The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1865 1 July - December
Friday, 14 July, 1865
DEPARTED THIS LIFE, at the farm Twyfel Fontein, district Smithfield, on the 21st June, Hugo STEGMANN, of Claremont, near Cape Town.
July 6th, 1865
Friday, 21 July, 1865
The undersigned hereby cautions all persons from giving credit to his run-away son, Sampson DANIEL, as he will not be responsible for any debts that he may contract.
July 6th, 1865
Friday, 28 July, 1865
RAPPORT van gepleegde moorden door Maketeesch Kaffirs tusschen Harrismith en Drakensberg, op Pieter PRETORIUS, Jan PRETORIUS, Albertus PRETORIUS, Koos PRETORIUS en Andries SMIT, in den morgen van 27 Junij II.
Friday, 4 August, 1865
Wordt hiermede bekend gemaakt dat het den Almagtigen God hehaagd heeft, van dit naar het eeuwige leven weg te nemen onze lieve moeder, Johanna Elizabeth CRONJE, weduwee van wylen A. CRONJE, geboren van COLLER.
Namens de kinderen, J.A. CRONJE.
Winburg, 27sten July, 1865
Friday, 11 August, 1865
In den boedel van wijle Elizabeth Susanna WESSELS, echtgenoote van Barend Johannes Swart WESSELS
Al degeen, die iets te vorderen hebben van of versculdigd zijn aan bovengemelden boedel, worden verzocht hunne rekeningen in te zenden of hunne schulden op te geven en te betalen ten kantore van de heeren ORPEN & HODGSON te Smithfield, op of voor den 30sten September, 1865.
Namens den Executeur Datief, B.J. Swart WESSELS,
31 Julij, 1865
Nademaal, Jacobus Herculas de la RAY zonder testament is overleden: Zoo worden alle belanghebbende nabestaanden alsmede crediteuren opgeroepen te verschysen ten Landdrostkantore te Boshof ten einde alsdaar op Donderdag den31 Augustus 1865 een of meer executeuren te kiezen om den boedel te administreren.
C. V.D. van SOELEN, Weesheer, O.V.S.
Weeskamer, Bloemfontein.
2 Augustus 1865
De executeur testamentair in den boedel van wylen Johanna Maria van der LINDE, maakt mits deze bekend, dat door hem eene rekening van administratie en distributie is gelegd ten kantore van den meester der Weeskamer, en daar zal liggen zes weken van de publicatie dezes, ter inzage van belarghebbenden.
Fauresmith, 27 July 1865
Mr. John ALDRED – It is our painful duty to announce the death of the above gentleman which sad event took place here at an early hour on Sunday morning last. Mr. ALDRED had from the time of his arrival here and we believe for some years previously, been suffering from consumption, which painful and insidious disease at length carried him off. Mr. A. was an able bookkeeper and accountant, and was much respected and esteemed by all who knew him. His remains were followed to their last resting place on Sunday afternoon by nearly the whole male population of the town, the burial service being performed by the Bishop of the diocese the Rt. Rev. Dr. TWELLS, who likewise delivered a very able and appropriate address on the occasion.
DIED at Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, on the 6th August, 1865. Mr. John ALDRED, late of Manchester, England, aged 40 years
DIED at Potchefstroom, on Monday,24th July, 1865, Emily Martha, aged 1 year and 9 days, second and only surviving daughter of Mr. James EVANS.
Friday, 25 August, 1865
I, the undersigned, Philip R MEYER, feel it a debt I owe to the honor and good name of my wife’s sister Jacomina Adriana FERREIRA and my step daughter Cornelia Geertruida SWART, publicly to make known that it has been proved that the accusation brought by Joseph de KOCK of this place, of their having stolen from his store a belt, on the 3rd inst., is altogether false and unwarranted. Joseph de KOCK found on investigation that he himself had put away the said belt. The treatment thus displayed towards orphans is certainly Christian like and a recommendation for Joseph de KOCK.
Philip R, MEYER.
Kroonstad, 11 August 1865
DIED on the [?]th inst., of wounds received in action on the 15th, before Thabo Bosigo, Basutold. Wilhelm HOEVELS, of Bons, Prussia, aged [31] years. Deeply regretted by all who knew him.
DIED at Thaba Bosigo, Basutoland, on 15th inst., from a gunshot wound, received in action, which caused instant death, Sampson James DANIEL, aged 19 years and 2 days, eldest son of F & L DANIEL, deeply regretted
24th August, 1865
Met diep leedgevoel vermelden wij hier die namen der Dapperen, die voor Thaba Bosigo hun bloed offer den en gewond werden.
