The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1861 2 July -December
Friday, 5 July, 1861
BIRTH at Sand River, Orange River State on the 29th June, the wife of J.H.ARCHBELL, Esq., of a daughter.
Friday, 12 July, 1861
DR.G.COWARD, late district surgeon of Hope Town, has arrived here with his family. We understand that he has determined upon settling among us and practicing his profession in Bloemfontein.
MOUNTED POLICE – Mr. WILKEN, we believe, is busy organizing the new mounted police for this district. We hope he will succeed in getting the right men for this purpose, and that he will before long put a stop to the horse thefts which have recently become so numerous between this and Winburg.
In den boedel van Gerrit Hendrik STOLTS en wylen Johanna Elizabeth STOLTS, geboren STRYDOM, en voormalige weduwnaar wylen Hermanus Lourens CROUSE
Alle crediteuren in den bovengemelde boedel wordt verzocht hunne vorderingen in te zonder, en alle debiteuren hunne schulden te betalen binnen 8 maanden van heden aan den Executeur G.H.STOLTS te Kroonstad.
James Michiel HOWELL, q.q.
9 July, 1861
In den gezamentlyke boedel van wyle Martha Johanna Agatha van der SCHYF en nagelaten echtegenoot Mathys Johannes NIEUWENHUIZEN.
Debiteuren in bovengemelde boedel worden hiermede verzocht het door hen verschuldigde ten kantore van een der ondergeteekenden te voldoen, en crediteuren hunnen vorderingen vergezeld van behoorlyke bewyzen, binnen den zelfden tyd op ter zelfder plaatse in te zenden.
De Executeuren Datief:
J.A.SMELLENKAMP te Bloemfontein.
R. FINLAY, te Smithfield.
28 Juny, 1861.
Friday, 19 July, 1861
MR. WILLIAM DAWSON, formerly a Lieutenant in H.M. 45th Regt., and an inhabitant of Bloemfontein, has, so the colonial journals say, come in for a title and £8000 a year. If this be true, we, though commoners, beg to congratulate his lordship on his good fortune. If, as some papers state, he has really become a Peer of the Realm, we may rest satisfied that our wildebeest flats have at length obtained an able advocate in the House of Lords in the person of his lordship, who was always a stickler for fair-play, and an enemy to humbug. We already see either federation or annexation looming in the future, and we should not be much surprised if the new lord, by the express command of Her Majesty, were made the messenger of the welcome intelligence.
Friday, 26 July, 1861
DEATH FROMGUNPOWDER – A child of Hermanus PRETORIUS, residing at Klipfontein, on the road to Fauresmith, was killed last week from an explosion of a 5lb bag of gunpowder; and the mother (Mrs. PRETORIUS) was at the time so severely burnt, that she is not expected to survive. It appears that another child, who, strange to say, escaped uninjured, had incautiously held the bag of powder over some coals of fire, and that as a consequence thereof a little of the powder fell upon the embers, and of course, was immediately ignited. The child thereupon threw down the bag close to the fire, and ran away, when the mother, in trying to recover the powder, with a young child in her arms, stooped towards it just as the whole bag exploded, blowing the infant out of her arms, and burning her breast, face, and all the upper part of her body in such a way as to leave little hope of her recovery, The child lingered two days, and then expired. The only wonder is that accidents with powder so seldom happen in this country, when we take into consideration the careless way in which it is often handled by our farmers, who seldom come to town without purchasing a quantity, and smoke their pipes with all the nonchalance imaginable, with 10 or even 20 lbs. in their hands. Every Farm-house is a small powder-magazine, and every man, woman and child are in the habit of fingering the combustible article in a manner quite appalling to the spectator.
Friday, 2 August, 1861
In den gemeenschappelyken boedel van wylen Petrus Johannes BOTHA en nagelaten echtegenoote
Debiteuren in bovengemelde boedel worden hiermede verzocht het door hen verschuldigde ten kantore van een der ondergeteekenden te voldoen, en crediteuren hunnen vorderingen vergezeld van behoorlyke bewyzen, binnen den zelfden tyd op ter zelfder plaatse in te zenden.
