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The Friend of the Sovereignty and Bloemfontein Gazette 1853 1 January - June

Thursday, 6 January, 1853

Mr. H.D. Geo SCHMIDT, Law Agent begs to inform the public that he has opened an office for the Registration of Lands, for Sale or Purchase; for general conveyancing; for Agency business, - and for all other branches of the Department. Office erf No. 161 Harrismith

The undermentioned two horses belonging to Leolin FARRELL, Mason, Bloem Fontein, have either strayed or he has strong suspicion of their being stolen by some of Moroko’s Kafirs.
1 Dark brown horse, aged, branded with Bloem Fontein pound mark
1 Light brown horse, 6 years old, star, both ears marked by Kafirs.
Both horses strayed or were taken from townlands Bloem Fontein. Any person who may deliver these horses, or give such information as shall lead to their recovery, will receive the above reward. Any information to be sent to the office of this paper.
Leolin FARRELL, Bloem Fontein 15 Dec, 1852

De plaats Welverdien in het distict van Winburg; is omtrent 14000acres (7000 morgen) groot; heft vier fonteinen – overvloed van brandhout, en is voor alle zoorten van vee geschikt. Dezelve ligt omtrent 3 uuren te paard na westen van Windburg. Men vervoege zich by den Heer Jacobus Johannes VENTER woonagtig op den plaat “de Hoop” naby Bloemfontein of by C.U.STUART. Bloemfontein, 11 November, 1852

Is hereby given, that a person travelling under the name of Daniel EDWARDS, was accidently drowned in the district of Harrismith on the 22 December last; and that a meeting of his next of kin, creditors and others whom it may concern, is appointed to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Harrismith, on the 16th proximo; in order that all persons interested in the deceased, may then and there attend.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber, Masters Office, Bloem Fontein, Jan. 5, 1853

Thursday, 13 January, 1853

Mr. Nicholas MULLER having been elected by the majority of the inhabitants of the ward of Lower Modder River to the office of Field Cornet, the same is hereby confirmed from this date, pending the approval of His Excellency the Governor.
Henry GREEN, British Resident. Residency, 11 January, 1853

To Creditors and Debtors in the estate of the late C.G.E.van BUUREN.
All persons having any claims against the above estate are requested to file the same with the undersigned within six weeks from this day’s date, and those indebted to the estate to pay their debts within the same period.
O.W.BACK, for Self and Co, Executor, Burghersdorp, 13 December, 1852

The business of Attorney, Notary Public and General and Commission Agent, hereto carried on by the undersigned, will in future be carried on by Mr. Leopold Norman CAMPBELL, to whom the future interests in said business have been transferred and whom the undersigned recommends to his clients in the Sovereignty Colony, and elsewhere, as one he deems qualified to execute their business satisfactorily.
The undersigned being about to wind up all matters of agency now in his hands, will be prepared to give every information and assistance to Mr. CAMPBELL in regard to such matters as cannot be speedily completed by himself.
The undersigned shall in future confine himself to deciding matters or arbitration, the giving of opinions, and pleading cases in court, providing all such matters are handed him through the licenced Attorneys of Sovereignty.
D.C.GRANT, Bloem Fontein, 13th October, 1852

Thursday, 20 January, 1853

The Undermentioned gentlemen are appointed a school Commission for the district of Vaal River:-
John BURNET, Esq.,
P.M. BESTER, Esq.,
F.ORPEN, Esq.,
M. CAUVIN, Esq.,
A. COQUI, Esq.
W. van AARDT, Esq.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Residency, January 13, 1853

Notice is hereby given in terms of the 10th Section of the Ordinance No.29, 1846, of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, that application has been made by Edward BIRD of Gordon Street in Bloem Fontein, to keep an Inn or Hotel for the accommodation of travellers. Any person having objection to the same, will state their objections on or before the twentieth day February,1859.
Hector LOWEN, Resident Magistrate, Resident Magistrate’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 19th January, 1853

To Creditors and Debtors in the estate of the late Victor KISTNER, trader.
The undersigned having been appointed Executor Dative in the above estate, requests all claims against the estate, will be forwarded to his office at Mooi River Town, duly certified, within 3 months after date; and those indebted hereto, to pay their debts within the same period.
R.W. SCHIKKERLING, Executor Dative, Mooi River Town, January 1, 1853

On 20th instant, by the Rev. W.A. STEADLER, M.A., C.L.COX, Esq., to Maria, eldest daughter of W.C. BOUWER, Esq.

