The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1861 1 January - June
Friday, 4 January, 1861
Dr T.T. KELLY, M.D. M.R.I.A., Surgeon, &c., has removed from Natal to Bloemfontein
Friday, 11 January, 1861
Hedenmorgen omstreeks 11 uur, beviel zeer voorspoedig, van eenen welgeschapen zoon, Mej. Johanna Elizabeth JACOBS, echtgenoote van
P.G.BRINK. Fauresmith,
25 December 1860
Friday, 18 January, 1861
From Port Elizabeth, about midday of Sunday, December 27th, 1859 [sic], from a house situation on the flats at the north end of the town, opposite St. Paul’s Church, a little girl, named Augusta Ann HAYWOOD, answering the following description:- short and stout, between 7 and 8 years of age, dark eyes, dark brown hair, a slight scar on the forehead from a cut, and her right breast marked with scar occasioned by a tumour, had on dark brown barege dress, lilac colored pinafore, an a pair of white stockings, - but without anything on her head. A reward will be given to any one bringing such information as shall lead to the recovery of the child, rather to the Office of this paper, or to W.D.H.S., Bloemfontein
The daughter of Dutch schoolmaster at Mr. D. van TONDER’s Korenspruit, was accidently burnt to death, during the past week. The father was about at Colesberg at the time. It is surmised that the child, who was between 7 and 8 years of age, fell a victim to the flames, in consequence of no immediate help being at hand, but we have not heard exactly how it happened.
Mr. KEZINCZIESSA has obtained permission to practice in the Orange Free State, as a surgeon and accoucheur. The proverb that it “never rains, but it pours,” appears now about to be verified. Well, it is a good thing, inasmuch as physicians of both body and soul are sadly wanted here. Our prospects for the future are evidently brighter than they have ever been. What we require now, is a few good land surveyors, and a dozen of steady, industrious carpenters and masons to build houses on the surveyed farms. A few of the latter would do well in this town, where building is standing still for want of efficient hands.
Intelligence has just reached us of the death of an Irishman, named Andrew KINSLOO, who was found dead at Rhenoster Kop, on the farm of Jacob MULLER, near Vaal River. Deceased had two horses in his procession, and on his person was found £1 11 6. We understand that KINSLOO was buried by four farmers, without a coffin, and that they divided the £1 11 6 between them, just to recompense themselves for their trouble. Deceased, we are informed, was a son-in-law of a certain HARTENBURG, who is supposed to be now residing in Griqualand, near Bethulie.
We also learn that one Jan KOEKEMOER was found dead near the farm Wittekoppies, and is believed to have died from cold and exposure.
Friday, 8 February, 1861
Inden boedel van wylen Petrus Jacobus RADEMAN en overgebleven echtegenoot Anna Catharina Jacoba JACOBS, - te Jacobsdaal.
Degenen,die vorderingen hebben tegen gemelden boedel, worden verzocht dezelve met de daartoe vereischte bwyzen binnen 3 maanden van heden inteleven, ten kantore van den mede ondertekende, J.J.SLUITER te Fauresmith, en ook zy die aangemelden boedel verschuldigd zyn,het door hen verschuldigde te betalen binnen denzelfden ty den op gemelde plaats.
W.A.DICKSON, S.S.SLUITER, Executeuren Datief,
22 January, 1861
A melancholy case of self destruction occurred at Fauresmith during the past week. A [white] man named HUTCHONS, a clerk in the employ of Mr. SCHICKERLING, in a moment of temporary insanity, poisoned himself with strychnine. No particular cause it appears can be assigned for the commission of the rash act. He had a four pound banknote in his pocket, and a sealed letter, addressed to his brother, Mr. W.C. HUTCHONS, of Queen’s Town. He had already been dead some 24 hours when the body was discovered. It seems HUTCHONS had locked himself up in his room in the evening, and had laid down on his bed after taking the fatal draught.
We understand this gentleman has been honorably reinstated in his appointment of Magistrate at Natal, by order of the Home Government, but that he has determined to bid a final adieu to all official employment, and is now on his road to this place, with his family, for the purpose of practicing at his profession.
You will learn with regret of the death of Mr. Alexander WARES. His remains were interred on Sunday afternoon last, and were followed to the grave by an immense concourse of people.
BIRTH at Willow Fontein, district of Smithfield, on the14th January,1861, Mrs R.F.A. LAVERS, of a son,
DIED at Willow Fontein, district of Smithfield, on the 24th January,1861, the infant son of Mr. R.F.A. LAVERS, aged 10 days.
