
Mr. A NOBLE, F.E.I.S. late one of the teachers in the Training College, Edinburgh, having opened a Private Boarding Academy at Fossey’s Fontein on the Orange River, (about three hours from Colesberg) begs to intimate that he is enabled to take in Boarders at Forty Guineas per annum. As only a limited number will be taken, early application is solicited. The course of study will embrace English, Latin, Greek, French, Elementary Dutch, Mathematics (practical and Theoretical) Algebra, Mechanics, Drawing, and Female Accomplishments, including Music on the Pianoforte, Knitting, netting, &c; &c.
Modes of payment: Sheep, horses, mares, or cash, at the option of parents. Fossey’s Fontein, Colesberg, 1860.

Friday, 10 February, 1860

We more than once had occasion to notice the deaths which had, from time to time, occurred in the family of Mr. J.P. van der WALT, of Kaffir River, sometime of Zekoe River, near Colesberg. We are truly sorry to add, that within the last ten days, Mr. van der WALT has lost his wife and a daughter recently married to Mr. J. VENTER, until lately residing on the banks of the Orange River, close to Botha’s Drift. This daughter formerly married to a cousin of the name of van der WALT, who some two years ago was killed by the accidental discharge of a loaded gun which was stowed away carelessly in his wagon or cart. Altogether (exclusive of children) some 9 to 11 grown up persons of Mr. van der WALT’s family have ceased to exist, within the last two years.

Friday, 17 February, 1860

We understand that Mrs. J. VENTER, another married daughter of Mr. J.P. van der WALT, is lying in Bloemfontein, at the point of death. Should she die, her death will make up the twelfth or thirteenth adult, belonging to Mr. van der WALT’s family that have died – within a very short time. Were there such an institution as that of coroner in this country, it would be his duty to investigate these cases, with the view of ascertaining whether there is not something deleterious in the situation or otherwise, of the premises of Mr. van der WALT

It is not long since we directed attention to the careless manner in which fire-arms are daily handled. We regret to observe, daily, the little attention bestowed by parents on this subject. Last week, the eldest son of Mr. KAGHELHOVEN, a farmer on the Kaffir River, was shot through the stomach by the accidental discharge of a loaded gun. He and a brother were in company; and in course of play, the doghead as we understand it, caught in the jacket of the brother, and was then discharged. The young man, of course, died from the wound.

Friday, 24 February, 1860

The young woman (Mrs. VENTER, and daughter of Mr. J.P. van der WALT) whom we last week reported as being apparently at the point of death, expired on Saturday last, aged 17, leaving a young infant. Her remains were interred on the following day. It is said that she had insisted on visiting her dying mother, and there caught the disease.

Friday, 2 March, 1860

The Natal papers are full of local news. The opening of a bridge called the ‘Victoria’ has been duly celebrated. The contractor, Mr. HIGGLESON, committed suicide by drowning himself at the very time when the successful result of his two years’ labours, was about to be triumphantly proclaimed.

Friday, 23 March, 1860

Degenen die its te vorderen hebben van – of verschuldigd zyn aan – den boedel van Andries Stephanus CRONJE, overleden den 20 Mei 1859, worden versocht daarvan opgave te doen binnen zesweken na heden ten kantore van den ondergeteekenden.
C.J. VELS qq., Exec. Datief.
Fauresmith, 7 Maart, 1860

Friday, 20 April, 1860

In den insolventen boedel van wylen Charles Urquhart STUART, van Bloemfontein.
Crediteuren in dezen boedel gelleven kennis te nemen, dat de ondergeteekende behoorlyke gekozen en geconfirmeerd zyn als gezamenlyke curatoren dez gezegden boedels en dat de meester de 2de byeenkomst bepaald heft op Zaturdag, den 2den Junij 1860, ten 10 ure voormiddags te worden gehouden, tot het bewys van schulden, tot het ontvangen van het rapport de curatoren, en ook om aan de gezegde curatoren betrekkelyk het bestier den gezegden boedels algemeenen instructien te geven, enz; en die aan den gezegden boedel verschuldigd zyn, worden verzocht hun debita aan de ondergeteekenden onmiddelyk te voldoen, daar anders stappen tegen henzullen worden genomen,
Geo. HOME,
Jas. DICK,
Gezamenlyke Curatoren
31 Maart, 1860

