The Friend of the Sovereignty and Bloemfontein Gazette 1852 1 January - June
Monday, 12 January, 1852
Notice is hereby given that George Frederick LINDE Esquire and Andrew Hudson BAIN Esquire have been appointed members of Council of the Orange River Sovereignty, by HM assistant Commission, pending the pleasure of His Excellency the High Commissioner.
Description of George SHAW apprehended on suspicion of horse stealing, and who made his escape whilst being escorted to Bloem Fontein goal on 21st December :-
About 5 feet 9 inches high, fair complexion light hair and whiskers, and a good deal sunburnt, age about 26 – dressed in a light drab wide skin shooting jacket checked with blue stripes, black moleskin trowsers, a pair of Waterloo boot, and drab wide awake hat, with two very large tassels attached to the string or band.
When he escaped on Sunday morning the 21st, near Vekeerde Vley, on the road to Bloem Fontein, he was handcuffed and rode a well bred black gelding with a bles and white hind feet, having the Bloem Fontein Pound mark.
21 Horses of various descriptions found in his procession when apprehended, are now in the custody of the Clerk of the Peace. The Blackhorse upon which he made his escape, was also found in his procession when apprehended.
J. BURNET Clerk of the Peace for Winburg.
Public Office, Winburg, 22 Dec. 1851
Notice is hereby given that my wife Sophia ROBINSON has left my bed and board without my consent, I will not from the date hereof be answerable for any debt she may contract.
Bloem Fontein
December 18, 1851
BIRTH at Bloem Fontein on the 10th of January, 1852 Mrs. L.NORDEN of a son.
Mr. David ARNOT Jus., having sold his business at Bloem Fontein to Mr. James FORSYTHE, hopes that the support hereto enjoyed by him will be extended to his successor: and requests that all outstanding debts will be paid to the undersigned, who will settle any claims against the establishment.
Essex HARRIES, q.q. Bloem Fontein November 1st, 1851
Monday, 19 January, 1852
Lost or stolen from the wagon of the undersigned, a Geneva Watch, gold, curb chain, and a bunch of keys. The watch has a silver hunting case, which does not fasten well – it is a Patent Lever, and jewelled in four holes. The glass was lost - the chain is heavy. Whoever will bring the same to the Printing Office will be well rewarded.
George GOWER
That desirable and pleasantly situation dwelling house, the property of Mrs. Van der MEER containing five rooms, kitchen & stable. The erf on which the house is erected is one of the best and largest water erven in Bloem Fontein – terms Reasonable. For further particulars apply to
Bloemfontein, 12 January 1852.
Monday, 26 January, 1852
A warrant of apprehension having been obtained against a person of the name of John KNIGHT alias John KING, charged with the crime of theft, and who is supposed to have gone toward Bloem Fontein and the Colony. All Field Cornets, constables and others are hereby required to apprehend the said John KNIGHT alias John KING, and to lodge him at the nearest gaol.
Description of John KNIGHT alias John KING – about 5 feet 2 inches high, dark complexion, about 20 years old, formerly worked as a carpenter with Mr. HALL at Bloem Fontein and Winburg – had on a dark brown wide awake hat and a plaid shooting jacket –last seen at the farm of Mr. Jacob NAUDE, beyond Liebenberg Vley.
Description of the horses stolen – a chestnut stallion with a white face, two white feet, sore back – the property of William DAWKINS – also a brown horse about 14 hands high, with saddle and bridle nearly new, and two side bags on the saddle.
P.M. BESTER, Res Mag, Public Office, Harrismith, 15th January 1852.
Monday, 2 February, 1852
Notice is hereby given that Mr. Stephanus Jacobus MEINTJES having sold his share in the business hitherto carried on by the undersigned, under the style or firm of MEINTJES and DIXON, to Mr. Jacobus Johannes MEINTJES the said Stephanus Jacobus MEINTJES has retired from the said firm on this date – and that the business will in future be carried on by and for account of Messrs. Jacobus Johannes MEINTJES and William Joshua DIXON only – still under the style of MEINTJE & DIXON
J.J. MEINTJES, S.J. MEINTJES, W.J. DIXON Graaff-Reinett, 1st January 1852
DIED at Bloem Fontein January 30th Alfred George, youngest son of Mr.& Mrs. E BUCKLEY, aged 1 year 5 months and 9 days.
