The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1864 1 January - June
Friday, 1 January, 1864
The undersigned having made up his mind to proceed so soon as possible to New Zealand in order to take part in the conflict there raging between the British Government and the Maories, hereby invites all those of sane mind and unshattered constitution, between the age of 20 and 45, who have an adventurous spirit, to volunteer to join and aid him in forming an infantry corp., to be hereafter placed at the disposal of Sir George GREY, the governor of New Zealand.
The term of service will be three years – and the reward, a farm, of infinitely greater fortility than any this State processes.
Every man, before being engaged, must undergo a medical examination.
The undersigned would expatiate upon the capabilities, the climate, and the scenery of New Zealand, - but for the very simple reason, that it would not pay him so to do, in an advertisement.
For further particulars, address –
1 January, 1864
BEVALLEN te Bloemfontein ten huize van den Wed. heer van SOELEN, Mejufvrouw P.J.A. BORCHERDS van een Zoon, op Zondag morgen, den 21 December, 1863.
Friday, 8 January, 1864
Another medical practitioner – Mr. John Robert ROBERTSON, surgeon and accoucheur, has been permitted to practise in this State
Friday, 15 January, 1864
BIRTH at Harrismith, on the 5th January, 1864, Mrs. BRAMLEY, of a daughter
MARRIED at Smithfield, on the 22nd of December, 1863, Charles Henry POULTNEY to Miss Adelaide Fowler ALDUM, by the Rev. Mr. SHAPCOTE. No Cards
Friday, 22 January, 1864
In the insolvent estate of Jacobus Johannes EKSTEEN
The undersigned hereby gives notice that he has laid an interdict against the issue of the title deed of the farm ‘Gedult’, situated in the district of Harrismith, and granted to the said insolvent by the Land Commission of the Division.
James M HOWELL, Trustee.
18 January, 1863
MARRIED by special licence, on the 28th December, 1863 at Rustenburg, South African Republic, by the Rev. SMITS, Fred. JEPPE, Esq. of Rostock, Micklenburg Schwerin, Germany, to Miss S.W. TRUTER second daughter of the late F.H. TRUTER Esq. Somerset East, Cape Colony.
Potchefstroom, 4 Jan. 1864
The undersigned having removed to Otter’s Poort, near Phillippolis, takes this opportunity of thanking his patients in the town and neighbourhood of Fauresmith for the confidence they have reposed in him during a practice amongst them of ten years, and intimating that he has entrusted Dr. ROBERTSON (late district surgeon of Hope Town) with the future charge of that practice, begs to introduce him as worthy the entire confidence and trust of his friends and the public.
Fauresmith, 6th January, 1864
With reference to the above advertisement, I beg to solicit a continuance of the confidence and support hitherto extended to Dr. EAGLE.
J. Robert ROBERTSON, M.D., Licentiate in Medicine of the University of Cambridge
Friday, 29 January, 1864
The other day – date not specified – an accident of a most heart-rending nature, occurred in the Wittebergen, district Winburg. A farmer, named Gert SMIT, was riding in a cart, with his wife and five children when, from some mishap or other, the vehicle capsized. The lamentable result was that two of the children were killed – the other three were severely wounded – and the man and his wife both have a broken leg.
I am sorry to have to record the death of John HOUGH, Esq., aged 42. He was, no doubt, well known to many of your readers. His was a complication of disorders which terminated in a general breakup of the system. A very great number of persons attended the funeral, the Freemasons leading the procession. Your readers may remember that Mr. HOUGH’s daughter was married about six weeks ago to Lieut. DUNLOP, then of the “Gorgon” and now on the coast, as second Lieutenant of the “Ariel.”
Friday, 5 February, 1864
In the Estate of the late John Hendricke ROBBERTSE, and his wife Johanna Maria SMIT.
The liquidation account in the above estate being now lodged in the Master’s Office, Bloemfontein, such persons as may have objections thereto must do so within four weeks from this date.
Executors in said estate.
