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The Friend of the Sovereignty and Bloemfontein Gazette 1854 2 July - December

 Saturday, 8 July, 1854

Te Graaff Reinett,op den 19den dezer, Meijuvrouw Isaac BAUMANN, van eenen zoon.
Bloemfontein den 30sten Juny, 1854

Saturday, 22 July, 1854

If Mr. B.TUCK does not release a wagon which he left in my possession, as security for the payment of his servants’ rations, &c. within three weeks from this date, I will sell the same.
R.FINLAY, Smithfield, July 8th, 1854

Saturday, 29 July, 1854

DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Morija, in the country of the Basutos, Sarah Jane (born DYKE) the beloved wife of the Rev. E CASALIS of the Paris Missionary Society, aged 39.
Her memory is revered by all those with whom she was associated in the Mission, and by a large circle of friends. Her name will also long be remembered with respect and love by the Basuto people, among whom she labored for seventeen years.

Aan nabestaanden en vrienden wordt ekend gemaakt, dat het de will des Aller Hoogste was, om op den 16den July, myn teedere beminde echtgenoot Anna Magdelena OOSTHUIZEN, van tydelyke tot het eeuwige te verwisslen, in haar jeugdigen ouderdom van 30 jaren, 11 maanden, en 20 dagen; my verlaten met een talryke huisgezin om haar verlies te betreuren, voor wien zy onmisbaar was. Alle Vrienden en Vriendenen wodt bedankt voor hun hulp en oudeisteuning in haar ziekbed.
G.F. LINDE Schapskraal, District Bloenfontein, des 20sten July, 1854

Saturday, 5 August, 1854

From this issue the paper changed its name to The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette

DIED at Bloemfontein on the 4th instant, after a severe illness of seven weeks, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Smith COLLEY, aged 27 years and 10 months, leaving her husband three children, and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her loss.

Saturday, 26 August, 1854

DIED at Bethany, on Sunday, 20th Aug., 1854, Maria Jane, infant daughter of William George and Charlotte EVERY, aged 1 year and 2 months.

DIED at Bloem Fontein, on the 20th inst., William George, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. F. DANIEL

All parties who may have claims against the estate of John HOLMAN, Esq., late of Bloem Fontein, in the Orange Free State, deceased, are requested to send the same without delay to the undersigned.
W.A. STEABLER Ex. Dative
Graaff Reinet

Saturday, 23 September, 1854

BIRTH on the 18th September, Mrs. W.B. BOUWER, of a daughter..

Bloemfontein 1st Sept., 1854
By virtue of the power vested in me by the Hon’ble President of the Orange Free State, for the better and more effectual administration of Justice, I have nominated and appointed Mr. John O’NEALE, to act as, and to be, the Deputy Sheriff and Messenger for the district of Bloemfontein.
Johs. Jacs. RAAFF, Sheriff

Saturday, 30 September, 1854

Notice is hereby given, that W.J.COLEMAN, Esq. has been appointed Fieldcornet at the town and dependencies of Smithfield, to date from the 1st October, next.
(Signed) J.P.HOFFMAN President.
By Order, J.GROENEWALD, State Secretary,
Government Office,
Orange Free State,
23rd September, 1854

Indien Gert PRETORIUS, Gert soon, die getrouwd was met die dochter van Oude Paul BESTER, van Vischrivier, naar het kantoor van C.U. STUART , te Bloemfontein, komt, sal hy iets tot zyn voordeel booren.
den 29sten Sept., 1854

Mr. Samuel ALDUM
Begs to announce to the inhabitants of the Free State that he will in future carry on the above business at Smithfield, and trusts, from his knowledge of the Dutch Language & Customs, combined with punctual attention to Business entrusted to him, to merit a Share of their Patronage.
22nd Sept. 1854

The undersigned being about to close his business at Smithfield, requests that all claims against him be sent in for immediate adjustment, and those indebted to him to send the same forthwith, as legal proceedings will be instituted without distinction of persons.
24th Sept, 1854

The undersigned having this day gives over the business, which he has hitherto carried on in this town, to Mr. W.G.EVERY, requests that all persons, who during the last fifteen months may have become indebted to the concern in question, settle the same with Mr. EVERY, within six weeks from this date.
David ARNOT, Jun.
30th Sept., 1854

Saturday, 7 October, 1854

Notice is hereby given, that J.A.SMELLEKAMP, Esq., has been appointed Provisional Landdrost for the town and district of Bloem Fontein, in the room of Hector LOWEN Esq., who has resigned his office; and farther, that C.U. STUART, Esq., has been appointed Justice of the Peace for this place.
By order of the President,
J.GROENENDAAL, State Secretary.
Government Office,
Orange Free State,
30th September, 1854

Notice is hereby given, that the Hon’ble President has approved of the call made by the Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Church of Fauresmith, on the Rev. Mr. A.H.LOUW, and as said call has been accepted, that Rev gentlemen is recognized as minister of the above named community from 5th August last..
By order of the President,
J.GROENENDAAL, State Secretary.
Government Office,
Orange Free State,
30th September, 1854

Notice is hereby given, that Mr. J.J. SMOOK has resigned his office as Heemraad for Bloemfontein district, by reason of his intended removal from this place.
By order of the President,
J.GROENENDAAL, State Secretary.
Government Office,
Orange Free State,
30th September, 1854

Te Bloemfontein, op Maandag, den 2den October, den Heer Daniel BRINK, A z., van de Kaapstad, met Jongejufvrouw Isabella Elizabeth van ZYL, van het Middelveld.