Thursday, 27 January, 1853

Master’s Office, Bloem Fontein 14th January, 1853
The next of kin and creditors of Maria Claudina de BEER (born van NIEKERK) late of Paddafontein in the district of Winburg, deceased, are required to take notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the deceased and surviving husband Frederik Coenraad de BEER, and all others whom it may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his office Winburg, on Thursday the 13th day of February next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person or persons selected by such magistrate, for approval by the Master, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the estate of such deceased person as aforesaid and Tutor Dative of the minor heirs of the deceased.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber.

Thursday, 17 February, 1853

From the 1st proximo, the Land Commission of the Vaal River District, will consist of the undermentioned gentlemen : -
The acting Civil Commissioner, President, Francis ORPEN, Esq., Government Land Surveyor,
Paul BESTER Esq., Marius CAUVIN, Esq., Members
By order of British Resident
Percy CRAUSE, Sec, to British Resident, Residency, 14 February, 1853

Whereas the undermentioned prisoner Thomas Cockburn BAILIE, charged with the crime of murder, effected his escape from the gaol in Bloem Fontein on the night of Sunday the 6th instant – notice is hereby given to all field cornets, police officers, constables, and all others, to apprehend or cause to be apprehended, the said Thomas Cockburn BAILIE, and to forward him immediately to the district gaol in Bloem Fontein, or to the nearest prison from where he may be apprehended.
Description of the prisoner : - The prisoner is about 5 feet 10 inches high; about 40 years of age; is rather stoutly made, and has very grey hair, and small grey whiskers, worn short; has a full round face; eyes blue, or inclining to blue. Has a stoop, or appears to stoop or bend forward in walking, and has otherwise a very awkward gait; and is also very round shouldered. The prisoner when he made his escape was unfettered.
C.P. WIENAND, Acting Clerk of the Peace, Bloem Fontein, Officer of the Clerk of the Peace, Bloem Fontein, February 9, 1853

The appointment of C.P. WIENAND Esq., the Acting Clerk of the Peace for the District of Bloem Fontein, will cease on the 28th Inst., and the duties of that office will be performed in future by the crown Prosecutor.
By order of British Resident,
Percy CRAUSE, Secretary to British Resident, Bloem Fontein, 12th Feb. 1853

Notice is hereby given that any person found cutting wood on the farm Riet Fontein on Kaffir River, adjoining the farm of Mr. KOLBE, - and on the main road to Smithfield – will be punished to the utmost rigour of the law.
Nicolaas G.J.BREAT Riet Fontein 1st February, 1853

Master’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 31st January, 1853
The next of kin and creditors of Beatrix Johanna POTGIETER, late of the district Winburg and her surviving spouse Mattheus Hendricus WESSELS, are required to take notice that the said Beatrix Johanna POTGIETER died intestate; and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the said deceased, and her surviving spouse, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at the Public Office, Winburg, on Monday the 14th of March next at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person or persons selected by such magistrate, for approval by the Master, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the estate of such deceased person as aforesaid and Tutor Dative of the minor heirs of the deceased.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber.

Mr. J. HOPKINS, Foreman of Works Royal Engineer Department, being about to leave the Sovereignty, will sell by public auction on Tuesday 1st March next, at 12 o’clock, noon, his well-known residence in Bloem Fontein, called Prospect Cottage, together with the whole of his household furniture, consisting of – tables, chairs, bedsteads, washstand, sofas, kitchen utensils, and a great number of articles too numerous to particularize. Also two horses, saddlery, &c and a few cows.
Essex HARRIES, Auctioneer

Thursday, 17 February, 1853 Supplement

General Orders No. 102.
Head Quarters, Camp, Platberg, December 14, 1852
Certain maliciously disposed persons having tampered with soldiers of Her Majesty’s Forces to induce them to desert:- The Commander of the Forces warns the inhabitants, that under the existing law, any person who shall endeavor to seduce any soldier of Her Majesty’s Forces to desert, becomes liable to be transported for life; and the Commander of the Forces further offers a reward of £5 to any person who shall give the necessary information, that shall lead to the conviction of any person so offending against the law.
(Sigd.) A.J.CLOETE Qr.Mr.Genl.
By Command of His Excellency the Commander of the Forces
Edward WELLESLEY, Captain, D.A.A.G.

Head Quarters, Graham’s Town, 26th January, 1853.
Return of deserters from different regiments in this command:-

12th Lancers
Henry WRIGHT, Private, 22 years of age, size 5 feet 7½ inches, fair complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes, deserted 8th January, 1853, at Stormberg Spruit Drift: enlisted 2nd March, 1849 at Norwich born in North Walsham, no marks, by trade a carpenter, dressed in regimental jacket and trowsers; took his regimental clothing and necessaries.