1 February, 1864
Aan Crediteuren en Debiteuren
In des boedel van wylen David Stephanus JACOBS, echtgenoot van Helena Elizabeth van NIEKERK, overleden te Jacobsdal.
Al degenen die iets verschuldigd zyn aan – of te vorderen hebben van – den bovengemelden boedel, worden versocht daarvan opgave of betaling te doen binnen zes weken van heden, ten kantore van den ondergeteekende, general agent, te Jacobsdal.
PALIER q.q., de Executrice Testamentair.
2 February, 1864.
De ondergeteekende waarschuwd een ieder om zyn plaatsen als Rietkuil, Kransfontein, Tafelkop, Vogelfontein, gelegen in het district Phillippolis, te koopen of te ruilen, buiten hem, de eigenaar, van bovengemelde plaatsen, en maakt verder bekend, dat bij alle procuratie van den Heer Henry HARVEY, woonachtig te Phillippolis, terug getrokken heft als zyn Agent.
Barend LUKAS.
Jan. 21, 1864.
Friday, 12 February, 1864
Alle personen, die eenige vorderingen hebben tegen den boedel van wijlen PIETER Hendrik HENNING en nagelatene echtgenoote, worden bij deze versocht hunne vorderingen binnen zes weken, van heden gerekend, bij dan ondergeteekende in te leveren; en die aan gemelden boedel verschuldigd sijn worden versocht hunne schuld binnen gemelden tijd te betalen.
Burghersdorp, den 6 Februarij, 1864
DIED January 20th, 1864, at the Commission Drift, Caledon River, William Henry Timothy, infant son of Rev. T. CRESSWELL, Wesleyan Missionary of Thaba ‘Nchu
HIERNEVENS wordt bekend gemaakte aan de rouwdragende familie, district Hardeveld, Kampsberg, Namaqualand, Kaapkolonie, dat het de Alwetende God van hemel en aarde behaagd heeft ons jongste zoontje G.P. van ZIJL, het tijdelijke met het eenwige te doen verwisselenop den 17den Januarij, 1864, in den ouderdom van 4 maanden en 20 dagen. De ondergeteekenden gelooven, dat elke familie hun droevig lot zullen betreuren.
P. van ZIJL,
Kameeldoorn, 6 Februarij, 1864,
wijk Vetrivier, district Boshof.
Friday, 19 February, 1864
On Monday the widow du PLOOIJ, of Leeuekop, came into town, accompanied by her intended husband, a farmer named [LOOTS], for the purpose of being married. On arrival here, they were told by the resident minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, that they were too late, and that the ceremony must be deferred until the next day. The receipt of this intelligence naturally distressed the bride. She complained of being unwell, and immediately left for Mr. WIESIE’s farm, where she was taken dangerously ill, and, before medical assistance could be procured from town, was a corpse. Water on the chest was, in the opinion of Dr. KELLNER, the cause of death.
Friday, 26 February, 1864
DIED at Fauresmith, on the 9th instant, Elizabeth Maria, youngest daughter of Mr. Daniel OLTHOFF, at the early age of 6 months and 8 days
Friday, 5 March, 1864 [sic, should be 4 March]
Should this meet the eye of William TAYLOR, a mason by trade, formerly residing in Cronstadt, Orange Free State, by his applying personally, or by letter, to A.H. officer of this paper, he will hear of something very much to his advantage.
In den insolventen boedel van Richard PROUDFOOT, Sn.
Alle personen die iets aan bovengemelden boedel verschuldigd zyn, worden versocht binnen zes weken na heden te mynen kantore te Cronstadt te komen betalen.
O.J. TRUTER J.A. zoon,
Eenige Curator.
Croonstadt, 18 Februarij, 1864.
