The Friend of the Sovereignty and Bloemfontein Gazette 1851 1 January - June
Monday, January 6 1851
BE IT REMEMBERED that Johannes George HERBST, of the district of Caledon River, at the suit of Susanna Elizabeth HERBST (born VABER) his wife; was duly summoned to appear before the above mentioned Circuit Court, to answer the said Susanna Elizabeth HERBST, in an action for the dissolution of the bond of marriage, now subsisting between the said plaintiff and the defendant, on the ground, and by reason of adultery, committed by the said defendant Johannes George HERBST.
And afterwards, to wit, before the said Circuit Court, comes as well as the said plaintiff, by her attorney Mr. HALSE, as the said defendant by his attorney, Mr. O’REILLY, with their witnesses.
And thereupon, and upon hearing the said parties and their witnesses, the said Court doth adjudge and decree, that the bonds of Marriage now subsisting between the plaintiff and the defendant, be dissolved as prayed, by reason of the adultery committed by the said defendant, and the said defendant be declared to have forfeited all the advantages and benefits of matrimony, and the said plaintiff Susanna Elizabeth HERBST be declared guardian of the minor children of said marriage, and be allowed, if she shall be so inclined, again to enter into the holy state of Matrimony.
(Sigd) H.J. HALSE Registrar of said Circuit Court.
The Undersigned Assignees of the Estate of Stephen WICKS, hereby give notice to all parties indebted to the above Estate, that after the 31st December instant, all unsettled accounts will be in the hands of Messrs. LOWDEN & Francis, Attornies, for immediate prosecution. J.H.O HOLMAN, R.P. MONACH, q.q. J.N. BILLINGHAM Bloemfontein 19th December 1850
Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 11th Nov 1850
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Frederick REX of Bloem Fontein, Attorney at Law, deceased, are required to take notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a meeting of the next of kin and Creditors of the deceased and surviving spouse Johanna Elizabeth BAIN, and all other whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Res’t. Magistrate and Civil Commissioner at his office at Bloem Fontein on Wednesday the 8th January 1851 at 10 o’clock etc…..
Monday, January 13 1851
PUBLIC SALE of Landed Property
In the Assigned Estate of S WICKS
On Saturday, 22nd February
The undermentioned Property in the town of Bloem Fontein, will be offered for Sale, by public auction.
Erf No 51, (on general plan) in George-street opposite the 45th Barrack, with House, Store and Premises, thereon, at present in occupation of Mr DANIEL and Mr WICKS
Erf No 52 in Douglas Street
Erf No 54 in Douglas Street
Erf No 65 in Market Square,
Erf No 74 Corner of East Burgher Street
Erf and Premises at present occupied by M Allington BUTCHER.
Water Erf, corner of George and Gordon Street, opposite side of the English Church,
Also the farm ‘Enkel Doorns’ situated on Doornspruit district of Bloem Fontein.
All Persons holding claims against the Estate of the late Frederick REX Esq of Bloem Fontein (who have not already done so) are requested to lodge their claims duly vouched in the hands of D.C. GRANT Executor Dative, within six weeks from this date to whom also those still indebted to the estate are requested to pay
Monday, January 27, 1851
British Residential Office, Bloem Fontein Jan 20th 1851
Notice is hereby given that Mr. Richard William Hoskins GIDDY has been appointed Registrar of the Court of Combined Magistrates, for the Orange River Sovereignty, vice BARGER resigned.
(Sig'd) H.D. WARDEN British Resident by order J. ALLISON, clerk
Monday, February 10, 1851
At London House on Monday 3rd of Feb., Mrs. T.S. COLLEY of a daughter. Bloem Fontein Feb., 10, 1851
Whereas upon the 5th November last John McKAY, street Constable of Colesberg, quitted that village upon a light brown horse, with saddle, bridle and has not since been heard of, and is supposed to have been drowned in crossing the Orange River, any information respecting him will be thankfully received, Should the horse have escaped and be in possession of any person, they are requested to forward the same to the undersigned who will pay all reasonable expenses. NB The horse is about 5 years old, the four feet white and white face. William Henry HAWSTONE Executor Dative, Colesburg Jan 20 1851
A special meeting of the creditors in the above estate was held on the 3rd day of September 1850, to take into consideration the disputed erven No 111 and 112, registered in the Insolvent’s name, whereat the meeting came to the unanimous decision that the erven in question do belong to the above insolvent estate and that the trustee be authorized to sell the same for the benefit of the creditors. The said erven will therefore be sold by public auction at a credit of three months on 20 February. Sale to take place at 12 o’clock in front of London House.
Thomas S COLLEY, Sole Trustee.