43rd Regiment
Wm GRIFFITHS, Private, 26 years and one month of age, size 5 feet 8½ inches, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, deserted 31st December, 1852 at Caledon River; enlisted 23rd August 1850, at Oxford; born Sutton, Hereford; no marks, by trade a cabinet maker, was dressed in coatee and cord trowsers; took bugle and regimental clothing and necessaries.

Thos. JAMES, private, age 24 years and 10 months, size, 5feet 7 inches, dark complexion, black hair, dark brown eyes, deserted 31st December, 1852 at Caledon River, enlisted 28th February, 1848 at Haverford West, 1852 at Caledon River, enlisted 28th February, 1848 at Haverford West, born at St Dogwells, Pembroke, no marks, by trade a shoemaker, had on coatee and cord trowsers, took regimental clothing and necessaries.

James JONES, private, age 25 years, size 5 ft 7 inches, fair complexion, fair hair, grey eyes, deserted 31 December, 1852 at Caledon River, enlisted 7th January, 1847 at [Marnish], born at [Burghart], Herefordshire, no marks, by trade a labourer, had on coatee and cord trowsers, took regimental clothing and necessaries.

George JAMES, private, age 22 years and five months, size 5 feet 7 inches, sallow complexion, dark brown hair, blue eyes, deserted 27th Nov,1852 at Burghersdorp, enlisted 2nd July, 1850 at Oxford, born at Broughton, no marks, by trade a labourer, dressed in coatee and cord trowsers, took regimental clothing and necessaries.

George SMITH, private, age 21 years and 3 months, size 5 feet 6½ inches, dark complexion, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, deserted 27th November, 1852 at Burghersdorp, enlisted 9th December, 1850 at Chippenham, born on Wilham Common, Bristol, Gloucestershire, no marks, by trade a labourer, dressed in coatee and cord trowsers, took regimental clothing and necessaries.

James FISHER, private, age 22 years and seven months, size 5 feet 6 inches, fresh complexion, light brown hair, dark grey eyes, deserted 1st Jan, 1853 at Camp near Smith’s farm, enlisted 10th February, 1848 at Newport, born at Newham, Gloucester, anchor and 8 marked on left arm, by trade a labourer, dressed in coatee and cord trowsers, took regimental clothing and necessaries.

Henry SEYMOUR, Private, age 19 years and 4 months, size 5 feet 10½ inches, fresh complexion, light brown hair, grey eyes, deserted 1st January, 1853 at Camp near Smith’s Farm, enlisted 29th August, 1851 at Westminster, born at St. Lukes, Birmingham, no marks, by trade a servant, dressed in coatee and cord trowsers, took regimental clothing and necessaries.

Edward FARLEY, Private, age 21 years 7 mo and 12 days, size 5 feet 4 inches, fresh complexion, fair hair, grey eyes, deserted 28th November, 1852 at Burghersdorp, enlisted 28th April,1851 at Alice, born Kills, Meath, marks first joint of left fore finger off, by trade a bootmaker, dressed in regimental jacket and regimental trowsers, took his regimental clothing and accessories.

William BROWN, Private, age 24 years and 6 months, size 5 feet 8½ inches, fair complexion, fair hair, grey eyes, deserted 13th January, 1853 at Klass Smith’s River, enlisted 31 July, 1848 at Cape Town, born at Cape of Good Hope, no marks, by trade a farrier, dressed in regimental jacket and do. trowsers.

Thomas KEAN, private, aged 24 years 11 mo., size 5 feet 8 inches, complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes, deserted 13th January, 1853 at Klass Smith’s River, enlisted 13th April, 1846 at Westminster, born Gloucester, pock pitted, by trade a shoemaker, dressed in regimental jacket and do. trowsers.
These last two deserted together, and took with them one troop horse and horse of Captain WARREN, C.M.R.

2nd Regiment
James McCUDDON, private, age 25 years 11 months, size 5 feet 8 inches, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, deserted 11th December, 1852 near Platberg, enlisted 8th August, 1846 at South Shields, born at Armagh, no marks, by trade a tailor, dressed in shell jacket and red died trowsers – 2nd desertion (smart appearance).

Thos. GARRIDGE, private, 26 years of age, size 5 feet 11 inches, sallow complexion, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, deserted 21st November, 1852 at Burghersdorp, enlisted 6th November, 1846 at Reigate, born at Oxtead, no marks, labourer by profession, dressed in shell jacket and red dyed trowsers, took regimental clothing and necessaries.