Several drownings and other accidents have occurred in this district, from the overflowing of its rivers. Communication being still interrupted I cannot give you all the particulars. According to report, amongst the drowned are Mr. Jan KRIK, of the Wittebergen, ORTH, the messenger of Cronstadt, and two English agents. Apprehensions are also entertained that Mr. John Bell MOODIE is drowned; while amongst the accidents can be stated, the loss of Mr PISTORIUS’s wagon and £150 cash and 5 oxen, Mr. van ZIJL’s spring-cart, Mr. HOWE’s mail-cart, and Mr. SWANEPOEL’s ox-wagon all carried away by the Zand Rivier. [Communicated]
All parties having claims against the estate of the later Pieter Hendrik HENNING, and surviving spouse, are requested to lodge the same with the undersigned within six weeks from this date; and those indebted thereto to pay their respective debts within the same period,
W.F. HENNING, Modderbult.
G.J. STEENKAMP, Kopfontein.
Burghersdorp, den 6 Februarij, 1864
DIED at Harrismith, on the 5th February, 1864 Mrs Jane MADDEN, aged 37 years, leaving a very beloved husband with eleven children to deplore her untimely end. Dying in the fear and hope of the Lord, her end was peace. Exhausted and debilitated for [four] months by dysentery, yet she died in possession of a sound mind.
Friday, 11 March, 1864
On the Market Square of Bloemfontein on 6th last, a promissory note, date 9th March 1864, drawn by George Augustus KOLBE in favor of J.G.E. KOLBE, payable 4 months after date for £154 Stg. Any person finding the same will oblige by returning it to the undersigned.
Kafferberg, Kaalspruit,
9 March, 1864
Friday, 25 March, 1864
In den boedel van wylen Hermanus FOURIE en nagelatene echtgenoote Elizabeth FOURIE geboren KRIEK
De ondergetekende behoorlyke aangesteld om bovengemelden boedel te administreren verzocht dat allen vorderingen tegen deselven binnen zes weken van heden aan hem sal ingezonden worden ten syne plaats Zevenfontein, district Harrismith, en dat alle die verschuldigd zyn aan gemelden boedel ook aan hem zullen betalen binnen dezelfden tyd op deselfde plaats
J.C.KRIEK, Executeur Datief.
Zevenfontein, district Harrismith,
12den Maart, 1864
OORLEDEN op den 6den Maart, 1864, tydens de afwesigheid van den eerste ondergeteekende, werd onze geliefde jongste dochter Petronella Anna Wilhelmina, in den ouderdom van een jaar en elf maanden, door den dood ontnomen. Diegenen welke een dergelyk verlies, in dezelfde omstanigheden, hebben ondervonden, zullen alleen het bittere van onze smart kunnen beseffen.
Zy die gedurende de laatste ziekte van ons kind, die laatst ondergeteekende, is hare smartelyke taak hebben bygestaan, worden daarvoor, by deze opgelyk den hartelyksen dank betuigd.
Harrismith, 11 Maart, 1864
DIED at Waalfontein, Rhenoster River, district Cronstadt, on the [25]th Oct. 1863, Mr Ricardo Augustino PEACH, aged 68 years, 5 months and 9 days, leaving a wife and four children to deplore their loss. Deceased was the son of Mr. Samuel PEACH, of London, England, and was born at Macao, in China, under the Portuguese flag. He, (deceased,) came to the Cape in his own vessel, of which he was captain, was wrecked there in 1810, and in consequence of which disaster he settled at the Cape, and has remained in South Africa till his death.
We deeply regret to notice the death of this gentleman, which took place at Grahamstown on Tuesday last. From personal knowledge we can testify to his many excellent qualities as a man and as a citzen. His bereaved family, we doubt not, will meet with universal sympathy.
Friday, 1 April, 1864
Insolvent estate of the late James SMITH, formerly of Aasvogel, district Caledon River.
Notice to Creditors and others having an interest in the above estate.
An adjourned third meeting of creditors will be held in the Landdrost Office here, on Wednesday, the 27th April, next, for the further proof of debts and other business connected with the liquidation of the estate.
Smithfield, 21 March, 1864
MARRIED at Winburg, by the Rev. H. van BROEKHUIZEN, on Wednesday, the 23rd March 1864, Hendrik van BROEKHUIZEN, Esq., merchant of that place, to Mrs. Elizabeth Suzanna BORNMANN, also of Winburg.