Saturday, 14 October, 1854

Notice is hereby given, that all parties having horses on Mr. PAGE’S farm, or being desirous of sending the same there, shall from the 10th inst., pay 2s per head per month, for grazing.
Bloemfontein, 7th October, 1854

Saturday, 21 October, 1854

Stolen or strayed from the farm of Mr. John GIBBON, “Batham” near Botha’s Drift, - a white horse, about 16 hands high, fore feet newly shod, blind in right eye, about 7years old
Whoever will bring the above mentioned horse to Mr. J. GIBBON, at his farm or to Mr. W.G. EVERY, at Bloemfontein, shall receive the above reward.

Saturday, 28 October, 1854

An ox having been given to the undersigned to give to Mr. FRASER of Bloemfontein, and not claimed by him – this is to give notice, that the ox will be sold within three weeks from this date (if not previously claimed) to defray expenses.
Description – Small brown yellow mouth, Kaffir ox, 5 years old, (or nearly) spotted on back.
W. DAWSON, Bloemfontein,
24th October, 1854.
NB – the ox is handed over to Andries Kaffir of Bloemfontein.

Mr. B van BLERK having relinquished his business at Fauresmith, has appointed the undersigned to act as his agent; - and has instructed him to summon all parties we do not settle their accounts immediately.
Fauresmith, 25th October, 1854

Saturday, 4 November, 1854

If James THOMAS does not release a yellow horse left in my procession by him, within fourteen days from this date, the horse will be sold to defray expenses.
Smithfield, October 20th, 1854

Saturday, 18 November, 1854

BIRTH on Sunday the 12th Inst., at Fauresmith, (late Sannah’s Poort) Orange Free State, the wife of Mr. W.A. DICKSON of a daughter

Saturday, 25 November, 1854

Meesters Kantoor, Bloemfontein, den 4den November, 1854
De nabestaanden en crediteuren van wylen Thomas COALSTON, van Caledon Rivier District, worden versocht kennis te namen, dat de overledene, sonder testament gestorven is, en dat eene byeenkomst, der nabestaanden en crediteuren van den overledenen, en van alle anderen wien sulke zoude mogen aangaan, voor den Landdrost van Caledon Rivier District, ten zyn kantoor, op Zaturdag den 23sten December aanstaande, ten 10 uuren voor den middag precies, gehouden zal worden; en alle zondanige personen als voormeld, worden by deze verzocht, op den tyd en ter plaats voormeld, tegenwoordig te zvn, om dan en aldaar, eenigen person, of eenige personen door gemelden Landdrost te ?-kiezen, ten goedkeuring van den Weesmeester van Oranje Vrystaat, als geselukt en voegznaam om door gem Meester, als Executor of Executeren Datief des boedels van gemelder overledenen persoon, aangesteld te worden
William COLLINS, Meester der Weeskamer, O. Vrystaat

CHRISTENED in the Dutch Reformed Church, Mooi River Town, by the Rev. D. van der HOFF, October 22nd, a son of Mr. Roeland William SCHIEBERLING, baptized Jan Roeland.

Saturday, 2 December, 1854

In the estate of the late Edward GIBBON Esq., of Colesberg.
All persons having any claims against the above estate are requested to file the same with the second undersigned. (Thos DRAPER) at his counting house No 2, Dwars street, Colesberg within three months from the date hereof; and all persons indebted to the said estate to pay their debts within the said period, at the office of the before mentioned second undersigned or to the third undersigned, John SCHICKERLING, Fauresmith.
Elsie Helena GIBBON born SCHARNICK,
John SCHICKERLING – Executors.
Colesberg, 20th Nov., 1854

Saturday, 9 December, 1854

The following description of an Englishman named James BATT, has been received together with a warrant for his apprehension signed by the Resident Magistrate of Cradock, Cape Colony, charging him with the crimes of Murder and Theft
Description of James BATT: -
Fresh complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, 5 feet in height, 35 years of age, supposed to have been a sailor; tattooed on both arms, (on one of which the figure of a woman) Dressed in a blue jacket, white moleskin trowsers, and waistcoat and a wide awake hat- Has taken with him a dark bay mare, which he stole from one ‘Present” who, on the day of the murder, was on his road to Cradock.
James BATT served last Kaffir War in “Army Strong’s Horse” and “Lakeman’s Troop.” He was last seen at Turvey’s Post, and Queens Town but is now supposed to be to the North of Orange River.
Accordingly, all Field Cornets, constables, & other officers, are requested to apprehend him (if possible) and to convey him to the nearest Landdrost.
Francis H.S.ORPEN, Clerk of the Peace,
Caledon River District,
Smithfield, 24th Nov., 1854

Op den 4den Dec ll., (met speciale licentie), voor den Landdrost van Bloemfontein, de Heer Ignatius Wilhelm KRUGER met jongejufvrouw Jacoba Sophia OTTO, beide woonachtig op plaats ‘Tempy’ district Bloemfn

Saturday, 23 December, 1854

Op den 11den December, 1854, aan zyne woning, op de plaats Vlak Fontein, eigendom van A.J.J.J. van TONDER, aan Krom Spruit, District van Bloemfontein, de Heer J.J. ALBERTS, voorbenen op Zondags Rivier woonagtig, na eene [….lyke] ziekte van 8 maanden, in den ouderdom van 48 jaren.
P.H. ALBERTS Weduwe en Executrice, geboren LEGRANZIE

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