Michael QUINN, private, 25 years of age, size 5feet 7 inches, sallow complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, deserted 31st December, 1852 at Caledon River, enlisted 17th January, 1846 at Athlone, born in Dublin, no marks, by trade a Stove maker, dressed in shell jacket and red dyed trowsers – 2nd desertion, slovenly appearance.

John RUSSEL, private, age 25 years 6 months, size 5 feet 8 inches, fresh complexion, dark bro hair, grey eyes, deserted 1st January, 1853 on patrol, enlisted 11th September, 1851 at Liverpool, born at Killarney, 2V marks on right arm, by trade a labourer, dressed in shell jacket and red dyed trowsers, very old appearance.

John SMITH, private, age 18years 5 months, size 5feet 6 inches, fair complexion, brown hair, brown eyes, deserted 7 January, 1853 at Sand Drift on patrol, enlisted 28th August, 1851 at Westminster, born at Huntingdon, marks cicatrix on right arm, by trade a labourer, dressed in shell jacket and red dyed trowsers.

William JENNINGS, private, age 18 years and 1 month, size 5 feet 7 inches, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, brown eyes, deserted January 9, 1853 at Lieu Fontein on patrol, enlisted 16th December, 1851 at Bristol, born at Somerset, no marks, by trade a hatter, dressed in shell jacket and red dyed trowsers.

George EVANS, private, age 18 years 7 months – size 5 feet 6½inches, sallow complexion, brn hair, hazel eyes, deserted 25th December, 1852 near Platberg on patrol, enlisted 10th December, 1851at Bristol, born in Kent, pock pitted, by trade a blacksmith, dressed in shell jacket and red dyed trowsers – recaptured same day.

Patrick MURPHY, private, age 21 years and 9 months, size 5 feet 9½inches, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, blue eyes, deserted 2nd December, 1852 at Orange River on patrol, enlisted 7th March, 1851 at Clomel, born Kildare, no marks, by trade a labourer, dressed in shell jacket and red dyed trowsers, slovenly appearance.

74th Regiment
Donald MUNRO, private, 19 years 10 months of age, size 5 feet 6½ inches, sallow complexion, dark brown hair, black eyes, deserted November 25th, 1852 at Burghersdorp on patrol, enlisted 31st January, 1851 at Glasgow, born at Inverness – no marks, by trade a labourer, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, speaks English perfectly.

John JOHNSTON, private, age 22 years 7 months – size 5 feet 6½ inches, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, light grey eyes, deserted November 30th, 1852 at Burghersdorp on patrol, enlisted 19th February, 1848 at Glasgow, born Lanark – no marks, by trade a puddler, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental clothing and necessaries.

John GIBSON, private, age 23 years 1 month, size 5 feet 5½ inches, fresh complexion, light brown hair, blue eyes, deserted 30th November, 1852 at Burghersdorp on patrol, enlisted 30th September, 1847 at Ayr, born Ayr, no marks, a sawyer by trade, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, took Ordnance haversack.

John CHALMERS, private, age 21 years 4 mo. size 5 feet 6 inches, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, blue eyes, deserted 4th January, 1853 at Camp Orange River, enlisted 24th July, 1849 at Edinburgh, born at Edinburgh, no marks, by trade a printer, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, took part of regimental necessaries.

William HOWIE, private, age 22 years 7 mo, size 5 feet 5½ inches, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, blue eyes, deserted 6th January, 1853 at Camp, Stormberg River, enlisted 10th June, 1847 at Glasgow, born at Lanark, no marks, by trade a moulder, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, took part of regimental necessaries.

William McLEAN, private, 23 years of age, size 5 feet 8 inches, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, grey eyes, deserted 7th January, 1853 at Camp, Stormberg River, enlisted 14th December, 1848 at Glasgow, born at Dumbarton, marks of small pox, by trade a labourer, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, took part of regimental clothing and necessaries.

Robert ARMOUR, private, age 21 years 7 mo, size 5 feet 8½ inches, fresh complexion, brown hair, dark grey eyes, deserted 8th January 1853 at Burghersdorp, enlisted 1st June, 1849 at Glasgow, born at [Rentleur] [Renfrew?], no marks, by trade a cotton spinner, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, took part of regimental clothing and necessaries.

David SKINNER, private, age 21 years 8 mo. Size 5 feet 8½ inches, fair complexion, brown hair – grey eyes, deserted 9th January, 1853 at Lieu Fontein near Burghersdorp, enlisted 24th May 1849 at Edinburg, born in Fife, squints, by trade a labourer, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, took part of regimental clothing and necessaries.