L.G.YOUNG, Auctioneer.
All persons holding claims against the estate of the late William WADE of Bloem Fontein, Trader, are hereby requested to lodge the same in the hands of D.C. GRANT of Bloem Fontein Attorney at Law, within one month from this date, in order that the executors nominated by the deceased in his last will and testament, accepting and acting, may as speedily as possible ascertain the true position of the affairs of the deceased, to whom likewise all those indebted are requested to account.
D.C. GRANT agent for executor Bloem Fontein, January, 10 1851
Monday, February 17, 1851
A public sale will be held on Wednesday 5th March next at the farm of the field cornet John Daniel CILLIERS, in the Wittenberg, in the district of Winburg, when will be offered three superior farms called Biddulph’s Berg, Zure Krans and Mosterd Fontein
Is hereby given that unless all debts owing to Mr. D. ARNOT’s shop at Bloemfontein, up to the end of the year 1850, be settled before the 1st day of March next, they will be handed over to an agent for collection.
Essex HARRIES, q.q.
Monday, February 24, 1851
Whereas John de la RAY the Elder and John de la RAY the younger (Jacobus’ son), both lately residing in the neighbourhood of the Vette River, in the district of Winburg, severally stand charged on oath with the crime of horse stealing, within the Orange River Sovereignty, at various times and places and whereas warrants have been issued by resident Magistrates C.U. STUART Esq and T.J. BIDDULPH Esq for their apprehension.
Notice is hereby given that a reward of five pounds each, besides reasonable expenses, will be paid for their apprehension etc………
In the estate of H. SPIERS deceased. There will be sold by auction, by order of the civil commissioner, in front of the public office, Winburg on Saturday, the 29th March, for the account and benefit of the unknown heirs of H. SPIERS; certain effects of the deceased, namely:- two riding horses, a saddle & bridle, a leather knapsack and a few articles of clothing.
Monday, March 10, 1851
British Resident Office, Bloem Fontein
Notice is hereby given that Mr. Johannes Urbadus HUMAN Esq. has been appointed member of the School Commission for the district of Winburg
(Sig’d) H.D.WARDEN
Notice is hereby given that Mr. Isaac HUGHES has this day been authorized to act as appraiser for the district of Bloem Fontein, pending the pleasure of his Excellency the High Commissioner. (Sig’d) H.D.WARDEN
The British resident having entrusted the direction of the survey of the Sovereignty to John H. FORD Esq. all the surveyors employed, are to act in conformity with his instructions in the execution of the duties allotted to them; and are to submit their work to him for examination and approval, previous to its being accepted by Government for the preparation of Title Deeds.
Monday, March 24, 1851
Notice is hereby given that I. MOROKO, chief of the Barolongs, have this day appointed Clement John FRANCIS Esq. to be agent for the above tribe.
(Signed ) MOROKO X His mark
Thaba ‘Nchu 19th March 1851
As witness J. CAMERON
Of landed property in the estate of the late N.MEYER. The undersigned being duly authorized by the executor in the above estate, will sell on Tuesday 6th May next in front of Civil Commissioners Office in Harrismith
1st: The farm known as Marais Hoek. The farm is well adapted for agriculture and is well supplied with wood and water and out to be excelled as a grazing farm
2nd: Two full erven situated in the town of Harrismith.
Sig’d John McCABE
Monday, March 31, 1851
Whereas Samuel GAINER was convicted before this court of the charges of willful perjury, but on the night of the 14th instant the said Samuel GAINER made his escape. This is to give notice to all Gaolers, Constables and Field Cornets to apprehend and bring to the nearest Jail the said Samuel GAINER, to be forwarded to this place.
P.M. BESTER Civil Commissioner Harrismith.
Monday April 7, 1851
Mr. Stephen ROWLES, storekeeper, Philippolis, having with the concurrence of a few of his larger creditors, assigned over his estate to the general behoof, to Donald Campbell GRANT Bloem Fontein, Persons holding claims against the said Stephen ROWLES are requested to lodge the same duly vouched, with the said D.C.GRANT, within six weeks after this date, to whom also, persons indebted to the estate, are requested to pay within the above mentioned period.
D.C.GRANT Assignee
Resident Magistrates Office, Harrismith, Vaal River District 22 Mar 1851
Whereas Hendrik NETMANN, formerly residing at Burgers Dorp, and lately at Harrismith, in the Vaal River district, has disappeared and not been seen or heard of for the last four weeks, about which time he was seen on the banks of the Vilge River, in a state of inebriation, the river being swollen, fears are entertained that the said Hendrik NETMANN has perished. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the relations, creditors and others interested in the affairs of the said Hendrik NETMANN, will be held before the resident magistrate at his office, Harrismith, on Thursday the 6th Day of June next at 10 O’clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of selecting and appointing some fit and proper person or persons to act as curators of the estate and property of the said Hendrik NETMANN, until the certainty of his fate shall have been fully enquired into and entertained.