DIED at Bethulie, on the 24th March, aged 8 months and 14 days. David Samuel, second son of M.R. SCOTT, farmer, Riet Poort, District Bethulie.
DIED at Fauresmith, on the 19th March, Jacobus Nicolaas, infant son of A.J.B. van SOELEN, aged 6 months and 9 days.
Transcriber’s Note: This death notice also appears in Dutch but shows wife as S.S. van SOELEN born BOSHOF]
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 28th March, Mrs Herman JORDAN, of a son.
In den boedel van wijlen Cicilia Jacomina HUGO, geboren SMIT, overledene echtgenoote van Francois Alewijn HUGO, van de plaats Roodekuil, district Caledonrivier.
Alle personen, die pretentien tegen bovengemelden boedel hebben, worden versocht om dezelve binnen zes weken van heden in te zenden ; en allen, die aan den boedel verschuldigd zijn, om dezelve binnen gemelden tijd te betalen aan de ondergeteekenden te hunnen kantore te Smithfield.
Francois Alweijn HUGO, Executeur Testamentair.
Hendrik Johannes SMIT, Genasumeerde Executeur,
per ORPEN & HODGSON, Generale Agenten te Smithfield.
Smithfield, 28 Maart, 1864
Friday, 8 April, 1864
DIED at Bloemfontein, of white sore throat, on 31st March 1864, Jemina Eliza, youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James GOODALL, aged 1 year, 8 months, and 8 days, deeply regretted by her parents and family
The Rev Mr. GARNER died very suddenly in Grahamstown on Monday last. This missionary was of the Wesleyan persuasion, and had laboured very effectually amongst the Kaffirs at Fort Peddie.
OVERLEDEN te Zeekoegat, district Bloemfontein, op den 16den Februarij, 1864, onze geliefde dochter, Mathina Jacoba, in den ouderdom van 11 jaren, 5 maanden en 20 dagen, na eene ziekte van tien dagen.
Daniel Benjamin GROBLER,
Maria Catharina GROBLER geb. Van ZIJL.
Maart, 1864
Friday, 15 April, 1864
In den insolvente boedel van Abraham Mathinus van AARDE, van het district Bloemfontein, van beroep Landbouwer en Veeboer.
Crediteuren in dezen boedel gelieven kennis te nemen, dat de ondergetekende behoorlijk gekozen en geconfirmeerde is als eenige curator dez gezegden boedels, en dat de Meester de 3de bijeenkomst bepaald heeft ten zijnen overstaan, op Meesters Bureau, te Bloemfontein, op Donderdag, den 12 Mei, 1864, ten 10 ure voormiddags te worden gehouden, van het rapport van den Curator, en ook om aan den gezegden curator betrekkelijk het bestier des gezegden boedel instructien te geven ; en die [?] den gezegden boedel verschuldigd zijn, worden verzocht hun debits nan den ondergeteekende onmiddelijk te voldoen, daar anders stappen tegen hen zullen worden genomen.
H. JORDAN. Eenige Curator.
Bloemfontein, 12 April, 1864
In the estate of Hendrik J. BREWER (deceased)
All those having claims against the above estate are requested herewith to send them to the office of the undersigned at Smithfield for adjustment, and all parties indebted to said estate are requested to settle the same with said undersigned within six weeks.
By order of the Trustees,
Smithfield, March 30, 1864
Friday, 29 April, 1864
In den insolventen boedel van Frans Coenraad DEKKER en Christiaan Anthon HENN.
De curator in bovengemelde boedels sal zyn rapporten in gesegde boedels aan de crediteuren oenliggen ten Landdrost kantore te Winburg, op Zaturdag, 14den Mei, 1864, te 10 ure in den morgen. Eene persoonlyke tegenwoordigheid der crediteuren of gevolmagtigden wordt verzocht, dewyl delangryke saken dien aangaande te beslissen zyn.
James M. HOWELL, curator.
Winburg, 21 April, 1864
OVERLEDEN te Klipdrift, district Bloemfontein, op den avond van den 24tste dezer, in den ouderdom van 2 jaren en 5 dagen, [Sibella] Margaretha, jongste en geliefde dochterje van Jacs. W. LOUW, en J.J. LOUW geboren WESSELS.