John McGREGOR, private, age 19 years 5 mo. Size 5 feet 7½ inches, fair complexion, fair hair, grey eyes, deserted 10th January, 1853 at Lieu Fontein near Burghersdorp, enlisted 15th Aug., 1851 at Glasgow, born Argyle, no marks, by trade a labourer, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, took part of regimental clothing and necessaries.

James McKAY, private, age 21 years 6 months – size 5 feet 8 inches, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, deserted 7th January, 1853 at Camp, Stormberg River, enlisted 12th July, 1849 at Limerick, born at Kircudbright, no marks – by trade a labourer, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, took part of regimental clothing and necessaries.

Dougald McDONALD, private, age 23 years, size 5 feet 11 inches, swallow complexion, black hair, grey eyes, deserted 7th January, 1853 at Camp Stormberg River, enlisted 4th January, 1847 at Glasgow, born in Argyle, marked with small pox, by trade a labourer, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, took part of regimental clothing and necessaries.

David MORRAT, Private, age 24 years 8 months – size 5 feet 7½ inches, fair complexion, dark brown hair, dark grey eyes, deserted 7th January, 1853 at Camp, Stormberg Spruit, enlisted 19th November, 1846 at Thurso, born in Caithness, no marks – by trade a labourer, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, took part of regimental clothing and necessaries.

David MUNRO, Private, age 20 years 7 months – size 5 feet 7½ inches, fair complexion, fair hair, grey eyes, deserted 8th January, 1853 at Camp, Stormberg Spruit, enlisted 7th August, 1850 at Edinburg, born in Aberdeen, no marks – by trade a baker, dressed in smock frock, flannel waistcoat, regimental tartan, took part of regimental clothing and necessaries.

43rd Regiment
James CRAWFORD, private, age 25 years 3 mo., size 5 feet 6 inches, Fresh complexion, light brown hair, light grey eyes, deserted 6th January, 1853 at Orange River, enlisted 3rd October, 1842 at Enniskillen, born at Newston Stewart, Tyrone, no marks, by trade a labourer, dressed in coatee and cord trowsers – took 2 shirts, 2 pairs socks, I pr boots, 1 bugle, I forage cap, 1 towel, 1 cap pocket, and 24 caps.

Thomas KINKSLEY, private, age 25 years, size 5 feet 6¾ inches, dark complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes, deserted 6th January, 1853 at Orange River, enlisted 28th January, 1846 at Wexford, born at Selskir, Wexford, no marks, by trade a labourer, dressed in coatee and cord trowsers, took 1 forage cap, 2 bugles, 1 pair braces, 2 shirts, 2 pair boots, I cap pocket and 24 caps.

Edward SWEENEY, private, age 24 years 1 mo.,- size 5 feet 9¾ inches, fair complexion, dark brown hair, blue eyes, deserted 6th January, 1853 at Orange River, enlisted 8th December, 1847 at Athy, born at Maryborough, Queens, no marks, by trade a labourer, dressed in coatee and fustian trowsers, took 2 shirts, 2 pairs socks, 2 pr. Boots, 1 pair braces, 1 forage cap, 1 bugle, and 1 towel.

Thursday, 24 February, 1853

Whereas during the afternoon of Saturday, the 19th February instant, Stephanus JAGERS, a convicted felon, effected his escape from amongst the convict gang, at work in town of Bloem Fontein, - Notice is hereby given to all field cornets, police officers, constables, and all others, to apprehend or cause to be apprehended, the said Stephanus JAGERS, and thereupon to forward him forthwith, to the district prison of Bloem Fontein, or to the prison or jail nearest or most convenient, to the locality of his apprehension.
Description of Stephanus JAGERS :-
A Koranna, acknowledging Golind as his chief - yellow complexioned – about 5 feet 8 inches in height, and 19 years of age, slight made – with a down look. Has been in the practice of residing occasionally on the Mission Station of Bethany, and occasionally on Golind’s station, on the Vaal River. Was, (with three other Koranna,) convicted before the last sitting of the combine d court, at Bloem Fontein, of the crime Murder, committed on the lands of Bethany aforesaid – and for which crime one of them was executed. At the time of making his escape, the prisoner was fettered – wore a striped shirt – an old cloth cap with peak – a pair of canvas trowsers, the seat of which was marked in black paint, as follows :- No.1 B.F.P. (That is to say, No.1 Bloem Fontein Prison.)
The prisoner is believed to have fled in the direction of Vaal River; and will most probably cast off the trowsers, and break the fetters. Having however worked in chains for a considerable period, his peculiar gait in walking may lead to detection.
D.C. GRANT Crown Prosecutor. Crown Prosecutor’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 21 February 1853

