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Rosebank Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the station of Rosebank, district Cape Town, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Corney Keller. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (74 records)

  • 1914, 1917, 1918
  • 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928

The columns below can be sorted by clicking on the headings. You can sort on two columns by holding down the shift key and clicking both. You can filter the results by typing in a word or phrase in the filter box. The data is filtered while you type. Instructions for accessing the images can be found below the table of records for each set of indexes.

Civil Registration: Deaths - Rosebank
19141MARTINClara Magdalena57 years, b. Bokveld Ceres district, brother Piet NEETHLING
19171WINGFIELDHannah60 years, b. England, m. Harrie Wingfield
19172DAVIDSONKatie32 years, m. A. DAVIDSON
19173------no extractable data
19174------no extractable data
19175------no extractable data
19176------no extractable data
19177------no extractable data
19178------no extractable data
19179------no extractable data
19181BOWLESRalph Ayres6 months, son of Walter BOWLES
19182MARKGRAFTommy6 months, son of P. MARKGRAF
19201FUMLADADaniel25 years
19202SOLOMONJoseph Michael35 years, b. Wynberg
19203SOLOMONJoseph Michael35 years, b. Wynberg, duplicate of image 2
19211LONSDALEEdwin Faunce56 years, b. King Williams Town
19212N.N.Bartenfrom East London, drowned fisherman, fell overboard
19213N.N.Bartenduplicate of image 3
19214REYN?Frang?died at sea
19215REYN?Frang?duplicate of image 4
19221FINLAYCatherineborn Spaderman, 72 years, b. England
19231MARKGRAFFPieter Johannes Jacobus1 year 24 days, father Pr. MARKGRAFF
19232WILLIAMSJohannaborn Carlin, 60 years
19233WILLIAMSJohannaduplicate of image 2
19241HARDENERGeoffrey Caldicott19 months
19242CUPIDODoreen6 years, guardian Jacobus STRICKKER
19251HUTCHINFlorence8 months, parent John Hutchin
19252VILJOENWillem Carel42 years
19253MOSTERTMagel Maria Charlottaformerly LOUW born STEYN, 68 years
19254MCCLINCKILAlexander49 years, b. Ireland, clergyman
19255DANCEWilliam64 years, b. England
19256QUIELam48 years, b. China
19257QUIELamduplicate of image 6
19258STOFFBERGGerhardus65 years
19259GORDONAnn Claraborn FLEISCH, 77 years
192510POWEREllin Louisanee Scott, 67 years, b. England
192511WRIGHTCatherine Agnes72 years, b. Grahamstown
192512WRIGHTCatherine Agnesduplicate of image 11
192513GAMPUDickson30 years, run over by train
19261CISHIN.n.30 min, baby child of Henry CISHI
19262CISHIN.n.duplicate of image 1
19263SIMONSGertrude Emma Clareborn Cartledge, 41 years, b. England
19264BROWNEChristina Berindinanee CARTER, 75 years
19265COLLINSGeorge William71 years, b. Scotland
19266ARENDSEAbraham54 years
19267MEYERHelena25 years
19268PRETORIUSNicholas1 year 7 months, parent John PRETORIUS
19269DE VILLIERSPeter16 months, parent Lily ENGLE
19271POULLINEYSusan Elizabeth Mariaborn DREYER, 48 years
19272GERSBACHHenry58 years
19273RHODADina72 years, b. Grahamstown
19274BINCKERAda Janenee MIDDLETON, 73 years, b. England
19275BINCKERAda Janeduplicate of image 4
19276JULIUSSophie37 years
19277MEYERSJuly29 years
19278MEYERSJulyduplicate of image 7
19279PRICEMontagu Coombe80 years, b. England
19281BARKEREdward Robert46 years
19282ROBERTSJames50 years, b. England
19283JOHNSTONSamuel Richard54 years
19284WARDSusan Ellen43 years, b. Kimberley
19285WARDSusan Ellenduplicate of image 4
19286PAYNECharles Arthur Herbert68 years, b. England
19287PAYNECharles Arthur Herbertduplicate of image 6
19288ALTONMargaretnee THOMPSON, 40 years, b. England
19289THOMASFredric Benjamin48 years, b. Wales
192810THOMASFredric Benjaminduplicate of image 9
192811RUSSELLJohn Munro80 years, b. Scotland, presbyterian minister
192812WILLIAMSLilie62 years, b. England
192813BARRETMary Uptonborn BURGESS, 71 years, b. Natal
192814ANGUSAgnes Baillieborn LITTLE, 78 years, b. Scotland
192815BLEACHLouise Ann Meredithnee MEREDITH, 74 years, b. England
192816GOUWSWilliam Stephanus57 years, b. Eastern Province
192817GOUWSWilliam Stephanusduplicate of image 16



1. Under browse by location, click on Africa

2. Click on South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972

3. Click on Browse through 2,216,270 images

4. Click on the 'year'

5. Click on 'Rosebank'

6. Enter desired image number in Image # box



"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Rosebank; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 8174