Comdt. Louw WIPENER, van Bethulie
Jacobus STOLZ, van Bloemfontein
Wilhelm HOEVELS, Kroonstad
Gert JOUBERT, do
Dorus van EEDE, do
Adam RAUBENHEIMER, Vrijwilliger van Somerset Oost, Kaapkolonie
Johannes DRIJ, Smithfield
Comdt VENTER, Bethulie, gevaarlijk
Willem SMIT, gevaarlijk
George HUDSON, Bethulie, gevaarlijk
BARRINGTON, Fauresmith, gevaarlijk
J.M. HOWELL, Winburg, zwaar gewond
Thomas WEBSTER, Reddersburg, vinger afgeschuten.
5 der geallieerde Baralongs door kogels en assegaaijen gewond
Een groot aantal anderen bekwamen kneuzingen en ligte wonden op den berg, doch zijn nu horstellende.
Friday, 1 September, 1865
OVERLEDEN te Fauresmith op Zaturdag den 19 dezer, Elizabeth Deborah, in den ouderdom van 12 maanden en 28 dagen. Jongst kind van Daniel OLTHOFF en Elizabeth M.J. OLTHOFF, geboren ROSSOUW
29 Augustus 1865
Friday, 8 September, 1865
BIRTH at Boshof, on the 3rd September, 1865 Mrs. J.S. GAUM, of a son
Ons dochterje Martha Jacoba, over welker geboorte wy ons den 14 dezer zoo innig verheugden, werd op heden tot onzer bittere droefheid door den dood weder van ons genomen.
Kroonstad, den 29sten Augustus, 1865
Alas, poor WIPENER! Well, he has died as a brave commander should die, at the head of his burghers, daring the death staring him in the face. Peace to his [manes], and all honor to his memory! A more cool, determined man I never knew. But a few minutes before he received his mortal wound, I said to him:- “Commandant, we are storming the most difficult and dangerous pass of the mountain-- I know them all.” But he quelled not, and marched to the front cool and collected as one who knew not danger – and there died, in his country’s service. And will it not perpetuate its gallant warrior’s memory? I trust that ere long a marble tablet will be hung in your church inscribed with his deeds.
And poor HOEVELS, too. What but chivalry of the highest order induced him, voluntarily as he did, to throw away his life! DANIEL also a boy, just tasting the sweets of life, too young to die! STOLTS of the town Winburg, he too fell for his country, leaving a large family unprovided for! RAUBENHEIMER, who came to fight our battle, and found his grave! The others too, shall not their memories live? And what shall be said of the large number of skulking cowards who – instead of joining the advance, only 56 in number – hid behind stones? What of those on the plain below who came not to their sore-pressed comrades’ assistance, although entreated thereto; and stood with folded arms and quaking hearts? History shall record their infamy. J.M.H.
Murder of Mr. John ANDREWS, six deaths in the Bethlehem Lager from Fever.
Bethlehem, 27th Aug, 1865
I have to communicate to you the melancholy intelligence of another dastardly murder committed near this place by Kaffirs upon the person of Mr. John ANDREWS, of this village. He went from this on the morning of 24th inst., in company with Mr. MEETS, in search of some horses which had been seen; he and Mr. M. were returning home, when they saw a mare and foal. They accordingly rode over to them, when some Kaffirs, who were hidden among the reeds, threw assegai, which struck ANDREWS in the back. He (AnNDREWS) at once pulled it out, jumped off his horse and fired two barrels at the Kaffirs, who were fast closing in on him but without effect. The Kaffirs then surrounded and murdered him. Mr. MEETS fired and killed one Kaffir, and succeeded in reaching this place in a most miraculous manner. In the afternoon I went out with 3 Europeans and 5 Natives and brought in the body to be interred here, which was done on the morning of the 26th inst.
NADEMAAL voor mij, Robert MacFARLANE, fung. Residentvrederegter van Bethlehem, informatie is ingebragt onder eede van Joseph Arthur MONTGOMER, dat Julius FLEISCHMANN op den 8sten dag van Augustus gepleegd heeft de misdaad van diefstal van twee paarden, en wel een bruin paard en een driejarig vaal schimmelpaard met bles, uit het dorpsveld van Harrismith, heeft weggenomen.