Application having been made by Joseph FELSTEAD of Bachelor’s Street, in Smithfield, to keep an inn or hotel for accommodation of travellers :- any person having objection to the same, will state their objections on or before the 14th March next.
T.W. VOWE Resident Magistrate. Resident Magistrate’s Office, Smithfield, 14th February, 1853

Thursday, 3 March, 1853

Mr. Henry HODGSON is appointed Government School Master at Smithfield, pending confirmation of his Excellency the Governor & High Commissioner.
Henry GREEN, British Resident, Residency, 1st March, 1853

Thursday, 10 March, 1853

Master’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 21st February, 1853
The next of kin and creditors of Jacobus Johannes JANSE van RENSBURG and his predeceased wife Maria Elizabeth STRYDOM, late of the district Winburg, are required to take notice that the said deceased persons died without issue; and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the said deceased persons, and also of the surviving spouse of the said Jacobus Johannes JANSE van RENSBURG all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at the Public Office, Winburg, on Thursday the 31st of March next at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person or persons selected by such magistrate, as fit and proper to have Letters of Administration granted to him or them, and to be appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the estate of such persons as aforesaid Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber.

Thursday, 31 March, 1853

Notice is hereby given in terms of the 10th section of the ordinance No.29 1846, of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, that application has been made by William PLATTS, to keep an Inn or Hotel (on erf No 17, as per new plan, corner of George and Gordon Street, in Bloem Fontein,) for the accommodation of travellers. Any person having objection to the same, will state them on or before the twenty eighth day of April, 1853.
Hector LOWEN, Resident Magistrate.
Resident Magistrate’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 28th March, 1853.

At Bloem Fontein on Monday the 28th March [obscured] of Mr. M. [GRIEVE] aged [4] years [?] months and 27 days.

Master’s Office, Bloem Fontein, March 16, 1853
The next of kin and creditors of Elizabeth Johanna Maria LIEBENBERG, late of the district of Winburg, deceased, and of her surviving spouse Jacobus Andries du PLESSIS, are required to take notice, that the said Elizabeth Johanna Maria LIEBENBERG, died intestate; and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the said deceased, and of her surviving spouse, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at the Public Office, Winburg on Wednesday the 27th of April next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely: and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person or persons selected by such magistrate, as Executor or Executors Dative to the estate of such persons as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the minor heirs of the deceased.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber.

Mr.D. SLUITER Begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has opened a General Agency Office for the transaction of business of every description. Mr.D.S is convinced that his remitting attention to the interests or those who may honor him with their commands, other advantages worthy the attention of the public.
Colesburg, 14th March, 1853

Thursday, 7 April, 1853

The undersigned hereby gives notice, that the Power of Attorney granted by him to Mr. John McDERMOT, is cancelled from this date. Alexander DAVIDSON, Bloem Fontein, 4th April, 1853

Master’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 5th April, 1853
The next of kin and creditors of Jacobus Frederick LEROES, late of the district of Winburg, deceased, are required to take notice, that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the said deceased, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at the Public Office, Winburg on Tuesday the 17th of May next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely: and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see letters of Administration granted to such person or persons as shall be then selected by such magistrate, as Executor or Executors Dative to the estate of such deceased persons as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the minor heirs of the deceased.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber.

Thursday, 21 April, 1853

Court of Combined Magistrates for the Orange River Territory
It is ordered by the court, that Mr. Leopold Norman CAMPBELL be admitted an attorney of this court, and entered on the Roll of Attornies accordingly.
T.J. BIDDULPH, Presiding Magistrate. By Order William COLLINS, Registrar C.C.M. Court House, Bloem Fontein, 16th April, 1853

Thursday, 28 April, 1853

The British Resident having received intimation from A.W.J. PRETORIUS, Esq., Commandant of the Trans Vaal Boers, that the route to Lake ‘Ngami is dangerous to travellers, in consequence of the hostilities in which the Boers are engaged with the Native Tribes, hereby gives notice to the public of the same.
By order of the British Resident, Percy CRAUSE, Secretary.
Residency, 22nd April,1853

Thursday, 5 May, 1853

The British Resident will in conformity with the 20th clause of the Maitland Treaty, be present at a court to be held by Capt. Adam KOK at Philippolis, on the 20th May next.
By Order of the British Resident, Percy CLAUSE, Secretary.
Residency, 29th April, 1853

Bloem Fontein, May 4,1853
This is to give notice, that the partnership hitherto existing between Messrs. E. BIRD and A. CRUICKSHANK, both of this town, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 23rd day of April, last.