Monday, 9 February, 1852
Notice is hereby given that William MARILLIER, Esq., has been appointed a member of the Land Commission, for the district of Bloem Fontein.
(Signed) H.D. WARDEN, British Resident. By Order J. ALLISON, Clerk.
British Resident’s Office, Bloem Fontein, Feb., 7 1852
A black mare, left in the procession of DANSTER a Bushman, by William ORRELL, alias Henry McLEOD, alias William JOHNSTONE, alias John WILLIAMS, (now confined in the district gaol, having been convicted of horse stealing at the last sitting of the Court of Combined Magistrates), not having yet been claimed: Notice is hereby given, that unless released within three months from this date, she will be sold, or otherwise disposed of, to compensate anyone who has lost horses by the said prisoner.
Description – Black mare – 3 years old – short and stout – no particular marks.
Hector LOWDEN, Actg. Civ. Com. & Res. Mag.
Civil Commissioner’s Office, Bloem Fontein Feb. 5 1852
On Saturday last between the store of Mr. McCABE and the drift leading to the barracks a £5 note of The Cape of Good Hope Bank with a one Sovereign and a half do. wrapped up in it. The note is directed on the back to Mr. JOHNSTONE, Drie Bots, Griqua Land. Whoever will bring the same to the undersigned or to the office of this paper, will be handsomely rewarded W.DAWSON, Late Lieut, 45th Regt.
Bloem Fontein February 9, 1852.
Monday, 23 February, 1852
Any person having any claim or demand against Mr. PADDISON, in Bloem Fontein, will be pleased to send them is to Mr. F. DANIEL, forthwith.
Bloem Fontein February 21st 1852
Saturday, 13 March, 1852
The Right Hon’ble the Secretary of State having directed that enquiry be made, relative to James HUNT, late private in Her Majesty’s 27th Regiment, who obtained his discharge about the year 1845, and who, it has been ascertained, crossed the Orange River, Notice is hereby given, to the said James HUNT, that he report himself to the Military Secretary, to his Excellency the Governor, or to the nearest Magistrate and any person knowing the residence, or what has become of the said James HUNT, is requested to afford such information at this office, or to the nearest Magistracy.
Hector LOWDEN Actg Civil Com.
Civil Commissioner’s Office, Bloem Fontein, March 12th, 1852
Whereas information has been given on oath, before the Resident Magistrate of the District of Caledon River, charging Thomas BAILIE, alias Thomas Cockburn BAILIE, with having committed the crime of murder, now therefore, these are require all police officers, constables, Field Cornets, and others, to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, the said Thomas BAILIE alias Thomas Cockburn BAILIE, and to lodge him in any of Her Majesty’s Jails within this Sovereignty, or within the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope.
Description of Thomas BAILIE
About 5 feet 9½ inches high, rather stout made, about 40 years of age, very grey hair and whiskers, which are generally worn short, full round face, eyes blue or inclining to blue color. Has an awkward heavy gait in walking and stoops or appears to stoop considerably, is very round shouldered.
Charles Smith HALSE, Actg. Clerk of Peace, Caledon River.
Office of Clerk of Peace, Smithfield, 4th March, 1852
Resident Magistrates Office, Winburg, 28th February, 1852
The next of kin and creditors of Mrs. Maria Goudina VENTER of this district, deceased widow of Mr. Jah ERASMUS deceased, are required to take notice that the said deceased died intestate and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the said deceased, and all other whom it may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Winburg, in his office on Tuesday the15th day of April next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely ; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid: then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such person or persons as shall then and there be chosen by the next of kin and creditors aforesaid, to administer the estate of the said Mrs. Maria Goudina VENTER deceased.
T.J. BIDDULPH, Resident Magistrate.
Resident Magistrates Office, Bloem Fontein, 3rd March, 1852
The next of kin and creditors of Mattheus Pretorius GERT’s Son, of the district of Griqua Land, Orange River Sovereignty deceased, are required to take notice that the said deceased died intestate and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these presents my concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Bloem Fontein on Wednesday the 14th of April next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid, are hereby required to attend at the time and place as aforesaid, then and there to see a fit and proper person or persons selected as Executor, or Executors Dative to the estate of such deceased person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the minor heirs of the deceased.