Zoe is het, dat gij in naam van het Gouvernement gelaat wordt dadelijk op ontvangst dezes de genoemde Julius FLEISCHMANN te apprehenderen en te brengen, of te doen apprehendren en te bregen voor mij ten einde te worden onderzocht en te antwoorden op de gemelde informatie, en voorts naar regten te worden behandeld.
Gegezen onder mijne hand te Bethlehem, den 20sten dag van Augustus, 1865
Robert MacFARLANE, Fung. Residentsvrederegter.
Signalement van Julius FLEISCHMANN: Duitser van geboorte, groot ongeveer 6 voet 2 duim, blond haar en blond knevels, gekleed in een matrozen duff’d en lederen pet. Vroeger in dienst van den heer SCHULZ, hotelhouder te Bloemfontein, zegt te komen van Wakkerstroom.
Het is een donker bruin rypaard, oud zeer Rug, kaal aan beide zyden. R.M.
De Executeur-Datief in den boedel van wylen Martha Johanna Margaretha van ROOIJEN en nagelaten echtgenoot Wessel Jacobus WESSELS, maakt met dezen bekend, dat eene rekening van Administratie en Distributie ter insage van belanghebbeneden ligt ten kantore van den Weesheer te Bloemfontein en van den Landdrost te Harrismith voor den tyd van zes weken na publicatie dezes.
H.O. DREYER, qq.
Harrismith, 22 Augustus, 1865
Friday, 15 September, 1865
OVERLEDEN op den 15den Augustus, 1865, sneuvelde bij de bestorming van Thaba Bosigo, mijn geliefde echtegenoot Lourens Jacobus WEPENER, Kommandant bij het lager van [?] Oranjevrystaat, in den ouderdom van ruim 53 jaar, diep betreurd door mij, zijne kinderen en behuwdkinderen,
Wij allen verliezen veel in hem, doch de overtuiging, dat de dierebare overledene in de vervulling zijner pligt als burger van ons is weggenomen, is voor ons eene troestrijke en bemoedigende gedachte.
Bethulie, 1 Sept., 1865
Aan familie en vrienden wordt bekend gemaakt dat het den Almagtige belangd heeft tot zich te nemen myne toedergeliefde echtenoot P.M. RAUTENBACH, Sr., in den ouderdom van 52 jaren, 1 maand, en 1 dag, my met 14 kinderen unlatende om dit onherstelbaar verlies te betreuren.
Op 24sten Augustus ll terwyl hy bezig was eenige Basutoroovers op te spoor naby het lager aan Zandrivier, district Winburg, tref hem een vyandelyke kogel vlak onder het oog, zoodat hy oogenblikkelyk overleed.
Onverwachts betrof my deze sware beproeving des Heeren ik onderwerp my nogtans swygende de Hand te kussen dis my geslagen heeft.
Winburg, 11 September, 1865
I have observed in the number of the 25th August by your “Own Correspondent,” the names of the men who distinguished themselves at Thaba Bosigo on the 15th August. Why does your “Own Correspondent” mention amongst them the names of some men who never climbed the mountains, but sat by the missionary’s house and drank wine? Why did he not take the trouble to gather the names of Christiaan GEIJER, John SPRUCE, Wm. CHAPMAN, Carl EBORLEIN, Jan GREYLING, J.M. HOWELL, Piet JOOSTE, Johannes SWART, Philip KOTZE, and others, who according to my personal observation fought equally as well as George REED, Louis KOTZEE, Owen, C. MATHEY, van BREDA, FRAZER and others?
By-the-bye I was told that WEBSTER, who is indeed one of our bravest men, said that the papers would insist on making a hero of him.
Still one thing before I close. Let correspondents from Bloemfontein, Winburg, or any where else, not seek to laud their own bravery at the expense of the Bastardlanders, or let them first prove themselves superior to the latter. Self-praise stinks miserably. Of all your correspondents, I believe that HOWELL is the most reliable.
I would just remark in closing that John HORSEPOOL, who was reported dead in your last issue, is still living, through in a very weak state. It was very wrong to mention his name amongst the dead.
You will probably hear from me again. Tot Wider Zienn.
BIRTH at Cronstadt on the 5th September, 1865 Mrs. H.J. MORKEL, of a daughter.
Cronstadt, 7th September, 1865
DIED near Bethlehem, on Thursday, 24th August, 1865, Mr. John ANDREWS, aged [48] years. Deceased was murdered by Basutos while riding in the veld. He has left a large family to mourn their loss.
