The Friend of the Sovereignty and Bloemfontein Gazette 1853 2 July - December
Thursday, 7 July, 1853
REPORT of a deserter from the Cape Regiment of Mounted Riflemen, Fort Napier, 1st June, 1853.
John JANSON, 23 years and 5 months old, 5 feet 8 inches in height, dark complexion, black hair, black eyes; deserted 30th May, 1853 from Fort Napier; enlisted 28th December, 1847, at Graham’s Town, born in Somerset, South Africa; marks of flogging on the back and cut on right thigh; by trade a laborer; had on a [obscured] waistcoat and gray cloth trowsers.
Commanding Detachment C.M.R.
Thursday, 14 July, 1853
Whereas application has been made to the British Resident, by L.N.CAMPBELL, Esq., as the authorized agent of Thomas SADLER, to cause summary transfer of a certain farm called “Vilgeon’s Hoek” – marked no. 238 in the Land Register for the district of Harrismith; and whereas it appears by the declaration lodge, that Alexander Charles EDGAR did on or about the first day of January, 1851, sell the said farm to the said Thomas SADLER : -
Notice is hereby given; that unless sufficient objections be lodged by the said Alexander Charles EDGAR, or his legal representative within three months from the date hereof, the application of the said L.N. CAMPBELL will be complied with, and transfer authorized accordingly.
By order of the British Resident, Percy CRAUSE, Secretary
Thursday, 21 July, 1853
All persons having claims against L.G. YOUNG, Esq., are requested to send them to the undersigned for adjustment within one month from this date.
E. HARRIES, q.q. BLOEM Fontein, 13th July, 1853
To Heirs and Creditors
In the estate of deceased Jacobus Johannes JANZE van RENSBURG and Maria Elizabeth STRYDOM.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Master Executor Dative in the above Estates and hereby calls upon all Heirs and Creditors of deceased persons above mentioned to lodge their claims with him within six weeks from this date, and to whom also all claims due to the above mentioned Estates are to be forthwith paid.
Executor Dative,
Little Saxony, near Winburg, 21st July, 1853
Thursday, 28 July, 1853
Mrs. Caroline Romana SCHINDEHUTTE, born SCHETZER, being separated from her husband, Johan Christoffel SCHINDEHUTTE given hereby notice that she will not be answerable for any debts incurred by him.
July 15th, 1853
Whereas the Estate of Edward BIRD, of Gordon Street, in Bloem Fontein, Hotel keeper, has been placed under sequestration in the hands of the Resident Magistrate of Griqualand – all persons having any claim upon the said Estate, are requested to attend two meetings of Creditors to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office Bloem Fontein – the first meeting to be held on Wednesday the 7th September next, at 11 o’clock precisely for the proof of debts: The second Meeting on Wednesday the 14th September next at 11 o’clock precisely, also for the proof of debts and for the election of a Trustee or Trustees who shall administer the said Estate.
Hector LOWEN, Resident Magistrate,
Resident Magistrate’s Office,
Bloem Fontein. 27th July, 1853.
Hector LOWEN, Resident Magistrate,
Resident Magistrate’s Office,
Bloem Fontein. 27th July, 1853.
Thursday, 4 August, 1853
Whereas, on the evening of Friday the 29th day of July last, Coeren BARTMAN, acknowledging Gert TAARBOSCH to be his Captain, and a felon undergoing punishment for horse stealing, effected his escape from the Convict Gang, whilst at work near the fountain, Bloem Fontein: All Field Cornets, Constables, and others are requested to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, the person of the said Coeren BARTMAN and to cause him to be immediately conveyed to the District Prison of Bloem Fontein, or to the Prison or Jail nearest or most convenient to the locality of his apprehension.
Description of Coeren BARTMAN:-
This felon was tried before the combined Court of Magistrates, at Bloem Fontein, on 3rd January, 1851, for the crime above mentioned, and was sentenced to three years imprisonment with hard labor. He is yellow complexioned; rather slender; of smart active appearance; hair short and woolly; and about 25 years of age. When he effected his escape, was clothed in shirt, striped moleskin trowsers, brown striped jacket, and black jim crow hat and loose iron fetters. Is supposed to have fled in the direction of Vaal River.
