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The Friend of the Sovereignty and Bloemfontein Gazette 1852 2 July - December

Saturday, 3 July, 1852

It is requested that all claims against the late Major HOGGE, may be herewith sent in to the undersigned. C.MOSTYN OWEN.
Bloem Fontein, June 18th,1852

The public are requested not to purchase any Note of Hand or other documents bearing my signature, from Karel Rudolph EBERHARDT, lately residing at Thaba Bosige but who has since gone to the Colony. And this is to warn any persons who may have such transactions with the said Karel EBERHARDT, that they will ultimately lose the purchase money of any such papers. Thomas HAZELL

Public Office Winburg 17th June, 1852
The next of kin and creditors of Andries OOSTHUIZEN,of the district of Winburg deceased, and of his predeceased spouse Martha Aletta BEUKES, as also of his second surviving spouse Maria Magdalena DREYER, are required to take notice:- That the said Andries OOSTHUIZEN died without having administered the joint estate of himself and his predeceased spouse Martha Aletta BEUKES, and that as regards the estate of his second spouse, he died intestate and without issue. And therefore that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the deceased Andries OOSTHUIZEN, as also of his predeceased and surviving spouses, and all others whom these present may concern, will be held before the resident Magistrate, at the Public Office, Winburg, on Saturday the 7th August next at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely, and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person or persons selected by such Magistrate, as fit and proper to be by him appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the estates of such deceased persons as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the minor heirs and of said Andries OOSTHUIZEN and his first spouse Martha Aletta BEUKES deceased.
T.J. BIDDULPH, Resident Magt., and Acting Master.

Saturday, 10 July, 1852

Messrs. Francis and Joseph ORPEN qualified Government Land Surveyors have been appointed to survey in the districts of Vaal River under the direction of Mr. FORD
H.D.WARDEN British Resident.

Saturday, 17 July, 1852

Mr. Williams COLLINS has been appointed Clerk to the British Resident, vice Mr. ALLISON, resigned, pending the pleasure of High Commissioner.
H.D.WARDLE, British Resident, Bloemfontein, July 1st 1952

Saturday, 17th July, 1852
[….ing] to our remarks within, in regard to the [declinature] of Capt. GORDON to accept the appointment of chief officer of the Sovereignty, we beg to add that considering, as is generally understood, that Major WARDEN is most anxious to be relieved, such a person as Dr. FRASER, should be requested to act - , but temporarily, until a permanent appointment should come to be made.

Is hereby given that a yellow mare and foal, the property of George LAKE, having been in my possession for one year and a half, if they are not released in one month from this date, they will be sold to defray expenses.
George GREAVES, Colesburg, 14th July, 1852

In the Estate of Johannes Martinus LEHMANN deceased
The undersigned has been authorized by the Executor residing in the Sovereignty, to give notice to the creditors of the late Johannes Martinus LEHMANN who died on the banks of the Mariqua, in the Trans Vaal Country, that all claims against the deceased, on the part of creditors in the Sovereignty, and in the Cape Colony, should be transmitted to the undersigned, duly certified within three months from this date; by which time it is anticipated, that sufficient assets, from the Moveable Property of the deceased, will be realized, as will pay all his debts.
C.U. STUART, Bloem Fontein 8th July, 1852

Saturday 7th August, 1852

The acting Appointment of Henry GREEN, Esq. as British Resident of the Orange River Sovereignty has been confirmed by his Excellency, the High Commissioner, pending reference to her Majesty’s Secretary of State.
C,M, OWEN, Assist Commissioner

The Land Commission for the district of Griqua Land will, from this date, be composed as follows:-
Hector LOWEN, Esq., Acting Civil Commissioner, President.
Andries ERWEE, Esq., John H FORD Esq., Geo STAUNTON, Esq. Members.
The President and two members to form a quorum,
H.GREEN British Resident.
British Resident’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 4th Aug. 1852

In the Insolvent Estate of John JENKINSON, of Smithfield, Orange River Sovereignty, Carpenter.
All persons claiming to be creditors under this estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said estate, and that the third meeting will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office in Smithfield, on Saturday the 14th of August, 1852, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, and that no claims will be admitted after that date as the Estate will then be wound up. Geo REED, Sole Trustee, Smithfield, 7th July 1852

