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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1864 2 July - December

Friday, 1 July 1864

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 9th June, at Klipfontein district, Bedford, Cape Colony, by the Rev. G. STEGMANN, of Adelaide, Mr. T.F. DREYER to Mrs. A. DE KLERK.

DIED at Thaba N’chu on the 2nd instant, Jessie Helen, aged 3 years and 6 months, and on the 3rd, Anne Elizabeth, aged 2 years and 11 days, the beloved children of James and Helen SCOTT.
“They were lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their death they were not divided.”

Mrs. MACKIDD, wife of the Rev. A. MACKIDD, missionary of the D.R. Church, died at […gedacht], near Zoutpansberg, on the [obscured] May last. Mrs. MACKIDDwas well-known as Miss BOSMAN, formerly of Worcester.

Friday, 8 July, 1864

WE MUCH REGRET to learn that the Rev. James SCOTT, the highly respected Wesleyan minister, of Thaba ‘Nchu, has lost two children in two days, the one having died on the 2nd, and the other on the 3rd inst. An affection of the windpipe was the cause of death.

Mr. David BAIN, brother of Mr. A.H. BAIN, of Bainsvley, and Mr. Spencer CHAPMAN, lately private secretary to Capt. Sherard OSBORNE, of the Anglo-Chinese squadron, and brother of Mr. Kyle CHAPMAN, of Quaggafontein, left for England via Natal on Monday last

In den insolventen boedel van Jan Willem SPRUIJT, van Bloemfontein Drukker en Winkelier.
Crediteuren in dezen boedel gelieven kennis te nemen, dat de ondergeteekende behoorlijk gekozen en geconfirmeerd is als eenige Curator des gezegden boedels, en dat de Meester de 3rd bijeenkomst bepaald heeft te zijnen overstaan op ‘s Meesters Bureau, te Bloemfontein, op Dinsdag, 26 Julij, 1864, te 10 ure ‘s voormiddags te worden gehouden, tot het bewijs van schulden, Curator, en ook om aan den gezegden Curator betrekkelijk het bestier des gezegden boedels instructien te geven; en die aan den gezegden boedel verschuldigd zijn, worden verzocht hun debita aan den ondergeteekende onmiddelijk te voldoen, daar anders stappen tegen hen zullen worden genomen.
C.J.G. KRAUSE, Eenige Curator.
Bloemfontein, 20 Junij, 1864

In den boedel van wylen Christina du PLOOY, geboren HOIJK, weduwe van wylen Leonardus Hendrik du PLOOY, van de plaats Leeuwkop, district Bloemfontein
Alle personen die pretentien tegen boven gemelden boedel hebben worden verzocht om dezelve binnen zes weken van heden in te zenden, en allen die aan den boedel verschuldigd zyn om dezelve binnen gemelden tyd te betalen aan den tweede ondergeteekende ten zynen huize te Bloemfontein.
Fredk. DANIEL,
Executeuren Datief.
Bloemfontein, 7 Junij, 1864

Friday, 15 July, 1864

Insolvente Boedel van Johannes Jacobus SPIES, Junior.
De Curator in gezegde boedel, als daartoe gemagtigd door de Crediteuren zal op Dinsdag, den 16 Augustus, 1864 publiek aan de meestbiedenden doen verkoopen op de plaats Cyferfontein, district Bethulie, de plaats Cyferfontein, No. 66, district Bethulie, groot volgens Landcommissierapport 1200 morgen ongeveer. Deze plaats is goedbebouwd en heeft goede standhoudende water, verder ommuurd land en tuin.
Redit, - 6 en 12 maanden.
NB – Veertien dagen voor den verkoopdag zal ieder belanghebbende gelegenheid hebben zich de bakens te zien aanwyzen.
Louis CLEVE, Eenige Curator.
Bethulie, den 6den Junij, 1864.
H. KLYNVELD, Venduafslager.

BIRTH at Otterspoort, district Philippolis, on the 28th June, Mrs. F.K. HOHNE, of a daughter.

Mij jufvrouw Petronella C.J. JACOBS bevallen van een Dochter op den 1ste July 1864.
Christoffel Johannes JACOBS D.H.z.
Koppice Kraal
4 July 1864

Alle personen die iets te vorderen hebben van of iets te betalen hebben aan den boedel van wylen Sophia Elizabeth van TONDER en nagelatenen echtegenoot John ROBINSON, worden versocht die vorderingen in te leveren of die betalingen te doen ten huizen van den ondergeteekende op de plaats Tempoesfontein, district Caledonrivier, binnen zes weken van af heden.
John ROBINSON, Executeur Testamentair.
Tempesfontein, 27sten Junij, 1864

Friday, 22 July, 1864

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 20th Inst., Mrs. J.F.M. SCHULE, Free State Hotel, of a son.