De Executeur Testamenteur in opgemelde boedel.
Benaudheidsfontein, district Boshof,
den 20 July, 1861.
DIED at Kleinvlakfontein, district, Bethulie, of the Measles, on the 9th July, 1861.aged 5 years, 11 months, and 13 days, Martha Maria, eldest daughter of Richard and Maria WILLER.
Friday, 16 August, 1861
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on 11th August, 1861; the lady of J.W.SPRUIT, Esq., Government Secretary, of a son.
BIRTH on the 12th inst., at Bloemfontein, to Mrs. C.J.G.KRAUSE of a daughter
DIED at Groenkloof, near Fauresmith, after great suffering, on Tuesday morning, the 6th August, 1861, Margaret Helena Lonsdale, the beloved eldest daughter of J.A. & J.C. HŐHNE, at the early age of 6 years and 20 days of which melancholy occurrence the bereaved parents respectfully give notice to relatives and friends.
BIRTH at Winburg, Orange Free State, on the 9th August, Mrs. A.A. STUART of a son
In den insolventen boedel van Johannes Godfried WALDECK, van Vlakfontein, district, Bloemfontein.
Eene byeenkomst van crediteuren in dezen boedel zal gehouden worden ten kantore der Meester van en Insolventen boedel kamer te Bloemfontein op Zaturdag den 14Sept aanstaande ten 10 ure in den voormiddags, ten einde eene vordoring van J.J. SMOOK optenemen, alsmede ter vorhandeling van zoodanige zaken welke de byeenkomst zal worden voorgelegd.
James DICK,
Eenige Curator.
Bloemfontein, 30 July, 1861
We are informed that Bloemfontein has, during the last week, been favored with a visit from one Gert de VILLIERS, a runaway from Hope Town in the Cape Colony, and for whose apprehension a warrant has been received by the Government here, from the Colonial authorities. We understand this worthy is charged with the theft of a horse saddle, and bridle, from Hope Town and also with the forgery of a promissory note for forty pounds sterling at the same place. It now appears that he has been twice in this town, and that on the first occasion he walked off with a watch and sundry articles of jewellery from the shop of Mr. RASCHER, on the Market square. He is now, we hear, supposed to be located somewhere in the neighbourhood of the Modder River, near Bloemfontein; We are at a loss to understand how it is that our new police, under Mr. WILKEN, has not been placed on his trail. Mr. RAAFF, who for about 13 years filled the office of chief thief-catcher here, would not, we think, have allowed him to escape so easily. The new police, will not, we fear, answer the just expectations of the public unless the country be speedily made too warm for the comfort or safe retreat of such rascals.
Friday, 23 August, 1861
Inden insolvente boedel van Johan Michiel Frederik HENN, van Winburg
Den ondergeteekende geeft hiermede kennis da thy aangesteld is als curator in den bovengemelde boedel, en roept hiermede op een byeenkomst van de crediteuren ten Landdrost Kantoor, Winburg, op Maandag, den 28 September, 1861, ten 10 uren voormiddags, ten einde hunne schulden te bewyzen en instruction te geven om den insolvente te onderzoeken – Aangaande zyn boedel zie.
James Michiel HOWELL.
Winburg, 19 Augustus, 1861
To Mr. Adriaan Gerhardus WESSELS, formerly of the district of Robertson, Cape Colony, now supposed to be residing in the Orange Free State.
I am prepared at once to give you transfer of the farm “Gemsboksfontein” no. 200, district Harrismith, purchased by you on the 12th March, 1861, from Thomas Daniel BARRY of Swellendam, on your fulfilling the conditions of sale.
Jas. DICK, General Agent.
