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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1865 1 January - June

Friday, 6 January, 1865

Alle crediteuren en debiteiren des boedels van wylen de weduwee Catharina Maria JACOBS geboren FOURIE, worden verzocht hunne vorderingen in te leveren en hunne schulden te betalen binnen zes weken van heden/aan dun onderteekende.
Namens den Executeur
Boshof, 8 Dec. 1864

Alle crediteuren en debiteiren des boedels van wylen Helena Maria HENNINGS geboren van der MERWE, worden verzocht hunne vorderingen in te leveren en hunne schulden te betalen binnen zes weken van heden/aan dun onderteekende.
Namens den Executeur
Boshof, 3 Dec. 1864

SHOULD this meet the eye of Mrs. COLE, widow of the late Mr. George COLE, of Brighton, Sussex, England, she is requested to correspond with her English friends who have something of importance to communicate to her.

Friday, 20 January, 1865

Sailed from Port Natal on 27th September 1859, in the Henrietta, Capt, ALLEN, as cook and steward, left his ship at Natal and was reported to have gone to the O.R.Free State. His parents will thankfully receive any information concerning him, which will be conveyed to them throughout Messrs. HISCOCK & son, Sand River, Messrs. CLARK & PULLEYN, Cronstadt, Messrs, PAVEY & REID, Potchefstroom, Mr. Thomas WHITE, Bloemfontein

Friday, 27 January, 1865

In the insolvent estate of R. DOUTHWAITE, of Bloemfontein, Orange Free State on Saturday, the 4th February next, at 10 am precisely, will be sold by public auction on the Market Square, the whole of the Landed Property belonging to the estate, consisting of:
1st – A Beautiful cottage with fruit garden attached.
2nd.- Erf No. 31 & 32 upon which stands a substantial building.
Terms &c. will be made known on the day of the sale.
Edw. S. HANGER, curator.
Bloemfontein, 10th January, 1865

Whereas George HILLYARD alias JUDAH, who went as my substitute on Commando on the 22nd November last and has not yet returned with my horse, saddle, bridle and rifle.
I hereby request any party to whom the said JUDAH may offer the said rifle for sale or other wise, to detain the rifle on my behalf. The rifle is double barrelled and marked on the barrel Pryse & Redman, no, 7123.
Any person detaining the rifle and giving information to the undersigned shall receive the above reward, also their expenses.
Fauresmith, 19th January, 1865

In den insolvente boedel van wylen den Heer F.A. ALEXANDER en nagebloven echtgename M.M. ROBINSON
Op Dinsdag den 28 February 1865, des morgens om 9 ure. De Ondergeteekenden, daartoe gelast door hunne principalen, zullen op gezegde dag, datum en uur, ter plaats “Twyfelfontein” hieronder omschreven, publiek opveilen en aan den meestbiedende verkoopen:
Ten eerste, de plaats Twijfelfontein, gelegen in het district Smithfield, op een afstand van 4 uren van Edenburg, 5 uren van Smithfield en 7 uren van Fauresmith.
Ten tweede, 300 fijne schapen, eenige paarden en beesten, jong en oud, van beide geslachten, en wat verder ter verkoop zal worden aangeboden.
Nadere inlichtingen zyn te bekomen by den Heer R. ROBINSON, te Olyvenfontein, district Fauresmith, terwyl de conditien ter lezing liggen ten katore van de ondergeteekenden.
Fauresmith, 12 January, 1865

Lost or stolen from a wagon outspanned near the large dam on the 12th instant, a five barrelled revolver pistol, maker J. HAYTON, initials scratched on side near lock E.H. Was in a black patent leather holster, fastened with a yellow glass button. Any person finding the same and returning it to the office of this paper will be rewarded for his trouble.
Bloemfontein, January 19th, 1865

Friday, 3 February, 1865

Nademaal de boedel van Abraham Lodewicus BOTHA, van de plaats Trachs, district Caledonrivier, onder sequestratie is geplaats in handen van den meester der insolvente boedelkamer, O.V.S.
Zoo worden al degene welke vorderingen tegen gemelden boedel mogten hedden, opgeroepen om twee byeenkomsten van crediteuren ten Landdrostkantore te Smithfield, en wel de eerste op Woensdag den 1 Maart, den 10 ure, tot bewys van schulden en de tweede op Donderdag den 9den Maart daaraanvolgende, des morgens ten 10 ure, mede tot bewys van schulden en tevenus om een of meer curatoren te kiezen om den boedel te vereffenen.
C. v. D. van SOELEN, Boedelmeester O.V.S.
Bloemfontein, 25 January, 1865