Bethlehem, 2nd September, 1865
Daar mijne huisvrouw Johanna Katharina HOLLOWAY, geboren KOORSE, mijn huis heeft verlaten sedert 24 August ll., zoo zij een ieder hierbij gewaarschuwd, dat ik niet verantwoordelijk zal zijn voor eenige schulden, die zij mogt aangaan van af dezen datum.
Vaalrivier, 28 August, 1865
Friday, 22 September, 1865
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on 17th inst., Mrs. E NIEMSTES, of a daughter
MARRIED on Monday, September 18th, 1865 at St. Andrew’s temporary Church, Bloemfontein, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, Mr. Charles DALY, of Bloemfontein, to Harriet J. RORICH, of Roodewal. - No Cards.
……. From one or two burghers who have recently returned home on sick leave, the report of the attack on the camp by MOLAPPO’s men at 3 o’clock on the morning of Monday, 11th inst., has been confirmed. It will be remembered that one VENTER was reported to have been killed and four of our men wounded. We now learn that the VENTER killed was one of the Mostert’s Hoek family of that name, and three of the wounded men are – Mr. CHATFIELD, cousin of K. CHAPMAN, Esq., of Quagga Fontein, near this town; Mr. B. BOUWER, brother of Mr. W.C. BOUWER, of Douglas Valley, near Bloemfontein: Mr. A. COETZEE, of Kafir River ward: the name of the fourth we have not yet heard. The three above mentioned are, we regret to add, said to be severely wounded, especially COETZEE, who was not expected to survive. They were stabbed with assegais while lying in the tent. The report at first received here that the men of MOLAPPO actually forced their way through our lines, ascended the mountain, and had thus strengthened MOSHESH’s garrison, fortunately proves to be foundation… ….. It is said that the Bloemfontein Rangers under Capt. HANGER were instrumental in repelling the attack, and ultimately driving off the enemy.
Friday, 29 September, 1865
BIRTH at Cronstadt on the 5th September, 1865, Mrs H.J. MORKEL of daughter.
Cronstadt, 7th September, 1865
BIRTH at Winburg, on 21st Inst., the wife of Mr. Hx. Van BROEKHUISEN, of a daughter
Voorspoedig bevallen van eene welgeschapen dochter op heden Mejufvrouw E. S. BORNMAN, geliefde echtgenoote van Hx. Van BREKHUIZEN.
Winburg, 21 September, 1865
Friday, 13 October, 1865
OVERLEDEN te Vlakfontein, den 12den Sept ll. mijn geliefde echtgenoot Hendrik Christiaan KOTZÉ, zoon van Hendrik Christiaan KOTZÉ en van Catharina Maria van HEERDEN, in den ouderdom van 40 jaren, 5 maanden en 22 dagen, mij met drie onmoedige kinderen in de grootste droefheid achter-latende
Allen, dis den overledene gekend hebben, zullen met mij kunnen getigen, dat zijn leven van zijn zestiende jaar af Christus was, en zoo troost ik mij met de hoop, dat het sternes hom gewin zal wezen.
Wed. H.C. KOTZÉ jun., Geb. JANSE.
Vlakfontein, district Fauresmith, 4 October, 1865
Transvaal Commando
Night attack on Transvaal lager by MOLAPPO’s Zulus, - Five boers killed and ten wounded, - On the side of the enemy 17 killed, and several wounded, - Gallant repulse by the boers. Bethlehem, 29th Sept., 1865
…… By the footprints about the camp, and the swarms of Kaffirs seen in the dark, they could not possibly have numbered 2000. As soon as daylight appeared we began making a search through the camp for killed and wounded on both sides, when to our deep regret we found that Messrs. Edzard RUSSOW, Piet de BEER, Gert BROODRIJK, Michael HENN and Jan MINNAAR had fallen victims to assegais of the savage Kaffirs and that Messrs. Joschim KOEKEMOER, Hendrik JANSE, Paul MINNAAR, A. PRETORIUS and C. MINAAR were severely wounded; whilst Messrs. Jac, KOEKEMOER, Dirk de PLOOY, J. NAGEL, W. FOURIE and Tilman ROOS received slight wounds from the assegais of the enemy.
In den boedel van wijlen Jan Jacobus BOTES Jun.
Al degenen, die iets te vorderen hebben van af verschuldigd zijn aan genoemden boedel, worden verzocht hunne schulden o[ te geven binnen zes weken van af heden.
Gesamenlijke Executeuren Datief.