BIRTH at Zoetfontein, on Thursday, the 14th inst., the wife of Charles LUCAS, Esq., of a son

HEDEN overleed alhier myne dierbare huisevrouw Maria Alletta JACOBS, geb. FOURIE in den ouderdom van byna 52 jaren, aan een toenemend verval van krachten, en daarby komend “water.” Zy had een langdurig siekbed, doch stierf zacht en kalm, steunende op dien God en Zaligmaker dien zy by haar leven zoo zeer had gediend. Zwaar en onmisbaar is het verlies van myne dierbare, doch ik hoop Gods te swygen, wiens doen diepe wysheid is.
Boshof, 16den Julij, 1864

In the insolvent estate of Benjamin JANDRELL
Whereas the estate of Benjamin JANDRELL, Government Surveyor, now or lately residing at Smithfield, in the district of Caledon River, was on the 2nd day of May, 1864 placed under provisional compulsory sequestration, by virtue of an order to that effect granted by the Landdrost of the said district sitting in chambers at Smithfield on said date; And whereas the said provisional order for the compulsory sequestration of the estate of the estate of the said Benjamin JANDRELL was on the 12th day of July, 1864 confirmed by the Court of Combined Landdrosts at Smithfield aforesaid;
And whereas the undersigned on the 14th day of July, 1864, was by the said Court of Combined Landdrosts, appointed to not as provisional trustee in the said insolvent estate.
Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the said estate, that all moneys due and owing, or becoming due to the said insolvent, must, until the election of a Trustee or Trustees, be paid to the undersigned at his office in Smithfield, or to his duly authorized Attorney, where receipts alone, after the publication of this notice, will be held as valid acquittances.
George REED, Provisional Trustee.
16th July, 1864

Friday, 29 July, 1864

Mr. W. St. L. DINNY, lately of this town, will hear of something to his advantage, if he applies to Mr. J.J. RAAPT, the High Sheriff of the Orange Free State.

In den boedel van wijlen Johannes Augustus BREED
Debiteuren in opgemelde boedel worden verzocht het door hen verschuldigde onderwijd te betalen ten kantore van den Procureur J.A. SMELLEKAMP te Bloemfontein, alwaar de crediteuren verzocht worden hunne vorderingen in te leveren.
Namens de Executrices: J.A. SMELLEKAMP
Bloemfontein, 25 Julij, 1864

Aan belanghebbenden wordt bekend gemaakt, dat de liquidatie en distributie rekening des boedel van wijlen Abraham Paulus du TOIT, in het kantoor van den Weledelen Weesheer te Bloemfontein ter inzage ligt, gedurende zes weken van heden.
Namens de Executrien: G. PALIER
Genl. Agent.
Jacobsdal, 22 July, 1864

In den insolventen boedel van J.W. HAJENIUS (Jan Willem)
De ondergeteekende, daartoe behoorlijk geauthoriseed, zal op Zaturdag, 30 Julij 1864, des namiddags ten twee ure, publiek aan de meestbiedenden doen verkoopen voor zijn pakhuis te Philippolis : Schapen, Slagtbeesten, Merries en Paarden
Crediet zal worden verleend
Zegt het voort!
Provisionele Curator.
Philippolis, 16 Julij, 1864

Van Thomas Pearson CATO, wonende te Bloemfontein, en aan de verbandhouders op het onderstaande vastgoed, wordt hierby bekend gemaakt, dat zy verzocht worden te verschynen op het Landdrost kantoor te Bloemfontein, op den 3 Augustus, 1864, zullende dan volgens Art. 18 der Regulaties, voor de Rondgaande Geregtshoven van 20 February, 1858, de conditien bepaald worden hoe verkocht zal worden, - de oostelyke helft van het water erf No, 20 – met dudaaropstaande gebouwen Douglas Staat, te Bloemfontein: welk erf executabel is verklaard by provisioneel vonnis van het Rondgaande Geregtshof van Landdrosten van het district Bloemfontein, gehouden te Bloemfontein den 31 Mei, 1864, in sake Osbroeders Baumann ca T.P. CATO.
fd. Landdrost, als gecommitteerd lid van het Rongaande Hof.
Drostdy, Bloemfontein,
7 July, 1864

De Ondergeteekende als nageblevene echtgenoot van wylen Maria Elizabeth Christina de JAGER, geboren STROEBEL maak mits dezen bekend, dat hy een publieke verkooping zal late houden op zyn woonplaats genaamd Loskop, gelegen in de wyk Wittebergen, district Harrismith, op donderdag, den 25sten Augustus, 1864, bestande uit de volgende vaste en losse goederen – de Plaats Loskop, Zandvleishoek, en gedeelte van de plaats Driekop, allen gelegen in de wyk Wittebergen, district Harrismith, benevens gedeelte van de plaats Kwaggafontein, gelegen in die wyk van Valschrivier, district Kroonstad
Losse goederen bestaande uit -
Beesten, trekossen, paarden, trekpaarden, schapen, bokken, bokwagen, tentwagen, kapkar, zadel en toom, smitwinkel kompleet, timmermansgereedschap, ploeg en eg, graven, pikken &c
Benevens allerlei huisraad en keukengereedschap
Eene lange credit zal verleend worden.
Verversching zal verschaft worden
Loskop, den 8 Julij, 1864

Friday, 5 August, 1864

Messrs. N.W. and W.F. BARLOW the former for many years of this office, left this on Wednesday last by post cart for the Bay, to secure their passage per Kaffraria to England. It is their intention, after spending a few months there, and recruiting their health, to return to this place.