Nademaal de boedel van Johannes Jacobus LUTTIG, van het district Kroonstad, onder sequestratie is geplaatst in handen van den meester der insolvente boedelkamer, O.V.S.
Zoo worden mits deze al degene die vorderingen te hebben tegen gemelden boedel Gemondigd om twee byeenkomsten van Crediteuren by te woonen, welke zullen gehouden worden ten Landdrostkantore te Kroonstad en wel de eerste op Woensdag den 1 Maart, den voormiddags10 ure, tot bewys van schulden en de tweede op Donderdag den 9den Maart daaraanvolgende, des morgens ten 10 ure, mede tot bewys van schulden en tevenus om een of meer curatoren te kiezen om den boedel te vereffenen.
C. v. D. van SOELEN, Boedelmeester O.V.S.
Bloemfontein, 25 January, 1865

Nademaal de boedel van Pieter Mathias BRINK, van de plaats Franskraal, district Caledonrivier onder sequestratie is geplaatst in handen van den meester der insolvente boedelkamer, O.V.S.
Zoo worden mits deze al degene die vorderingen te hebben tegen gemelden boedel gemondigd om twee byeenkomsten van Crediteuren by te woonen, welke zullen gehouden worden ten Landdrostkantore te Smithfield en wel de eerste op Woensdag den 1 Maart, den voormiddags10 ure, tot bewys van schulden en de tweede op Donderdag den 9den Maart daaraanvolgende, des morgens ten 10 ure, mede tot bewys van schulden en tevenus om een of meer curatoren te kiezen om den boedel te vereffenen.
C. v. D., van SOELEN, Boedelmeester O.V.S.
Bloemfontein, 25 January, 1865

A poor fellow of the name of HULL was drowned three weeks ago in the Caledon River, near Molappo’s drift. He was a honest, hardworking fellow, and used to go trading with pack oxen. The river being full, a Kaffir was trying to swim him through, when the strength of the stream carried them both away together.
Yours, &c.

(From own Correspondent of Great Eastern)
On Thursday, the 5th instant; the well known Andries Stephanus Jacobus van der WALT, aged 41, [better known under the sobriquet of Andrie “Zeven Vrouw,”] residing at Groot Fonteyn and who a short time since, figured in the circuit court as defendant in an action for damages, wherein he was charged with horse whipping in the public street of Middelburg, his cousin and brother elder in the Dopper Church, was placed before R.C.R. BOYCE, Esq. Resident Magistrate, and fully committed for trial to answer the more atrocious charges of rape and incest upon his own daughter, Anna Susannah Christina van der WALT, a somewhat interesting and pretty looking girl of not more than fourteen years of age. The complainant said that since the death of her mother, about two years ago, the prisoner had repeatedly subjected her to the most abominable and disgusting advances, and threatened to take away her life if she made the matter known. She, however, told her brother and sister of what took place, and sought their protection; but they both declined to give her aid, for fear their father might shoot them. On one occasion, because of her resistance and screaming out when the prisoner was in her bedroom, he had beaten the complainant so severely with a quince stick that her sister afterwards counted eighty distinct lacerations on complainant’s back. She said that, about eight months ago the prisoner tried to compel her to go with him over the Orange River, but she avoided it by running away in the middle of the night, and remaining concealed in a neighbour’s house for several days, until she heard that her father had left. He had never succeeded in fully completing his diabolical purpose until the night of the 29th December last. The disgusting particulars are, of course, entirely unfit for publication; but the evidence left no doubt but that the capital crime had been fully perpetrated. In dreadful pain and anguish she almost immediately told her brother what had occurred, and threatened to throw herself upon the world, not caring what became of her, if he did not in some way give her protection. This led at last to other relations of the family being communicated with, and the prisoner was at once apprehended. The complainant’s statements were confirmed in every particular by the evidence of her brother and sister, and by other witnesses. The prisoner wept bitterly during the investigation, and when asked in the usual way whether he wished to say anything, said “I am innocent before God and man but I shall reserve what I have to say until my trial” The worthy magistrate expressed his willingness to accept bail, the prisoner in £1000 and two sureties in £500 each; but no person appeared to answer to the prisoner’s most pathetic appeal for some one in court to assist him.
The defendant is the father of thirteen children, of which the complainant was the sixth, two being now dead, and he was within a recent period a very wealthy man, and will still be entitled to a large breadth of splendid landed property in this district at the death of his aged mother. He is said to be the proprietor of not less that eighteen farms in the Orange Free State.
(We believe the own correspondent is in error with regard to the 18 farms in this State. The farms claimed by said van der WALT were situated in the Koesbergen, or near Elandsberg, and fell into Basutoland when the line was made by Sir G.GREY in 1858. A favorite scheme of van der WALT’s for many years was one for forming a boer settlement in Basutoland, near where his imaginary farms were supposed to be situated. - Editor F. for F.S.)