Klipdrift, 25sten April, 1864
Mr. Jan THEUNISSEN, an emigrant from the Cape Colony, only 14 days at Winburg, whilst following the procession accompanying His Honor the President into town, upset the cart in which he was seated on perfectly level ground, and died last Monday from the injury he sustained, and has left a widow and large family in impoverished circumstances; and what is remarkable, his companion from the old Colony, Mr GELDENHUYS dropped down dead suddenly a week or two ago at the Modder River, while getting out of his wagon.
I must do Mr. BRAND and the Winburgers the justice to state that every possible sympathy and assistance was rendered to Mr. and Mrs. THEUNISSEN, and the funeral was of a most imposing and solemn character. I trust that the Samaritan feelings of our townsmen will be further exhibited in extending their charity to the widow and the fatherless. It will be satisfactory to Mr THEUNISSEN’s connections in the Cape colony to learn that he was aware, as soon as the accident occurred, that he would die, that he was perfectly resigned to his fate, and retained all his senses to the last. His last words, distinctly uttered, were “Oh Lord Jesus, into thy hands do I resign my soul”
Both Mr. THEUNISSEN and Mr. GELDENHUYS were from the neighbourhood of Riversdale, in which district the widow and family of the latter are still residing.
Friday, 6 May, 1864
Aan belanghebbenden wordt bekend gemaakt, dat de liquidatie en distributie rekening des boedels van wijlen den heer Johan Christiaan BORNMAN in het kantoor van den Weesheer te Bloemfontein ter inzageligte gedurende 6 weken van hoden.
Namens de Executeuren, H.A.L. HAMELBERG, Advocaat.
Bloemfontein, 29 Maart, 1864
BIRTH at Smithfield, or the 2nd current, the wife of Gustav SCHEUERMANN, Esq, of a son.
Friday, 13 May, 1864
OVERLEDEN te Moddegat, naby de Kaapstad, op 27 April, ll., myn tender geliefde vader Peter BREDELL, in den ouderdom van 73 jaren en 8 maanden, dit smartelyk verlies te betreuren.
Winburg, den 9den Mei, 1864
Friday, 20 May, 1864
A horse wagon having been left with me to paint and repair by one Henry Marcus COLES, about four months since, notice is hereby given that unless the expenses thereon together with the cost of this advertisement be paid within fourteen days from this date, the same will be sold by public auction at the expiration of that time.
William KNIGHT,
Bloemfontein, 20th May 1964
Alfred MORTON, residing at Alexander’s Fontein, district Jacobsdal, who has for some time back been known as John WILLIAMS requests that he may be styled from henceforth by his proper name, viz: Alfred MORTON: and further, that he is willing to state to anyone, on application to him, his reasons for having formerly assumed the name John WILLIAMS.
BIRTH at Boshof, on the 9th May, 1864 Mrs. J.S. GAUM, of a daughter.
Van een Zoon Mejufvr. A.A. LOUW
Fauresmith, 12 Mei, 1864
In den boedel van de weduwee Dortje Magdalena PRETORIUS, geboren PELSER, en haar overleden echtegenoot Dirk Christoffel PRETORIUS.
Op Lastpoort, district Caledonrivier, op Donderdag, 2de Junij ek., zal de volgende verkooping plaats vinden:
Schape, ossen, beesten, rijpaarden, aanteelpaarden, bokken, 1 ossewagen, 2 horologies, 1 seraphine-accordeen, 1 oud bed, 2 oud geweren, 2 ketels, 1 theepot, 2 vaten, 1 kist, 2 oud stolen, 2 potten, en wat verder zal voortgebragt worden op de dag der verkooping.
Nicolaas G,J, BREET, Executeur en Afslager.
Lastpoort, District Caledonrivier,
19 April, 1864
In den insolventen boedel van Johannes Godfried WALDECK, van het district Bloemfontein.
