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page 78

Anno 1674

Den 18 Feb'
Jeronymus de Vos van Gent j.m.
en Francyntie van Lint geboortigh
van Brussell jonghe dochter.
(Francijntje van Lint arrived at the Cape as soldier, diguised in male attire, on the "Gecroonde Vrede" in January 1674. The couple was granted permission to get married on 2 Februaury.)

Den 18 Maart
Guilliaem vander Stappen
j.m. geboortigh van Embden en
Janntie Cox j.d. van Rotterdam.

Den 22 Aprill
Alexander Blanck j.m. van
Schaffhuysen, met Annetje Zachariasz
j.d. van Tonninghen

Dito (22 Aprill)
Jan Schulten geboortigh van Bielevelt
j.m. voor matroos bescheyden op t schip
Tydor en Stoffelyntje Zachariasz
j.d. van s'Graaven-Haghe mede
op het selfde t' schip bescheyden.

Den 26 Augustus
Gerrit Jacobsz Cloeten
j.m. en Cathalijntje Harmans
van Middelburgh jonge dochter.

Den 16 Septemb'
Johan Witteboll j.m.
van Amsterdam en Maria van
Ruijven geboortigh van
Delfft j.d.

  • Hits: 6748

Source: This transcription has been made from photographs of the Cape Archives Verbatim copies document VC 603 - Cape Town baptisms, memberships and marriages 1665-1695, which is a photocopy the original register, now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1-1/1. This photocopy was made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town Repository (VC series) and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series).
The marriages cover pages 75 through 91 of this register.

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