Friday, 10 February, 1865

Het heeft den Heer van leven en dood behaagd, om op 28 Januarij jl. onverwacht van mijne zijde weg te rukken mijn echtgenoot Petrus Johannes Andries BORCHERDS, mij nalatende 3 kinderen, die hun verlies nog niet kunnen bezelfen.
Fauresmith, 7 Februarij, 1865

Het Heeft den Heer hehaagd van my weg te nemen myne dierbare echtgenoot Maria Elizabeth Rachel van NIEKERK, in den ouderdom van 40 jaren, 8 maanden en 19 dagen, na eene smartelyke ziekbed van 5 maanden en 18 dagen.
My nalatende met 10 kinderen om haar onmisbaar verlies te betreuren.
Tevens breng ik myne dank toe aan alle vriende en vriendinne die my gedurende hare ziekte getrouw hebben geholpen.
Voor zelf en gezamenlyke kinderen,
27sten January, 1865

Friday, 17 February, 1865

In den boedel van wylen Thomas Short CLENNELL.
Allen die vorderingen hebben tegen bovengemelden boedel worden verzocht dezeven met de daar toe vereischte bewyzen, binnen zes weken van heden in te zenen ten kantoor van den ondergeteekende te Harrismith, en ook zy die aan gemelden boedel verschuldigd zyn, het verschuldigde te betalen binnen den zelfden tyd, ten kantoor voormeld.
H.O. DREYER, Executeur Datief.
Bloemfontein, 15de February, 1865

In den boedel van wylen Herculaas van ASWEGEN en nageblevene echtgenoote Susanna Maria Jacoba SPIES, van het district Bloemfontein.
De executtries in opgemelde boedel roept by deze op alle crediteuren om hunne vorderingen met behoorlyke bewyzen binnen zes weken van heden in te leveren ten huize van F.P.J. VILONEL op de plaas Lastfontein, of op Edenburg en debiteuren om hunne schulden binnen denzelfen tyd aldaar te betalen.
Namens de Executriese, F.P.J. VILONEL,
Lastfontein, 13den February, 1865

In den insolventen boedel van Pieter Gerhardus BRINK, vroeger slagter te Fauresmith.
De ondergeteekenden curator in bovengemelden boedel geven hiermede kennis, dat de derde byeenkomst van crediteuren zal plaats hebben op 13 Maart, 1865 des voormiddags ten 10 ure ten Landdrostkantore te Fauresmith, ten einde bewyzen voor verdure schulden te ontvangen en tot andere behandelingen.
J.J. SLUITER, D. VOORTMAN, Gezammentlyke Curatoren.
Fauresmith, 9 Feb, 1865

Mr. R.W. MURRAY, Sen. has broken up his establishment in the Bay, his business in Grahamstown requiring the whole of his time there. His son I hear, goes home to England, and the Great Eastern will be represented in Port Elizabeth by an agent.

To the Editor of The Friend, - Sir,
Last week a poor fellow of the name PELSER was fined by the Landdrost £30 or two months imprisonment with hard labour for refusing to go to the guard on line, (he not having a horse to his name) but of course as he has not the money to pay the fine he had to go to prison. I would not say anything about this sentence, although the same is not in accordance with the provisions of the Commando law; but what I would like to see is, that all persons, whatever their rank., if they have committed the same offence, must be punished alike, and not one so much more than the other.

