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The Friend of the Sovereignty and Bloemfontein Gazette 1851 2 July - December

Monday, 14 July, 1851

Notice is hereby given, that by the powers vested in me, I have authorized and appointed Mr. Christian Philip WIENAND, to practice as Notary Public within the Orange River Sovereignty and that that Mr. Christian Philip WIENAND has this day taken the oath appertaining to the said Office of Notary Public to be him held during the pleasure of his Excellency the High Commissioner. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Orange River Sovereignty the 11th day of July 1851.
(Signed) H.D.WARDEN British Resident By Order J. ALLISON Clerk

Notice is hereby given that Mr. Isaac HUGHES is expelled from the Bloemfontein Yeomanry, in consequence of having refused to pay the fine imposed upon him for contravening one of the regulations of said Corps.
By Order L. Gordon YOUNG Acting Adjutant

All parties indebted to the undersigned are requested to settle their accounts. J.JORDON, Bloem Fontein June 2nd 1851
In the Intestate estates of the late
William MOONEY
Cornelius HOGAN
Richard SPEED
-------- KELLY
Notice is hereby given, that Henry James HALSE Esq. has been appointed Executor Dative for the purpose of settling the affairs of the above-mentioned deceased persons.
All persons are therefore, requested to pay to the Executor Dative and to lodge with him duly vouched, all claims against the above estates.
T.W, VOWE Resident Magistrate.
Resident Magistrate’s Office, Smithfield, May 8th 1851

Notice is hereby given to all parties giving credit to any of my servants in my name, to discontinue doing so in future, as I shall not be responsible for the same.
L. LAUMANN Bloem Fontein, 18 June 1851.

Monday, 21 July, 1851

By Special License, on Wednesday June 4th at Isipingo, near D’Urban, by the Revd. Dr. ADAMS, Mr. Robert MOFFAT, Junr., to Ellen, daughter of James PLETT, Esq., of Prospection, Saddleworth, Yorkshire.

It is ordered that Christian Philip WIENAND Esq, be admitted to practise as an attorney of this court and entered on the roll accordingly.
By Order R.W.H. GIDDY Registrar
Court Room, Bloem Fontein, 12th July, 1851

Monday, 4 August, 1851

British Resident’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 29th July, 1851
Notice is hereby given that Mr. Johannes Jacobus PIENAAR, has been appointed a Field Cornet for the district of Bloem Fontein, vice VILJOEN resigned, pending the pleasure of his Excellency the High Commissioner.
(Signed) H.D. WARDEN By Order, J. ALLINSON, Clerk.

British Resident’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 12th August, 1851
Notice is hereby given that Mr. Gerhardus J. du TOIT, has been appointed a Field Cornet for the district of Bloem Fontein, vice WESSELS resigned, pending the pleasure of his Excellency the High Commissioner.
(Signed) H.D. WARDEN By Order, J. ALLINSON, Clerk.

Resident Magistrate’s Office, Bloem Fontein 31st July 1851
Whereas the estate of William DAWSON of Bloem Fontein is the district of Griqua Land, Farmer Orange River Sovereignty, hath been placed under sequestration in the hands of the Resident Magistrate of Bloem Fontein; All persons having any claim upon the said estate, are required to attend two meetings of creditors, to be held before the said Resident Magistrate, at his office in Bloem Fontein, the first meeting to be held on Wednesday, 20th August, 1851, at 11 o’clock a.m. precisely, also for the proof of debts; the second meeting on Wednesday the 27th of the same month at 11 o’clock a.m. precisely also for the proof of debts, and for the election of a trustee or trustees, who shall administer the said estate.
C.U. STUART Resident Magistrate

Notice is hereby given that David PHILANDER, DRAGOENDER – SOETJES, alias HENDRIK, and BEGENSEL, made their escape from the goal of Bloem Fontein, on the night of the 30th last; - all Field Commandants, Field-Cornets, Constables and others are hereby required to apprehend them and lodge in the nearest goal:-
Description of Prisoners –
Davis PHILANDER – (Confined under charge of murder) a bastard Hottentot, yellow complexion – 5 feet 7inches high, stout made, about 26 years of age, dressed in drab duffle jacket, unbleached moleskin trowsers, and striped shirt.
DRAGOENDER- (confined under charge of murder) – Hottentot Bushman, yellow complexion, about 5 feet high, slender make, about 24years of age, dressed in a long light Jane jacket, blue cloth trowsers, striped and wide awake hat.
SOETJES – alias HENDRIK, a Mosooto of Satelle’s tribe, (committed for trial, under charge of theft) 5 feet 11 inches high, stout made, about 23 years, tattooed under the eyes on each side of nose – dress, jackal caross.
BEGENSEL – a subject of the Chief Gulsebona (under sentence of death for the crime of murder) color black, about 5 feet 4 inches high, stout make about 19 years of age, top of both ears cut off – dress in blue duffel jacket and drab moleskin trowsers.
Hector LOWDEN Clerk of the Peace
Bloem Fontein 31st July, 1851.