Het plan van administatie en de distributie rekenlng in den bovengemelden boedel, zullen ten kantore van den Meester van het Insolventen Boedelkamer voor den tyd van 14 dagen ter inzage van Crediteuren openliggen, na welken tod by het Rondgaande Geregt-hof aanzoek zal worden gedaan dezelve te confirmeren.
Jas. DICK, Eenige Curator.
Bloemfontein, 18 Mei, 1864
In den insolvente boedel van John Freerick Melville ROESCH, van Bloemfontein.
Het plan van administatie en de distributie rekenlng in den bovengemelden boedel, zullen ten kantore van den Meester van het Insolventen Boedelkamer voor den tyd van 14 dagen ter inzage van Crediteuren openliggen, na welken tyd by het Rondgaande Geregt-hof aanzoek zal worden gedaan dezelve te confirmeren.
I.BAUMANN Jan. DICK, Curatoren
Bloemfontein, 18 Mei, 1864
Friday, 27 May, 1864
In den insolventen boedel van Hendrik Jacobus PIENAAR van Bloemfontein.
De rekening van administatie in boven gemelde boedel, zal van heden gedurende 14 dagen ten kantoor der Weeskamer alhier ter inzage lggeni van belanghebbended, waarna by het Rongaande Hof aanzoek zal worden gedaan dezelve te confirmeren.
Namens den Curator,
J.A. SMELLEKAMP, Procureur
Bloemfontein, 25 Mei, 1864
in den boedel van wyle Hessie Elsie Susanna KLOPPER en nageblevene echtegenoot Johannes Petrus COETSER
De ondergeteekenden, behoorlyk daartoe door den Executeur datief in bovengem. Boedel gelaat zynde zal door publieke veiling aan den meestbiedenden verkoopen, op den plaats genaamd Vlyspruit, wyk Boven Caledonrivier, op Woensdag, den 15 Junij, 1864 des middags ten 12 ure:
Schapen, beesten, ossen, 1 Merrie, 1 Ossewagen compleet,
de gewone hoeveelheid huis rommelarij, en wat verder op den verkoopdag zal aangeboden worden.
Credit, 3 Maanden.
Henry D. HODGSON, Vendu-Meester en Gezworen Gouverments Texateur
Smithfield, den 14 Mei, 1864
On Monday, the 2nd inst., a shocking accident occurred in the neighbourhood of Bethulie (Heidelberg) A Boer named Pieter JACOBS rode out of the village in a horse wagon with his wife, son and younger children, and for about half an hour allowed the horses the rein. He then with with his son attempted with might and main to hold them in, and the result was that father and son, together with the wagon-chest, were dragged off and thrown amongst the restive animals. The son came luckily off with a few bruises, but father was literally smashed by the horses and stones, and died two days afterwards without once recovering his senses. He leaves a widow and numerous family to lament his loss.
In den boedel van wijen Getruida Joacoba ROBBERTSE (een miderjarige)
Wordt hierdoor aan belanghebbenden in bovengemelde boedel kennelyk gemaakt, dat de administratie en distributie rekening na liggen ter inspectie ten kantore van den weeskamer te Bloemfontein, en dat naatloop van de tyd door de wet bepaald, bovengem. Boedel zal door den Executeur datief uitgekeerd worden
J.A.L. MONTGOMERY, Executeur Datief.
Smithfield, 7 Mei, 1864
Friday, 3 June, 1864
MARRIED at Carmel, on the 26th May, 1864 by the bride’s father and by special licence, Mr. R.G. BISSFUX to Eliza Adele, daughter of Rev. P. LEMUS
In den boedel van wijlen Johannes Jacobus BOSHOFF.
Zullen de executeuren datief op Donderdag, den 23sten Jumij e.k., per publieke veiling, laten verkopen op de plaats “Hamelfontein,” district Philippolis, 140 goede merino schapen. De verkooping zal ten 10 ure in den voor-middag aanvang nemen, verversching zal ruim schoots verschaft worden.
W.H.BOSHOFF, Vendu Afslager.