Well worthy the attention of Bank Directors about to open branches at that place.
In the insolvent estate of Benjamin JANDRELL.
The undersigned has been favoured with instructions by the trustees in the above estate, to offer for public competition at Smithfield, on Saturday, 18th March, 1865 at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the following freehold landed Property situated in the above rising town:-
1- A commodious and substantial dwelling house, recently erected at a cost of about £1500 sterling, under galvanized iron roof and plank ceilings, together with the unfinished outbuildings and stabling adjoining. The above residence is pleasantly situated facing Juana Square, and is well adapted either for a private dwelling or for banking or hotel premises
2- The four subdivisions Nos. 3, 4, 10,& 11, adjoining the foregoing, in extent as per diagram; these plots of ground are suitable for the erection of cottages; or they would be a desirable addition, as garden ground, to the first mentioned property.
3- Erf no 6 Burger street, (fronting the Market Square) in extent 150 ft X 75 ft. A desirable business situation.
Conditions will be made known on day of sale.
Credit Liberal
Henry D. HODGSON, Auctioneer and Sworn Govt. Appraiser.
3 Juana Square, Smithfield,
30 January, 1865

Friday, 24 February, 1865

Whereas the estate of John ANDREWS, shopkeeper residing at Bethlehem, by virtue of an order of the acting Landdrost of Harrismith, as Commissioner of the Circuit Court (in chambers) granted on the 15th February, 1865, was passed under compulsory sequestration and at the same time the undersigned was appointed as provisional Trustee in said estate. I herewith give notice to all whom it may or shall concern, to make no payment to, nor receive any from, the said John ANDREWS, all such payments from this date being null and void and will be considered as being of no value.
James M. HOWELL, Provisional Trustee in the Estate John ANDREWS at Bethlehem. Harrismith, 15 February, 1865

The case in which the public took by far the greatest interest was that of Vicar BRAYHIRST, charged with Falsity, in having purchased certain goods under pretense that he had received the authority of Mr. ARCHBELL to use his name as security. The respectability of the accused, his large business connections, and the character of offence combined to arouse special interest in the result. And the result was what we must always desire where a respectable man is concerned - a complete breakdown of the case. We are informed that the Attorney-General himself admitted that the prosecuting evidence was so contradictory that he could not expect a jury to convict upon it; while Mr. Adv. CROOKE, who appeared for prisoner, expressed his disappointment that the matter had not gone to trial, being, as he intimated, quite prepared to triumphantly establish the reputation of the accused. – Natal Courier, Jan 25


Mrs. WYMAN, wife of a respectable artisan in this town, was found dead on Saturday last. It is assumed that she committed suicide while under mental aberration.

On Monday the body of Mr. WRIGHT, one of the principal actors of the Port Elizabeth theatre, was washed up near Zwartkops. WRIGHT was a man of very intemperate habits, and had recently been hissed off the stage for not appearing in a correct manner. It seems that this must have preyed on is mind, but whether his death by drowning was the result of suicide or of an accident is a matter which will never be known, probably in this world. Five years ago, and no man’s prospects were brighter than his. Well educated, intelligent, and of good address, he was one of those men who would, as the saying is “get on anywhere” But liquor was his deadly issue, and his early fate in so awful a manner is very much to be deplored.

De ondergeteekende in hunne betrekking als Executeuren in den boedel van den WelEdele Heer Hermanus Wilhelmus WESSELS, en nagelatene Wed. Hester Jacomina MARAIS, zullen per publieke vendutie laten verkopen op Dinsdag en Woesdag den 14 en 15 Maart, 1865 op de plaats “Kalkfontein”, Distict Winburg alle de tot den boedel behoorende vaste en losse goederen.
1. De fraajie welbekende vruchtbare zaai en uitmuntende veeplaats Kalkfontein, gelegen een en een half uur van Winburg.
2. De Welbekende en zeer uitmuntende veeplaats Zoutfontein, gelegen een half uur van Winburg.
3. De Uitgestrekte vee plaats Klerkskraal, gelegen aan de Zandrivier, vyf uren van Winburg.
4. Een huis en erf op het dorp Winburg
Levene have:
Beesten, waaronder twee span goed gedresseerde trek ossen zyn, Ry en trekpaarden, aanteelpaarden, wol gevene schapen.
Aandeelen in Bloemfontein Bank, Ossenwagens, paardewagen, veerkar, paardehaar stoelen, sofa en ronde tafel, Ledikanten en katels, veere beddens en mattrassen, stoelen, tafels, kisten, kasten, potten en pannen, porselein, glas, en aardewerk, ploegen, graven, pikken.
En wat nog meer ten dage der verkooping zullen worden verkocht te veel om te melden
Alsmede, 15 mudden Gerst en eene hoeveelheid haver gewen.
Ruim Crediet zal gegeven worden
J.W. WESSELS, J.W. LOUW, Executeuren.
Kalkfontein, district Winburg, den 24 January, 1865
P.S. De verkooping zal des morgens precies ten 10 ure beginnen. Ververschsingen zulen verschaft worden.