General Agent’s Office,
Bloemfontein, 20 Aug., 1861
Friday, 20 September, 1861
BAPTISED on the 9th inst., at Tempe, by the Revd. J.G.MORROW, Wesleyan Minister, a son of Mr. J. ALLISON, named Andrew Maxwell.
Friday, 4 October, 1861
In den boedel van wylen Stephanus Philippus VOESEN.
Alle die iets te vorderen hebben van boven vermelden boedel, worden hierby verzocht hunne eischen binnen drie maanden van at heden in te zonden ten kantore van de Hrn. ORPEN en HODGSON, mo.8, Juana plein, Smithfield, en alle die iets verschuldig zyn aan dien boedel, worden verzocht hunne schulden binnen dienzelfen tyd te betalen aan de Hrn. ORPEN en HODGSON, terzelfder plaatse.
Thomas J. ARMSTRONG, q.q.
Johanna Hendrina GROBBLER (Weduwe S.P. VOESEN)
Executriice testamentaire.
Smithfield, 14 Sept., 1861
Through private and family circumstances at the time, I was indeed, on coming into this country, to adopt the assumed name of “GIBBINS” this is now therefore to give notice, that from this date henceforth I again take my family name, as under.
Bloemfontein, October 1st, 1861.
Friday, 18 October, 1861
In den boedel van wyle Stephanus Louwrens Jansen van RENSBURG
Debiteuren in bovengemelde boedel worden hiermede verzocht het door hen verschuldigde binnen den tyd van 3 maanden van af heden, ten huize van den ondegeteekende, te voldoen, en crediteuren hunnen vorderingen vergezeld van behoorlyke bewyzen binnen dunselfden tyd en ter zelfder plaatse in te zonden
De Executeur Datief: J.F. VIVIER
Wildebeestfontein, District Winburg.
5 October, 1861
A very sad accident occurred in the neighbourhood of Bethulie on the 10th of this month. The son of Mr. van OOSTHUIJZEN, formerly residing at Fauresmith, a youth of nearly 15 years of age, came to the farm of Mrs. Widow McDONALD on a visit. Arrived in the morning, he and a son of Mrs. McDONALD, of nearly the same age, went out together to shoot birds. About a hundred yards from the house, McDONALD, who walked behind the poor youth, carrying in his hand the gun loaded with shot, tried to put the same upon his shoulder, in doing which the gun went off. Poor van OOSTHUIJZEN, who received the greater part of the shot in one of his shoulders, instantly fell. McDONALD went back to the house for assistance, but when it came to the spot, life was found to be extinct
Friday, 25 October, 1861
In den insolventen boedel van Christian Anthony HENN, van Winburg, Landbouwer.
Een byeenkomst van crediteuren in bovengemelde boedel wordt hiermede verzocht ten Landdrostkantore, Winburg, op Maandag den 18 November aanstaander, ten 10 ure des voormiddags, ten einde den rapport van den curator in deze boedel te ontvangen.
James M. HOWELL, Curator.
Winburg, den 16denOctober, 1861
Friday, 1 November, 1861
This epidemic is now spreading throughout the whole land, both among the white and coloured population. A daughter of Mr. Lodewyk BOUWER has died during the week from this disease
MR. EDOUARD VAN OLDEN , Doctor in the Civil and Criminal Law, has been admitted to practice in the Courts of this State.
The State Government has thought proper to warn the public through the “Government Courant” against placing any dependence in the promises of this worthy, now or lately residing near Middelburg, in the Cape Colony, and who has for some time past been circulating printed notices to all and sundry “Joden en Duitschers” being specially invited – to come with him and form a settlement or colony between the Free State and Basutoland. The public are now warned that Mr. van der WALT possesses no right or title whatever to any land in that neighbourhood, and those who listen to him must do so at their own peril.
Friday, 8 November, 1861
In den insolventen boedel van Jacobus J. EKSTEEN, van Winburg, Landbouwer.