Resident Magistrate’s Court, Bloem Fontein, 29th July, 1852
The next of kin and creditors of Johanna Elizabeth KOEKEMOOR, of Karee Fontein, Griqua Land, deceased , are required to take notice, that the said deceased died intestate, and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the deceased, and surviving husband Hendrik VENTER, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at the School Room, Sannab’s Poort, on Thursday, the 9th day of September next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid, are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person or persons selected by said Magistrate, as fit and proper to be appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of the deceased aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the minor heirs of the deceased.
Hector LOWEN, Acting. Res. Magistrate

At Harrismith on July 13th, 1852 Mrs A BRINK of a daughter.

Saturday 14 August, 1852

Notice is hereby given that Mr. M.C.J.H. MOLL, has been appointed Government School-Master at Harrismith, subject to the confirmation of His Excellency the High Commissioner; said appointment to take effect from the 1st January 1852, the date of Mr. MOLL’s assuming duties of the office.
H.GREEN, British Resident. 9th August, 1852.

Constable Wm MITCHELL is appointed storekeeper of the Government Gunpowder Magazine at Winburg, pending reference to his Excellency the High Commissioner
H.GREEN British Resident.

The Civil Commissioner of Caledon River being duly authorized, will cause to be sold by public Auction in front of the Public Offices at Smithfield, on Monday the 30th day of August next:- 1 Ox Wagon with gear and 9 Draught Oxen, the property of T.BAILIE T.W.VOWE, Civil Commissioner,
Civil Commissioner’s Office, Smithfield 29th July 1852

Saturday 21 August, 1852

Mr. Wm A. van AARDT, is appointed Field Cornet of the Harrismith Town Ward, and Marinus CAUVIN of the Wittbergen Ward, both in Harrismith District from the 1st instant, pending reference to His Excellency the High Commissioner.
Henry GREEN British Resident, Bloem Fontein 15th August, 1852

At Harrismith on the 4th January, 1852, Marcus Adolph KNUTÉ at the age of forty years, deeply regretted by his friends.
P.M.BESTER Resident Magistrate

Of three farms. Mr. Willem SMIT, Frans Zoon, offers for sale the following valuable farms;- Twee Fontein, Riet Valley and Zeven Fontein, These farms lie between Vaal & Modder River in the Middelveld, Bloem Fontein District, near Van Wyk’s Vlei. If not sold off by private bargain, this very valuable property will be disposal of by public sale on Monday the 15th November,1852

Saturday 28 August, 1852

The tender of Miss F.C.CUMMING as post mistress for Bloem Fontein, having been accepted, and the necessary sureties entered into; the post office, from and after the 1st of September next, will be held at her residence in St Andrew’s Street.
All letters in future must be pre-paid and the postage of all letters released, paid for upon delivery.
Hector LOWEN, Act Civ. Com. Civ. Com. Office,
Bloem Fontein, 27th Aug. 1852

Winburg District
In the estate of Peter Hermanus WESSELS formerly of Junction Poort in this district.
Notice is hereby given that the Liquidation Account of the above estate will lie open for inspection at the office of Mr. D.C.GRANT, attorney at Law, Bloem Fontein and at the office of the undersigned in Winburg, for the term of six weeks from this date.
(Sgnd) J.J. WESSELS, for Self and Co. Trustee.
Winburg, 28th Aug. 1852

To Creditors.
The undersigned has been duly authorized to realize the property of Jacobus de la RAY of Winburg – and he therefore requests that any claims against him, may be immediately transmitted to the undersigned with the view of their being paid.
C.U.STUART Bloem Fontein 19th August 1852

Saturday 4 September, 1852

The undermentioned gentlemen are appointed members of the Bloem Fontein District School Commission from 1st proximo.
The Rev. G. SCHREINER vice Rev. P. SMAILES left for the Colony.
Mr. George HOME, Mr. Donald Campbell GRANT, Mr. J.M.DONALSON, Additional members.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Bloem Fontein, Aug. 31st, 1852