A Deserter - Gustaf von BELOW, late of the German Legion, the recently appointed Instructor of Artillery, and Custodier of the Fort, is reported to have made himself scarce and to have bolted from this in the direction of Harrismith, after helping himself to the horse of a fellow countryman here. A warrant has been issued for his apprehension and appears in the Governments Courant.

BEVALLEN op den 21sten dezer, Mejufv. D. OLTHOFF, van een dochter.
Fauresmith, 28 Julij, 1864

BIRTH at Smithfield, on the 23rd July, Mrs. C.S. ORPEN, of a son.

Friday, 12 August, 1864


Return of an Old Resident – Mrs Alexander ALLENBERG, an old resident both of Bloemfontein and Fauresmith, returned from a visit to Europe by the Kaffraria and may, we understand, be shortly expected here.

An Absconding Debtor – One Johannes GERKIN, a German, late of the Legion, who absconded from this about 10 days since, after running up long scores at several of the shops in this town, was captured by the sheriff on the banks of the Vaal River, and brought back yesterday morning to confront his creditors, looking, we understand, excessively foolish.

Mr. James KIRKHAM of Philippolis begs to bring to the notice of Mr. William FAIRWEATHER, that unless he claims his two horses, left at Philippolis, by his special request in possession of the former, within six weeks, he will be obliged to sell them to defrayed expenses.

Friday, 19 August, 1864

Aan Bloedverwanten en Vrienden wordt bekend gemaakt, dat het den Heer behaagd heeft tot zich te nemen onze tender geliefde moeder Cornelia Carolina BORNMAN, geboren du PREEZ, op den 11 deze, dus morgens te 3 uur, in deb ouderdom van 73 jaren, 11 maanden en 22 dagen, na een zwaar lyden van drie weken.
Het vertrouwen dat zy gegaan zy na eene betere wereld troost ons in onze droefheid.
Wy nemen deze gelegenheid tevens te bant om degenen die ons gedurende de ziekte onzer moeder zoo liederyk hebben bygestaan, onzen opregten dank te brengen.
Jacobus Johannes BORNMAN,
Voor hemself en gezamentlyke kinderen.
15 Augustus, 1864.

Friday, 26 August, 1864

DIED at Smithfield on the 18th August, the infant son of C.S. & R. ORPEN, aged 26 days

Friday, 2 September 1864

BIRTH on the 15th August, the wife of Dr. MAWBY, of a daughter

Voorspoedig bevallen, op den 10den dezer, van eene welgeschapen dochter Mejufvrouw M.E. DEKKER geb MOLLFIT
Te gelykertyd voelt de ondergeteekende zich gedrongen zynen hartelyken dank te betuigen aan diegenen, welke zich tydens de ziekte ten zynen huize, gedurende zyne afwezigheid, ten opzigte zyner familie geintreseerd hebben.

Friday, 9 September 1864

We use no more unmeaning formula of posthumous eulogy when we say that all who heard this morning of the death of Fredrik Stephanus WATERMEYER felt it – as fewsuch events have been felt before – to be not merely a personal but a public loss. In the comparative youth of thirty-seven, in the prime of life, and the blossom rather than the fully-developed fruit of his intellectual endowments – while a new profession had been opened to him and there was not merely a prospect but an assured certainty of a brilliant success – while to his family, to his friends, and to society his life was invaluable – he has been taken away from amongst us, and has fallen, as many a noble and gifted man has fallen before, a victim of overstrained effort, and of a principle of honour so high and chivalrous that to some it seemed even an approach to positive [illegible]. Young though he was, and though brief his career, even in those seven and thirty years, or rather in the last sixteen of them, he [illegible] an amount of accomplished work […illegible]. Educated in early youth under the admirable training of the Rev. Mr. JUDGE, before he was twenty he intered on public life, and tookan active and effective part in thebusy excitement of political affairs.
Advertiser & Mail, Aug. 20.

Friday, 16 September 1864

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 14th inst. Mrs J.F. WILSENACH, of a daughter

Friday, 23 September 1864

BIRTH at Fauresmith on the 8th September, 1864, Mrs. P.G. BRINK, of a son

Nademaal de boedel van William George EVERY, van de plaats Middelkraal, in het district Caledonrivier onder sequestatie is geplaatst in handen van den Meester der insolvente boedelkamer O.V.S., zoo worden mits dezen al degenen, die vorderingen hebben tegen gemelden boedel, uitgenoodigd om twee byeenkomsten van crediteuren by te wonen, welke zullen gehouden worden ten Landdrostkantore te Smithfield, en wel de eerste op Vrydag den 14 October 1864, des voormiddags ten 10 ure, tot bewys van schulden, en de tweede op Zaturdag den 22 October daaraanvolgende, dus voormiddags ten 10 ure mede tot bewys van schulden, en tovens om een of meer curatoren te kiezen om den boedel te verefferen.
C. v. D. van SOELEN,
Boedelmeester O.V.S.
Boedelkamer, Bloemfontein
14 September, 1864