P.M.BESTER Resident Magistrate, Harrismith
Resident Magistrates Office, Harrismith, Vaal River District 22 Mar 1851
The next of kin and creditors of Geo. GRAYSON deceased, are required to take notice, that a meeting will be held before the resident magistrate at his office Harrismith, on Thursday the 8th day of May next, at 10 O’clock in the forenoon, then and there to see some fit and proper person or persons selected by such magistrate, as executor or executors to the estate of the said George GRAYSON deceased.
P.M.BESTER Resident Magistrate, Harrismith
Whereas Marthienus OOSTHUISSEN lately residing at the district of Caledon River, was committed by the resident magistrate of Bloem Fontein, on a charge of violent assault, to take his trial at the ensuing session to be held at Smithfield; and whereas while permitted by the resident magistrate to seek bail amongst his friends in this town, made his escape from the constable in charge; and afterwards, being pursued by the said constable, was overtaken and captured; and afterwards taking advantage of the appearance of some of his friends, arrested a rifle from said constable (whom he threatened to shoot) and made his escape.
This is to give notice to all justices of the peace, field cornets and constables, to apprehend the said Marthienus OOSTHUISSEN; and all persons are hereby required to aid and assist the said functionaries, to apprehend and lodge in the nearest goal, the said Marthienus OOSTHUISSEN. Hector LOWEN Clerk of the Peace
Description: Height about 6 feet 3 inches – about 25 years of age – dark hair and eyes – thin beard- and ungainly gait.
Monday April 28, 1851
British Resident’s Office, Bloem Fontein 26th April 1851
Notice is hereby given that Mr. Albertus Johannes VILJOEN has been appointed field cornet for upper Riet River, district of Bloem Fontein, Orange River Sovereignty, pending the pleasure of his Excellency the high commissioner
H.D.WARDEN British Resident by order J.ALLISON Clerk
IN THE ESTATE of the late Clement John FRANCIS Esq.
Notice is hereby given that Hector LOWEN has been appointed executor dative for the purpose of settling the affairs of the deceased. All persons therefore, requested to pay the executor dative, all debts due by them to the estate and to lodge with him duly vouched, all claims against this estate.
Messrs. H. & F. HALSE have this day admitted Mr. John POULTNEY as a partner in their firm at Smithfield who will in future conduct the business at that place under the firm of Halse & Poultney
IN THE ESTATE of the late Clement John FRANCIS Esq.
Of the undermentioned movable and immovable property belonging to the above named estate, will be held at the corner of Gordon Street, Bloem Fontein on Friday the 9th of May 1851 at one O’clock pm. A large and valuable water erf. being No.7, George Street, on the general plan of Bloem Fontein, in extent 220ft. 6in by 102ft 6in. Situate in St, George Street.
24000 Superior burnt bricks, now standing on the said erf.
3 Good serviceable riding hoses
1 Saddle and bridle (nearly new)
1 Excellent double gun, by Westley Richards
besides several articles of household furniture and wearing apparel
H. LOWDEN Executor Dative
A PUBLIC SALE of Landed property in the estate of the late N. MEYER.
The undersigned being duly authorize by the executor in the above estate, will sell on Tuesday 6th May next, in front of the civil commissioner’s office at Harrismith
1st The farm known as Marais Hoek. The farm is well adapted for agriculture and is well supplied with wood and water and not to be excelled as a grazing farm
2nd Two full sized water erven situated in the town of Harrismith
John McCABE, Harrismith
Op den 23sten, April, te Bloem Fontein, Myn geliefden echtgenoot Pieter Willem van der MEER, in den ouderdom van 33 jaren, my nalatende met een kind en een aantal vrienden ommyn verlies te betreures
A. van der MEER geb. HELDEMAN
Monday May 12, 1851
British Resident’s Office Bloem Fontein 10th May 1851
Notice is hereby given, that he Rev. W. A. STEABLES, of St. Andrews Church and the Rev. P. SMAILES, Wesleyan Minister, have been appointed members of the school commission for the district of Bloem Fontein.