Weltevreden, District Bloemfontein,
7 October, 1865
In den boedel van wijlen Johannes Wilhelmus HAMAN.
Al degenen, die iets te vorderen hebben van af verschuldigd zijn aan genoemden boedel, worden verzocht hunne schulden o te geven binnen zes weken van af heden.
Gesamenlijke Executeuren Datief.
Weltevreden, District Bloemfontein,
7 October, 1865
Friday, 20 October, 1865
By special license, on the 13th October, 1865, by the Rev. J. ROSSITER, clergyman of Aliwal North, Mr. Joe HARVEY, Landdrost of Caledon River district, to Hannah, daughter of the late Mr. W. SARGEANT, Grahamstown
14 October, 1865 at Smithfield, the wife of Mr. C.S. OSPEN of a son.
Friday, 27 October, 1865
DIED at Potchefstrrom, South African Republic, on the 9th October, 1865, J.P. SCMIEKERLING, esq., aged 41 years, deeply regretted.
De Executeur Datief in den boedel van wylen Thomas Short CLENNELL, maakt met deze bekend dat eene rekening van distributie terinzage van belanghebbende ligt, ten kantore van der Weesheer te Bloemfontein voor den tyd van zes weken na publicatie dezes.
H.O. DREYER, Executeur Datief.
Harrismith, den 30sten Setember, 1865
Friday, 3 November, 1865
In den insolventen boedel van G.H.L. ROSA
De derde byeenkomst van dezen boedel is geadjourneerd tot den 20sten November zk., ten 10 ure des voormiddags, ten einde de rapport van de curatoren te ontvangen, en een finale resolutie zal den worden voorgesteld, ter beschikking van het verbonden eigen dommen.
H.O. DREYER, Niel J. McKECHNIE, Curatoren.
Harrismith, 20 October, 1865
Tot mijn diepe smart overleed op den 8den September, 1865 ter plaats Klipjesdam, in het district Boshof, na eene seer korte ongesteldheid, mijn geliefde echtgenoot Bernardus Christoffel GROENEWALD, in den ouderdom van 32 jaren, 5 maanden en 12 dagen, mij nalatende drie kinderen, te jong om hun verlies te beseffen.
Louisa Catharina GROENEWALD, geboren van ZIJL.
Nooitgedacht, District Boshof, Oranjevrijstaat.
Op Zondag, 22 October, 1865, overleed alhier ons geliefd jongste zoontje William Cornelis, in den ouderdom van 18 maanden, na eene siekte van slechts weinige dagen.
Bloemfontein, 27 October, 1865
Friday, 10 November, 1865
DIED at Pietermaritzburg, on the 29th of September, 1865 aged 18 days, Erasmus, only and dearly beloved son of Mr. H. S. Geo. SCHMIDT.
Friday, 17 November, 1865
Bad news from Corannaberg camp – 6 burghers and 2 coloured servants killed – a great many wounded
……………………….. It seems that the Basutos, upwards of 1000 in number, about daylight on Wednesday last, made an attack upon the camp, and killed six white men and two coloured boys, belonging to the town of Fauresmith, besides wounding many others. ……………
The names of the white men killed are – Patrick DOYLE, Richard LARGE, - ROOS, (son of ROOS, late of Bloemfontein, but at present a schoolmaster in the Winburg district) Lodewyk van der BERG, Hendrik OBERHOLSER, and John ANDERSON. The news of this sad affair arrived at Bloemfontein at 6pm of the same day on which it happened. It will be seen from Comdt. ROOS’ despatch that he had barely sufficient men to protect the lager- that he requires aid – that he is but poorly supplied with percussion caps – that a doctor is needed for the wounded – and that he anticipates a Basuto raid into the Free State.
Friday, 24 November, 1865
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, Nov, 21st, the wife of the Rev. C. CLULKE, of a son.
MOROSI was, after all, not severely wounded, as at first alleged, but merely had his ancle sprained, or dislocated, by the fall of his horse, - Mr. VOS having since visited him, and seen the extent of his injuries. From the camp of Commandant ROOS, which has fallen back from Corannaberg to Klipplaat Drift, on Leeuwspruit, within the state, we learn, that the names of the persons actually killed on the 15th inst., with the corn and wagons,near the camp, were Abram MOUTON, (son-in-law of Jan CLOETE) Christiaan MOUTON, (father of above) Frederick BECK, (a German, late waiter at Schle’s Hotel, in this town) Nicolaas ROOS, (son of a Hollander schoolmaster, formerly resident here) and Patrick DOYLE, (An Irish lad, formerly working in this place). The other four white men, at first reported as killed, or missing, managed, by creeping away under a rock, or krantz, to save their lives. The Basutos not discovering them, after all was over, they came down into the camp, to the utter amazement of their comrades.