In den Boedel van wylen Mejufvrouw Getruida Joh. SWART en den heer Nicolaas Barend SWART echtelieden.
Crediteuren en Debiteuren die iets uit bovengemelden boedel te vordere hebben, of aan deselven verschuldigd zyn worden verzocht zulke binnen zes weken na dato deze aan den ondergeteekende in te zenden as ook bevens te voldoen.
Executeur datief.
District Winburg,
15 Augustus, 1864

Aan de crediteuren van William Henry COLEMAN, laatstelyk wonende op de plaats Weltevreden, district Jabosdal, en aan de verbandhouers op vastgoed, wordt hiermede bykend gemaakt, dat zy verzocht worden te verschynen op het Landdrostkantoor te Jacobsdal op den 7 October s.s., zullende dan de conditien bepaald worden hou verkocht zal worden de plaats “Wolvepan” gelegen in het district Jacobsdal, welke plaats by provisioneel vonnis van het Rondgaande Geregtshof van Landdrosten, gehouden de Fauresmith, dd. 27 Juny, 864 exectabel verklaard is in zake BROWN en MILLER, versus W.H. COLEMAN.
E.van OLDEN, Landdrost en Groomm. Lid van het Rond.Geregtshof.
Drostdy Jacobsdal, 23 Aug, 1864

In den insolventen boedel van Michael COLLEY, van Smithfield, Spoonlateur
Crediteuren in dezer boedel gelieven kennis te nemen, dat de ondergeteekende behoorlyk gekozen en geconfirmeerd is ein eenige Curator dis gezegden boedels, en dat de Meester der insolvente boedelkamer de derde byeenkomst bepaald heeft ten overstaan van den Landdrost in Smithfield, en wel op Vrydag den 30 September 1864, beginnende des morgens ten 10 ure. Te worden gehouden tot het bewys van schulden, tot het ontvangen van het rapport van den Curator, en ook om aan den gezogden Curator betrekkelyk het bestier dis gesogden boedels instructien te geven.
Debiteuren word verzocht hunne debits aan den ondergeteekende onmiddelyk te voldoen, daar anders maatregelen in regten tegen hun genoemen zullen worden.
Smithfield, 23 Aug, 1864

Ziy, die iets te vorderen hebben uit des gemeenschappelyken boedel van wylen Frederik Augustus ALEXANDER, en nagelatene echtegenoot Maria Magdalena ROBINSON, worden verzocht binnen zes weken van heden hunne vorderingen in te leveren, en sy, iets aan den boedel verschuldigd zyn worden verzocht hun verschuldigde binnen gesegde tyd te vereffenen ten onzen kantore.
de Executeuren Testamentair in voornoemden boedel.
Fauresmith, 1 Sept, 1864

Friday, 30 September 1864

Lost or Missing, since the month of January, 1863, a box, containing writing desk, clothing, papers, and books – the latter containing the name of the undersigned. Any person finding and returning the same to Mr. W.B. BEETON, Bloemfontein, shall received the above reward.
Bloemfontein, September 20th, 1864

Friday, 7 October 1864

[Transcriber’s Note: Due to the adjacent column in the paper having been torn out, the right hand words in the following four BMD announcements have been lost. The best guess is in square brackets.]

MARRIED in the Dutch Reformed [Church] Bloemfontein, On Tuesday, 4th [October] 1864, by Rev. G. van de WALL, E. [NIE]MEYER Esq, to Elizabeth [Wilhemina] Petronella, oldest daughter of J.C. [Nielen] MARAIS Esq. Secretary to Government [Orange] Free State. No Cards.

On the 30th ult., at [the resi]dence of the bride’s father, by [the Rev.] C.FRAZER, Thomas J. BEDDY to [Elizabeth] Mary, eldest daughter of A. HOCK[LY] of Driefontein, near Philippolis.

At Smithfield, O.F.(State on] Tuesday, September 27th, by [the Rev.] Alfred FIELD, Thomas B [CO… to] Mary, youngest daughter of the la[te Mr.] Henry SHEPPARD and niece of the l[ate] Col. Thomas SHEPPARD, Chief of [Con]stabulary of the County of Lanc[ashire. No] cards.

DIED at Bethlehem on Tuesda[y the] 27th Sept., Eliza Susanna( […KIN], oldest daughter of John R and [H. …]KIN, aged 17 years.
Bethlehem, 1st Oct., 1864

On Tuesday morning last Mr. Emil NIEMEYER, of the firm of Messrs. Bauman Brothers & Co, of this town, led to the Hymeneal altar the eldest daughter of our highly and deservedly esteemed Government Secretary, J.C. Nielen MARAIS Esq., The Dutch Church was nearly filled by townspeople anxious to witness the ceremony, and to see the charming bride and lovely bridesmaids there assembled.
A large party of the elite of the town and district afterwards met by invitation at the house of the father of the bride to do honour to the joyous occasion including His Honor the President, who purposely delayed his departure for the frontier in order to be present, Mrs. BRAND, the Miss ZASTRONs, the Lord Bishop of the diocese, The Rev. Mr. OLDFIELD, in fact it would be no easy matter and would occupy too much of our space were we to attempt to give the names of all who were present. We will merely add that the happy bride and bridegroom have our best wishes for their long life and happiness.