Een byeenkomst van crediteuren, in bovengemelde boedel wordt hiermede verzocht voor den Landdrost van Winburg op Maandag,den 18den November aanstaande, ten 10ure des morgens, voor het bewys van schulden, de curator in staat te stellen deze boedel te vereffenen.
James HOWELL, Curator.
DIED at Bloemfontein, on November 5th, 1861 Adriana Louisa Petronella, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. A.B. ROBERTS aged 5 years, 9 months, and 15 days.
This epidemic is still very prevalent in Bloemfontein and its neighbourhood. During the week Mr. A.B. ROBERTS, the State-Attorney, has lost his daughter, nearly four years of age, from this disease. A second daughter of Mr. Lodewyk BOUWER has also fallen a victim to the same malady.
Friday, 15 November, 1861
De Hr. J.PRIOR zyne bezigheid onlangs door hem gedreven op Jantjesfontein overgegeven hebbende, verzocht dat een ieder die iets van hem te vorderen heft hunne rekening zullen inzenden voor den 31sten December, 1861, en allen die hem iets verschuldigd zyn, hunne schulden, binnen denzelfden tyd, te betalen.
Joshua PRIOR,
26 October, 1861
Het wordt hierdoor versocht dat alle personen die verschuldigd zyn aan Jufvrouw E. WAY van Bethulie zullen dezelve vereffenen by de ondergetekende sonder verder verzuim; end at alle vorderingen tegen haar zal worden, mede aan de ondergeteekende, oegezonden zyn binnen een maand van heden af.
1 October, 1861
The undersigned, who, during his residence in the Free State, has adopted the name of Johann Friedrich SCHAAL, begs to notify that, from and after this date, he resumes his rightful name of
Johann Friedrich Moritz SCHULZ.
Bloemfontein, November 12th, 1861.
Notice is hereby given, that I, by those present, recalls and cancel all Powers of Attorney granted by me at any time previous to this date, excepting a General Power of Attorney, granted by me to Mr. Pieter SWART, of Swellendam, and a General Power this day granted to Mr. Hendrik Oostewald DREYER, of Harrismith.
Matthys Johannes UIJS, Sen.
Harrismith, October 30th, 1861
With references to certain ‘Notices’ which have appeared in the Friend and Government Courant van den Oranje Vrystaat, signed by Jno HISCOCK, J. Haig ARCHBELL, George HISCOCK, William L.GOFF, and David BAIN, withdrawing and cancelling Powers of Attorney granted to me by them, I feel called upon to state that these are only Powers for obtaining farms at the ensuing Land Commissions, and that although the last two have not even advanced the required amount to meet the disbursements upon inspection, their interest would have been equally attended to.
Geo. SCHMIDT, Land Commission Agent.
Harrismith, October 12th, 1861
DIED at Sand River, on the 6th November, 1861, Louisa Jane, second daughter of J. Haigh ARCHBELL, aged 2 years and 4 months.
Friday, 22 November, 1861
This epidemic continues to spread both in town and country. Since our last report, Mr. J.J. RAAFF of this town has lost his youngest child by this complaint – Mr. F. DANIEL has also we regret to say, lost a little girl of 16 months. This makes the fifth child he has lost since his residence in Bloemfontein. We are given to understand, however, that measles was not the proximate cause of death of the last mentioned.
Mr. G.A.G.P. van der BOSCH has been appointed by the State President to practice as a Land Surveyor in the State and to act as such on behalf of Government.
Friday, 29 November, 1861
In den boedel van wylen Marthinus Jacobus GROBLER
De ondergeteekende executeur des boven gemelden boedel, zal op de plaats des overledenen, “Onverdacht,” wyk Wittebergen, district Winburg, op Vrydag, 17 en January, 1862, ten 9 ure des voormiddags, publiek aan de meestbindenden verkoopen – Deel des bovengenoeden plaats, gezogd; “de hefde” ens., ens.