Acting Clerk of the Peace,
Bloem Fontein District.
Crown Prosecutor’s Office.
Bloem Fontein, 1st August, 1853
Notwithstanding the many singular occurrences in Bloem Fontein, the undersigned begs to inform those to whom he is indebted, that he does not (to use the slang term) intend to hook it; but, that, before leaving, it is his intention to arrange his affairs – and he feels that upon receiving what is due to him, he will have enough to pay his debts.
Bloem Fontein 3rd August, 1853
Thursday, 11 August, 1853
Masters Office, Bloem Fontein. 1st August, 1853
The next of kin and creditors of Magdalena Maria Sophie FOURIE late of the Wittebergen, district of Winburg, deceased and of her surviving spouse, Pieter Johannes FOURIE are required to take notice that the said Magdalena Maria Sophie FOURIE died intestate; and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the said deceased and her surviving spouse, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at the public Office Winburg, on Wednesday the 12th day of September next, at 11 O’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person or persons selected by such Magistrate, as executor or executor dative to the estate of deceased person as aforesaid, and tutor dative of the minor heirs of the deceased.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber.
Thursday, 18 August, 1853
Suddenly at her residence, Bloem Fontein on the 10th inst at the early age of 5 years, the Orange River Territory, youngest Colonial Child of Mr. John RUSSELL of Downing Street, London. The early loss of this promising infant has spread the deepest gloom over numerous friends, not only here, but throughout the Cape Colony, to whom she had endeared herself by as many engaging ties. It may prove a consolation to her numerous relatives to know that as her supposed malady increased, the attention of Her Majesty’s Medical adviser, Sir J.CLERK, was deemed necessary to be obtained; but the patient and hitherto gentle spirit of this highly gifted child, passed away immediately after this highly eminent Practitioner arrived, alas too late to render any assistance to her sorrowing relatives.
Friends at a distance are requested to accept of this notice.
Smithfield, 13th August, 1853
Thursday, 25 August, 1853
Whereas, Gert TAMBOUR a convict confined in the District Gaol of Bloem Fontein for the crime of house breaking or burglary, effected his escape, on the evening of Thursday the 18th inst. :- All Field Cornets, Constables, and others are requested to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, the person of the said Gert TAMBOUR and to cause him to be immediately conveyed to the District Prison of Bloem Fontein, or to the Prison or Jail nearest or most convenient to the locality of his apprehension.
Description of Gert TAMBOUR :-
About 5 feet 7 inches in height; very stout in make: dark complexion, and of Slave descent. Was in the habit of shaving barely with the exception of the upper lip; whiskers short and stump, descending no lower than the lobe of the ear; hair short and woolly tinged with grey; about 40 years of age. Was tried before the combined Court at Smithfield in May 1851 for the above crime. Was at the time of effecting his escape, dressed in white trowsers, white shirt, grey cloth vest, moleskin hip jacket, velvet shoes, wore a large Boer like felt hat; was unfettered; is supposed to have proceeded in the direction of the Native Tribes beyond Smithfield.
Crown Prosecutor O.R.S.
Acting Clerk of the Peace,
Bloem Fontein District. Crown Prosecutor’s Office
Bloem Fontein 23rd Aug., 1853
Thursday, 8 September, 1853
At Bloem Fontein on the 6th September, 1853, Mrs J.M. DONALDSON of a son.
Saturday, 17 September, 1853
Mr. John HISCOCK is appointed postmaster at Liebenberg’s Vley.
By order of the Resident,
P.CRAUSE Secretary.
Residency, 27th August, 1853
Master’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 16th September, 1853
The next of kin and creditors of Stephanus Johannes NEL, late of the district of Bloem Fontein, deceased, are required to take notice, that the said Stephanus Johannes NEL died intestate; and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the said deceased, and all others whom these presents may concern; will be held before the Master of the Orphan Chamber, at his office Bloem Fontein on Monday 31st October next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely: and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person or persons selected by the said master, as executor or executor dative to the estate of deceased person as aforesaid.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber.