DEPARTED this life, suddenly on the afternoon of this day, as quiet and composed as she lived, after a happy union of 31 years, my dearly beloved spouse, Catharina Maria FAURE. All those who were acquainted with the deceased, and with our domestic life, will feel how deeply my soul is affected.
C.F. JURITZ, senr.
Cape Town,
3rd April, 1860

Notice is hereby given, that at a meeting of creditors on the affairs of Thomas Jennings BOWEN, of the district of Harrismith, and late of Winburg, in the Orange Free State, it was resolved that all Creditors should is urgently requested to set forth their claim and to attend or give power to the Agent to attend for them, at a Second Meeting, to be held in Harrismith at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of the 1st May next ensuing, so that if Creditors consent, a compromise might be entered into to avoid delay and expense consequent upon a sequestration of the Estate.
Geo. KING, qq.,
Ladismith, (Natal),)
4th April, 1860

Boedel M.J.UIJS, senr.
Wordt door de ondergeteekend kennis gegeven, dat degenen dit uit of aan der boedel van den Heer M.J. UIJS overleden, en nagelatene echtgenoot J.M. MOOLMAN iets verschuldigd zyn, binnen drie maanden van den 18 February 1860 [….] betalen, of hunn schuldbewyzen inzenden aan den hr J.D.R. REITZ te Swellendam, of by de ondergeteekende te Karnemelke Rivier, Swellendam.
C.J. UIJS, Ms.
Brakfontein, Karnemelkrivier.
Swellendam, 18 February, 1860

In de gemeenschappelyken boedel van wylen Magdelina Maria Margaritia BEZUIDENHOUT, en nagelatene echtgenoot Andried Gotlieb DUVENAGE
Aan de erfgenamen en alle andere belanghebbenden in opgemelde boedel, wordt mits dezen kennis gegeven, dat de administratie en distributie rekening, alsook alle documenten en bewys, stukken daarom gepaard, in de weeskamer van dezen staat zyn gesleponeerd geworden, en zullen aldaar [..ten] inzag voor viertiendagen van af heden getekeend liggen, en welk tyd de opgemeld boedel [diensverkehrt] hemagtig verdeeld zal worden, en de erfgenamen zullen worden uitbetaald.
W.W. COLLINS, q.q.
De Executeur Datief.
Bloemfontein 28 Maart, 1860

Friday, 11 May, 1860

In den boedel van den overleden John Johnstone te Fauresmith
Speciale byeenkomst van de crediteuren in dezen boedel zal gehouden worden ten kantoren van den Procureur C.J. VELS te Fauresmith, op Donderdag den 24 Mei, precies om vier ure des namiddags, wanneer der stant van dezen boedel tot inzage ter tafel zal gelegd worden, en wanneer verdere instructies door de crediteuren aan den curator zullen gegeven worden van de verkooping der vaste eigendom, enz., enz.
James DICK q.q.
Testamentary Executeur
Bloemfontein 1 Mei, 1860

DIED on the 15th inst, Caoline Douglas REED, aged 41 years, 5 months, and 25 days, leaving a husband and six children to mourn the loss of an affectionate wife and mother.
Smithfield, 27th April, 1860