Monday, 11 August, 1851

On Monday the 1st of September Mr. FORD will recommence the measurement of the Sovereignty at the farm of Mr. LINDE about one hour northward of the Modder River. All proprietors of farms in this vicinity are therefore requested to hold themselves in readiness to point out their land marks and afford the requisite assistance in the measurement-and proprietors of land not residing beyond one hour distance from Mr. LINDE’s farm are requested to meet Mr. FORD there on the above mentioned day.

Monday, 18 August, 1851

In the estate of the late Robert THOMSON alias TASKER of Philippolis.
Any persons having claims against the estate of the late Robert THOMSON alias TASKER of Philippolis in the Sovereignty are requested to file the same with the undersigned within six weeks from the date and those indebted to the estate to pay within the same after which period the scheme of distribution will be framed .
John CAMPBELL Executor Dative.
Colesburg, 12th August, 1851.

MARRIED on the 14th inst., by the Rev. P. SMAILES. Mr. Isaac HUGHES oldest son of the Rev. I HUGHES of Backhouse, Vaal River to Sarah, oldest daughter of J. HOPKINS, Esq. of the Royal Engineer Department.

All persons indebted to the estate of the late John Clement FRANCIS Esq. are requested to pay the same immediately to the undersigned or otherwise legal proceedings will be instituted against them: and all debts due to the late firm of Lowden & Francis, must also be settled immediately.
Hector LOWDEN Executor Dative
Bloem Fontein 13th August 1851

Monday, 25 August, 1851

British Kaffraria
6th August 1851
His Excellency the High Commissioner has been pleased to approve of the appointment of Mr. R.W.H. GIDDY as clerk to the civil commissioner and Resident Magistrate of the Caledon River district, Orange River Sovereignty, in succession to Mr. O’REILLY, resigned.
By his Excellency’s Command John GARVOCK, Lt.-Col, Secretary

At Smithfield on the 13th inst., by the Rev. A MURRAY Jun, Charles Smith HALSE Esq. J.P., Caledon River district, to Miss Elisa POULTNEY third surviving daughter of Mr. J.A.POULTNEY, Broomgrove, Caledon River district.

Monday, 1 September, 1851

Mr. COLLINS who, in May last, consented at the desire of the school commission, temporarily to supply the vacancy left by the decease of Mr. van der MEER – being now relieved by the arrival of permanent school master, appointed by the High Commissioner, and being unprepared as yet, from the unsettled aspect of affairs in the country parts of the Sovereignty, to resume farming pursuits, - as he had hoped by this time to do; and so having some applications to give private instructions, might for the next few months devote a couple of hours of the day or evening, to that object, should a sufficient number apply to form a class.
Young men officially or commercially engaged in the day, or foreign gentleman desirous of more completely mastering the idiom and genius of our language, might find it advantageous thus to meet and converse with the advertiser on literary subjects.
Alternately with the subjects above alluded to, a mathematical or arithmetical class might also be formed according to the wishes of applicants. Bloem Fontein, August 30th, 1851

Monday, 8 September, 1851

The undersigned has during his absence from Bloem Fontein, appointed Mr. George HOME as his agent, to whom all parties must apply when requisite.
J. JORDAN. Bloem Fontein Sept 3rd 1851

Monday, 15 September, 1851

British Resident’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 12th Sept, 1851
Notice is hereby given that Mr. William COLLINS, has been appointed Registrar of the Court of Combined Magistrates for the Orange River Sovereignty, vice GIDDY, appointed clerk to Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate, Caledon River district.
(Sigd) H.D. WARDEN British Resident By Order, J. ALLINSON, Clerk.