Friday, 3 March, 1865

In den boedel van wylen A.J.van WIJK op Touwfontein, district Fauresmith. Zy, die iets te vorderen hebben uit of verschuldigd zyn aan bovengemelden boedel, worden verzocht hunne vorderingen in te bveren of betalingen te doen, binnen zes weken van heden ten kantore der ondergeteekende.
Fauresmith, 4 February,1865

MARRIED on the 28th of February, by the Rev. A.A. LOUW, of Fauresmith, B.O. KELLNER, M.dd., to Miss W.C.M. OELRICH, daughter of H. OELRICH, of Fauresmith. – No cards.

Friday, 10 March, 1865

MARRIED at Wakkerstroom, district Fauresmith, by the Rev. A.A. LOUW, Mrs M. HEEFER, widow of the late Jan Coenraad HEEFER to Johannes MEINTJIES Esq., of Verregelegen, district Richmond – No Cards.


Mr. MILLER, together with his wife, sustained a very severe accident last week. They were driving down Russell road in the afternoon in a spider, with one horse. The bit broke, and the animal bolted, the spider was capsized, and Mr. and Mrs. MILLER were violently thrown out on to the stoep of Street & Company’s premises. They have both sustained injuries, but are, I believe, progressing favorable. Mr. MILLER is, as many of your readers are aware, the colonial manage of the London and South African Bank.

In den boedel van wyle Alida Johanna van de LINDE
De ondergeteekende is door den executeuren in bovengemelen boedel begunstigd met instruction, by publieke opveiling op de plaats “Donkerpoort” Veldkornetschap Bovenmodderrivier, aan te bieden op Dinsdag, den 28sten Maart 1865.
Schapen, bokken, aanteelbeesten, ossewagen en een spanossen, nieuwen bokwagen.
Alsmede eene Hoeveelheid huisraad, en wat meer op den tyd der verkooping zal aangeboden worden
De Verkoop te beginnen des voormiddags ten 10 ure.
Thos. WEBSTER, Afslager.
Reddersburg, 24 February, 1865

De ondergeteekende, behoorlyk aangesteld zynde al Curator van den insolveten boedel van Frederik Carl Ludwig von GRASSOW, geeft hiermede kennis, dat de derde byeenkomst van crediteuren in gezegden boedel zal plaats hebben ten overstain van den Landdrost van het district Philippolis, te Philippolis den 7 dag van April 1865, te 10 ure in den voormiddag, te worden geboeden tot bewys van schuldden en tot het ontvangen van het rapport van den curator.
Debiteuren nomen tevens kennis, dat hun debits zonder verwyl moet vereffend worden, by den ondergeteekende, dewyl goene verdure kennisgeving zal gegeven worden en degenen in gebreken blyvende, volgens wet zulke worden behandeld
Carl C. MATHEY, Eenige Curator.
Philippolis, 20 February, 1865

Friday, 17 March, 1865

BIRTH at Fauresmith, on the 9th of March 1865, Mrs. P.E. FAURE, of a daughter

Friday, 24 March, 1865

If a certain cart left in my possession by John Sebastian LEIHBRANDT be not released within (14) fourteen days from date of publication, and expenses paid, it will be sold to defray the same.
Smithfield, March 4th, 1865

De ondergeteekende Gertruida PRETORIUS geboren BRITZ, maakt met dezen bekend, dat zy worden gesproken heft van de Heeren Samuel SMIT en zyn twee zoonen, Gideon en Samuel SMIT, waarmede de eer en hun karakter benadeeld wordt, en dat het haar leed is deze worden gesproken te hebben, terwyl zy niet andere kan zeggen, als dat de genoemde Heeren eerlyke en brave personen zyn.
Gertruida PRETORIUS.
Flotgat, Modderrivier,
District Boshof,
4den February, 1865

OVERLEDEN op de plaats Douglasvalley, op 26 February, 1865, Anna Susanna Maria, in de ouderdom van 13 jaren, 8 maanden en 10 dagen, tweede dochter van Willem Christiaan BOUWER en zyn echtgenoot Susana Sophia BOUWER, geboren van ROOYEN