Diegenen welke iets te vorderen hebben van of verschuldigd zyn aan den boedel van wylen Pater CONLAY, overleden in de maand Juny 1863, op die plaats Avondzon, district Harrismith, gelieven daarvan opgave of betaling te doen by den ondergeteekende te Harrismith, voor of op den 15 November c.k.
Harrismith, 24 Sept. 1864

Friday, 14 October 1864

The death of the above gentleman, who was certainly one of the most distinguished of Cape public writers and politicians, is announced in colonial papers. Mr. FAIRBAIRN has justly been styled the father of the Cape Press. He had just reached his seventieth year.

MARRIED on 18th October, 1864 by special licence, by the Rev. J.G. MORROW, Wesleyan Minister, Mr. John Allison CAMERON, second son of the Rev. James CAMERON, General Superintendent of Wesleyan Mission in Natal, to Charlotte Jane oldest daughter of Mr. William H. [FUTCHER], of Bloemfontein

Aan die heer Paul BOTHA, Louwszoon, neemt hiermede kennis, dat indien gy de huisraad dien van myn gekocht heeft niet weghalen voor den 31 October e.k., ik van dien tyd niet meer aanspraklyk daarvoor sal zyn.
Bloemfontein, Oct 10, 1864

Als Hendrik M. van ZIJL den wagen niet laat lossen, dien hij achterliet bij den ondergeteekende om te reparenen, in Mei 1863, voor den 1sten December, 1864 zal dezelve verkocht worden op de Markt te Cradock tot dekking der onkosten.
Thomas BAILEY.
Cradock, 9 Sept., 1864

De ondergeteekende, Executeur Datief in den boedel van wijlen Barend Hendrik BEUKES, zal door publieke veiling aan de meestbiedenden doen verkoopen op de plaats ‘Kalkbult’, aan Taaiboschspruit, district Winburg, op Woensdag, 23 November, 1864 des voormiddage te 10 ure, eenige schapen, beesten, paarden, een halfsleten wagen, dito Kar en ander huisraad en inboedel.
Executeur Datief
Winburg, 12 October, 1864

Friday, 21 October 1864

In den boedel van wylen den Hr. Christoffel Jacobus VILJOEN en nagelatene echtgenote Christina Maria Susanna SCHUTTE
De liquidatie rekening in bovengemelden boedel zal voor zes weken van af heden op’s Meesters Kantoor, ter inzage van belanghebbenden open liggen.
Winburg, 17 October, 1864

Op Zondag, 25 September, 1864, word door een Lichtstraat getroffen zoo dat er oogenblikkelyk de dood opvolgde onze geliefde dochter, Johanna Suzanna, oud 13 jaren 6 maanden. Voor de beschikking des Heeren zwygende en daarin berustende goven wy van dit ons smartelyk getroffen verlies by deze kennis aan bloedverwanten en Vrienden met versoek van verder rouw beklag verschoond te mogen blyven.
Losberg, Z.A. Rupubliek,
30 September, 1864

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 15th inst., Mrs. KAYE of a daughter.

BIRTH at Harrismith, on the 11th inst., Mrs Robert MACFAIRLANE, of a son.
Harrismith, 15 October, 1864.

DIED at Heidelberg, formerly Bethulie on Wednesday, 6th October, Henry James, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. J. WRIGHT, aged 4 months and 26 days.

A daughter of Mr. J.J. HOFFMAN, late of this district was struck dead by lightning, at Losberg, Transvaal Republic, on Sunday, 25th ult

Friday, 28 October 1864

MARRIED on the 18th inst., by the Rev. P. ROUX, Mr. L. Mostyn OWEN to Miss C.M. REED, daughter of Mr. George REED, of Smithfield

Friday, 4 November 1864

DIED at Roodewal, near Bloemfontein, on November 3rd, after a short illness, Mr. Essex HARRIES, aged 43 years.

We regret to learn that this gentleman died rather suddenly on his farm Roodewal, near this town, yesterday, leaving a widow and young family of eight children. Deceased was one of the oldest residents of Bloemfontein having removed to this place from Colesberg after the British troops were first stationed here. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 5 o’clock.

We regret to learn that on Sunday night last Mr. M. STEIJN, senr., uncle to Mr.M. STEIJN member of the Executive Council of this State, a respectable and intelligent farmer, many years resident in this district, was struck dead by the electric fluid while lying in his bed. His wife and one child, who were in the same bed at the time, were not hurt, though it is said their clothes were ignited, or singed, by lightning. This sad accident happened on the farm Vaalbank, in the ward of Middle Modder River, district Bloemfontein, which had been hired by the deceased of Mr. Jacobus van ZIJL, of Keerom. Deceased was about 60 years of age and formerly resided in the district of Caledon, Cape Colony, which district he left some 24 years since. Accidents of the above kind have been of very frequent occurrence in this country, and still little or no attention has yet been paid to procuring or fixing lightning rods or conductors either in the towns or on the farm homesteads.
(From Dutch report in ‘The Friend’ 11 Nov: Overleden 30sten October, in den nacht tusschen 11 en 12 ure … den ouderdom van 58 jaren, 11 maanden en 16 dagen, nalatende eene vrou en 7 kinderen)

Smithfield, District Caledonrivier,
Aan den Editeur van ‘The Friend’
Mijnheer – op den 26sten October is oude Johannes Petrus van der WALT overleden, op zyne plaats Torbrek, wijk Kafferrivier, nabij Reddersburg, en op den 20sten October is er een groote hagelbui op het bevenend van Rietrivier gevallen, die al het te veld staande gewas vernielde en eene menigte schapen doode.
De uwe, N.B.