Monday, 13 October, 1851

A Gold Geneva Watch
It was without a glass, the stud broken and the point of the short hand off. Anyone will be rewarded, who can give information to the undersigned.
D. SLUITER Bloem Fontein, Oct 10, 1851

Monday, 20 October, 1851

In the Insolvent Estate of E. DRURY
Notice is hereby given that the second distribution account in the above estate will lay at the Resident Magistrate’s office, Bloem Fontein, for the inspection of Creditors, from date hereby until the 25th day of November next.
Thomas S. COLLEY Sole Trustee,
Bloem Fontein, Oct. 20, 1851

Monday, 27 October, 1851

Notice is hereby given that Charles Smith HALSE esquire has been appointed Acting Clerk of Peace for the Caledon River District, pending the pleasure of his Excellency the High Commissioner.
(Sigd.) H.D.WARDEN, British Resident By Order J. ALLISON, Clerk
British Resident’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 24th October, 1851

The undersigned having disposed of his premises and business in Bloem Fontein, requests that all outstanding debts be paid immediately to Mr. Essex HARRIES, who will also settle any claims against the establishment.
D. ARNOT, Jun.
October 25, 1851

In the estate of Mr. William DAWSON of Bloem Fontein
All person having claims against Mr. DAWSON, are requested to send in their accounts without delay to either of the undersigned.
George HOME, C.E. FICHARDT – Assignees
Bloem Fontein, Oct. 24, 1851

If Mr. DULGES will apply at this office, he will receive £15 due him by the late Richard BROWN; and for which Mr. DULGES is supposed to retain the Land Certificates of the farm Modder Punt near Liebenberg’s Vleij district of Vaal River.
C.U.STUART, Civil Commissioner.
Civil Commissioner’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 24th Oct., 1851.

Monday, 3 November, 1851

Mr. David ARNOT Jun., having sold at Bloem Fontein to Mr. James FORSYTHE, hopes that the support hitherto enjoyed by him will be extended to his successor: and requests that all outstanding debts will be paid to the undersigned, who will settle any claims against the establishment.
Essex HARRIES, q.q. Bloem Fontein
November 1st, 1851

Monday, 24 November, 1851

Mr. Essex HARRIES is appointed an appraiser in this district, with the sanction of the British Resident. Res. Mag. Office
C.U. STUART, Bloem Fontein, Nov. 20, 1851

Monday, 1 December, 1851

Whereas the following prisoners have escaped from the Convict Gang and from jail of Bloem Fontein, all Field Cornet and others are requested to apprehend the said prisoners and to lodge them in the nearest jail.
George ASHMORE – An Englishman, 5 feet 8 inches high, brown hair mixed with grey, upper lip turned up, light blue eyes, speaks little, 26 years of age, was a soldier, had on veldt hat, blue coat, moleskin trowsers and vest, red [cr….]. Under sentence of the combined court for burglary – supposed to have gone over the Vaal River. Is a moulder by trade, and can pick locks and make base coin.
Robert TIBBOLDS – An Englishman, 5 feet 9 inches high, brown hair, grey eyes, much marked with small poch, stout made, 27 years of age, talks much, and looks side-wise, dressed as ASHMORE, and was under sentence for a similar crime. Was a soldier.
John ALLEN - An Irishman, and speaks partly Dutch and partly English, about 5 ft.6 in. high, was a soldier, and is branded D under his left shoulder – dark hair, scowling expression, and looks chiefly downwards, age about 28, small hand, escaped the second time. Has been he says, about six months living with the Emigrants about Mooi River and Magaliesberg. Was under sentence of Combined Court for horse stealing.
George BENSON – A Swede, fair complexion, speaks good English and Dutch: committed for trial on charge of murder, 5ft 6 in. high, stout made, bow-legged, roman nose.
William MACFARLANE – A Scotchman, was a soldier, about 6 feet 1 inch high, very strong, large eyes, fair and fresh complexion, many marks on his face received in fighting, about 38 years of age. Had on moleskin trowsers, felt hat, brown coat,- was under sentence of the Magistrate’s Court for misdemeanor.
JANTJE – A Mochuana, who recognizes Jan BLOM as his “Kaptyn” small features, imprisoned for life for an atrocious murder.
GERT – A Koranna, his eyelids fall frequently down, was under sentence of the Magistrate’s Court for horse-stealing, has many old marks of flogging.
Several of these prisoners have been traced in the direction of Mooi River Dorp. They are capable of committing any desperate crime.
C.U. STUART, Res. Mag Resident Mag. Office,
Bloem Fontein Nov. 27, 1851.