Friday, 14 April, 1865

In den boedel van wylen Jeanetta CRAFFORD geboren le GRANGE
De ondergeteekende door den executeuren, in bovengemelden boedel daartoe gelaat, zal by publieke veiling verkoopen op de plaats Rietfontein, veldkornetschad Willem SMIT, district Boshof, op Dinsdag den 2den Mei, 1865,
Ossen en beesten, Paarden, Schapen en bokken, Ossewagens, Wagen op veeren, Kar, Legger brandewijn, Ploeg, Huisraad, enz., enz., te veel om te melden.
De welbekende uitmuntende-veeplaats de Zoutpan, gelegen aan Vaalrivier, district Boshof.
Watererf No 202, Gelegen aan de Kerkplein te Boshof, met daaropstaande fraai gehouw gesckt voor een winkel.
Watererf No. 203, Grenzende aan voormelde Erf No 202.
En wat meer zal op den tyd der vorkooping aangeboen worden.
De verkooping te beginnen es voormiddags ten 10 ure.
George ISRAEL, Afslager.
Boshof, 10 April, 1865


N. SCHEEPERS vs. John HISCOCK - £75 damages for defamation.
In this case the summons was at variance with the declaration, and the words, spoken in English, were incorrectly translated into Dutch, also neither the place where, or the persons in whose presence the alleged defamatory words were uttered and spoken were inserted in the pleadings. Exceptions to these deficiencies were taken, but overruled by the court, and the case ordered to be proceeded with.
For the plaintiff three Dutch boers swore that the defendant had in their presence uttered to, of, and concerning the plaintiff the following defamatory words in relation to a dispute between the plaintiff and defendant concerning some sheep ewes, - “You have robbed me of it”
Messrs. E. WULFF and Mr. DAVIES, who both understand the English language perfectly, proved clearly that the words used on the above occasion were not connected with the dispute about the ewes, but referred to certain lambs given by defendant’s clerk to the plaintiff, upon the information of which defendant said:” I consider myself robbed.”
Jonas, a civilized native, gave evidence to the effect that the plaintiff had endeavored to intimidate him from speaking the truth with regards to the sheep ewes in dispute between the plaintiff and defendant.
Judgement:- The defendant to pay £10 to the church, £10 to a widow at Windburg, and the costs. Appeal noted.

Frans du PLESSIS, his sister-in-law, assisted by her husband, for libel, the defendant having by letter addressed by her to plaintiff, charged him with stealing some “cooksels” of potatoes, her and her husband’s property. Damaged laid at £75. Plaintiff by Mr. Advocate de la FALLE, defendant by Mr. STUART. Defendant expected to the summons and action on the ground of “verjaring,” the alleged libel having been written and sent more than one year and six weeks before the process was instituted and for proof put in the libel, the letter of demand and the summons from which it clearly was shown that the time required by law in which actions for libel must be instituted had expired. Exception overruled.
For the plaintiff, Joseph du PLESSIS: I am brother-in-law to plaintiff and defendant; defendant several times used potatoes belonging to plaintiff, and I helped to eat them.
The plaintiff here withdrew his case.
A further report of other cases next week

This well-known and much respected Dutch farmer, who has for many years resided at Hex River, about half way between this town and Smithfield, died we understand, on his farm on Saturday last. Deceased was justly classed among the patriarchs of the emigrant farmers, he having left the colony, we believe, among the first trekkers. He at once hired a farm from a Griqua subject, and has continued ever since to reside on or near the spot where he ended his days. The late Mr. V took a leading part in the establishment of the Separatist Church of the Rev. Mr. BEYER, and founding of the village of Reddersburg. For a series of years previous to the existence of Reddersburg, most travelers from Bloemfontein to Smithfield put up, it will be remembered, at his (Mr. VENTER’s) house, and were provided with a bed and hospitably entertained free of charge, so that there are, we think, but few old residents who will not hear of his (Mr. VENTER’s) death with regret.

Friday, 21 April, 1865

By Special licence, at Potchefstroom, S.A. Republic, on the 5th April 1865, by the Revd. D.v.d. HOFF, A.J. MUNNICH, Esq., to Miss C.E.M.J. ROUSSEAU, eldest daughter of the late F.D. ROUSSEAU, Esq.