(Sigd) H.D.WARDEN British Resident by order J. ALLISON clerk
Monday June 2, 1851
If Joseph GARLAND, formerly of No.1, Johnson Place, Mill Bank, England, but who has since resided in the neighbourhood of Wynberg, Cape of Good Hope, is desirous of communicating with his relations, he may hear of them by addressing to Henry GARLAND, Quatt, near Bridgnorth, Salop, England
All parties indebted to the undersigned are requested to settle their accounts
J JORDAN Bloem Fontein June 2nd, 1851
Monday June 16, 1851
Whereas Henry JOHNSTONE, alias Henry McLEOD, alias John WILLIAMS, alias William ARRELL, lately a private in H.M. 91st Regiment of Foot, having been apprehended in consequence of a charge of theft having been made against him, and a reward having been offered for his apprehension, Notice is hereby given, that the following property has been found in his possession, viz:-
1. A revolving, five breeched gun, Maker – C.H.Collier 154 patent.
2. A brace of pocket pistols – steel ramrods, attached by swivel to the muzzle, silver mounted at the but-end – barrels very much corroded.
3. A common English saddle – unstuffed flaps
4. Large well-made saddle-bags – Maker – Pent – Piccadilly London – marked on a brass plate.
5. A pair of holsters – black patent leather cover
6. A small silver watch – chased silver dial, Dupin Geneva – on the face an back, A.G. 49352, with brass chain, &c., &c.
Any whereas , information having been received, that a person answering the description of the prisoner, has stolen several horses and a saddle, from the neighbourhood of Philippolis, and he having passed this neighbourhood, some time since with nine horses; all persons who may have lately lost such property in that neighbourhood, or who may have purchased or exchanged horses or saddles, (with a man answering the prisoners description,) it is requested that they immediately appear before the resident magistrate of Bloem Fontein, with such articles as may have been exchanged, for the purpose of giving evidence against the prisoner.
Description – Height, about 5 feet 10 inches – smart soldier like appearance: Eyes, dark grey –hair, auburn – Face, oval – about 24 years of age – Dressed in a dark gamboon, or summer cloth hip jacket – green waistcoat – drab cord trowsers, mole-skin leggings – wellington boots and spurs.
Hector LOWEN Clerk of the Peace Bloem Fontein 11 June, 1851
Stolen from the town of Harrismith, on the night of the 26th May last, - A large dark brown horse, the property of the undersigned. The horse was last seen by several travelers in the neighbourhood of Liebenbergs Valley, in possession of a man, who during a short visit in the place, called himself by the name of Henry JOHNSTONE, but known here to a man, who knew him (JOHNSTONE) as a soldier in the 91st Reserve Battalion by the name of Henry McLEOD, who, in or about the month of July 1848, received his discharge at Smithfield. His person is tall, about 5ft 11in – light hair,- Pale complexion – A scar on the left side of the upper lip – aged about 30 years.
Whoever finds this person and lodges him in the nearest goal, or with the nearest field cornet, shall receive the above reward.
British Resident’s Office Bloem Fontein 16 June 1851
Notice is hereby given that Mr. William COLLINS, has been appointed Government Teacher for the district of Bloem Fontein, pending the pleasure of his Excellency the High Commissioner. Signed H.D.WARDEN British Resident by order J..ALLISON Clerk.
Monday June 23, 1851
The farm Kalkfontein at Kaal Spruit, belonging to the undersigned, two hours ride from Bloem Fontein, together with a –
Dining table,
a few chairs and pigs.
For the sum of six hundred pounds
Terms - £320 in cash, and the rest in stock and merchandise, the land is sown with three muids of grain.
Apply to A.H. van AARDE Kalfontein 21st June 1851
Captain GLUBB, C.M.R. being about to leave the Sovereignty, will shortly offer for sale by public auction various articles consisting of
Saddles, bridles &c., &c., &c. By “Cuff” Pall Mall & Curzon Street Mayfair London.
A valuable double barreled gun by “Westley Richards”
Camp bed and box complete, a Douro chair, box, &c.,
Portable Mahogany chest drawers,
German flute in Rosewood case,
Carpet, wash stand
Small quantity of powder (Curtis & Harvey) some wearing apparel &c., &c., &c.
Also two erven, situated north of the spruit in Bloem Fontein.
The day of sale will be advertised in a future advertisement.
Notice is hereby given to all parties giving credit to any of my servants in my name, to discontinue doing so in future, as I shall not be responsible for the same.
L. BAUMANN Bloem Fontein 18 June 1851
Monday June 30, 1851
British Resident’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 30 June 1851
Notice is hereby given that Mr. Jan PIERIK, has been appointed Government teacher for the district of Winburg, pending the pleasure of his Excellency the High Commissioner.
Signed H.D.WARDEN British Resident
Lost between Colesberg and Bethany, about 26th May, a packet of letters addressed to the Rev. Mr. WURAS, of Bethany.
Any Person delivering this packet at Bethany, or at this office, will receive the above reward. Bloem Fontein 26th June 1851
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