Resident Magistrate’s Office, Bloem Fontein 12th September, 1853
Whereas the estate of David PAXTON, Confectioner and Baker, of Douglas street, Bloem Fontein, has this day been surrendered as insolvent into the hands of the Resident Magistrate of Griqualand:- Notice is hereby given to all persons having any claim upon the said estate, to attend two meetings of creditors to be held at his office, on Wednesday the 26th of September next at 11 o’clock precisely for the proof of debts; and on Wednesday the 2nd proximo, also at the proof of debts, and for the election of a trustee or trustees, to administer the said estate.
Hector LOWEN, Res. Magistrate.
Saturday, 1 October, 1853
Op Fauresmith den 26sten September, 1853, op Maandag middag te 2 uuren- myne geliefde echtgenoot de Here I.P.SOEKOE, in den ouderdom van 44 jaaren 3 maanden en 10 dagen, van welk smartelyk verlies ik aan nabestaaand en vrienden kennis geeft
Fauresmith, 28sten Sept., 1853
Saturday, 22 October, 1853
Mr. Pietrus Lafras MOOLMAN having been elected by the majority of the inhabitants of the ward of Wittebergen in the district of Windburg, to the office of Field Cornet, in the room of Mr. Jan FICK, resigned, the same is hereby confirmed from 22nd September, the date of his election.
Henry GREEN, Resident. Residency, 18th Oct., 1853
Worthy of Attention of Speculators and Others
Is the Estate of the late Okker Johannes Albertros LOUW and surviving widow Sarah Johannes LOUW. On the 16th November next, will be sold by public auction, on the farm “Kommetjes Fontein” the whole of the stock of the deceased, comprising – 3100 Merino sheep, 353 Head of Cattle, among which are about 50 slaughter oxen, 8 well trained Wagon Horses, 70 Mares and foals and riding horses, 1 Substantial Ox wagon, 1 Substantial Horse Wagon.
Also furniture, [] chairs, tables, &c and whatever may be offered on the day of sale,
Charles W. HUTTON, Auctioneer,
26th July, 1853
Master’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 19th October, 1853
The next of kin and creditors of Abraham BOTMAN late of the district of Bloemfontein, deceased are required to take notice that the said Abraham BOTMAN died intestate; and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the said deceased, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Orphan Chamber at his Office Bloem Fontein, on Monday the 28th November next, at 10 O’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person or persons selected by such Magistrate, as executor or executor dative to the estate of deceased person as aforesaid.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber.
Saturday, 5 November, 1853
Charles WARDEN, Esq., Clerk to the Civil Commissioner of Bloem Fontein is duly authorized to sign summonses in criminal and civil cases, to [be] adjudicated by the Combined Magistrates about to be held at Bloem Fontein, on the 15th Inst.
By Order Percy CRAUSE, Secretary,
Bloem Fontein, 2nd Nov., 1853
Saturday, 12 November, 1853
The attention of all Field Cornets and officers under Government, is called to the description of the two deserters described below, for whose apprehension, a reward of £1 each, will be paid.
Hector LOWEN, Civil Commissioner, Civil Commissioner’s Office,
Bloem Fontein, 11th Nov., 1853.
45th Regiment
Report of two deserters from the 45th Regiment of Infantry, dated at “The Queen’s Fort,” Bloem Fontein, this 8th day of November, 1853.
No. 2773, Private John NEWMAN, 27 years old, 5 feet 7½ inches in height, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, grey eyes, deserted on the 7th November, 1853 from Bloem Fontein, enlisted on 19th August, 1845 at Marlborough, country of Wilts; born in the parish of Winterbourne, near Marlborough; trade, a labourer; second desertion.
No. 2003, Private James CASSIDY, 23 years old 5 feet 5½ inches in height, swarthy complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes, deserted on 7th November, 1853, from Bloem Fontein, enlisted 20th March, 1847, at Cooketown, county Tyrone, born at Cragh, county Tyrone, by trade a labourer; very stout.