H. LOWEN, Act. Res. Magistrate
Saturday, 20 March, 1852
Resident Magistrates Office, Bloem Fontein, 18th March, 1852
In the insolvent Estate of the late J.C.FRANCIS deceased
At a meeting of creditors in the above estate, held in this Office, on the 18th February last it was resolved by the creditors present, that the meeting be postponed. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held on Wednesday the 31st Inst at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, before the Act. Resident Magistrate of this district, for the purpose of electing a trustee or trustees to the estate.
Hector LOWEN, Resident Magistrate
No.7 and 8 Fountain Street, the property of the late Captain GLUBB, Cape Mounted Rifles, will be offered for sale on Thursday the 25t inst., If not previously disposed of by private contract. For further particulars apply at this office at the paper, or to Capt. KENYON, Whist Cottage, Bloem Fontein.
Bloem Fontein, March 16th, 1852
Whereas Patrick (alias Edward) MALONE and William MUNRO were committed for trial for the crime of horse stealing and theft, for the ensuing circuit and whereas the said prisoners having escaped out of the gaol of Harrismith on the 21st of February last, and supposed to have gone towards Bloem Fontein and the colony. All field cornets, constables, and others are hereby required to apprehend the said Patrick (alias Edward) MALONE and William MUNRO and lodge them in the nearest gaol.
Description of Patrick (alias Edward) MALONE
An Irishman by birth – lately discharge soldier of the 27th Regt., - about 5 ft 7 in high – stout made – red complexion. Had on when deserted, a brown duffel jacket, a pair of moleskin trousers, and no shoes on.
Description of William MUNRO
A juvenile emigrant, about 5ft. 3in. high, slight made, dark complexion, with long black hair. Had on when deserted, a low crown wide awake hat, a black cloth hip jacket, and pair of moleskin trousers.
A.BRINK, Clerk of Peace.
Clerk of the Peace Office, Harrismith, March 9th 1852
Saturday, 10 April, 1852
Lost, a gold ring, with a Scotch Cairn [forani] stone, set round with rows of pearls marked inside J.P., - is split at the bars – Whoever will return the same to Mr. R.P. MONAH will receive a reward of one pound.
Bloem Fontein April 9th, 1852
A bank post bill for £20 on Graaff Reinett Bank – no 92, payable to and endorsed by F.van REENEN – Any person finding and returning the same to the undersigned will be rewarded.
Bloem Fontein April, 2nd 1852
Saturday, 17 April, 1852
Fort Beaufort, 8th March 1852.
His Excellency the High Commissioner has been pleased to appoint Johan Isaac J. FICK, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the District of Winburg, Orange River Sovereignty.
By his Excellency’s Command,
John GARVOCK, Lt Co. Private Secretary
Saturday, 24 April, 1852
In the intestate estate of the late Martinus Adriaan PRETORIUS
Notice is hereby given, that the late Martinus Adriaan PRETORIUS, having died intestate, Gerhardus Jacobus PRETORIUS, M’s son, has been appointed Executor Dative to administer the said estate.
Hector LOWEN, Actg Res. Magistrate,
Bloem Fontein 22nd April, 1852
Saturday, 01 May, 1852
In pursuance of ordinance no.1 1852 – Mr. John HOLMAN is appointed Storekeeper of the gunpowder magazine in the town of Bloem Fontein, and comptroller of all powder magazine within the Orange River Sovereignty.
H.D. WARDEN, British Resident,
British Resident’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 8th April, 1852
Saturday, 22 May, 1852
Resident Magistrate’s Office
Winburg, 11th May, 1852
The next of kin and creditors of Anna Christina Elizabeth BOTHA of this district, deceased and of her surviving husband Hendrik William Johannes RAS, now residing at the place Doorn Bult on Vette River, are required to take notice – that the said deceased died intestate and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of said deceased, and her surviving husband, and all others whom it shall concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Winburg, at the public Office here on Monday the 7th day of June next at 10 o’clock forenoon precisely; and all such persons interested as aforesaid are requested to attend, then and there to see some person or persons selected by said Resident Magistrate, as fit and proper to be by him appointed executor or executors dative to the estate of said deceased and Tutor Dative of her minor children.