This well-known patriarchal leader of the set known here as Doppers, or Separationists from the established D.R. Church of South Africa, is, we regret to hear, no more. He died of inflammation of the lungs on his farm Torbrek, Kaffir River, in this district, on the 26th ult. The deceasedwill be remembered in the Colesberg district of the Cape Colony for the uncompromising opposition which he so long displayed against the former minister of that parish, the late Rev. Mr. REID. He (Mr. V de W) had no sooner gained his point in the retirement of Mr. REID from the ministry, than he himself made up his mind to trek, and leave the, in his estimation, enslaved colony of the Cape for the neighbourhood of Reddersbur in this State, where he, with a few others of like mind, soon succeeded in causing a split in the old D.R. Church, and forming a new church and congregation, now under the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr. BEIJER, at the village bearing the above name. Mr. Va der WALT, better known by the sobriquet of Slim Johannes, though upon the whole a good-natured and well-meaning man, of a jovial and prepossessing exterior, was a determined reformer in politics as well as in religion, and soon after his arrival here took a leading part in the discussion of public affairs; and once headed a pretty strong muster of his clan who came into Bloemfontein during the presidency of Mr. BOSHOF to oppose and deliver a protest to the Raad against the then proposed federation with the British colonies of South Africa.

From a private letter dated Harrismith, 29th October, 1864, we have the following and particulars of the death by drowning of Mr. T.S. CLENELL, late sheriff of that district. “It is my painful duty to inform you of the death of the sheriff of this place, Thomas Short CLENELL, who was drowned in crossing a spruit running into Liebenberg’s Valley, while in execution of his duty. His papers have been recovered, having been brought through by a party previous to the accident. It can be proved by the evidence we have that several parties were present when he entered the water. The horse staggered and strucked him on his forehead, knocking him down, and no doubt stunning him. No attempt whatever was made by the bystanders to save his life. His horse, saddle and bridle came out all right. Up to this time, so far as is yet unknown, the body has not been found. This is indeed a sad affair a young man, in the prime of life, to be taken away so suddenly. Strange to say, a brother of his met with a similar fatal accident some time ago in England. Judging from his papers, he was no doubt respectably connected at home. In a letter he had written to his brother, the following sentence was found - “I am evidently not to be a long liver in this world, but have the hope of meeting you in another where there will be less trouble,’” The spruit he was drowned in, it is said, is not wider than 20 feet.
( Note from ‘The Friend’ 18 November, 1864: From a letter dated Harrismith, 12th November, 1864 we have the following – The body of poor CLENNEL was found 8 days after the sad accident occurred, in Liebenberg’s Vallei, and buried.)

In den insolventen boedel van Samuel ALDUM, van Smithfield
De ondergeteekende geeft hiermede dat hy aangesteld is als Curator in bovengemelde boedel, en dat met toestemming van den Landdrost van Caledonrivier district, de derde byeenkomst van crediteuren gehouden zal worden ten Landdrostkantore te Smithfield, op Donderdag, 8 December 1864, ten 10 ure voor bewys van schulden, voor ontvangst van het rapport van den Curator, en ook om aan hem betrekkelyk het bestuur des gezegden boedels instructien te geven.
Debiteuren worden verzocht hunne debita aan den ondergeteekende onmiddelyk te voldoen, daar anders maatreg ten in regten hen genonen zullen worden.
Charles Sirr ORPEN,
Smithfield, 31 October, 1864

Friday, 11 November 1864

In the insolvent estate of William Best BEETON
Whereas the estate of William Best BEETON, general dealer at Bloemfontein, has been placed as insolvent in the hands of the Master of the Insolvent Chamber, Orange Free State, and as I have been appointed Provisional Trustee. I hereby notify to all parties indebted to the said estate to pay all accounts to myself forthwith, in Bloemfontein, at this office of the insolvent, William Best BEETON.
Provisional Trustee.
9th November, 1864

DIED on 1st inst., at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. S. HARE, Bethulie, Mrs. Maria P. RAATH, in her 57th year.
A long and very painful illness was borne with exemplary patience, and her mourning relatives have the consolation of knowing that through a well founded trust in her Redeemer, their loss was her infinite gain.
This opportunity is taken of thanking those friends who so kindly assisted during the protracted illness.
Bethulie, Nov. 4th, 1864

NOTICE is hereby given to relatives and friends that it hath pleased Almighty God yesterday, the 6th instant between 1 and 2 o’clock p.m., to remove from me, by death, after a sickness of only two days, my beloved husband, Nicolaas Gerhardus WESSELS, at the age of 60 years 1 month and 24 days, after a happy union of 28 years. In sure and certain hope of resurrection to eternal life, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Aliwal North,
7 November, 1864