Thursday, 19 May, 1853

Report of a deserter from the 45th Regt. of Infantry, dated at the Queen’s Fort, Bloem Fontein, this 15th day of May, 1853.
No.1211, Private Thomas WALKER, 30 years old, 5 feet 7 Inches in height, swarthy complexion, light brown hair, blue eyes, deserted on 11th May, 1853, from Bloem Fontein, enlisted on 5th Sept.,1837, at Liverpool, born Dublin, marked with letter D for desertion, by trade a shoemaker.
R. BATES, Capt. 45th Regiment, Commanding Detachment.

Thursday, 2 June, 1853

Master’s Office, Bloem Fontein
The next of kin and creditors of Justus Daniel KILIAN, of Oorsprong Berg, district of Vaal River, and surviving widow Maria Elizabetta VENTER, are required to take notice, that the said Justus Daniel KILIAN, died intestate; and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the said deceased person, and surviving widow, and all other parties concerned, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at the Public Office, at Harrismith on Saturday the 25th of June next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely: and all such persons as abovementioned are hereby requested to attend at the time and place abovementioned, then and there to see some person or persons as shall be then chosen by the said magistrate, as Executor or Executors Dative of the estate of the said Justus Daniel KILIAN deceased, and administrators of the said estate, as well as guardian of the minor children.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber.

Thursday, 9 June, 1853

At the Wittebergen Mission Station on the 24th May, 1853, by the Revd, J.P. BERTRAM, Wesleyan Missionary, Mr.R.W.H. GIDDY, Wesleyan Missionary, Platberg, Orange River Sovereignty, to Ann Jeans, second daughter of the Revd. Wm SHEPSTONE, Wesleyan Missionary, Kamastone, North Victoria, Colony of the Cape of Good Hope

In the INTESTATE ESTATE of Robert Proven MONACH of Bloem Fontein, deceased
All persons having claims against the above estate, are requested to file the same with the undersigned his office in Bloem Fontein, within six weeks from 3rd June next and all persons indebted to the said estate, to pay their debts forthwith to the undersigned. Leopold N. CAMPBELL, Executor Dative. Church St., Bloem Fontein, 31st May, 1853

Of Landed Property.
The sale of Clifton Farm, the property of L.G.YOUNG, Esq., not having been effected on the 17th (in consequence of the unfavourable state of weather having prevented the attendance of purchasers) it will be offered for sale by auction, on the premises on the 22nd day of June, when if disposed of, there will be sold a small flock of woolled sheep, some superior cows, a bull, good trek oxen, a well bred stallion, breeding mares, farming implements, &c, &c., &c. Clitfon. is distant from Bloem Fontein 4 hours; has three acres of Sowing lands enclosed, a large substantial house, kraals, &c., and is well watered.
E Harries, Auctioneer, Bloem Fontein, 18th May, 1853

Thursday, 16 June, 1853

These are to certify that Mr. William Henry AURET is permitted to act as a sworn translator in the English and Dutch languages.
By Order of the British Resident, Percy CRAUSE, Secretary to the British Resident, Residency, Bloem Fontein, Orange River Territory 15th June, 1853

Mr. Robert PARKIN, Being about to leave the Sovereignty is enabled to offer for sale on very advantageous terms for the purchaser, his fine farm Vlak Fontein, situated in Griqualand, within short distance of both Sannah’s Poort and Bloem Fontein.
This farm, on which are two fine stone kraals – possesses a large quantity of good arable land growing land suitable for sheep and cattle, abundance of water easy access stock and for the purpose of irrigation and plenty of firewood.
Title clear, and quitrent very moderate; and a credit extending over 10 years can be obtained for amount of the purchase money; thus offering to the intending settler, the speculator, & others, an opportunity of procuring a good farm on very easy terms, which very rarely occurs.
For full particulars of the terms, &c., application must be made to the undersigned, at his office, in Bloem Fontein.
Leopold N. CAMPBELL, Attorney, & Notary, Church St., Bloem Fontein, June 13th, 1853

Whereas a warrant has been obtained against Peter WEEBER on charges of theft and contravening ordinance No 5 1851: All Field Cornets and others are hereby required to apprehend the said Peter WEEBER, and lodge him in the nearest gaol.
Description of Peter WEEBER:
Build – rather slight; height about 5ft 5in; hair, dark; complexion, do; was formerly an officer in the Wittebergen [Burgher] Levy
John BLAKE, C.P. Office of the Clerk of the Peace,
[A….] 18th June, 1853

At Bloemfontein, on Tuesday 14th inst, the wife of Mr. William G. EVERY, of a daughter

Thursday, 23 June, 1853

His Excellency the High Commissioner has approved of the appointment of the Reverend Peter ROUX as minister of the Dutch Reformed congregation for the parish of Smithfield, from this date.
By order of the Resident, Percy CRAUSE, Secretary.
Residency. 1st February, 1853