DIED at Ballarat, Australia in March last, Mr. George LAW, late of Aberdeen, Scotland, leaving a widow and one son, at present resident in the district of Bloemfontein, Orange Free State.
Friday, 15 February, 1861
Mr. George HOME, so long known and much esteemed, in Bloemfontein and the country generally, being about to proceed to Europe – it has occurred to several of the early residents, that some public testimony ought to be borne to Mr. HOME’s worth as citizen and member of Society, and that this might be best done, by entertaining him at a public dinner, where everyone desirous of showing respect to Mr. HOME, could have an opportunity of doing so. It is therefore requested that such as approve of the suggestion, will subscribe a list which will lie for signature at the office of this paper until the 20th inst. A meeting of the subscribers to be held and a committee elected, after the list shall have received a sufficient number of signatures.
February 15th, 1861
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the morning of 8th inst., of croup, Sophia Mary, third daughter of Frederick and J.R.DANIEL aged 6 years and 3 months.
Friday, 22 February, 1861
Intelligence has reached us during the past week, that two young men, Christiaan VAN BLERK and FINLAY, both from Colesberg, have been captured near Boshof, by the State authorities, with a wagon load of guns, pistols, powder, saltpeter, and brimstone, which he intended selling to the Koranna on the Vaal River.
BIRTH at Bloemfontein on the16th inst., Mrs. D.C. GRANT, of a daughter
Friday, 1 March, 1861
MARRIED at Bloemfontein, by the Landdrost C. van Dyk van SOELEN, Mr. Jacobus J. DE VILLIERS to Mrs. GIBBON, the widow of the late Mr. Samuel GIBBON, of Fauresmith. Bloemfontein, February 26th, 1861.
BORN at Fauresmith, on the 20th inst., the wife of H.J. BARRETT Esq., of a daughter.
Friday, 8 March, 1861
BEVALLEN te Bloemfontein op Vrydag avond den 1sten Maart, 1861, van eenen zoon, de echtegenoote van J.A.SMELLEKAMP
Friday, 15 March, 1861
Inden boedel va nwylen Albertus Stephanus van JAARSVELD en overgebleven echtegenoot Maria BURGER
Degenen,die vorderingen hebben tegen gemelden boedel, worden verzocht dezelve met de daartoe vereischte bwyzen binnen 6 weken van heden inteleven, ten kantore van den heer Robert FINLAY te Smithfield, en ook zy die aangemelden boedel verschuldigd zyn,het door hen verschuldigde te betalen binnen denzelfden ty den op gemelde plaats.
H.A. KRUGER Executeuren Datief,
11 Maart, 1861
DIED at Reddersburg; on the 28th ultimo, Susannah Marina Christina SCHONFELDT (born CRONJE) aged 36 years, deeply lamented by a large family and a numerous circle of friends.
Friday, 22 March, 1861
Aan Johannes Frederik Jansen van RENSBURG, Gz., van Steenbergskraal, Swarteruggens, Graaff Reinet, Kaapkolonie.
Neem kennis dat myn principal, Nicolas Jacobus OOSTHUIJSEN, Gz., U hiermede oproep binnen drie maanden van heden, ten myn kantoor, Winburg, Oranjevrystaat, transport te ontvangen van de plaats genaamd “Leeuwenkuil” gelegen in het distr. Kroonstad, O.V.S., door u van genoemde N.J. OOSTHUIJSEN, te Bloemfontein, Oranjevrystaat, op den 13den dag van September, 1860 gekocht.
James M. HOWELL, qq.
14 Maart, 1861
Friday, 12 April, 1861
Alle die iets te vorderen hebben van den heer Frans Petrus SMIT, te Boshof woonachtig, worden uitgemondigd te verschynen ten kantoor van den ondergeteekende, op Maandag, den 23 April, 1861 des voormiddags ten 11 ure, ten einde te deliverenen over een accord, hetwelk door genoemden heer SMIT aan zyne crediteuren zal worden aangebede,
8 April, 1861
Friday, 19 April, 1861
BIRTH at Fauresmith, on Wednesday, the 3rd April, 1861, the lady of D. VOORTMAN, Esq.,Landdrost of that district, of a son
It is our melancholy duty to record the untimely decease of this much respected medical gentleman. The following extract from a private letter, dated Ladismith (Natal) 12 April, 1861, gives the particulars of this sad event:
“I am sorry to have to communicate to you the melancholy intelligence of the sudden decease of Dr. KELLY, after only a few hours illness. He returned from Pietermaritzburg the beginning of last week, and he was about in his usual apparently good health and spirits up to Sunday last, when he was taken ill in the evening and expired between 5 and 6 o’clock on Monday morning, from a spasmodic affection of the heart, accelerated no doubt by his feelings having undergone such severe trials lately. Poor man he was generally and deservedly respected, and the sad event has cost quite a gloom over our little community”
Friday, 26 April, 1861
MARRIED at Bloemfontein, on Thursday, April 18th, by special license, by the Rev. Mr. MORROW, Wesleyan Minister, Mr. James MULLETT, of Potchefstroom, to Miss Helena E. ROESCH, of Bloemfontein.