From a letter by the Rev. William ASHTON, missionary at Likhatlong we hear that the rumour of the murder of Mr. Van BLERK is too true. It appears that a Bushman after-rider shot Mr. Van BLERK and his son, a fine boy of about 14 years of age, while asleep, for the sake of robbing them of their best ostrich feathers. The vile murderer of his master and son has since been hanged by order of Mahura.
[From issue of November 18: Letter dated Oct 28th, 1864 Likhatlong, from W.M. ASHTON sending particulars as per Mrs. van BLERK’s request : Mr. van BLERK had been on a trip into the interior. On his return, about the 1st September, he, with his son and his Bushman, left the wagons to ride home on horseback, as he had promised Mrs. van BLERK to be home that month. He took the best of the feathers which he had bought with him, and for the sake of robbing him of these, this vile creature shot his master and son as they were asleep. He came to Morokueng, and said that the natives had shot them, but he afterwards confessed to his having shot them himself, and consequently he was hung at Taung, by order of Mahura, on Thursday week. Mr. W.F. CAMM, who was left in charge of the wagons, arrived here with them on Tuesday: before he left Morokeung he tried to find the remains of the deceased, but after the native who accompanied him turned back after the first 60 miles for want of water, and of course Mr. CAMM could not proceed alone, but made arrangements with Makobe, one of the chiefs of Morokueng, to go with his men in search of the bodies, to have buried what remains of them, and to bring out anything of value left behind. Mr. CAMM has returned to Morokeung, hoping that Makobe has been able to accomplish this service.]

In den boedel van wylen Mejufvrouw de weduwee Catharina Maria JACOBS, geboren FOURIE
De ondergeteekende, behoorlyk daartoe geauthoriseerd zynde, zal op Zaturdag, den 3den December ek., door publieke veiling verkoopen de navolgende:
1. Watererf no 8 te Boshof, met extra woonhuis, tuin, ens.
2. Watererf no 6 met daaropstaande gebouw.
3. Droogerf no 4, met daaropstaande gebouw
Trekossen, koe en kalf, rij- en trek paarden, bokwagen, kar en tuigen, huisraad en veele andere goederen te veel om te noemen.

In den boedel van wylen Mejufvrouw Helena Maria HENNING, gebouren van der MERWE
schapen, ossen, ossenwagen, bed, huisraad en ander goederen
Ruim crediet zal verleend worden.
Geo ISRAEL, Vendusafslager.
Boshof, 25 October, 1864

Soon van den WelEd. Heer Jacob SWART, wonende te Amsterdam (Nederland) wordt versocht see spoedig mogelyk syn adres op te geven aan den ondertekkende ten einde eene voor hem seer aangename tyding te ontvangen.
J.A. de VRIJF,
Strandstraat, no 41, Kaapstad.
Kaapstad, 24 October, 1864

Friday, 18 November 1864

OVERLEDEN op den 31 October, 1864, mun ieder geliefde man Herculaas van ASWEGAN, in den ouderdom van 50 jaren, 2 maand en en 20 dagen, na een ziekbed van 8 weken, het welk by met geduld en lydzamenheid heeft gedragen, vertrouwende op zynen Heer Jezus Christus.
S.M.J. van ASWEGAN, geb SPIES.
Vaalboek, distr. Bloemfontein,
6 Nov. 1864.

In den insolventen boedel van William Henry JONES, Meiselaar te Smithfield
De ondergeteekende behoorlyk aangesteld zynde als curator in bovengemelde boedel, verzocht all crediteuren om eene byeenkomst by te wonen die door den meester der
insolvente boedelkamer bepaald is om zitting te houden ten Landdrostkantore te Smithfield, op den 23sten dag van November, 1864, beginnende om 10 ure in den voormiddag, om
1. Schulden te bewyzen in gemelden boedel
2. Het Rapport des Curators te hooren en instructien te geven.
Debiteuren worden verzocht om hunne schulden onmiddelyk te vereffenen by den ondergeteekende, hierin nalatig zynde, zullen maatregelen in regten tegen hun genomen worden.
R. FINLAY, Curator.
Smithfield, 15 October, 1864.

A warrant appears in the last Gouvernements Courant for the apprehension of a saddler bearing the above name, who bolted from this place on the 12th inst., and who is charged with theft on the oath of one Hermann WERNECK. WILLIAMS is a native of Belgium, and it is said, belonged to the British German Legion

Friday, 25 November 1864

On Wednesday last the lady of our Government Secretary J.C. Nielen MARAIS Esq., presented him with twins, a boy and a girl; and a few weeks since a similar piece of good luck fell to the share of the Rev. G. van der WALL, the minister of the D. Reformed Church here, also a boy and a girl.