Monday, 8 December, 1851

Mr. Geo. BINGHAM having removed from this part of the country, to the district of Harrismith, has authorized the undersigned to sell per private contract, the following farms:-
1st Koranna Spruit or Brightside
2nd The place called New Years Poort or Wharncliffe
3rd – This farm Toois Kraal or Whittington,
These farms are well supplied with fountains and other numerous never failing small spruits or streams and have the Modder River and Koranna Spruit running right through them. The veld or pastures of these farms, is of the very best description, fully adapted for cattle, sheep and horses but especially for sheep; indeed they are known to be almost the best farms in the Sovereignty.
They are well supplied with firewood. Being principally (Raand Veldt), or hilly country. The farm all join each other, and are two and 3 hours on horseback from Bloem Fontein.
For conditions and further particulars apply to
Julius JORDAN, Bloem Fontein,
November 24, 1851

Monday, 15 December, 1851

Whereas two prisoners commonly known by the name of James TYLEN and Charles TAYLOR, who are confined in the Lock-up House at Smithfield, on the charge of horse stealing, did during the night of the 29th ult., make their escape out of the Lock-up House, and were seen on the night of the 1stinst., at Bethulie Mission Station, and when last seen were proceeding along the Colesberg Road in the direction of the Colony, it is supposed with the intention of going to Richmond, where the prisoner James TYLEN, formerly resided.
The respective Field Cornets and all whom it may concern, are requested to apprehend the said prisoners and to forward them to the nearest goal, in order that they may be sent on to Bloem Fontein for greater security.
Description of said prisoners
James TYLEN, about 5 feet 5 inches in height, rather broad features, sharp nose, dark eyes and hair, stout made.
Charles TAYLOR, about 5 feet 3 inches in height, brad feature, fair complexion, slightly pock marked, light eyes and hair, broad shoulders, and rather stout made. C.S. HALSE Acting Clerk of the Peace, Caledon River District, Office Clerk of the Peace, Caledon River District 3rd Dec 1851

PUBLIC SALE of five farms
Mr. Willem SMIT, Frans Zoon, intending to remove his dwelling to Bloem Fontein, offers his five valuable farms, - Twee Fontein, Riet Fontein, Zeven Fontein, Bosman’s Kop, and Zoutpans Fontein, for private sale or partly in barter for sheep, cattle, horses or wagons. These farms lie between Vaal & Modder Rivers, in Middleveld, Bloem Fontein District not far from van Wyk’s Vlei. If not sold out of hand this valuable property will be disposed of by public sale on the 20th Dec 1851. Etc., etc., etc.

Monday, 29 December, 1851

Notice is hereby given that my wife Sophia ROBINSON having left my bed and board without my consent, I will not from the date hereof be answerable for any debts she may contract.
Bloem Fontein, December 18, 1851

Mr. W.P. LUBBE having sold his splendid place, Zendeling Fontein, intends to dispose of by public sale, at the same place on Wednesday 7th of January, 1852 at 10 O’clock in the forenoon,
130 oxen, 1600 sheep, 20 horses, 1 ox and horse wagon complete, 1 span of wagon horses, Two ploughs, One harrow, All sorts of farming utensils, Furniture and whatever can be looked for on a properly conducted farm place. Everything is in the best order, and buyers will enjoy a liberal credit – Refreshments will be provided.
Jan A OBERHOLSER, Auctioneer.

PUBLIC SALE of two Valuable Farms in the fertile district of Caledon River
Mr. R. FINLAY being about to remove from the district, will cause to be sold by public auction on Monday the 2nd day of February, 1852, two of his superior farms, namely - Leew Fontein and Tampas Fontein. These farms join, are very large, well supplied with water, and are unsurpassed as grazing farms even in the Caledon River district. They are situated on the Bushman’s Berg, two hours ride west of Smithfield, one hour from Stake Spruit, and two and half from the junction of the Caledon and Orange Rivers. A liberal credit will be given. Particulars may be had from
R. FINLAY, Tampas Fontein Nov. 29th 1851

Lost a draft, drawn by Lieut. P.J. BOURKE, on Lieut. J. SALIS, Paymaster Cape Mounted Rifles, Graham’s Town; dated 18th December, 1851, in favor of A.H. BAIN, Esq., for sixty pounds sterling. Any person finding the same and bringing it to the office of this paper will be rewarded.

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