T.J. BIDDULPH, Resident Magistrate of Winburg
To next of Kin and Creditors
Of Helena Jacoba DIPPENAAR, of this district, deceased , are required to take notice – that the said deceased died intestate, and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the deceased, and surviving husband Johannes Jacobus STEYN, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the resident Magistrate at his Office, Smithfield, on Thursday the 10th day of June next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely ; and all such persons as foresaid, are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person of persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval of the British Resident, as fit and proper to be appointed Executor or executors dative to the estate of the deceased person aforesaid, and tutor dative of the minor heirs of the deceased.
(Sigd.) T.W.VOWE Resident Magistrate, Caledon River
And declaration of Insolvency
Acting Master’s Office, Smithfield, April 3rd, 1852.
Whereas the estate of John JENKINSON of Smithfield, Orange River Sovereignty, carpenter, has been placed under sequestration, in the hands of the Acting Master of the Caledon River District, and persons having any claim upon the said estate are required to attend two meetings of creditors to be held before the said Acting Maser, at his Office, Smithfield. The first meeting to be held on Thursday, the 10th June, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debt. The second meeting on Thursday, the 17th June, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, also for proof of debts, and for the election of a trustee or trustees, who shall administer the said estate.
(Sigd.) T.W. VOWE, RM, Acting Master
To next of Kin and Creditors
The next of kin and creditors of Albertus Johannes CORNELIS of the Caledon River District, deceased, are required to take notice, that the said deceased died intestate, and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the deceased will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Smithfield, on Thursday the 10th June next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, and all such persons as aforesaid, are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, and then and there to see some person or persons selected as fit and proper to be appointed executor or executors dative in the estate of such deceased person as aforesaid, and tutor dative of the minor heirs of the deceased.
(Sigd.)T.W.VOWE R.M., and Acting Master. Caledon River District,
Smithfield, 7th April, 1852
Saturday, 29 May, 1852
A person of the name of M.J. WILLEMSE, a carrier, having on the 6th Inst. loaded up at Colesburg a quantity of merchandise consigned to me, and not having reached this place, neither has he been seen on the road – the above reward will be paid to any person giving the earliest information as to where he may be found, or what route he has taken.
Bloem Fontein 29th May, 1852
Saturday, 05 June, 1852
Lost in Bloem Fontein on the 23rd or 24th ult.- A Glazier’s diamond and pair of tweezers. Any person returning the same to the undersigned will receive the above reward.
B. TESTER, at Mr. BAIN’s Farm
50 Rds REWARD.
Missing from the neighbourhood of Philippolis since the 2nd of the present month, a span of 10oxen belonging to the undersigned, of which the following is a description; 7 Red Oxen, of which one has a few small white spots on both sides. 1 Brown and white ox. 1 Black ox, 1 White ox, with small black specks.
Any person who may bring or send said span of oxen to Mr. Cornelis VILLIERS at Taaibosch Spruit, will receive the above reward.
Saturday, 19 June, 1852
BIRTH – at Bloem Fontein, on Thursday, the 17th of June 1852, Mrs. STUART of a daughter
Saturday, 26 June, 1852
It is requested that all claims against the late Major HUGGE, may be forthwith sent in to the undersigned.
C. Mostyn OWEN
Bloem Fontein, June 18th, 1852
Public Office, Winburg 17th June, 1852
The next of kin and creditors of Andries OOTHUIZEN, of the district of Winburg deceased, and of his pre – deceased spouse Martha Aletta BEUKES, as also of his second and surviving spouse Marie Magdalena DREYER are required to take notice :- That the said Andries OOSTHUIZEN died without having administered the joint estate of himself and his predeceased spouse Martha Aletta BEUKES, and that as regards the estate of his second spouse, he died intestate and without issue. And therefore that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the deceased and surviving spouses, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, a the Public Office, Winburg, on Saturday the 7th of August next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely, and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and here to see some person or persons selected by such Magistrate, as fit and proper to be by him appointed executor or executor dative to the estate of such deceased persons as aforesaid, and tutor dative of the minor heirs of said Andries OOSTHUIZEN, and his first spouse Martha Aletta BEUKES deceased.
T.J. BIDDULPH Resident Magt., and Acting Master
Alle menschen die eenige pretension hebben op den overledene Jacobus ENGENAAS en zyne nagelatene huisvrouw Jacoba Elizabeth ROETS, zyn behoorlyken bewysen in te leveren by den ondergeteekenden aan den Wittebergen.
den 25 Juny, 1852.
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