Friday, 10 May, 1861
BIRTH at Fauresmith, on Saturday, 27th ult., Mrs. F.K. HÖHNE, of a daughter.
Fauresmith, 2 May, 1861
DIED at Fauresmith, on the 1st inst., aged 5 days, Helena, beloved infant daughter of Friedrich KAUFMANN and Emma Whitehorn HÖHNE.
Fauresmith, 2 May, 1861
Friday, 17 May, 1861
BIRTH on the 9th instant, at Bloemfontein, Mrs. A.B.ROBERTS of a daughter.
Friday, 31 May, 1861
BIRTH on the 8th inst., at Fauresmith, Mrs. S.F.G. RORICH, of a son
The case of these two young men charged with conveying powder and other munitions of war into this State, contrary to law, without a permit, is now so far settled, VAN BLERK has long been out on bail, and FINLAY was on Saturday last set at liberty, after two months incarceration, the State-attorney having decided that he being merely a servant, was not liable, and must therefore be discharged. We believe that he was merely a driver of the wagon. We understand Mr. DAVIS, of Colesberg, will be the only loser by this transaction, he being the employer and consequently owner of the oxen and wagon, together with its contents, which according to the law of this State, will be confiscated and sold for the benefit of the government chest. We hope our authorities may shortly make another such haul – for they need it.
Friday, 7 June, 1861
DIED at Fauresmith, Mrs. Catherine P. O’CONNER, born O’SHEA, from disease of the stomach, aged 27 years, leaving a beloved husband and two children to mourn her loss
Friday, 14 June, 1861
A notice appears in the “Government Courant” of the escape of one Hermann SCHMIDT, a German convicted at the last Circuit Court at Bloemfontein of horse stealing. It appears he walked off on the 10th instant, from the neighbourhood of the public offices, while employed with other prisoners at the repairs and alterations at present in progress there. He fled off and left his chains as a legacy on the premises of Mr. HANGER, which adjoins the Court House. We suppose Mr. SCHMIDT will have succeeded in picking up a horse or two before this time, and will have made his way to join our brethren beyond the Vaal.
AAN NABESTAANDEN EN VRIENDEN wordt by dezen bekend gemaakt, dat het den Almagtige behaagt heft, na een korte ziekte, tot hem te nemen, myn twee teedere geliefde dochters binnen de tyd van tien dagen. Johanna Margarita BOTHA overleden op den 16 Mei, 1861, in den ouderdom van 12 jaren, 11 maanden en 22 dagen. Hester Aletta BOTHA overleden op den 26 Mei, 1861, in den ouderdom van 14 jaren, 9 maanden en 6 dagen. Met stille onderwerping zullen wy hunne ontverstelbaar verlies betreuren, zuchtene en begeerende de hand te kussen die ons geslagen heft.
Uw bedroefde vriend,
P.J. BOTHA, Olievensfontein,
Distrikt Boshof, 29 Mei, 1861
Friday, 28 June, 1861
Aan de familie en vrienen in de Kaap Kolonie zoo wel als in de Vrystaat wordt door ons ondergeteekende kennis gegeven dat het ons lieve God weder behaagd heft ons tweede kind altenemen in zyne Eeuwige Heerlykheid, aan de smartelyke ziekt ; van de Benaauwde Borst (of Croup) na een smartlyk lyden van 12 dagen, ons teder geliefde dochtertje Johanna Frederika, in den ouderdom van 2 jaren 11 maanden en 5 dagen; zy is overleden op den 18de dezer maand. Wy zullen dus nogmaals uitroepen met Job:” De Heer heft gegeven, de Heer heft geroepen, de naam des Heeren zy geloofd;” en met onze hartelyke dankbetuiging aan de familie, vrienen en vriendinnen, die ons ter hulpe was en haar zoo trouw heft opgepast dag en nacht.
J.E.S. GAUM, geb SMIT.
Oranje Vrystaat, Boshof,
21 Juny, 1861.
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