The acting appointment of Mr. William COLLINS as Clerk to the British Resident is cancelled from this date, subject to Confirmation of His Excellency the High Commissioner.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Bloem Fontein 31st Aug., 1852

Mr. William COLLINS is appointed Government Schoolmaster at Bloem Fontein from 1st proximo, subject to Confirmation of His Excellency the High Commissioner.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Bloem Fontein 31st Aug., 1852

Percy CRAUSE, Esq., is appointed Secretary to the British Resident from 1st proximo, subject to Confirmation of His Excellency the High Commissioner.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Bloem Fontein 31st Aug., 1852

The undermentioned gentlemen are appointed members of the School Commission at Fauresmith:-
The Rev. Andrew MURRAY,
Mr. B. van BLERK,
Mr. Cornelius VISSER,
And one of the churchwardens to be named by themselves. An examination of the School will be held on Saturday the 11th instant at 10a.m.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Bloem Fontein 31st Aug., 1852

Saturday 16 September, 1852

Percy CRAUSE, Esq., is appointed Registrar of Deeds from 11th instant inclusive, vice Joseph ALLISON, Esq., resigned, subject to Confirmation of His Excellency the High Commissioner.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Bloem Fontein 11th Sep., 1852

Percy CRAUSE, Esq., is appointed Master of the Orphan Chamber from this date inclusive. subject to Confirmation of His Excellency the High Commissioner.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Bloem Fontein 11th Sep., 1852

The undermentioned gentlemen are appointed a School Commission for the district of Caledon River, viz.-
T.W.VOWE, Esq.,
Revd Andrew MURRAY,
Mr. Samuel ALDUM,
Mr. J.KOTZE, Chr. Zoon,
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Bloem Fontein, 9th Sep. 1852

Saturday 23 September, 1852

For sale a few of the celebrated Josephine Rams some time ago imported by W.R.THOMPSON, Esquire of Graham’s Town. These rams are at present in the Sovereignty. Further particulars can be learned on application to Geo, STAUNTON, Land and General Agent, Bloem Fontein Sept 16, 1852

Saturday 14 October, 1852

His Excellency the High Commissioner, has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned Gentlemen to be Members of the Legislative Council of the Orange River Territory – viz:-
Official Members
The Resident Magistrates of the Districts of Bloem Fontein, Winburg, Smithfield and Vaal River.
Unofficial Members
Bloem Fontein
Piet.ERASMUS, Esq.
Donald C. GRANT, Esq.
Gert VISSER, Esq.
G.F. LINDE, Esq.
Burgher SMIT, Esq.
Henning JOUBERT, Esq.
Robert PACE, Esq.
Josias P HOFFMAN, Esq.
Hendrik WEBER, Esq.
Johannes KLOPPER, Esq.
Matheus WESSELS, Esq.
Abraham GREYLING, Esq.
Rudolph van [ROYEN], Esq.
J.J. van RENSBURG, Esq.
Gert SMIT, Esq.
Vaal River
Louw BOTHA, Esq.
Martinus CAUVIN, Esq.
W.A. van AARDT, Esq.
George SCHMIDT, Esq.
Jacobus ODENDAAL, Esq.
By order of His Excellency the High Commissioner.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Bloem Fontein 10 October, 1852

The farm called ‘Lieuw Kop’ situated in district of Winburg, adjoining the farm of Thomas THERON and formerly the property of John Hendrik WILLEMSE.
Also one half of an erf no. 26, situation in Elizabeth Street, in Bloem Fontein, formerly the property of John Mc DONLING, and adjoining the erf of Mr. J.M. DONALDSON, opposite the Sovereignty Club House.
The price of the same is low, and the terms easy.
C.P. WIENAND, Atny. & Not. Public, George Street, Bloem Fontein

Saturday 28 October, 1852

Mr. Frederick SENEKAL having been elected to the Office of Field Cornet of the new ward of Doorn Kop in the district of Winburg, the same is confirmed from the 1st proximo, pending reference to His Excellency the High Commissioner.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Bloem Fontein 17th Oct, 1852