Friday, 28 April, 1865

Van Zuringkrans, district Winburg. De ondergeteekende aangesteld zynd als provisionele curator in bovengemelde boedel, maakt bekend, dat al degenen die iets verschuldigd zyn aan voorzegden boedel, dit dadelyk; moeten betalen, daar anders regterlyke stappen tegen hen zullen worden genomen worden
Arch. W. BRANDON, Provisionele Curator.
Zuringkrans, Zandrivier, 21 April 1865

BIRTH at Potchefstrrom, South African Republic, on the 13th April, Mrs Fredk. [JEFFE] of a daughter

BIRTH at Sand River, on the 17th April, 1865, Mrs John HISCOCK, of a daughter

Met de post 13 January, 1865, is door de ondergetekende aan den heer H KLIJNVELD, Generaal Agent te Heielberg, district Bethulie, een brief verzonden met schuldbewys aan Andries BOTHA aan P.A. PIENAAR, groot Rds 2000, dd 18 September, 1860, gemerkt no. A399. Deze brief met dit bewys niet te regt gekomen zynde, wordt ieder, die daaromtrent eenig narigt kan geven, verzocht zulke te doen aan die heer KLIJNVELD of aan den ondertekeende, terwyl een iegelyk gewaarschuwd wordt van gezeegd bewys op gene wyze hoegenaand gebruik te maken.
H.A.L. HAMELBERG, Advocaat.
Bloemfontein, 3 April, 1865


It is really very sad to experience so constantly, that foreign creditors have no chance whatever with a scamp of a debtor in this state; such a one can always with impunity defeat his creditors. No wonder that our credit is going to the dogs in the neighbouring states.
Mr. A. NEWTON, after alienating property to a considerable amount and being known according to the affidavit of Mr. Jan FICK, to be in the possession of a large amount of money – hundreds of pounds – is now at Molappo’s, safe, of course, to escape the charges of assault on the sheriff of Winburg, selling gun powder, fraud, &c., preferred against him, for which ere now he ought to have been secured. This state of things is not owing to a corrupt community, for fortunately honest men predominate here, but to a few who set our laws at defiance, and it would appear that this country has no power, or if it has, no inclination, to punish a fraudulent debtor, a very bad state of things.


To my surprise I find in the Goverenements Courant that “W.G. TEMPELHOF is placed under sequestration” not his estate. I fear the Boedelmeester will get into a scrape with the ladies if he sequestrates their husbands.

It is rumoured that Mr. A. ROSCHER, pont holder on Vaal River – who, I dare say is well known to many of your Free State readers – is drowned. The pont it is stated, sunk and three kaffirs who were assisting in working the same tried to save themselves by clinging to their master, and thus caused his and their own death.

Friday, 12 May, 1865

Wordt bekenkgemaakt, dat het de Almagtige bescikker van lever en dood behaagd heft om op den 18 April jl., door den dood my te ontnemen my echtegenoot Jacoba Aletta de KOCK, geboren BOSHOF, in den ouderdom van slechts 31 jaren 4 maanden en 4 dagen, my nalatende acht kinderen om haar smartelyk verlies te betreuren.
J. de KOCK.
Harrismith, den 1 Mei, 1865

Degenen, die schuldig zyn aan den insolventen boedel van Jan Josephus SMOOK, de oude, worden verzecht om hunne rekeningen binnen de tyd van een maand te vereffenen, of geregsmiddls zullen genomen worden om dezelve in te vorderen.
Geo. ISRAEL, Eenige curator.
Boshof, 6den Mei, 1865

In den boedel van wylen den Heer Andries Albertus VENTER.
Al degene die iets te vorderen hebben van – of verschuldigd zyn aan boeven genoemde boedel worden verzocht hunne rekeningen in te zenden of hunne schulden op te geven en te betalen binnen drie maanden ven af dezen datum.
Johanna Catharina VENTER, Executrice Testamentair.
Reddersburg, 10 Mei, 1865

Friday, 26 May, 1865

DIED at Cradock,on 17th instant, from bronchitis, after a short illness, Mr. William DISTIN, aged 33 years

DIED at Reddersburg, on the 17th May, 1865, Mr. John Price TURNER, Professor of Music, aged 55 years, 6 months, and 7 days. Much regretted by all who knew him.
Reddersburg, 23rd May, 1865

Friday, 2 June, 1865

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, O.F.S., on the 30th May, 1865, Mrs. C.J.G. KRAUSE, of a daughter