Philippolis, den 15de Mei, 1864
According to the promise made by us last week we give the following brief report of the criminal cases tried both at Winburg and at this place.
John BERKLEY, alias John DONELLY, was indicted for the crime of murder, in that upon the 11th June of last year the said prisoner stabbed one Peter CONLY in the body with a knife or other sharp instrument, of which wounded the aforementioned Peter CONLY died two days after receiving the same. The scene of this murder was at or near the farm “Avondson” Wilge River Fieldcornetsy district of Harrismith. Owing to the summons having been ‘short served’ in consequence the case was postponed to next Circuit.
Johannes Hermanus PIJPER, a printer, was charged with stealing horses from the farm “Kopieskraal” Vet River, Fieldcornetcy, district Winburg, said horses being the property of William Adriaan NIEMAND. Plead “Not guilty”; verdict ditto. Discharged. A flaw in the indictment alone saved PIJPER from picking oakum, or rather picking up stones for the repair of the streets of Winburg.
Arnoldus Abraham STUART was indicted for embezzlement. Verdict: Not Guilty
Arnoldus Abraham STUART was likewise indicted for forgery. Verdict: Not Guilty
Alexander WOOLRIDGE, alias PITT, and John Andrew ROBERTS, were charged with theft. This case was postponed on account of the short service of the summons.
Edgard WILSON, alias BROOKE, was charged with theft. Verdict: Guilty sentence, five years imprisonment.
Johannes Petrus van der MERWE, and Andries Petrus Stephanus OLIVIER, were charged with fraud, whereby they obtained goods under false pretenses from Herman JORDAN, a storekeeper of Bloemfontein. Verdict: Not Guilty
Friday, 10 June 1864
In den boedel van wylen L.H. du PLOOIJ, van Leeukop, district Bloemfontein.
De ondergeteekende als executeuren datief in oven genoemden boedel, zal publiek laten verkoopen aan den meestbiedende.
Op het plaats Leeuwkop, op Woensdag den 29ste Junij, ten 11 ure in den voormiddag, 1st- De Plaats Leeuwkop, aan Rhenoster Spruit, omtrent 2½ure van het dorp Bloemfontein. Wel bekend beste plaatsen in den gehoede Vrystaat.
6 Ossen, aantaal beesten, 500 wol schapen, en eenig huisraad teveel om te melden Tovens wordt aan heeren venduiusaers kennis gegeven dat, voor of op Zaturdag, den 25sten Junij a.s. tenders aan den tweede ondergeteekende kunnen in gezonden worden, houdende aanbeding voor hoeveel poroeten sy dien verkoop wonshen aan te nemen, met of sonder verantwoordelykheid.
Fredk. DANIEL,
Executeuren Datief.
Bloemfontein, Mei 14, 1864
BIRTH at Potchefstroom, South African Republic, on the 27th May, 1864, Mrs. D.J. ASPELING, of a daughter.
Friday, 24 June 1864
In den insolventen boedel van Jan Willem SPRUIJT, van Bloemfontein Drukker en Winkelier.
Crediteuren in dezen boedel gelieven kennis te nemen, dat de ondergeteekende behoorlijk gekozen en gegee/flemeerd is als eenige curator des gezegden boedels, en dat de meester de 3rd byeenkomst bepaald heeft te zijoen overstaan op Meesters Bureau, te Bloemfontein, op Dinsdag, 26 Julij, 1864, te 10 ure voormiddags te worden gehouden, tot het bewijs van schulden, tot het ontvangen van het rapport van den Curator, en ook om aan den gezegden boedels instructien te geven; en die man den gezegden boedel verschldigd zijn, worden verzocht hun dedita aan den ondergeteekende ontmiddelijk te voldoen, duur anders stuppen hen zullen worden genomen.
C.J.G. KRAUSE, Eenige Curator.
Bloemfontein, 20 Junij, 1864
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on Sunday, the 12th June, 1864 Mrs. W. LAING, of a daughter, Bloemfontein, 23rd June, 1864
BIRTH at Cronstadt, on Saturday the 11th instant, Mrs H.J. MORKEL, of a daughter
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