Verscheidene byzondere boeregereedschappen Katels, bedden, huismeubels, ens
Al hetgeen dat op den dag dr verkooping zal namens dien boedel voortgebragt worden.
Eenige Executeur en Afslager,
Zeekoegat, 19 November, 1861
Notice is hereby given that Mr. W.D. SAVAGE has been admitted as a partner in my business at Reddersburg from and after 1st December, 1861
The business at that place will in future be conducted under the style or firm of
George PAGE.
Bloemfontein, November 29th, 1861
Mr. Jacobus van der HOVEN, recently from George in the Cape Colony, was on Wednesday last sworn in by His Honor the President as Landdrost of Smithfield, in the place of Mr. J.J. SAUER, resigned.
Mr. G.F. MELLENBROEK, a Dutch schoolmaster, long known as one of the chief political agitator and leaders of the malcontents in the district of Kroonstad, has been found drowned in the Valsch River, near that village. Deceased, it is supposed, must have committed suicide. No particulars, however, have reached us.
Friday, 6 December, 1861
At Sand River, on 27th November, 1861, Emily Mary, eldest daughter of J.H. ARCHBELL, Esq., aged [8] years and 11 months.
The estate of the late Mr. John JOHNSTONE of Fauresmith has been declared insolvent by the executor testamentary, and has accordingly been placed in the hands of the Master of the Insolvent Estate Chamber, who has fixed two meetings of creditors, The first to be holden at Fauresmith on Monday, January 6th, 1862 and the second on Wednesday, January 22nd, both at 10 o’clock am, at the office of the Landdrost.
Friday, 13 December, 1861
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth, on Thursday, the 5th Inst., by the Rev. John HARSANT, Pastor of the Independent Church at that place, Mr. John Howorth CHILTON, formerly of Bloemfontein, to Miss Ann Maria HEALLY of D’Urban, Natal.
A Mr. J.J. JACKSON has, it is said, discovered gold in the bed of the Umzimculu River, on his return journey from No-Man’s-Land to Natal. Mr. CROWDER, a Natal Chemist, pronounces the sample to be “nearly pure gold”.
Mr. A.B. ROBERTS, the State Attorney, has, we regret to say, during the week, lost another child, an infant of 7 months old, making the second in a space of five weeks. Mr. W.C. BOUWER, of Douglas Valley, has also lost his youngest child by measles.
Friday, 20 December, 1861
MARRIED at Bloemfontein, on Wednesday 11th December 1861, by the Revd. J.U. MORROW, Wesleyan Minister, Mr Johann Friedrich Moritz SCHULZ, to Miss Anna Marie SCHAFER.
BIRTH on Sunday the 8th inst., at the residence of her father, Potchefstroom, Mrs. Wm LAING, of a son. Cronstadt, 12 Dec., 1861.
Friday, 27 December, 1861
Als behoorlyke daartoe gemagtigde door Mejufvrouw Hester Louisa VAN DER HEEVER geboren VANREYDE huisvrouw van Phillippus Petrus VAN DER HEVER, door held onwettig verlaten eisch ik in name van bovengenoeme Hester Louisa VAN REDYE dat Philippus VAN DER HEVER zich binnen den tyd van eene maand na het publiceeren van deze oproeping ten Landdrostkantoor te Potchefstroom in den Z.A. Republiek verschulne om van te toonen waarom by Hester Louisa VAN REYDE zyne wettige huisvrouw verlaten heft zullende er by niet verscheining van gemelde Philippus Petrus van der Hever door Hester Louisa van REYDE, wettige stappen worden genomen om het heuwelyk door die regter te doen ontbinden, op dat zy gemelde Hester Louisa VAN REYDE zich andermaal in het heuwelyk bogeven kan.
D.L.S. STEYN, gemagtigde van H.E. VAN DER HEVER, geboren VAN REYDE.
Potchefstroom, December 14th, 1861
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