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CJ 780:90 Andries Oloffse van Christiaan Stadt - Sentence 1668

Court of Justice, Criminal Sentences 1652-1697, CJ 780 ref. 90 pp. 261-264, Andries Oloffse van Christiaan Stadt.


The first part of this document, dated 24 March 1668 and executed on the 26th, gives a summary of the charges.  The opening statement reads:

Alsoo Andries Oloffse van Cristiaan Stadt oudt # <26 jaaren> 
geweesen matroos in dienst der ed. compe.
op t' Huijs te Velsen jegenwoordig 's Heeren ...”

Oelofse is 26 years old and from Christiaan Stad (Oslo). Instigated by Hans Weddingh, he agrees to help murder all the ship’s officers as well as to enter the cabin of the constable and murder every one there. For that purpose he had a knife in his pocket and the help of a certain Hans Oelsen.

The second part of the document describes that under a government where law and order is maintained, such acts cannot be tolerated and an example must be made (for others) and punished in the most rigorous manner. He is brought before the commissioners of the courts of justice (Gecommiteerden van de Raad van Justitie), the commander (Cornelis van Qualbergen) and the commander of, and all the captains of the return fleet (currently anchored in the bay) where sentence is pronounced in the name of the lords of States General of the United Netherlands.

The sentence dictates that his destiny (to live or die) will be decided by fate at the place of execution. If he draws the short straw (and fate decides on death), he is to be hung by the neck until he is dead and all assets and possessions are to be confiscated.

If on the other hand fate decides on life, he is to be lashed (caned, flagellated) severely with the hangman's noose around his
neck, and subsequently branded (as criminal), and to serve 25 years in chains on public works without pay and be banned to Robben Island, and as before all possessions and assets to be confiscated.

The fact that he later married and left descendants tells us the story of his "fate."

Introduction to sentence

Below are links to the complete transcription and images of the sentence.

Transcript of CJ 780 ref. 90, pp. 261-264

Images of CJ 780 ref. 90, pp. 261-264

(transcribed by Corney Keller - 2014)

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