R.BATES Captain 45th Regt, Commanding Detachment. “The Queen’s Fort,”
Bloem Fontein, 8th Nov., 1853
At Bloem Fontein, on the 10th inst., Mrs. COX, of a daughter
Saturday, 26 November, 1853
Mr. Arthur ORPEN will act as Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of the Vaal River District during the absence of Mr. BURNET on duty.
Henry GREEN, Resident.
Residency, 22nd Nov., 1853
Notice is hereby given, that at the second Meeting of Creditors, held this day, - Mr. J. JORDAN and Mr. T.S. COLLEY were confirmed in their office, as trustees to Insolvent Estate of David PAXTON, Baker and Confectioner, of Douglas Street, Bloem Fontein.
Hector LOWEN, Res. Magistrate. Resident Magistrate’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 21st Nov., 1853
Thomas KINGSTON, late 6th Regiment, is requested to come to the commissariat, and receive £12, less this advertisement.
Commissariats Office, Bloem Fontein 21st Nov., 1853
At Bloem Fontein, on the night of the 24th November, 1853 Mr. C.P. WIENAND at the early age of 54 years
Saturday, 10 December, 1853
Master’s Office, Bloem Fontein, 7th December, 1853
The next of kin and creditors of Christian Philip WIENAND, late of the district of Bloem Fontein, deceased, and of his surviving wife [space left blank] are required to take notice, that the said Christian Philip WIENAND, died intestate; and that a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the said deceased, and of his surviving wife, and all others whom these presents may concern; will be held before the Master of the Orphan Chamber, at his office Bloem Fontein on Monday 16th January next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely: and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person or persons selected by such Master of the Orphan Chamber, as executor or executor dative to the estate of deceased person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the minor heirs of the deceased.
Percy CRAUSE, Master of the Orphan Chamber.
[Transcriber’s Note: The surviving wife was Emma WIENAND nee DANIELL]
Saturday, 24 December, 1853
Application having been made by William PLATTS of George Street, in Bloem Fontein, to keep an Inn or Hotel for accommodation of travelers:- Any person having objection to the same, will state their objections on or before the 17th day of January, 1854.
Hector LOWEN, Resident Magistrate, Resident Magistrate’s Office,
Bloem Fontein, 17th Dec., 1853
A large Newfoundland Dog, the property of Mr. J. FORSYTHE, late of this place, having been for some months past in my possession: - Notice is hereby given, that should it not be claimed within one month from this date, the same will be sold to defray expenses.
John Geo. HUGHES, Bloem Fontein, 24th December, 1853
All persons having claims against the estate of the late Mr. Charles Smith HALSE, are requested to send them in duly attested to the undersigned, within six weeks from this date :- And all persons indebted to the said estate, are required to pay their respective accounts to the undersigned within the same period.
H.J. HALSE, Curator Bonis. Smithfield, 15th December, 1853
Saturday, 31 December, 1853
Mr. R.W.H. GIDDY being about to leave Smithfield requests all parties indebted to him to settle such debts with H.J. HALSE, Esq., who will also pay any claims against the undersigned, duly vouched.
Smithfield, 29th November, 1853
Mr. Berthinus Richard Henricus DANEEL of Cape Town, merchant, has granted a general Power of Attorney in favor of the undersigned, relative to all matters in which Mr. DANEEL is interested within the Orange River Sovereignty and Trans Vaal Republic.
C.U. STUART, Bloem Fontein, 29th Dec.,1853
Any persons having claims against Mr. VOWE will be pleased to send them in to
Mr. H.J. HALSE for adjustment: and all persons indebted to Mr. V. are requested to pay the same party, within six weeks from this date, or legal proceedings will be instituted against them.
H.J. HALSE, q.q. Smithfield, 8th December, 1853
At Bloem Fontein, on Tuesday, the 27th December, Mrs STUART, of a daughter.
At Colesberg, on Wednesday the 14th inst., under an attack of Dysentery, Robert Whiskin BARCLAY, of Bloem Fontein, aged 25
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