Mr. Lukas ERASMUS having been elected to the Office of Field Cornet of the new ward of Winburg in the district of Winburg,, the same is confirmed from the 1st proximo, pending reference to His Excellency the High Commissioner.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Bloem Fontein 27th Oct, 1852

Colonial Officer, Cape of Good Hope, 7th October, 1852
His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint John Watt ERDEN, Esq.,to be Justice of the Peace of the Act of Parliament, 6th & 7th William 4th Capt 57.
By his Excellency’s Command (Sgnd.) R. SOUTHEY Act Secretary to Government

The properties belonging to Mr. R.P. MONACH formerly advertised for sale by public auction are now open to be purchased by private bargain. – Application as to terms to be made to Mr. L.N. CAMPBELL or to the undersigned.
D.D. GRANT Bloem Fontein 27th Oct 1852

Saturday 4 November, 1852

At Fountain Cottage, Bloem Fontein this morning the wife of Mr. D.C.GRANT of twin daughters.

Saturday 11 November, 1852

In the Insolvent Estate of E. DRURY
There will be sold by Public Auction in front of the stores of Colley Broth’s., on Friday the 26th of November at the Sale in the estate of the late Richard BROWN, an excellent gold watch.
Thomas S. COLLEY Sole Trustee,
Essex HARRIES Auctioneer

Public Office, Harrismith
(Master’s Department) 21 October, 1852
Mr. William HOLDEN has been duly appointed provisional trustee, in the sequestrated estate of Andries Jacobus BRINK, insolvent.
John BURNETT Acting Resident Magistrate, Acting Master

Saturday 18 November, 1852

All persons indebted to the assigned estate of Stephen WICKS are requested to pay their accounts without delay to the undersigned or to C.U. STUART, Bloem Fontein. It is intended to sell the debts outstanding, by public auction, should debtors not give immediate attention to the circulars addressed to them demanding payment.
George STAUNTON, Bloem Fontein 17th Nov., 1852

Saturday 25 November, 1852

His Excellency the High Commissioner has been pleased to appoint Donald Campbell GRANT Esq., Advocate: to the office of Crown Prosecutor for the Orange River Territory.
Henry GREEN British Resident, Bloem Fontein 4 Nov., 1852

The undersigned intending to remove to the new village Middleburg, about the end of December, kindly requests all parties indebted to him to settle their accounts before that time.
Thomas BEDFORD Junior. Colesburg, 12 October, 1852

Saturday 2 December, 1852

Of Water to the Head, at Bloem Fontein on the 16th October Isabella Johanna [obscured] youngest daughter of J.M. [DONALDSON] aged [6] months and [5] days

Saturday 9 December, 1852

Office of the Master of the Orphan Chamber, Bloem Fontein, 5th December, 1852
Notice is hereby given that Cornelius Gregorius van NIEKERK, of Modder River, District of Bloem Fontein, died intestate: and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the deceased, and all others whom it may concern, will be held before the Master of the Orphan Chamber, at his office, Bloem Fontein, at 10 o’clock on the 20th January, 1853; and all persons interested in the estate of the deceased, are required to attend, then and there to see some person or persons appointed by the said Master of the Orphan Chamber, Executor or Executors Dative to the estate of the deceased.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber.

Saturday 16 December, 1852

Office of the Master of the Orphan Chamber, Bloem Fontein, 5th December, 1852
Notice is hereby given that Hester Susanna Aletta LEHMAN, (spouse of Johannes Marthinus LEHMAN deceased) district of Winburg, died intestate; and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the deceased, and all others whom it may concern, will be held before the Master of the Orphan Chamber, at his office, Bloem Fontein, at 2 o’clock on the 20th January, 1853; and all persons interested in the estate of the deceased, are required to attend, then and there to see some person or persons appointed by the said Master of the Orphan Chamber, Executor or Executors Dative to the estate of the deceased – and Tutors to the minor children.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber

Saturday 23 December, 1852

Mr. Johannes de Watt HATTING having been duly elected Field Cornet for the district of Harrismith: Notice is hereby given that such election is approved and confirmed from the1st Inst.
By order of British Resident, Percy CRAUSE, Sec. to British Resident.
Bloem Fontein 20th December, 1852


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