In den boedel van wylen Marthina Johanna Margaretha, geb, van ROOYEN, en nagelaten echtgenoot Wessel Johannes WESSELS.
Crediteuren en Debiteuren die iets uit bovengemelden boedel te vorderen hebben, of aan dezelven verschuldigd zyn, worden verzocht zulke binnen zes weken na dato dezes aan den ondergeteekenden in te zenden en ook tevens te voldoen.
den 12den November, 1864

Het behaagde den Allerhoogste om op den 6den November ll. Na eene siekte van ruim twee jaren, myne geliefde echtgenoot Frederick Gustaaf HEYNS, te doen ontslapen in den ouderdom van ruim 77 jaren. Zyn uitgaan was zacht en kalm; dat my de stille hoop doet koesteren op een zalig wederzien.
Fauresmith, 16 Nov. 1864

Five pounds reward will be paid to such person as will give information leading to the recovery of the gun stolen from my bed room on Saturday night last, between the hours of 7 and 8 pm.
Description:- Light make, double barrel, twisted. Fowling piece, maker’s name on gun lock.
21 November, 1864

Friday, 2 December 1864

From Winburg we learn that a sad accident occurred in the ‘lager’ there the other night, by which a young man named Stoffel PRINSLOO lost his life. It seems the young man was endeavouring to pull a gun up at the back of a wagon with the muzzle pointed towards him, when the trigger must have caught in something, the gun was at once discharged and the contents poured through his heart, of course killing him on the spot. This sad event has cast a gloom over the whole camp. Theparents of the young man reside, it is said, in Cronstadt.

Mr. Wm. BEST, who is at present residing on the farm of Dr. KRAUSS in this district, was the other day struck down in his house by the electric fluid. He remained, we understand, insensible for some minutes after the shock, and when he came to himself found the whole of one side of his body more or less injured, so that he was compelled to walk with a stick for four or five days, and still feels to some extent the effects of it. It is strange that though the room was full of people, including two families of children at the time of the accident, that no one but Mr. B. was in the least injured by the lightning. The house is, it is said, erected on a small eminence composed entirely of iron stone which is supposed to attract the electric fluid to that spot.

Should this meet the eye of Mrs. COLE, widow of the late Mr. George COLE, of Brighton, Sussex, England, she is requested to correspond with her English friends who have something of importance to communicate to her.

Friday, 9 December 1864

It hath pleased Almighty God to take from us at the early age of nine years and seven months our only son Georg Dirk.
On the evening of the 1st December, he, while playing with two other children in the street near our residence, was struck by the electric fluid, which put an immediate termination to his, to us and many others, valued and cherished life.
Bitter is the cap which it has been our lot to drink. We sorrow, though not as those without hope, knowing where our beloved child, on whom our affections were too greatly fixed, is gone.
Consoling to us was the general and heartfelt sympathy evinced towards us in our affliction by the whole of the inhabitants of the town, for which we hereby desire to return our sincere thanks.
Cecilia M. BORNMAN,
Winburg, 5th December, 1864

In den boedel van wylen Martha Susanna PRINGLE, geboren ERASMUS.
Crediteuren en debiteuren die iets uit bovengemelden boedel te vorderen hubben, of aan denzelven verschuldigd zyn, wordenverzocht zulke binnen zes weken na dato dezes aan den ondergeteekende in te zenden en ook tevens te voldoen.
H.O. DREYER, qq.
Harrismith, 26 Nov., 1864

Friday, 16 December 1864

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, on the 26th November, 1864, the wife of Mr. I. BAUMANN, of a son

BIRTH December 1st at Philippolis, the wife of the Rev. E.G. SHAPCOTE, M.A., of a son.

BIRTH at Potchefstroom, on the 21st November, 1864 the wife, of James MULLETT, Esq., of a daughter

Died, at his residence Mount Howell, Natal, on the 20th ult., after a long and painful illness which he bore with Christian fortitude, Thomas Johannes HOWELL, Esq., aged 38 years.
In the name of the widow and family,
James M. HOWELL.
6th December, 1864

In den boedel van wylen Johannes Petrus van der WALT, overleden op Tobrek, district Bloemfontein.
Al degene die iets te vorderen hebben of krygen van – of verschuldigd zyn of worden aan bovengemelden boedel worden verzocht hunnen vorderingen in te zenden of hunne schulden te betalen of op te geven binnen twee maanden van af dezen datum aan de mede-Executeuren N.F. van der WALT en J.A.VENTER
of ten kantore van W.H. van BRENT van ANDEL,
Zaakwaarnemer te Reddersburg,
Reddersburg, 13 December, 1864

In den boedel van wylen den Heer Petrus Gehardus BOTHMAN, van het district Caledonrivier.
[Illegible….] als Executeur Testament in bovengemelde boedel hunne pretentien welken aard ook, binnen zes weken van af heden by den Heer W.P.J. PIETERSEN ter plaatsen [Onge..d], district Caledonrivier, in te zenden, en alle personen aan gemelden boedel verschuldigd worden tevens verzocht hunne debits binnen gemelden tyd te betalen.
Executriece Testamentair.
10 December, 1864

Friday, 23 December 1864

We learn with regret that Mr. Hermanus WESSELS, sen., one of our oldest and most respected farmers, and for many years a leading man both in the State and in the Church, is no more, A brother of Mr. WESSELS died recently at Aliwal North, and a brother-in-law, Mr. M. STEIJN, of this district, was struck dead by lightning a short time previously. Mr. WESSELS was acknowledged as head of a large and influential family of that name who settled many years since near the town of Winburg in this state.

Friday, 30 December 1864

BIRTH at Potchefstroom, South African Republic, on the 6th December, 1864 the wife of J.W. SPRUIJT, of a daughter



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