Reddersburg, 23rd May, 1865
Mr. J.P. TURNER died here last week very suddenly. He was apparently in good health, and left the house of Mr. WITSTIN and walked in the direction of Mr. MEYERS’ shop, speaking to all that spoke to him, when suddenly he stopped and dropped a lifeless corpse on the ground. Dr. L. was at his side 2 minutes after, but all was over. He was interred the following day, and was followed to his last resting place by the most respectable of our townsmen, but no Doppers or Dutch, as they were prevented by an order from their highly-respected lord and master, Rev. BEIJER, he having compared or rather wished to instil into our minds that he (TURNER) was only entitled to an asses’ funeral, as was ordered by God to King Jehoiakim, as is written in the 22nd chap. of Jeremiah 18 and 19 vs. So you will see what a kind-thinking, and charitable-minded minister we have here, in fact he was going to prevent us burying him (TURNER) in the graveyard, but he thought better of it. His only reason for all this and for having thus passed sentence upon the unfortunate man was, that he was drinking a little before his death. On hearing of his death he remarked that “in one word, he is gone from here to hell,” This he told a respectable inhabitant of this town. Is such a speech, I would ask, in accordance with the Divine command: “Judge not” etc.

Friday, 16 June, 1865

We are glad to learn that this cowardly and mendacious rascal has been handed over by the authorities at Coleburg to the land-drost of Philippolis to be dealt with according to his deserts.

John DRURY, of Zoutpansdrift, district of Jacobsdal, has committed suicide by shooting himself. No cause is as signed for the commission of the rash act. He has, it is said left no one in charge of his property. A meeting of next of kin and creditors is fixed to take place on 29h inst., at the Landdrost’s office, Jacobsdal.

In den boedel van wylen Wijnand SMIT
Zij die iets te vorderen hebben uit of veschuldigd zyn aan bovengemelden boedel, worden versocht hunne vorderingen in te leveren of betallingen te doen, binnen zes weken van heden, ten kantore des ondergeteekenden
Geo. ISRAEL, qq.
Boshof, 6 Juny, 1865

A vagabond, calling himself COROY, and professing to be a carpenter, is suspected of having stolen a horse from my farm “Wonderkop” on Modder River. The above reward will be given to anyone who will recover the horse and bring the same to Bain’s Vley, and lodge the scoundrel in the nearest jail.
Description of horse: - A strong-built black pony about 14 hands high with star, one white hind foot, and marks of sore back.
Description of vagabond: - A thick-set Irishman, about 5 feet 5 inches high, slightly grey, with some of his front teeth out, speaks with a strong Milesian brogue, had on dirty cord trowsers, dirty white jacket, common blue striped shirt, veld schoens, and old jim-crow hat – extremely lousy.
Andrew H. BAIN Bain’s Vley,
14th June 1865
[Transcriber’s Note: In 23rd June edition the reward has increased to £5]

Friday, 23 June, 1865

From the Transvaal we learn of the death of the Rev. McKIDD, from fever, and that Mr. HOFMEYER had been ill of the same disease, but recovering.

Mr. WILMA has come in from Lohmann’s hotel (the farm of D. GROBBLER) half-way between here and Winburg, with the intelligence that a farmer named VERSTER and his wife, while sleeping in a wagon about half an hour from that place, in the Keerom direction had been murdered by Basutos, their cattle stolen, and the Hottentot servant stabbed with an assegai through the upper part of the thigh.

Friday, 30 June, 1865

DIED at Bloemfontein, on Wednesday, 28th inst., Alfred HARRIES, sixth son of the late Essex HARRIES, Esq., aged 5 years.

From Cronstadt, we regret to learn that the following burghers have lost their lives by the hands of our savage foe, particulars not yet given:-
STEENKAMP, J. LUTTIG and son, H. NIEWENHUIZEN’s son, A.S. CILLIERS, H.BOTES, BEUKES and son, BOTHA’s son, and 21 coloured servants.
Six houses were at same time burnt in that district, viz : Those of BRUIN, J. BEUKES, D. BASSON, A. CILLIERS, Daniel MALAN, W.PRINSLOO
Great fears are entertained in that district of a second attack, but it is hoped that the assistance now confidently expected from the Transvaal will arrive in time to put a stop to any further movements of the enemy in that quarter.

These are the times to see what men are made of. On Thursday (yesterday) afternoon the cashier of the Bloemfontein Bank, Mr. I.J. de VILLIERS J.N. son, quietly took his departure in the absence of his clerk Mr. BRUNT who was and still is out on duty with the Rangers, and left the bank to take care of itself. Mr. de VILLIERS it is said, did not think it necessary to get permission either of the field-cornet or of the bank director before taking his leave.

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