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Steynsburg Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Steynsburg, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (64 records)

  • 1895

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Civil Registration: Deaths - Steynsburg
18951GOOSENWillem Jacobusage 30
18952GRIFFINGertruidadaughter of Gertruida, age 3
18953BEBEZAMtwakazidaughter of Job, age 4 Months
18954ARENDSAdamage 39
18955KRUGERJohannes Petrusson of Gert Louis Stefanus, age 5
18956VORSTERWillem Hendrikage 44
18957ENSLINJohan Martinson of William , age 8
18958MEINTJESMaggie Adriaandaughter of Eliza, age 7
18959LABUSCAGNEFrans Jacobson of Gert Christoffel, age 2 Months
189511KLAASEFlinkage 55
189512CALLABAN Margaret Elizabethnee DRY, age 65
189513OLIPHANTJanedaughter of Katrina, age 1
189514VAN DER WALTSusannaage 29
189515FRANKLINGeorgeage 50
189516NGCONGCAN.n.daughter of Andries, age 0
189517JANTJEKouedaughter of Willem, age 6 Months
189518SWAARTSN.n.daughter of Mina, age 0
189519RUITERSBeitjeage 48
189520VAN DER WALTAnna Johanna Marthadaughter of Piet, age 3 Months
189521STALLENBERGKatrinadaughter of Damon, age 4
189522KISTEENSJantjeage 60
189523TAMBERSN.n.son of Hari, age 7 Months
189524BUYSStephanus Johannesson of Johannes Christian, age 2 Months
189525NIEWLANDRacinadaughter of Job, age 1 Month
189526NOWALArchibaldage 34
189527ZWARTSBentaage 18
189528JAARSJohannes age 70
189529SEPTEMBERAnnadaughter of Marie, age 1
189530VAN DER WALTMagdalena Johannaage 29
189531BOTMAElizabeth Johannaage 45
189532RUITERSHansage 24
189533CONSTANTBelladaughter of Fytje, age 7
189534STRYDOMN.n.daughter of Louis Jacobus, age 0
189535OOSTHUIZENPetrus Jacobusage 21
189536VENTERHendrik Stephanusson of H, age 16
189537HARVEYJohnson of Michael, age 1 Month
189538WILDSCHUTN.n.daughter of Else, age 0
189539VAN DER WALTAletta Johannadaughter of Gert Abraham, age 1
189540OOSTHUIZENPetrus Johannesson of Jacobus Johannes, age 2
189541MINTON.n.son of Damon, age 0
189542ARENDSRoseage 60
189543PETERSMariedaughter of Frederick, age 21 Months
189544HENNINGN.n.son of Johannes Christian, age 0
189545WILDEMANRachinaage 72
189546KLAAS Gwadisoson of Lya, age 12
189547BUYSJasper Lodewykson of Adrian Jacob, age 11 Months
189548JONASN.n.son of Mietje, age 0
189549JONASN.n.son of Mietje, age 0, (duplicate Image
189550N.n.Kleinboyage 26
189551N.n.Marie age 9 Months
189552N.n.Janetjeage 2
189553VAN DER MERWEJacoba Johannaage 16
189554VAN DER MERWEJohannes Davidage 4
189555PRETORIUSAbrahamage 62
189556MABITHTLASannahage 22
189557VAN ZYLEgbrechtdaughter of Hendrik Gabriel, age 0
189558VAN DER MERWEJan Hendrik son of AM, age 0
189559N.n.N.n.son of Janetje, age 0
189560KLAASN.n.son of Mietje, age 0
189561SIMMSPhilipage 29
189562VERVELOOTRosaliedaughter of LJ, age 13 Months
189563WELLSJamesage 69
189564DURANDT Hester Johannanee JOHNSON, age 29



1. Under browse by location, click on Africa

2. Click on South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972

3. Click on Browse through 2,216,270 images

4. Click on the 'year'

5. Click on 'Steynsburg'

6. Enter desired image number in Image # box



"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Steynsburg; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 8520