Alle degenen, die eenige informatie kunnen geven, aangaande den persoon van John McDULING, eigenaar van het halve erf No. 9, Elizabeth-straat, te Bloemfontein, Oranjevrijstaat, worden verzocht hiervan aan den ondergeteekende kennis te geven, welke het in dank zal ontvangen.
J.J. RAAFF, Js. Bloemfontein, 17den November, 1865
Friday, 1 December, 1865
BIRTH on Sunday, 26th November, the wife of Dr. MAWBY, of a son.
In den boedel van Heinrich Gottfried RICKMANN, van George Town
Al degenen, welke sich als Crediteuren in bovengemelden boedel opgeven, worden verzocht hunne vorderingen op te gevou aan den eerste ondergeteekende aan zyn kantoor in George Town, binnen drie maanden de dato heden, en degenen die iets verschuldigd zyn in gesegden boedel moeten hunne schulden vereffenen binnen gezegden tyd aan eenige van de ondergeteekenden.
Schuldenars wonende in den Vrystaat worden verzocht byzonder op deze kennis geving acht te geven.
George Town, 12 October, 1865
In het distrikt Winterberg is voor eenige dagen geleden door eenige plakkers een gruwzame moord gepleegd op een weerloos oud man, William HINDS geheoten, een zettelaar van 1820
Friday, 8 December, 1865
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 2nd inst., Mrs. J.H. BRAND, of a daughter
At Bloemfontein, on the 5th inst., Mrs H. JORDAN, of a daughter
In den insolventen boedel van W.G. TEMPELHOF van het district Harrismith.
De laatste en finale bijeenkomst zal worden gehouden te 10 ure in den voor-middag op 12 Januarij, 1866, ten Landdrost kantore te Harrismith, ten einde over de compositie te stemmen, door den insolvent bij de derde bijeenkomst gemaakt en aangenomen.
H.O. DREYER, Curator.
Harrismith, 18 Nov., 1865
In den boedel van wijlen Maria Aletta JACOBS, geboren FOURIE, overleden te Boshof, den 10 Julij, 1864, worden bij deze opgeroepen het door hen ver schuldigde te betalen of hunne vorderingen, voorzien van behoorlijk bewijs, in te leveren binnen zes weken na heden, ten kantore van den ondergeteekende alhier.
Names den Executeur Testamentair
Boshof, 28 Nov., 1865
Friday, 15 December, 1865
MARRIED at Smithfield, on Monday, 4th December, by the Rev. P. ROUX, Rudolph Siegfried ALLEMANN, Esq., to Annie Caroline, eldest daughter of George REED, Esq.,
Sad Accident.- On the morning of Saturday last, whilst a Fauresmith burgher, named Schalk COETSEE, was busy cleaning his revolver, it went off, and shot him through the thigh. We are happy to state that the patient is out of danger. He is under the medical care of Dr. KELLNER, at the house of the sheriff, Mr. RAAFF.
Battle with 1000 of the enemy near Platberg.
Extract from a private letter dated Camp near Platberg, 9th December, 1865: -
………...At 3 pm we reached the “neck” where some of the reinforcements for whom orders had been sent, met us, and here the Kaffirs were turned back. Two of our men were wounded: Christiaan de JAGER had both knees shot through: a German NAUHAUS, received an ugly assegai wound through the right lung; and Petrus PIENAAR missing, believed to be killed as he has not turned up. I cannot praise too much the conduct of Piet SWART, who while the General and too many others thought only of saving themselves, took upon himself the command and gave orders with a great deal of precision and judgment ……………………
Let me not forget the bravery of two Boers named Stephanus LOMBARD and Daniel ANDRENS; also that of an Englishman John MEIRING, who stood their ground, returned enemy fire………….
Friday, 22 December, 1865
MARRIED at Aliwal North, by the Rev. W. ROSSITER, William Wright GREATHEAD, eldest son of the late Hon. J.H. GREATHEAD, esq., to Emily Jane, second daughter of H.J. HALSE, J.P. - No cards.
Friday, 29 December, 1865
DIED at Smithfield, on Saturday, 16th inst., Henry Sheppard Woodford, infant son of Mr. Thos. and Mary COLEMAN, aged 4 months
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