Whereas, on Tuesday night, the 17th of April, my wife Helena Anne, aged about 33, and my daughter Teresa, aged about 15, eloped from my house, in this village, during my temporary absence, in company with two men, viz. one Herbert Edgar STANBRIDGE, commonly called Captain STANBRIDGE, alias Capt. F.J. Butts STANBRIDGE, alias Edgar, &c., &c., a man of infamous character, who has run away from his creditors here; the other man named William BENNIFIELD, a colored man. They took with them my two youngest boys, a kaffir servant-girl, and various property and monies belonging to me, including a horse. They went to the Free State, and are known to be at the proposed new village of Bethlehem, or Bedlam, or Liebenberg’s Vley. This is to caution all interest parties not to harbor or trust these people as the undersigned will in no way hold himself responsible for their acts, or any debt they may incur.
Ladismith, 26th April, 1860

Friday, 25 May, 1860

In den boedel van wylen den hr. Michiel COMBRINK en nagelaten weduwee M. C. COMBRINK, geboren du PREEZ. In hare betrekking als testamentaire executries des opgemelde boedels, zullen per publieke veiling doon verkoopen, op de plaats van den hr. M. COMBRINK aan Modderrivier, tegenover Kopjoskraal, en boneden Riet en Modderrivier in een vloeid, op Woensdag, 6 Junij anst., ten 10 ure des voormiddags, als de goederen daartoe behoorende, bestaane in ruim 800 Goede Scheer Schape, 250 Bokken, Aanteelbeesten, ossen, paarden, 1 Oswagen compleet, alle zoorten van huisraad.
En verder alles dat op en dag der verkooping zal worden voortgebragt.
J.J. HOFFMAN, q.q.
J.J. HOFFMAN, Vend. Afslager.

Friday, 8 June, 1860

Johannes Andries PRETORIUS zonder testament overleden zynde zoo worden zyne weduwee Johann Catharina DAVEL en verdere belanghebbenden nabestaanden en crediteuren opgeroepen te verschynen ten Landdrost kantore te Winburg, op Vrydag, den 20sten July e.k. ten einde een of meer executeuren te kiezen om den boedel te administreren.
C.V.D.van SOELEN, Weesheer O.V.S.
Weeskamer, Bloemfontein,
5 Juny, 1860

Catherina Elisabeth JACOBS zonder testament na te laten overleden zynde zoo worden haren nageblevenen echtgenoot Hendrik Johannes GROENEWALD en verdere belanghebbenden nabestaanden en crediteuren opgeroepen te verschynen te kantore alhier op Vryday den 20sten July, 1860, ten eine een of meer executeuren te kiezen om den boedel te administreren
C.V.D.van SOELEN, Weesheer O.V.S.
Weeskamer, Bloemfontein,
5 Juny, 1860

Thomas MAYHEW zonder testament n ate laten, overleden zynde, zoo worden mits dezen zyne nageblevene vrouw Geertruida REEDERS, en verder alle crediteuren opgeroepen te verschynen ten kantore alhier op Vrydag den 20sten July e.k. ten einde een of meer executeuren te kiezen.
C.V.D.van SOELEN, Weesheer O.V.S.
Bloemfontein, 5 Juny, 1860

Friday, 15 June, 1860

Overeenkomstig uitspraak van het vereenigd hof van Landdrosten te Smithfield zal er op nieuw eene tweede byeenkomst gehouden worden in den insolventen boedel van James SMITH tot het kiezen van curatoren overeenkomstig artikel 42 van ordonnantie, no 6, - 1848.
Deze byeenkomst zal gehouden worden ten Landdrost kantore, te Smithfield, op Maandag, de 2den July e.k. des morgens ten to ure precies.
C.V.D.van SOELEN, Meester der Insolventen Boedel kamer,
Insolventen Boedelkamer
Bloemfontein, 9 Juny,1860

Friday, 29 June, 1860

GETROUWD te Bloemfontein, den 25 Juny, 1860, door den Wel-Eerw. Heer A.A. LOUW, de Heer J.J. PRETORIUS met Mej. Wilhelmina Johanna Albertina HOFFMAN
Dienende deze tot by kennisgeving aan familie en vrienden zoo in als buiten den Staat.

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