The Friend of the Sovereignty and Bloemfontein Gazette 1854 1 January - June
Saturday, 14 January, 1854
Mr.Berthinus Richard Hendricus DANIEL of Cape Town, Merchant, has granted a General Power of Attorney in favor of the undersigned, relative to all matters in which Mr. DANIEL is interested within the Orange River Sovereignty and Trans Vaal Republic.
C.U. STUART, Bloem Fontein, 29th Dec., 1853
Saturday, 21 January, 1854
Mr. Hendrik WEBER having been elected by a majority of votes to the office of Field Commandant of the Caledon River District, the same is confirmed from the 1st instant inclusive.
Henry GREEN, Resident, Residency 10th January, 1854
Saturday, 4 February, 1854
All persons having claims against the estate of the late Lieut. W.J. St JOHN, R.A., are requested to send same, without delay, to the undersigned.
R.RATES, Capt. 45th Regt.
1st February, 1854
The Rev. Colin FRASER, general heir and sole executor of the estate of the late Mr. Alex DAVIDSON of Bloem Fontein, Orange River Sovereignty, formerly of Beaufort (West) has authorized the undersigned to call upon all persons resident or to be found within or beyond the Orange River Sovereignty, having any claim or claims on the above estate, to deliver in the same on or before the 31st March, next and all those indebted thereto are requested to pay their debts within the same period.
C.U. STUART, q.q. Bloem Fontein
2nd February, 1854
Saturday, 11 February, 1854
Mr. Johannes Jacobus RABE having been elected to the office of Field Cornet of the ward of Fauresmith, Riet River, by a majority of the inhabitants, the same is confirmed from the 1st instant.
Henry GREEN, Resident. Residency,
9 Feb., 1854
In the Estate of the late Anna Petronella BLIGNAUT, and surviving husband Jan Martin ENSLIN, Jun.
To Debtors in the Sovereignty and the District of Colesberg.
Debtors in the above estate in the Sovereignty and the District of Colesberg are required to pay their debt forth with to Mr. Gerrit Petrus VISSER, or Mr. Jacob David MALAN both of whom are authorized to receive the same
J.M. ENSLIN, Jun., Test. Executor,
Paarl, Jan 18, 1854
Saturday, 18 February, 1854
DIED at Colesberg, on 2nd inst. Theodore, youngest son of Mr. T HOLMES, aged 1 year and 3 months.
Saturday, 25 February, 1854
DIED at Bloem Fontein, on Monday 20th February instant, Jane, infant twin daughter of Mr. D.C. GRANT, Crown Prosecutor, Orange River Territory.
Friends at a distance will please accept this [notice].
Saturday, 11 March, 1854
All persons who have any claims against the estate of the late Mr. G.H. MEYER, Sen. are requested to send them in before the 1st of next May, to Mr. VERGOTTINI at Winburg.
By direction of the executrix, J.F. van RENSBURG, q.q.
Saturday, 8 April, 1854
Mr. Petrus Johannes Christoffel DU PLESSIS is appointed Field Cornet of the ward Middle Riet River, vice Mr. Johannes Jacobus RABIE resigned.
Hector LOWEN, Prov. Landdrost
Landdrost’s Office,
Bloemfontein, 6 April, 1854
DIED at Bloem Fontein, of yellow fever on the 4th inst., Mrs. Maria Ann WEEKS, widow of the late Mr. James WEEKS of Graham’s Town, one of the British Settlers of 1820, aged 56 years and 11months; deeply lamented by her numerous relatives and friends. Her life was that of a Christian, and her end was peace.
Saturday, 22 April, 1854
John BURNET, Esquire, has been appointed by the British Government, to the office of British Agent in Orange Free State, and has accordingly commenced the performance of his functions in that capacity.
J.P. HOFFMAN, Prov. President. Bloemfontein,
1st April, 1854
Masters Office, Bloemfontein, 10th April,1854
The next of kin and creditors of Anna Maria GROBBELAAR, widow of the late Frederik BOTHA, of Winburg district, formerly of Oliphants River, Cape Colony, deceased, are required to take notice, that in consequence of the death of the Testamentary Executor, a meeting of the next of kin and creditors of the deceased, & all others whom these present may concern, will be held before the Landdrost, at his office, Winburg, on Thursday the 15th of June next, a 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some person or persons selected by such Landdrost, for approval by the Master of the Orphan Chamber, as fit & proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executor Dative to the estate of such deceased person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
J.ALLISON, Ad. Master of the Orphan Chamber
Saturday, 29 April, 1854
Provincial Landdrost’s Office, Smithfield, 20th April, 1854
Whereas the estate of Edward SOLOMON, late shopkeeper of Douglas Street, Smithfield, has this day been surrendered as insolvent, into the hands of the Provincial Landdrost of the Caledon River District :- Notice is hereby given to all persons having any claim upon the said estate to attend two meetings of creditors, to be held at this office on Monday, 8th May proximo at 11 o’clock precisely, for the proof of debts, &c. and on Monday the 15th proximo, also for the proof of debts, and for the election of a trustee or trustees, to administer the said estate.
W.H. AURET, Prov. Landdrost
Saturday, 17 June, 1854
The undersigned, having been duly appointed Executor Dative, in the estate of Mrs. Maria A, WEEKS, of Bloemfontein, deceased, hereby requires all persons having any legal claims against the said estate, to send in the same duly vouched, to Mr. Jabez WEEKS, of Bloemfontein, within six weeks from this date.
Bloemfontein, 16th June, 1854
Should this advertisement meet the eye of T. COALSTON, late of the Royal Artillery, and who received his discharge in Bloem Fontein, by commissioning with the undersigned, he will hear of something to his advantage.
H.A.COLLEY, Bloem Fontein 5th June 1854
MARRIED by Special License, on the 11th inst. at the residence of Adolph COQUI, Esq, Harrismith, Mr. Marius CAUVIN to Miss Henrietta M. THORNHILL
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