Whereas William ORRELL alias JOHNSON, alias MacLEOD, who was in December 1851, sentenced to five years imprisonment with hard labour, for horse stealing, effected his escape from amongst the convict gang, on the 20th June, instant. Notice is hereby given notice is hereby given to all field cornets, constables, and all others, to apprehend or cause to be apprehended, the said William ORRELL alias JOHNSON, alias MacLEOD, and to forward him immediately to the district prison in Bloem Fontein, or to the nearest prison or jail nearest or most convenient to the locality of his apprehension.
Description of Convict
From 5 feet 11 inches to 6 feet in height, slender but active looking in make; about 30 years of age; eyes hazel in colour; hair light brown ; face slightly but visibly marked with small pox ; upper lip marked with an old cut on the right side; was clothed in drab moleskin trowsers and vest. Buckskin striped hip-jacket, white jim-crow hat and fell shoes. Was at the time of escaping fettered heavily.
D.C.GRANT, Crown Prosecutor. Crown Prosecutor’s Office,
Bloem Fontein, 23rd June, 1853

Whereas, the prisoners Charles WILLIAMS alias James Charles WILLIAMS, alias Joseph Christopher WILLIAMS and Jan – did, during the night of Thursday, the 16th June, current, effect their escape from the Smithfield Gaol :- Notice is hereby given to all field cornets, police officers, constables, and all others, to apprehend or cause to be apprehended, the said Charles WILLIAMS alias James Charles WILLIAMS, alias Joseph Christopher WILLIAMS and Jan, and there upon to forward them forthwith to the Smithfield gaol, or to the prison nearest the locality of his apprehension.
Description of Convict Charles WILLIAMS alias James Charles WILLIAMS, alias Joseph Christopher WILLIAMS :-
A native of St. Helena, 5ft 4in., or 5ft 5in. in heighth, grey eyes, jet black hair, (with a wave) light brown complexion, about 43 years of age, although younger in appearance, slight made, mark of a crucifix on the right arm; very pleasing address; speaks English well; smart appearance. Prisoner formerly residing in Uitenhage, at the time of making his escape, had on a large over all dark blue pilot cloth coat, colored moleskin trowsers, new Blucher boots, and a white wide awake hat. Was committed on the 9th June instant, for trial at the first sitting of the Combined Court of Magistrates, for this territory
Description of Jan:-
A Bushman, about 5 feet in heighth, yellow complexion, about 18 years of age; committed on 1st May 1853 by H.SMIT Esq., J.P. for theft. The prisoner WILLIAMS is believed to have fled in the direction of Bloem Fontein, and to have taken with him two horses as described below, together with a nearly new Peakorne saddle, and double bridle, with “Peakorne” marked on the bitt – twisted snaffle.
Description of hoses:-
A vaal schimmel (between mouse and dun color) gelding, rising 6 years, between 15 & 16 Hands high.
A dark brown gelding, tanned muzzle, aged, goes a fast triple, between 13 and 14 hands high.
R.W.H.GIDDY Acting Clerk of the Peace Caledon River District, Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Smithfield, 18th June, 1853
A reward of £15 will be given to any person, who will give such information as will lead to the apprehension of the prisoner first named, and the recovery of the property alluded to, in the notice of the acting Clerk of the Peace for this district, of this date.
R.W.H.GIDDY Smithfield, 18th June, 1853

Being about to return to Europe, requests that all claims against him may be forthwith sent in. Queen’s Fort 20th June, 1853

Thursday, 30 June, 1853

Bloem Fontein, 17th May,1853
In execution of the judgment of the court of Combined Magistrates in the undermentioned case, the following sale will take place:-
District of Griqualand: Thomas Smith COLLEY of Bloem Fontein versus Frances BENDFORD, now or lately on Bloem Fontein; on Saturday the 16th July, 1853 at 10 o’clock, a.m. in front of the Resident Magistrates Office, Bloem Fontein. One half the erf no. 40 with buildings thereon, situated in Douglas Street, Bloem Fontein. J.R. [Obscured], Sheriff


Two Houses, in Douglas Street, Bloem Fontein, the property of Mr. DAVIDSON. These houses, newly built, containing each a good sized sitting room; good sized bed room, smaller bed room, and a kitchen, will be ready for occupation in three weeks from this date. The public water furrow forms the southern boundary of the erven. In the meantime, the proprietor will spare no expense in order to render these homes comfortable. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, or to
C.U.STUART, Bloem Fontein, 21st June, 1853

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